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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 1200x1200, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15463774 No.15463774 [Reply] [Original]

do you add oil when you make fried eggs?

>> No.15463775

I fart on it until I faint

>> No.15463787

butter and extra virgin olive oil

>> No.15463805

If you like hard yolked fried eggs, I want you to die.

>> No.15463813
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>> No.15463815

only a little
oily eggs suck

>> No.15463823

i cook them in the bacon grease.

>> No.15463843

Butter > oil

>> No.15463857

Butter in, bacon in, eggs in, cheese in

>> No.15463878

Eggs are pretty much the only thing I don't use olive oil for. I stick to canola/vegetable and as little as possible, non-stick pan. I don't like oil flavour on my eggs. And of course I flip that shit so the yolk is over-easy to over-medium because raw egg defeats the purpose of cooking.


>> No.15463891

Nah, I don't care for the flavor that EVOO adds to eggs. I use either saved up bacon grease or some butter.

>> No.15463918

If I cook bacon first no. If I don't then a add a quick squirt of canola oil to my cast iron. Never had a problem with sticking

>> No.15463919

why do you hate your arteries?

>> No.15463933
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Pic related just made some

>> No.15464135


>> No.15464158

I use about a tablespoon of butter, only to keep the eggs from sticking to the pan. A coworker once told me if I add a little bit of oil to the butter it wouldn’t burn, but I tried it once and still got brown butter so I stopped doing that. Sometimes I’ll use avocado oil instead of butter but I think a little bit of butter compliments the egg taste where the oils just prevent it from sticking while adding calories for no reason.

For the record, the yolk should be runnier than your nose after getting mace to the face. If my eggs come off with even a little bit of solid yolk I basically feel embarrassed.

>> No.15464171

Just eat them raw, you fucking animal.

>> No.15464188

Cooking the whites gives them flavor. I’ve used raw egg whites in recipient before though, mostly for the emulsification in those instances.

If you don’t believe me, poach an egg and eat it by itself. It tastes like nothing.

>> No.15464229

Based and fucktardpilled

>> No.15464233

Burnt tastes better soyboy

>> No.15464246

I've been cooking with canola oil for years now... what am I supposed to use instead? I don't like the flavor olive oil imparts

>> No.15464248

Yeah, I put a lot of olive oil in all my foods
It's cheap here

>> No.15464253

Clarified butter, lard, schmaltz, tallow

>> No.15464261

I use untoasted sesame oil and a Japanese omelette pan made of iron to make my tamagoyaki. Or omelets, as you may call them. There are some notable differences though, in both flavor and mouthfeel.

>> No.15464264

Based weebtroll

>> No.15464275

we said fried egg not fucking omelette weeb, fuck off

>> No.15464284

There is egg.
There is oil.
In what way is it not a fried egg, anon-kun?

>> No.15464288


>> No.15464291

i had the same non stick pan since like 2005 half of the egg will stick if i dont add oil

>> No.15464295

I hope you understand that at this point, this kind of troll is literally just something to move on from and ignore because it's so obvious. Have some self awareness. Come up with something new. Or find something fresher that someone else made.

>> No.15464313

>it's so obvious
Okay, okay. I don’t have an iron tamagoyaki pan. I confess.
It’s nonstick. The iron ones come with wooden handles, which makes for less convenient cleaning.
I’m sorry to have told such a despicable lie.

>> No.15464335
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I usually add a tablespoon of vegetable oil per egg. They need to be swimming in vegetable oil desu.

>> No.15464365

Why not just drink the vegetable oil directly and skip the whole “making eggs” hassle?

>> No.15464395
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It has to have enough oil to splash the yolk with. Never get people who use no oil to cook eggs.

>> No.15464403

baste rhymes with taste for a reason. Baste post.

>> No.15464409
File: 131 KB, 947x1200, AB17A5CC-C5B9-46B1-911D-C95B4923E76D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cup of vegetable oil in the morning? Delicious.

>> No.15464416

Some people don't like cooking eggs like that or they use butter because they don't like the crunchy around the egg that you get like pic related. Those people are stupid. It's not like it's burnt anyway.

>> No.15464424

I use butter or bacon grease.

>> No.15464433

We even have a term for that part of a fried egg in spanish. Cause it's pretty much expected in Spain when cooking eggs.

>> No.15464439

It's soybean oil anon. Enjoy your tits.

>> No.15464443

I use butter, and just enough to keep the eggs from sticking.

>> No.15464444

reminder vegetable oils literally destroy your body

>> No.15464445

Crunchy whites runny yolks is kino

>> No.15464448

If I'm making fried eggs with crispy bottoms, a bit of vegetable oil over fairly intense heat while basting the tops of the eggs. Otherwise I'll use butter, medium-low and just let them cook

>> No.15464450

Checked and based.

Reminder to render your own lard because storebought is hydrogenated and bleached.

>> No.15464518

butter is not the same as oil for eggs
for op's pic i'd use sunflower oil
for eggs with cheese n sheet i'd use butter

>> No.15464574

1 tsp of oil is 144 calories! :D

>> No.15464627

If there's no oil then it's not fried.

>> No.15464633
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Not even close.

>> No.15464698

oh no i afraid calories teehee

>> No.15464733

Four 4's of truth

>> No.15464807

>food contains energy

>> No.15464854

Good bot

>> No.15465098

this, cooked whites +raw yolk that you clean up with toast is patrician.

>> No.15465448

Here in Spain we dip our bread in the extra olive oil u used. But we don't use shit olive oil unlike most ppl here i guess. So butter is based

>> No.15465459


and if there's no bacon ill just drizzle in a TINY bit of olivoyl™ then splash of water ontop for sunny side up soft eggs

>> No.15465468

It is impossible to cook eggs like that in a cast iron skillet

>> No.15465472
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disgusting wtf did you learn to cook from joerogan instagram pics?

>> No.15465486
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I'm glad everyone here agrees that over hard eggs are superior to cum consistent eggs.

>> No.15465506

>hard eggs
disgusting and babbypilled

>> No.15465519

Cum lover and you'll never be a woman pilled

>> No.15465554
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is that mommy calling you? dinners ready kid

>> No.15465595

bacon egg cheese bagel with salt, pepper and ketchup. Burnt eggs with butter. Fuck man im half chub just thinkin about it

>> No.15465848


>> No.15466039
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>disgusting burnt eggs
>untoasted bread

>> No.15466054

fry in bacon grease

>> No.15466062
File: 450 KB, 828x820, 1607805517668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't eat runny yolks, they make me wanna puke. I imagine that cum would be the same consistency, and also warm and salty. Does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.15466102

Jesus, imagine his toots

>> No.15466109

>cant stop thinking about cum
anon i...

>> No.15466114

yes, olive oil only

>> No.15466131

Why would you use anything but butter or bacon grease?

>> No.15466134

>I imagine that cum would be the same consistency
Totally different consistency and mouthfeel.

>> No.15466142

>A coworker once told me if I add a little bit of oil to the butter it wouldn’t burn
The solids in the butter are still there, they burn at a certain temperature so there’s nothing you can do. But you don’t need high heat to fry eggs anyway, so there’s no reason the butter should burn in the first place.

>> No.15466171

I'm not gay
Thanks for the insight anon

>> No.15466254

Undercooked egg whites are much more like semen. The yolk isn't comparable at all.

>> No.15466353

Thanks fag

>> No.15467690

they're cheap eggs. who gives a fuck

>> No.15467701

Did you make bacon in the pan first or something?

>> No.15467707

whats the term?

>> No.15468339

No. I always cook bacon first, so I just use the bacon fat.

>> No.15468402
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Hell yeah, I use soybean oil to get some extra good fats in my diet

>> No.15468618

Goose fat only

>> No.15468624

hes right, also all men taste their own cum unless they are faggot

>> No.15469059

never once, just use butter and use enough to be able to ladle it on top of the whites with a spoon, best way to get cooked whites and completely uncooked yokes which is the best way to eat an egg. popping the whole yoke in your mouth is the tastiest part

>> No.15469474


>> No.15469872

Try cooking on lower heat

>> No.15470351
File: 69 KB, 680x918, egg-in-a-hole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbest egg thing coming through!

>> No.15470398
File: 406 KB, 1392x858, barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>splash the yolk
>he doesn't like a runny yolk
Fuck you.

>> No.15470411

You mispelled "most based"

>> No.15470423
File: 457 KB, 360x480, 1549550322192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook my eggs sunny side up until the yolk is solid

>> No.15470428
File: 3.01 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210123_104040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use butter, but what constitutes a "fried egg?"
Where the yolk stays together and you just cook it on one side?
That's fucking garbage, I basically only make french omelets or like a half scramble or soft scramble kind of situation anymore. I hate overcooked whites and solid yolks unless it's specifically a hard boiled egg. Elevate yourselves

>> No.15470432

I usually fry and baste them in bacon fat with a little butter if my bacon wasn't greasy enough. Fried eggs are for company, If I'm murdering eggs, it's usually in superquick omelettes or poached on toast, maybe with some fresh greens or fruit.

>> No.15470439

>elevate yourselves
>posts dry overcooked omelette

>> No.15470440
File: 45 KB, 600x450, Perfectly-cooked-egg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who team pink yolk here?

>> No.15470441

Sometimes you just want a fried egg, my man. Any situation where the egg remains relatively intact while being cooked in oil constitutes a fried egg, whether that be a broken-yolk over-hard or a lightly basted sunny-side-up. Because there are words for scrambled eggs, scotch egg (which is first softboiled at least) and omelette, these do not fall under the fried egg category.

>> No.15470444

That omelette is fine

>> No.15470449

I think it's just his exposure, white balance and a lack of butter or oil on top. Going by the turn on the left side, the inside is still moist, and there's no browning on the outside.

>> No.15470455

that's overcooked in my books
a french omelette is a thing that is overcooked if it's not on the verge of being undercooked

>> No.15470465

No way to really show at this point but it was absolutely not overcooked, I'll have to slice and show the inside next time. Left side shows how wet it still was like >>15470449 said. Wasn't really looking for a great picture, just took it quick


>> No.15470511

When are you supposed to season the eggs?

>> No.15470536

My nigga

>> No.15470550
File: 20 KB, 400x400, photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon is good, spicy chorizo is even better

>> No.15470563


>> No.15470564


>> No.15470769

Pop it into photoshop or whatever, if it's got an auto white balance, that should solve most of your problems, but you want to shift the blues over to orange, then bring up your contrast a bit, adjust your brightness accordingly, and see where your colour saturation's at (it will need a bit of a boost).

I do see some flecks of white on the right side, and they're not reflections. If you're going to make your point, literally beat it to death - whisked blastbeats in a figure eight, shouldn't take more than a minute if you can crack 210bpm.

>> No.15470772

It's not but thanks for contributing, I guess.

>> No.15470813

You still get a runny egg if you use your spatula or whatever to baste the top of the egg while it's cooking in the pan.

>> No.15470853
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>> No.15470873
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plain chorizo and eggs? nah bacons better

chorizo for breakfast with other things like some spinach/mushrooms or potato somethingsomething? yeah chorizo is fuckin great and bacon is overrated there

baked eggs is a good example of chorizo being superior

>> No.15471111
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x3000, 1611669820441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto toned, for your enjoyment.

>> No.15471131
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1611672202946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.15471154

If hard yolk fried eggs are so bad why are they so scrumptious and valid?

>> No.15471157

Because you like your eggs over-hard or broken, and I prefer a soft yolk.

>> No.15471164

looks exactly the same was this supposed to be a big improvement? still looks delicious as the original

>> No.15471202

>Eggs and rape!

>> No.15471220

It's a bit warmer. I'm not sure why everyone's shooting their food under blue light, but it just looks sad. Chorizo's not supposed to be depressed Anon, Chorizo's not supposed to be depressed.

My day today is literally cleaning up and adding some oomph to my boss' shitty website photos. All cars are fixed, and nobody's made an appointment yet.

>> No.15471251

cause its 4chan posts why would they care about lighting this isn't reddit where you're trying to get as many upvotes as possible

>> No.15471337

Non stick canola spray, who tf is adding butter lmao, wayy too many extra calories for that chit

>> No.15471371

You do realize you'll never be a woman don't you?

>> No.15471464

No, you're saying "Hey, look at my food! It's amazing!"
Your omelette looks sad breh. Did you break up with it?

>> No.15471475

none of those pics are mine why would you assume that
were you upset your omelette pic got no replies or something lol, go post your photo edits on reddit boards people will be amazed

>> No.15471537

Not you as in (You), you as in /ck/ in general. Welcome to my tirade, take it to heart at your leisure... but seriously, change your white balance settings on your phone.

>> No.15471560
File: 940 KB, 1280x720, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471567

Maybe I will check out reddit. I hear they actually make food over there sometimes.

>> No.15471580

no need for me to reply you summed it up perfectly

good cya faggot

>> No.15471653

Who the fuck are you kidding, son? I was here before there was a cooking board, and I'll be here long after you witless shits Detroit it to death.

>> No.15471667

the fact that you didnt even get trips but came close proves how obnoxiously and insufferably wrong you truly are

>> No.15471775

Woah what an improvement
How 2 white balance

>> No.15471815

you have to go back

>> No.15471907

I use lard as everyone should do

>> No.15472166

what does he even do to make eggs look like this?

>> No.15472195
File: 156 KB, 400x416, 1585626679667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter, Olive oil, Bacon fat, Lard, Coconut--->ALLgood for you.
Amazing how many have been tricked into getting fat by using unnatural oils, and synthetic sweeteners.
>TFW mom's a retired registered dietician and round as a beachball, but WON'T even listen to reason about the artificial sweeteners she guzzles by the gallon or garbage, "low fat" fats.

>> No.15472249

Which synthetic sweeteners specifically? Sugar alcohols don't get digested. In fact, an abundance of them will shoot food you could be digesting through your system like the new trunk line. You want to lose some weight? Eat a bag or two of (Haribo) sugarfree (gummybears) candy every day - watch those pounds, and eventually colour and even skin just melt away.

>> No.15472269

I use the tiniest splat just to stop them sticking. I don't see the point in literally frying them, I just put the lid on the pan to cook the top.

>> No.15472297

Yes. This is the optimal way. When I don't have bacon, because that shit is expensive when you have to make bacon for 5 people, I use coconut oil or ghee.

Checked for truthful post.

>> No.15472348

No. It's egg white consistency and tastes unpleasant. Nothing like runny egg yolk.

>> No.15472349

Because of the traces of solvent alcohols or the omega-sixes?

>> No.15472352

I just had to stop by and say that I appreciate you.

>> No.15472353

Sucralose and Aspartame namely. She also has a constant dry cough , which is another of the side effects. I'm completely fine with stevia, though I'm not much for the taste, and Monkfruit extract is ok too, in my book, but there is NOTHING natural about sucralose. It says as much on the package.
I'm a straight sugar, guy myself, fit though even though I drink about a pot of VERY strong coffee,(former turkish gf,) with a Tblsp of demerara sugar in each mug. It's my go-juice.

>> No.15472359

I'm glad somebody does. Need your oil changed or anything? I'll do a quick fix just to have something to do. 40 more minutes. CS5 can suck it.

>> No.15472362

I am jealous

>> No.15472366

y tho?

>> No.15472385

Yes I did

>> No.15472400

I just don't like the taste of most artificial sweeteners. It's like msg, but sweet, or the hum of fluorescent lights, but food. I'm also mildly allergic to stevia - occasionally I get a bit pink and swell a bit. Pretty much the same, but I'm trying to cut back a bit... taking a really lax approach to keto (basically just cutting carbs, and trying to eat like a human being). So far so good.

>> No.15472405

I don't think it's better but I like it a lot. Especially if I'm making breakfast tacos/burritos. Though that is a rare thing for me. I try to keep it simple for the day to day.

Ooh I will try this. Thanks.

It's home grown chicken egg isn't it? The yolks tend to be darker than the shop ones. Is it a different bird? I would still be jealous because I would love to try different eggs.

>> No.15472429

>It's home grown chicken egg isn't it? The yolks tend to be darker than the shop ones. Is it a different bird? I would still be jealous because I would love to try different eggs.
nah anon, while you cook it you just grab a fork or a spoon and throw the oil on the yolk and it slowly turns pink as you keep sprinkling it with the hot oil, that's how my grandpa showed me to do it and I don't like it any other way, be aware though you can overcook it and if you do it turns solid and it is shit, so as soon as it all turns pink (the whole yolk not just one part) just stop sprinkling the oil on top of it

>> No.15472437

I like it a lot too, for me it tastes better, eventhough bacon with eggs is a really good pairing

>> No.15472440

>the hum of fluorescent lights, but food
This is the perfect description of the taste of artificial sweeteners. I just have one Tbsp in my coffee or black tea if I drink any that day and don't eat foods that have a lot of sugar. I don't sweeten herbal tea either.

Ohhh thanks I learned something new today. I'm going to try that the next time I make fried eggs.

>> No.15472445

Yep. Amazing the idea that people can like different things but still get along lol

>> No.15472454

Get some tastebuds faggot, jk anon, it's ok to have different tastes.

>> No.15472468

>or the hum of fluorescent lights, but food.
Very apt, anon. poetic.
Yes, just eat like a human and do human things and you'll do well. Best of luck in your endeavors, Eat Real food, and figure out what YOUR body likes/Doesn't. Don't forget to be active, even if in the beginning it's just wandering around at home with weights for an hour or climbing stairs.
You will succeed, Anon.

>> No.15472497

I laughed for real

>> No.15472507

>not liking over hard for a nice fried egg sandwich.

>> No.15472526

Cook them in bacon grease. Any decent home cook has a cup of bacon grease ready on the counter top at a moments notice. And don’t mistake me for a “bacon makes everything better” faggot, but bacon grease is objectively the best thing to cook eggs in. Gives a great bacony essence instead of a gross olive oil flavor, and it’s not terrible for you(despite common retarded belief) like canola is. Also you get it for free just by eating bacon.

>> No.15472576

How do you properly keep bacon grease? Do you need to strain it? And how long does it last on the counter?

>> No.15472609

calm down there, Joe Rogan

>> No.15472612

cooks them in a cast iron skillet with bacon most likely

>> No.15472622

Why not the middle between liquid and solid yolks, which are the best yolks.

>> No.15472626

Lard or duckfat and some real butter like Kerrygold.

>> No.15472652

get yourself a dollar store glass container with a lid. or you can pay more and get a small pyrex w/ lid, or pay NOTHING and use an old mug or clean tuna can.
Strain if you want, or don't. It keeps on it's own very well due to the salt and nitrates. I you're using uncured, maybe give it the sniff test for rancid before use, and use it up in two weeks if not refrigerated.
Really, the most important thing is keeping it covered.

>> No.15472737

It has already been said and established but this is the only and best answer. Perfect egg right there.

>> No.15472745

>literally frying them
It's called a fried egg.

>> No.15472781

Pretty much what the other anon said. It’s salty af so it’ll keep for a while. If you don’t use it often just put it in the fridge in an airtight container and it’ll keep for months. Otherwise you can literally just pore it in a coffee mug and it’ll keep for around 2 weeks at room temp, though I’d suggest something that at least has a lid to keep bugs out. No need to strain.

>> No.15472797


If I'm making ham and eggs on an English muffin, I'll prick the top of the yolk after flipping so that the yolk doesn't run out onto my fingers while eating them.

>> No.15472834
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>> No.15472839

>then splash of water ontop for sunny side up soft eggs

I just turn the frying pan a bit to the side, take a spoon of the hot oil and pour on top of the yolk, once for each. Always got perfect results from my method.

Isn't it dangerous to pour water into hot oil?

>> No.15472865

I'm not that guy but I do the steam the top of the eggs thing too sometimes. Unless your eggs are absolutely swimming in oil it's not an issue. I do the baste thing sometimes too, but if I'm working on something else while the egg cooks a splash of water and a lid works.

>> No.15472867

thats pretty damn close lad

>> No.15472881

>TINY bit of olivoyl™
no it's not dangerous

and by splash I literally mean I dip my fingers in water acouple times and flick some water ontop, then cover with lid on the pan at lowest heat setting

>> No.15472972

wait i just realised you think i just splash water straight into the oil? its ontop the eggs ya doofus

>> No.15472994

I'm surprisingly trim for a fat fuck, it's just taking another 20-30lbs or so off so I can have a full set of abs instead of weird, orphaned obliques. I definitely have been eating like a fat fuck though. So far my metabolism has been surviving the journey - even half-assing it, I'm down about 10lbs in the past month.

>> No.15473021

I think the problem is that when im frying the eggs I am using a much larger amount of bacon grease instead of a tiny bit of olive oil.

So, you don't like bacon I take it?

>> No.15473033

you should re-read the post desu

>> No.15473037

I use butter

>> No.15473105

this is the only acceptable answer

>> No.15473124

I did read it, still think if I drop some water over the egg with this amount of bacon grease on the pan it will likely cause it to spill oil everywhere, possibly starting a fire.

Luckly it also means I can get the same result simply by putting a lid on it and letting the bacon grease do it's job.

>> No.15473139

Good job anon! Don't deny yourself any foods that are natural though. You NEED cholesterol, you NEED REAL sugar,(not refined.)
You may already know this, but people are always amazed when they eat real, non-shelf-stable, soaked with Animal and naturally derived fats, with plenty of CLEAN water to process, and the weight flys off. Most of them had been battling weight for years with low calorie and "Diet" foods and beverages. If you switch to tons of vegetables, eggs, nuts, meats, and whole unbleached and minimally processed grains, you can literally stuff yourself and still lose weight with moderate exercise.
It's amazing to me how many obese dieticians there are.

>> No.15473191

Patrician taste

Thanks you guys. I used to keep some in a jar but some girl came over to my house and bullied me about it. Obviously she wasn't invited back. I thought I was doing something weird by leaving it in the cupboard in the jar so I stopped. Feel kind of silly that I even let it get to me at all.

>> No.15473317
File: 60 KB, 610x458, 20110424-fried-egg-ramps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not going to start a fire by sprinkling some drops of water onto the eggs are you actually retarded?

and I said re-read because I use olive oil only if I didnt cook bacon with the eggs, in bacon grease I prefer just straight up frying no steam or anything since the bottom cooks more in bacon fat it's nicer to have a very soft yolk like pic related minus the other shit of course

>> No.15473326

>some girl came over to my house and bullied me about it
what a fucking dumb bitch wtf why wouldn't you just btfo her and put her in her place for being a stupid basic bitch

>> No.15473368

Aspartame is super safe. I've been seeing internet conspiracy theorists go nuts on it for literally decades, but they never have any proof. They always link some random unverified "source" that confirms what they want to be true. Here's the truth: apsartame is stupid safe. So safe, in fact, that you're likely to see much worse side effects, long-term and short-term, from the fucking caffeine in your Diet Coke than from the sweetener.

Where's my proof?



tl;dr Your fat ass mom is right on this one, chief. You could guzzle Diet Coke literally by the gallon and aspartame wouldn't do a thing. You would have to consume 15 gallons of Diet Coke a day over a long period before you started to experience any degree of negative side effects from aspartame, and even THEN they would be nothing compared to effect on your cardio-vascular system from pounding that much fucking caffeine.

>> No.15473369


>> No.15473372
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>> No.15473446

>internet conspiracy theorists
>believes the revolving door policy makers from searle and other vested interests into the FDA and back again that their in house studies are even close to being scientifically honest.
How do you account for skyrocketing obesity in US consumers correlating with the market saturation of "Diet products"
got any studies on gut flora, insulin regulation and long term effects on an unnatural chemical that penetrates the blood-brain barrier, Chief??
Sucralose was the one I was pointing to for the cough anyway.

>> No.15473461

Higher obesity rates started happening as fat was labeled as the bad guy due to sugar lobbying. Diet products are a side effect of this, yes, but the problem is people are getting copious amounts of sugar elsewhere (via corn syrup and other alternative sweeteners)

>> No.15473479
File: 43 KB, 893x721, Screenshot_2021-01-26 High Concentrations of Aspartame Induce Pro-Angiogenic Effects in Ovo and Cytotoxic Effects in HT-29 [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I read it. Did you see the related articles, anon?
You think taking this synthetic chemical is good?

>> No.15473515

Do I grease the pan? Yes or they'll stick.

>> No.15473518

No, I use butter. You retard.

>> No.15473527
File: 40 KB, 600x400, JUSTegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly believe It's a little more complex than just 1 reason.
In the mid 80s, It was "The Incredible, Edible EGG," 5 years later, the rally cry was CHOLESTEROL IS EVIL, here, take these statin drugs. and eat Cheerios moar.
You know you're right about the sugar lobbyists, and BIG Pharma, and Big Ag, and Big foodchems, and Big...
My point is, NOBODY should be eating/drinking this shit. There is a choice, even the dollar trees(stores) have non-gmo and organic snack foods and preparables like legumes and pastas.
You DO have to self educate though, as those lobbyists have thrown BILLIONS of dollars to prevent you from knowing things like most all of the grain produced in the US is sprayed down multiple times with round-up, just as a dessicant.
Do you think the flour and processing companies WASH that grain before it becomes "Your food product®", Anon?

>> No.15473674

this made me fucking lol

>> No.15473819


>> No.15473834

Cope, enjoy your stuffed arteries

>> No.15474082

I was a passive person back then, and she was my only friend at the time. If I could go back I would have just thrown her out of my house. I'm glad I'm not such a doormat anymore.

>> No.15474168

>You mispelled "most based"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6is4w93WcE [Embed]
Seriously. Toad in the hole's are based. All you need is good bread, good butter, and a good egg.

Also found in Moonstruck

>> No.15474315

thats good you've grown i was the same when i was young too
cringe to think of all the times i just tried to be nice and not offend people and ended up being walked all over and not respected for it

>> No.15474678

lard, butter, tallow

if you prefer liquid oils, just get extra light olive oil. its cheap and it's got no flavor; I don't know why it isn't more common. most olive oil is either extra virgin (full taste) or light (some taste) but they make it really hard to find extra light (no taste.)

extra refined olive oil is also called pomace, which is what some regions call it.

Extra light OO/pomace are also a great alternative to vegetable oils for high heat frying and sauteing, with a smoke point of around 464°F/240°C, which is significantly higher than most vegetable oils.

additionally, OO is mostly monounsaturated fat, making it much more stable with less oxidation over time, making it an ideal oil for reuse multiple times, if you're into reusing your oil.

>> No.15474684

How do you not know what fried means?

>> No.15474925

>not using butter for eggs

Wtf is wrong with you fags

>> No.15475012

Eggs go with butter, it's just one of those things. i guess you could use oil

>> No.15475079

the absolute state of this board

>> No.15475868

tsp = teaspoon

>> No.15475899

I always make eggs with a slice of butter and a dollop of oil.

>> No.15475926
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210127_113035623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I made another one

>> No.15476002

That looks absolutely horrible. Not appetising at all. How do you even manage to cook an egg like that?

>> No.15476010
File: 759 KB, 1280x961, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a rich aroma. The problem is that the price is rather high.

>> No.15476030

thats pretty bad looking bro, but youre a fellow Google Pixel user so I sympathize with your plight.
At least toast the bread in the pan.

>> No.15476046

I put it in the cast iron on medium heat and flip once

>> No.15476170
File: 56 KB, 630x454, 1389303652787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl;dr Your fat ass mom is right on this one, chief. You could guzzle Diet Coke literally by the gallon and aspartame wouldn't do a thing. You would have to consume 15 gallons of Diet Coke a day over a long period before you started to experience any degree of negative side effects from aspartame, and even THEN they would be nothing compared to effect on your cardio-vascular system from pounding that much fucking caffeine.
based, facebook-nutritionists btfo

>> No.15476443

>Toad in the hole
Haha I like how different cultures have varied names for the same thing, I've heard them called "One-eye Jacks", "Toad In Hole", "Eggy baskets"

>> No.15477131

Sometimes other times I use butter, why? Because I’ve been imbued by almighty God with free will.

>> No.15477355

About 1% of /ck/ cooks, the rest screech artistically at each other in endless slapfights.