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15459313 No.15459313 [Reply] [Original]

>been a pescetarian for 4 years or so
>during the first year didn't eat milk or eggs either
>couldn't keep weight on and had no energy when I didn't eat milk or eggs
>started getting super into cooking about a year ago
>starting to feel very in a rut in terms of cooking
>between dietary restrictions of mine and my gf's (who has Crohn's disease and a severe peanut allergy), taste, and location (small midwestern town) most dishes I try making end up just feeling like some alteration on a dish I've already made a million times
>considering introducing some amount of meat back into my diet
>main reason I went pescetarian is commercial livestock practices
>occasionally eat meat when I somebody I know hunted it
>had some moose stew from a moose my gf killed a few years ago around Thanksgiving
Is it dumb to straddle the line like this? Not fully pescetarian but avoiding meat in most scenarios. Further, and tips on sourcing meat like this? I don't want to eat meat from some animal that's pumped full of hormones and lives in a festering cramped shitpile of a farm.

>> No.15459323

No it's not dumb. Just do what you want and like.

It's more stupid to blindly follow pre-existing guidelines.

>> No.15459331

Why are you stuck on the idea that you should be pescetarian?

>> No.15459332

Fuck you.
The LORD put all the creatures of land and sea on earth to do with them as we see fit.

>> No.15459399

There's plenty of farm raised meat that isn't cramped and full of hormones like you're saying. Consider buying local or go to nicer grocery stores.

>> No.15459403

>As you see fit
Which I am doing?
Easier to explain why I might not want to eat meat in social situations. Most people will get it if a there's a vegetarian who doesn't want to eat meat.

>> No.15459413

it's not the holidays till dad brings back the Thanksgiving moose

>> No.15459414

You're on a diet because of how people might interact with you? That is so abominably fucking stupid.

>> No.15459429

I'm not on the diet because of that. Get some fucking reading comprehension. It's easy to call myself a vegetarian in social situations even when that isn't wholly true.

>> No.15459432

>I'm not on the diet because of that.
>Why are you stuck on the idea that you should be pescetarian?
>Easier to explain why I might not want to eat meat in social situations
I read it, and I comprehended it.

>> No.15459513

Kys faggot

>> No.15459530

What do you mean wholly true? You're not vegetarian at all, your just being straight up dishonest. Truth is a black and white situation, you either are or you aren't. Only those who are inherently dishonest try to pass it off as a spectrum

>> No.15459535

being pescaterian in a midwestern (I assume continental) town sounds dumb.
Eat your local food anon, if there's vendors selling locally produced sustainable meat, just eat some from them once or twice a week.

>> No.15459539

I live in a weird part of the midwest in that there's not many ranchers on my half of the state.

>> No.15459593
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>moose my gf killed
Were you at home eating carrots and playing video games?

>> No.15459612

Nah this is a couple years before I met her, back when she lived in Alaska.

>> No.15459646

You're telling me there's no local farms anywhere near you even though you live in the midwest? How is that even possible?

>> No.15459737

>main reason I went pescetarian is commercial livestock practices
My man, I live innacountry in Texas, and can confirm that cattle live most of their lives out in pastures and are treated just fine by the ranchers. Sure, slaughterhouses aren't fun, but that happens in the final week of their life.

Chickens are different, but you can get free range chickens.

>> No.15459771
File: 151 KB, 566x755, my comfy duckc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you pescatarian when you have a chad moose-killing girlfriend?

Also if you are living in a small town have you considered raising your own livestock for meat? You get to control the living conditions of your animals. I am not against hunting, especially when the hunter is skilled. But missing happens and I have heard stories of hunters having to track a wounded animal for days before being able to put it out of it's misery.
At least with livestock you can ensure the animal has a quick and painless death. Which honestly is preferred.

I raise my own ducks for food and as you can see in pic related, PETA would have a tough time showing footage of their lives in order to convert people into animal abstinence. They live and die outside, under the sun, on my property. I started with 40, now have 15. I still have plenty of duck in the freezer and it makes supermarket chicken taste like pure cardboard. I could eat a whole chicken and still be hungry but be satisfied eating just a single tiny duck drumstick.

Not to mention fish are animals too. Like all animals they can be treated inhumanely. Most fish are NOT slaughtered ikejime style and generally have deaths similar to the dogs who get boiled alive in China. Just because it's a fish doesn't mean it should suffocate and freeze to death at the same time.

>> No.15459829

I built a chicken coop and was raising some hens when I was in high school but r/n I live in an apartment.
Once my gf is out of college I'll probably do it again.

>> No.15460422
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>Most fish are NOT slaughtered ikejime style and generally have deaths similar to the dogs who get boiled alive in China. Just because it's a fish doesn't mean it should suffocate and freeze to death at the same time.

So many people don't realize this.

>> No.15461585

I thought fish don't feel pain? They only have unconscious detection of injurious stimuli and act instinctually. This is from some paper I found through a 10 second google search "Fish do not have the neuro-physiological capacity for a conscious awareness of pain." (Rose J D, et al. Can fish really feel pain?). This could be wrong, but why the hell should I care if a fish is boiled alive? I mean every day there's gotta be hundreds of those retards swimming into a hydrothermal vent and cooking themselves to death.

>> No.15461665

>Easier to explain why I might not want to eat meat in social situations
Literally just say "I am morally opposed to industrial farming"
Everybody understands that shit, even dyed in the wool carnivores.

If you're eating at a hip or bougie enough restaurant they probably get their meat from a small family farm anyway.

>> No.15461697

Youre eating meat that is several years old?

>> No.15461725

this, I found a dairy in rural texas, tiny locally owned place, it was great. the one lady running the counter insisted on showing me around. saw their veal calves, where they stored their milk, everything was clean and the animals were clearly healthy. supporting smaller operations will do more for your cause than you just not eating meat.

>> No.15461730

You do you anon but crohn's in itself is a nightmare of a minefield to cook with already.

>> No.15461742

also forgot to mention that backyard chicken keeping is like the easiest shit so you almost certainly have access to someone near you who can sell you very humanely produced eggs and poultry

>> No.15462112

honestly the way fish are killed is even worse than a slaughterhouse

sounds like what your diet lacks is animal fat. white fish flesh is mostly protein. are you eating salmon?

>> No.15462126

Spice in excess, onions, and corn are the main things I have to avoid.

>> No.15462168

try shellfish

oyster shooters are the best food in the world

>> No.15462258

you can't curse someone and say you love God at the same time.

>> No.15462346

Fish, like many other animals, feel pain. Just because they live in water and use gills doesnt mean they dont feel pain. I hate that people put a heirarchy on animals. A cow, which could feed a man easily for 2 years or longer feels just as much pain as a fish. Which typically are quite small and will only feed a man for a day. Cows get the luxury of typically being killed as quickly as possible. Trying to suffocate a 2000 lb animal to death would be... cost innificent to say the very least.

Even if you dont care how the animal feels, a conventionally slaughtered fish has lower quality meat and goes rancid 10 times faster than an ikejime slaughtered fish due to blood contamination in muscle from the fish thrashing about while being suffocated.

>> No.15462461

If properly frozen, meat lasts near indefinitely.
Victorian elite would sometimes partake in mammoth meat that was preserved in ice. Its kind of fucking insane.

>> No.15462486

Get unsexed chicks. Eat the excess males. Then you get eggs, poultry, and future chicks. A fertilized egg looks and tastes exactly the same as a non fertilized egg, it only starts to look different when the fertilized egg has been kept in a warm, moist environment for at least 48 hours.

>> No.15462512
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>main reason I went pescetarian is commercial livestock practices
I agree OP, I don't like how mammals are treated, they experience pain and are capable of empathy that's why I primarily eat poultry, seafood and eggs, chickens are no more than mindless beasts without souls so it doesn't matter how they're treated

>> No.15462519

I don't understand the farm objection, as I think farms are inherently healthier than living in the wild. Yes, I'm aware of the worst case videos and all that, but you asked.
If you decide to stick to it or even if you're lookig to ease out of it, look more into Indian cuisine. They have a whole lot of good vegetarian dishes that use dairy. While they don't use much egg or fish, it's a good start. Think of those things as basis for your own dishes. Dolsas, for example, don't have to be served up entirely traditionally. Make some chickpea pancakes and serve them with fried fish and tomato relish or tomato chutney, for instance.

>> No.15462575

this, but it was darwin

>> No.15462602

Just buy meat from a meat market/butcher/ranch where you know how the animals are raised. You don't have to buy from the worst, most commercially tortured cows that some Netflix documentary traumatized you with.

It's like not wanting to eat produce because you don't like that some farms use pesticides that kill insects, grind up small animals in harvesting, or shoot and kill animals that would eat their crops.

You are a human and designed to eat what humans evolved eating. The most moral thing is to eat in a way that's healthy for you. Nothing morally superior about caring about the wellbeing of others, to your own detriment.

>> No.15462633

>ad some moose stew from a moose my gf killed a few years ago

Cool, I wish you the best, you got your principals and I wish you both luck.

>> No.15464118

Niggas here acting like animal X or Y don't feel pain
Pain is a natural stimulus needed for self preservation, any organism with a nervous system can feel pain.

>> No.15465296
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>> No.15465351

They weren't put here to be treated cruelly.

>> No.15465354

The Midwest is 100% Walmart factory farms. That’s why it’s utter shit. Worst region.

>> No.15465356

Are you the guy with the pylon?

>> No.15465433

Well you're in the Midwest so drive down the road and find a farm that sells quality raised meat and eggs

>> No.15465469
File: 346 KB, 733x895, first day on pasturec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, who uses the word pylon for traffic cone? Secondly: No, I do not photograph my ducks slaughter. I do it as quickly as possible. As far as I'm concerned from the moment I take the duck away from their flock to the moment they are dead I need to move quickly and be 100% present. They also have an actual proper metal restraining cone purchased at a farm supply store.

I live in the midwest. I don't run a factory farm, Walmart wouldn't sell what I have because the prices would be too high, therefore your 100% shit is not true.

Midwest in my opinion is a nice hidden gem, coastie roasties who visit only see the cornfields and obese walmartians, not paying attention to forests and rivers or lakes. It also doesn't hurt that I am in a very beautiful part of the Midwest. While the coasts crumble I am living peak comfy mode.

>> No.15465528

So eat free range and homekill.
If you hit a moose with your car and you don't eat it, then you're a cretin.

>> No.15465579

Yes that's all it is here. Never visit

>> No.15465632


>> No.15465655

>They also have an actual proper metal restraining cone purchased at a farm supply store.
I'm sure the ducks appreciate that.

>> No.15465722
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Hey if you were going to be executed I'm sure you'd appreciate the correct dosage and types of lethal drugs to kill you as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Which they generally don't because doctors do not work in death row. There are reports of lethal injection prisoners fully conscious experiencing their internal organs slowly paralyze for up to 2 hours before finally dying.

Death is not the same as suffering. Only the living suffer.

>> No.15465752

I'm not a duck, so I really don't know what they prefer. Maybe they really do care that their restraints are brand-name and metal rather that repurposed plastic.
I plan on going out very violently and with some politicians near enough to catch the shrapnel

>> No.15465778

I enjoy being "flexitarian" and basically eat meat if I really want it, or if it's socially required, but don't make it the focus of daily meals.

>> No.15465781

I find that just telling people "I don't like meat" and not getting your panties in a bunch if and when you find out that gravy you have been served was made from beef stock instead of vegetable stock is the better option, compared to explaining your moral stance on livestock practices and the way animals are treated. If you're an environmental activist trying to reduce the waste you produce, throwing a fit when a server hands you a glass with a plastic straw in has no purpose and will only alienate the people around you with regards to your cause. Eating small bits of meat when you didn't ask for it doesn't make you responsible for the treatment of the animal from which the meat came. You've already reduced your consumption by 99% or so.

>> No.15465793

Go back to red dit

>> No.15465800

>Every day there's gotta be hundreds of those retards swimming into a hydrothermal vent and cooking themselves to death
Every day, thousands of sheep get shredded to death by wolves, lynxes and other predators. Does that make it okay to raise them inhumanely?

>> No.15465838

Even if fucking bugs felt pain, that criterion alone is no justification for not wanting to hurt an animal. I am a meat eater, so I don't have a horse in the game, and I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy in your reasoning. If spiders felt pain, would you stop killing them? What about the excavator that's digging a hole for your house's foundation, it's gonna kill a bunch of worms. Is that okay to you? Every time you scratch your balls, you disturb bacteria on your skin and it triggers an immune response. Will you stop scratching your balls?

>> No.15465869

Your abstinence isn't saving any animals from suffering you know. Just source your produce better. You can order directly from a meatpacker, and most grocery stores have grassfed. You could go to a halal butcher too. All their meat is grassfed.

>> No.15466022

First of all. I don't kill spiders. I like spiders a lot. Especially salticidae. When I find them in the warm months when they are active, I release them in my garden. I have seen them eat my cabbage worms.

Second of all, did you actually read what I wrote before you sperged out? A slow slaughter effects the flavor and durability of the meat. A fish conventionally killed will start to go rancid and mushy in 2 days, where as an ikejime fish will still taste delicious even after 2 weeks. Ethics are great and all, but I'm in it for quality.

Please learn to read.

>> No.15466045
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>I'm not a duck, so I really don't know what they prefer.
This is what ducks prefer.

>> No.15466048

I live here. Besides the occasional Applebee’s and McDonald’s, he’s right.

>> No.15466094

Pescetarians are the absolute worst. Unless you solely eat fish/seafood that is fished sustainably (which I doubt considering you're in the midwest) and not anywhere near the red on the endangered list you're just as bad if not worse than anyone that eats factory farmed meat. Whether the fish feel pain or not factory farmed fish is shitty for the immediate environment around the factories and carnivorous farmed fish consume a massive amount of other fish, fucking up the ocean ecosystem.

Just become a vegetarian if you actually care.