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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15458210 No.15458210 [Reply] [Original]

>green for days, edible for 12 hours, then mushy and rotted
>attracts every fly/gnat within a mile while also stinking up a whole house
>peel pozzes your trash can
>no nutritional value
>need to eat 3 to sate any hunger
>1 large banana has 0.4g fat, 1.5g protein, and 31g carbs of which 17g is sugar
>if you eat the 3 required to not feel hungry, you've consumed almost 100g of carbs. 60g of sugar.
>inevitably makes you sugar crash after eating one because it's a simple sugar BOMB
>negligible micronutrients
>>>>Potassium: 9% of the RDI

why the fuck do people call this shit a health food and start their day off by eating them?

>> No.15458243

i cant eat more than 1000 calories so bananas help being nutritious

>> No.15458254

Why do you care what other people eat to start off their day? Are you fat?

>> No.15458320

used to be. then i rejected the banana meme.

>> No.15458339

To eat but not inserted anally i'm sure.

>> No.15458341

Normies think that the sugar in fruit is "good sugar" as opposed to the sugar in sweets and soda which is "bad sugar." When pressed on the difference, they will really-just-really and end the conversation there.

>> No.15458354
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potatoes win again

>> No.15458359

>need to eat 3 to sate any hunger
fatty detected. one banana is a great way to stay full between meals.
meh. bananas are much more filling than candy/soda.

Regardless, this thread is retarded because bananas are delicious.

>> No.15458375

>the sugar in fruit is "good sugar" as opposed to the sugar in sweets and soda which is "bad sugar.
Isn't that because the sugar in fruits is more "natural" than the processed cane sugar? Sugars sugar though at the end of the day

>> No.15458401

What does this mean though? How are the sugar molecules changed by being "processed"? What makes them worse?

>> No.15458409

Oh my god shut up.

>> No.15458423

Proving anon's point there, chud.

>> No.15458428

>Need to eat 3 to sate any hunger

Fat ass confirmed.

>> No.15458452

anon the post you replied to was saying that those people are dumb and that sugar is just sugar however you spin it

their line about the fruit being more "natural" just reads like trying to understand the thought processes of the retarded

>> No.15458464

an appropriately ripened banana is quite tasty and easy on the tummy and compared to a lot of alternatives it's really not that bad

>> No.15458480

>>green for days, edible for 12 hours, then mushy and rotted
a mushy banana is not a rotten one, if anything that's just overripe, and they're the best stage of a banana's lifespan to use them in cooking

>> No.15458487

I find bananas to be nothing more than filler. I'll take a piece of buttered toast over a banana for breakfast, preferably with some vodka if we want to have a good day

>> No.15458507

I find vodka to be nothing more than filler. I'll take a gin Rickey over vodka for brunch, preferably with some toasted bananas if we want to have a good week

>> No.15458546

Sugar in fruit is mixed with and bound up in fibre at the cellular level making it be released slower in the body as you slowly digest the fibre. Refined sugar is often found in foods with no or little fibre. And even then, it cannot be re-inserted into the small molecule sized gaps within the fibre that sequester sugar for long periods of time. All this means that refined sugar makes very large peaks in blood sugar, followed by crashes leaving you feeling hungry quicker.

>> No.15458582

>good sugar

>> No.15458849

I find gin Rickey to be nothing more than filler. I'll take eggnog over gin for lunch, preferably with some CBD oil if we want to have a good fortnight

>> No.15458864

I think it's what this guy said pretty much
It's what I was taught when I was younger but I'm a bit brainlet, but it means people woild probably overload on sugar because it's released slower, still making it bad either way

>> No.15458875


>> No.15458882

Once they get overripe I peel them, freeze, them, then blend them in my smoothies.

>> No.15459138

im gay btw dont know if thats relevant to the conversation

>> No.15459174

>>negligible micronutrients
why do Americans have no idea what potassium is or its importance

>> No.15459179

Bananas taste best when they're spotted brown and getting softer

>> No.15459188

if they can do it in my adderall why cant they do it in my food

>> No.15459194

It's not that it's "good sugar" it's that sugar is only bad when it has a bad effect on health, which is pretty much limited to refined sugar. Fruits don't have this problem.
Sugar is bad when it's released too quickly into the blood and causes oxidative damage. Fruit, including bananas, have fiber and plant chemicals that regulate the amount of sugar being absorbed at one time and antioxidants to make it less stressful for your body to utilize.

Your body needs sugar to begin with. Whether it's from a piece of fruit, breaking down the carbs in something starchy like oatmeal or potatoes, or in extreme cases converting protein from meat into glucose, the end result is sugar. All you can do is make it so that your body can safely process and utilize the sugar.

>> No.15459217
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U mad bro?

>> No.15459232
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I leik naners

>> No.15459265

>I don't like bananas
What the fuck man, are you having a stroke? You come over like some kind of twisted evil and possibly dangerous degenerate. Are you a childfucker by any chance? Do you drop infants from skyscrapers? Do you also skin still alive animals just to see them suffer? How the fuck can you not enjoy a banana from time to time you asshole.
>Nooo you can't just eat a banana I HATE them they are stoopid things
If I ever come across you I WILL end your pathetic little existence and violate your corps until they can't identify you without doing some DNA tests.

>> No.15459496
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>he lives in a hot box
>claims it has no nutritional value then lists its nutritional value
>he eats bananas to satiate hunger
>he is so unhealthy that a banana gives him a sugar crash

>> No.15459527

How can one haet the naner?
>Yeah bro I don't like a healthy snack that comes with its own natural packaging that keeps it safe
>No bro, I don't like blending them up together with milk and adding a dash of honey
>Bro what do you mean?
>No bro, If you eat a banana you immediately contract the 'beetus, didn't you see the food pyramid?
>Brb bro, gotta eat my government suggested 72 servings of grain