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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15457199 No.15457199 [Reply] [Original]

prison food thread

>> No.15457233
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>> No.15457239
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>> No.15457243


>> No.15457251

most americans will spend some time in prion during their lives, so this relates to a lot of people here. Always love the prison stories from americans here too

>> No.15457262

What crawled up your ass and died?

>> No.15457264

My cum

>> No.15457268

I'm not an american inmate, so things don't crawl up my ass

>> No.15457274

Something definitely crawled up there and died.

>> No.15457278
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first sentence is so bafflingly incorrect it's fucking unreal lmao. people believe absurd things about the US and the USA because of their screens.

>> No.15457281

how would you know, amerilard?

>> No.15457303

americans often don't even realize they live in a prison culture, comparable only to the Soviet Union.

>> No.15457305

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it out

>> No.15457307


>> No.15457521


>> No.15457711

i love prison culture because it disproportionally effects negros or as i like to call them "niggers", therefore its what kids would call "based"

>> No.15457987

The Whole Shabang is unironically the best chips I had in my life. They are so good, they started selling them out too.
Also, OP probably never went to prison and just made this thread because he tried Shabang.

>> No.15459546

Isn't it just the same as all dressed?

>> No.15459627

This. We just have the balls to throw society's trash where it belongs, instead of trying to 'rehabilitate' it only for it to get out and commit its fifth offense.

>> No.15459792

Prisoners should eat gruel and bread only. No spices or seasoning. Fuck you asshole.

>> No.15459804

Was in jail for two days and ate pizza the whole time. The guys in there are living like fucking kings compared to some of the neets on here.

>> No.15459831


>gate-keeping potato chips


>> No.15459852

>land of the "free"
>most of the country is in prison
fucking kek

>> No.15460044


>> No.15460055

Anyone here ever been prison raped?

>> No.15460120

*She bang She bang*

>> No.15460365
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damn those chips bring back memories

>> No.15460382

Did we ever figure out what died in this anon's bum

>> No.15460401

Well hes not entirely wrong. Despite being 4% of the world population, americans make up 25% of the prison population.

>> No.15460535

Nah, idk what magic they put in this shit. Maybe extra MSG.

They sell it on Amazon. No gate-keeping, but lol.

>> No.15460588

You're thinking of the 13%, anon. Maybe get off the internet once every couple days?

>> No.15462577

>most americans will spend some time in prion during their lives,
*most black Americans

>> No.15462583

10% when adjusted for China's real unreported prison population

>> No.15462590
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>> No.15462595

That's not even remotely correct. A cursory google search shows that about 0.7% of the US population are currently in or have ever been to prison.

>> No.15462605

what the fuck is this "we" business you likely gelatinous mealymouthed fuck? You're not out there making arrests and dealing with these people. Besides being an insult to america the modern prison system is fucking expensive, its just another wealth transfer to treasonous corporations who want labor for 12 cents an hour. Our prisons are revolving doors with no attempt rehabilitate anyone and absolutely *nothing* waiting for these people when they leave. Then it just becomes generational.

"""we""" aren't taking the trash out at all, we're putting it into what used to be our living room and holding our noses as we walk by the leaking overflowing dump in what was our home

>> No.15462609

Most Americans will survive at least one mass shooting. Most Americans will go bankrupt due to medical expenses. 1 in 1 American females will be raped in their lives. Every year, the entirety of California burns to the ground, they're very good now at rebuilding it before the next dry season.

>> No.15462611

I thought it was 43% of cops who beat their wives?

>> No.15462621

What percentage of those cops are black, hispanic and/or female?

>> No.15462631

>eurocucks actually believe this

>> No.15462634

dont think the study mentioned but 100% were cops and I think the demographic breakdown of police is mostly male and "white" (irishmen).

>> No.15462642

>I think the demographic breakdown of police is mostly male and "white" (irishmen).
Anon what century are we living in? I know the stat you're quoting. Protip: most of them were shitskins

>> No.15462658

I just said most cops are irish there Johnny Two-Times. You don't need to repeat me. The study says it was done in the east coast so that's extra micks too.


theres definitely a cover up to protect big clover but what else is new

>> No.15462675

>muh irish aren't white
Epic ancient maymay Chaim, you love niggers and will double down that turdskins are abusing their family and getting away with it.

>> No.15462684

irish ape detected. how's your microdick and alcoholism treating you bog trotter? Anglos, saxons and frisians are white. at best a mick is swarthy.

>> No.15462694

>the palest people in Europe are shitskins
How many chromosomes you rockin', neopolitan dick?

>> No.15462699

>He's never seen bird shit
All that homemade whiskey finally make you go blind eh Finnigan? Wake up to the real world already

>> No.15462713

Did some Hibernian chad fuck all of your inbred female family members kike? Post your tranny khazar milkers before you slink anyway to the next thread to D&C kk?

>> No.15462721

do you think sierra leone has any capacity
or want to imprison a fraction of who they should be and then report it accurately? lol why do you fags take these middle school "factoids" at face value without a gram of critical thought?

>> No.15462723

>Hibernian chad
whats next an honest sicilian? a quiet american? It's amazing how quickly you people try to slide threads when someone brings up the mick menace.

>> No.15462726

>unwanted, unwelcome part nigger, part kike scum only knows D&C when I point out his favorite pets are behind the cop domestic violence in my cuntry
You will never be white

You will never be a woman

You will always be stuck with a circumsized kike cock and a brain melted by communism

>> No.15462738
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>You will never be white
Ah and a top of the mornin tah ya too laddy, ho tohtohtoh, have ye a little everclear for me lad? im shaking like a policeman's wife

>> No.15462758

Yfw Germans aren't white? Neither are the French, Spanish, Portumonkeys, Dutch, Belgians, Polish, Italians, Welsh, Scottish, English, Czechs, Finnish, any of the butthurt belters, don't forget the Russians. Your continent is pretty much full of persons of crime. When are you applying for reparations?

>> No.15462761

What's your evidence besides what you've made up in your head?

>> No.15462766

Sucking on that BBC again Chaim? You just can't quit, you dirty slut.

Inb4 mutt's law

Wouldn't count, my heckin' based nigra.

>> No.15462769
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I'm Frisian you BBC watching micktard, im actually white

>> No.15462796

M80 I've already covered your nasty Jewish spice ship ass. Go suck Covid out of one of your Indonesian pets needledicks and die.

>> No.15462815

Lmao a bogtrotter would think covid is real, you get a "corona" virus if you miss your hourly beer

>> No.15462997

Bro you have the highest prison population per capita in the world.
I guess you still don't understand, so let me say it another way.
You're more likely to be in prison if your a dumb americunt

>> No.15463043

>grrrr look at me I am eurotard facts make me angry grrr

>> No.15463050

>Bro you have the highest prison population per capita in the world.
And? What do you proposed to be done about this? Execute all of them? It's not the country's fault that people commit a mass amount of crimes and get arrested for it. Would you be happier if the criminals could just commit their crimes without going to jail?

>> No.15463136

Trump lost faggot

>> No.15464595

>implying trump is white

>> No.15464637
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No but we could revise our policing system to be less of a government revenue generating service and reorient it toward localist community policing with elected sherrifs presiding over communities they are actually from. This would help demilitarize the police mindset and improve relations, limiting civilian riots and police brutality.

We would also dramatically benefit from ousting private prison corporations from our disciplinary system, the profit motive has turned our prisons into a revolving door where criminals come in halfway crooked and a little poor and leave fully insane and destitute. That becomes generational and the current policy of dumping ever increasing sums of taxpayer money into the black holes of prison and police budgets is a ridiculous concept on it's face.

Tying into this we would benefit from seriously examining our draconian drug laws which were nakedly tailored to serve their corporate sponsors going all the way back to the days of hemp and hearst.

Finally we need to become genuinely tough on crime and start raiding wall street and DC; our political and economic elites commit crimes by the hour ranging from benign cocaine huffing to pedophilia on little saint james island to treasonous outsourcing of American wealth to international markets. Rather than tolerate these massive violations we should put these scofflaws in their place and know that our duly elected sheriffs are willing to fine, arrest or God forbid gun down these millionaire maniacs before their murderous rampage consumes the whole nation.

Sprinkle in poverty destruction programs like public infrastructure jobs (more will be available when we stop using 12 cent an hour prison labor and make these fine paying jobs to raise a family on), modernized public healthcare and a UBI and we can ensure a powerful American people. Fail to do this and our children's children will all be speaking Chinese in privately-owned, government-funded detention centers.

>> No.15464686
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>> No.15464784

>Our prisons are revolving doors with no attempt rehabilitate anyone
I agree, we should have longer sentences and give out more life terms and death penalties

>> No.15464796

Get the fuck away from my tax money you authoritarian anti american freak, im not spending more so the government can do even *less* for me.

>> No.15464815

No, but when I was in prison for strong arm robbery from 2011-2013 we had a twink in our cell block that we would all fuck when the guards weren’t around. The gang leaders got to go first and cum in his mouth and asshole, followed by the gang members, then everyone else had to pay with either a pack of smokes, 4 honey buns, or two packs of ramen to the gang leader in the cell. His asshole got so loose from the daily poundings but it was still a good fuck. I only smacked him like 3 or 4 times because I didn’t want to get AIDS

>> No.15464819

Lol I can’t wait until Tyrone takes your wallet then kills you while out on bail

>> No.15464828

Senators Tyrone, Chang, Laughing Bear, Johnson and Souphanousinphone have the same agenda as you. And it's called stealing my money to fund the place they will use to separate my class from there's.

>> No.15464841

Michigander here, I spent 5 days in a small concrete drunk tank filled wall to wall with black people because the goon squad came to my house and I blew a .07 (on probation for drug offense). I'm a better man for it.

>> No.15464846

Keep crying lolbert fag, I completely support the death penalty, mandatory minimum sentences, and life imprisonment for marijuana possession.

>> No.15464851

I'm not a libertarian I'm an American. I don't cry I buy ammunition. You are a willing cuckold.

>> No.15464853

Democrat tranny detected

>> No.15464923
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>Heh, you don’t want black and Mexican criminals running around raping and killing people? What a cuck!

>> No.15464992

If you want the government to have the power to put you in a cage for no good reason at your own expense then yes you are an absolute cuckold

>> No.15465074 [DELETED] 

So did you serve your tine in state or federal prison?

>> No.15465086

So did you serve your time in state or federal prison?

>> No.15465168

I have never been to prison.