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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15453508 No.15453508 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15453521


>> No.15453547

Just had a can of Latvian sprats.

>> No.15453549

Fuck off. Nobody here likes shitty canned fish.

>> No.15453555
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thats beautiful anon

>> No.15453563

You're right, but many of us love deenz.

>> No.15453568

Look at this hot-head

>> No.15453577

Thanks brother, god bless.

>> No.15453624

We're quite against shitty canned fish. Ask around, we'll teach you how to tell good canned fish from shitty.

>> No.15453666


>> No.15453944


>> No.15453962

lurk moar nodeenz

>> No.15453964
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>> No.15453977

Fishlets detected
You know you can buy sardines in fresh fish-form, yeah?

>> No.15453980
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>> No.15454098
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Reee. Can't get to my deenz

>> No.15454132
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Forced my way in.

>> No.15454159

that way is always the most pleasurable

>> No.15454376
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I raise you from some Moroccan Deenz

>> No.15454442

Baste kitter

>> No.15454628



>> No.15454677

nigger, I'm 1600 miles away from any ocean. canning deenz makes them better anyway

>> No.15454738

Not everyone lives right by the ocean, retardo.

>> No.15454749

Dafug is them black rings? I know nothing when it comes to sardines.

>> No.15454762

Look how mad you are. Seems un-proportioned, yet somehow indemnification of baste Anons can't stop you.. Nor will it, Knorr wills it.

>> No.15454776

Boiling gromets. Helps retain stability during canning temps. t. Food Science tech.

>> No.15454780

They're olives.
Those are probably Mediterranean style deenz (which are the best imo).

>> No.15454786


>> No.15454791
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>> No.15454804
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I buy the Bumblebee sardines in hot sauce. They're the cheapest brand that I see but should I try others out? King Oscar is like $3.50 in my supermarket.

>> No.15454861

Are you supposed to eat them little fishies straight outa the can? Bones and all? Swaller everything down whole?

>> No.15454868

One deen is not so much to most. 53 calories; enough to fuel it's mastocation. An Community of deen; unrelenting levels of power. One Deen is weak? No.. For a Deen is every Deen that was, will, or ever might be..

>> No.15454871

Yes. The bones are so soft and fine that you don't even notice them and the spines just crumble under light pressure. They're delicious and they're extremely good for you.

>> No.15454899

t. Grouper

>> No.15454930

I eat canned baby smoked oysters like there's no tomorrow but I never got up the nerve to try sardines. I guess we only go around once so I suppose I need to try 'em. Thanks for the info.

>> No.15454991

I love deenz but I feel like I can only eat one or two fish in a sitting.

>> No.15455022


>> No.15455050

How are those? Wouldn't they taste fishy as hell?

>> No.15455071

Yeah, and oily cause they're packed in oil. I eat 'em w/crackers so that kinda mellows them out. And no bones or skins.

>> No.15455108

I've been mixing my deenz with spicy hummus and pickle relish and eating with wheat thins. It's a solid, nourishing snack.

>> No.15455155


>> No.15455376

This guy knows his deenz.

But they're so small.

>> No.15455419

fish she is very small

>> No.15455552

DEENZ pill me, co/ck/s. Do I just pop the can and got at em? Put them on crackers? Are they completely soft like anchovies? Are there bones and spiny bits?

>> No.15455745

They're scaled, decapitated, and the guts are vacuumed out except the spine which basically turns into jelly after canning so you may as well eat them whole for the free calcium bonus. If you want any crunch at all you gotta add crackers.

>> No.15455769

Deenz in tomate sauce dumped on a warm bowl of white rice (steamed with bay leaf) is some top tier meal.

>> No.15455774
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bruh do you shop at piggly wiggly? why so broke? $3.50 is cheap

>> No.15455825

>Bumblebee sardines in hot sauce. >should I try others out?

Going up in quality (price) is going to get you better texture and more consistent size.
Changing sauces is going to change the best way to eat them.
Mustard sauce is the best for sandwiches (white bread or a warm rye).
Tomato sauce is ok with sandwiches or pasta, but best with rice.
Hot sauce is best for crackers.
Oil pack is best for on salads (or pan bagnat, which is salad on a bread), or with eggs.
You deserve better than water pack.

>> No.15455853

Thank you Deenz bros. Bony fish really gets to me.

>> No.15456282

My time in scandinavia gave me a taste for canned fish. I used to eat deens which I did enjoy, but it was only because I couldn't get truly good fish in tomato sauce. It was always like fucking ketchup water. For years I searched to no avail. Now I have it and I'll never eat deenz again. Herring/salmon in tomato sauce, I've missed you.

>> No.15456300
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>hey King. Pass me a can of sardines in hot sauce and a pack of saltines. >Oh don’t worry brother, I already have the paper plate and plastic fork, thanks for asking.
>These sardines would go great with a tall boy of bud lite, here let me get you a can.

>> No.15456338

I'd rather eat carp fresh than fresh deenz. Deenz is a canning fish.

>> No.15456461

Seething vegan

>> No.15457626
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deenz and gorg and prociosustto and dijon

>> No.15457645

Wow fags on /ck/ are vocal about the new deenz thread and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way anon keeps eatin deenz and the whole discussion about canned fish. I guess they were holding out hope for another mcdonald's thread. There's even a petition that's garnered fifteen signatures to have the janny ban deenz posters. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.15458242 [DELETED] 

Genuinely a good song what the fuck.

>> No.15458314

Deenz on salteenz is the best way to try them. Simple and salty

>> No.15458351 [DELETED] 

based bangbro

>> No.15458363

I eat canned sardines daily but they taste like shit. It's about the nutrition for me. Only liked how they tasted when I battered and fried them once.

>> No.15458365

Sounds heavenly

>> No.15458554

Deenz in hot sauce on a saltine is based and fish-pilled

>> No.15458600 [DELETED] 
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Starting the day off with some mackerel.

>> No.15458913 [DELETED] 


>> No.15458938

Thanks, I improvised it on the spot.

>> No.15459178

trader joes honestly has great canned fish, i love the herring the most i think

>> No.15460073

I started eating both deenz and canned oysters last year because of these threads and although I preferred the oysters at first I don't even eat them anymore. Just a tin of king Oscar bristling or Mediterranean plain with chopsticks for lunch every shift.