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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15452409 No.15452409 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all his recipes the exact same thing (just put ingredient of the day in butter) and why do they get more than a million views?

>> No.15452469

because it's comfy to watch. and you forgot the nutmeg

>> No.15452490

hi uhh this is uhh john umm.... john uhh umm townsend from uhhh um townsend and uhh...


>> No.15452497

Orange Fool.

>> No.15452560

Because cooking on YouTube (besides obviously a select few) is actual fucking garbage

>> No.15452581

>take ingredient
>make it cooked
Fuck cooking, rite? If cooking required skill, Twitch would stream it.

>> No.15452584
File: 102 KB, 900x900, Kent_Rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a liberal faggot John

>> No.15452883

absolutely based

>> No.15452912


Because they didn't exactly have a million things on hand in the 1800s?

>> No.15452946

Blessed cowboy cooking.

>> No.15452966

Because recipes in the 1800s/1700s were the exact same thing
He mentions skipping a lot of recipes that are either too simple or similar to everything else

>> No.15453111

Nutmeg too

>> No.15453120

>has y'all met my beard yet?

>> No.15453237

Because colonial US didn't have much to work with

>> No.15453327

"hello everyone and welcome back to 18th century cooking, im your host jhon townsend and today were going to be making a delicious egg and nutmeg sloppa"

(this is where the intro plays and you fast forward by 10 seconds)

Jhon and the audience both have a stroke reading the fucked up 17th century Englifh and they have to interpret 80% of it anyways

into a bowl goes some random shit, some plants we found outside, 1/2lb butter, 17 eggs, AND SOME FRESHLY GRATED (((NUTMEG)))
and now we boil it for 700 minutes
(700 minutes passes)

"allright let's give this a try" (takes first bite, reassuring fiddle music plays)

mmm this nutmeg sloppa is truly amazing, I highly encourage you all to go out and try this amazing recipe

sometimes there's a fat guy in the background that does stuff occasionally or my personal favorite, the blue coat guy that just stands in awkward silence for the entire video then says only 6 or 7 words after they try the food like "these beans cooked up nicely"

>> No.15453396

can someone give me the list of episodes with his daughter. I don't want to go over them all

>> No.15453411

Im still waiting for Orange fool 2

>> No.15453419

I bet hes a white supremacist. Any white man who glorifies the past and tries to reconnect audience to the past must be a Chud in the closet.

>> No.15453420

You can look forward to his Double Peach Crumble.

>> No.15453426

Sounds like he picked a shit gimmick then.

>> No.15453525

Doubtful, but it'd be funny to see his channel get shut down because of some faggot unironically claiming that.

>> No.15453757

On the contrary he made fun of Trump and now his chud audience is furious.

>> No.15453782

Trump isn't a true white supremacist. He's just a guy who found an unexploited supply of useful idiots.

>> No.15453899

trump wasn't a white supremacist. He was an opportunist who tapped into the venom of the american psyche.
Those who believed in him have recently found that they were deceived.
/pol/ is /natsoc/ HEIL HITLER

>> No.15454063
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>> No.15454263

It's not so much a gimmick as it is just him filming stuff he already does. He's a massive dork.

>> No.15454357

because that's how people cooked before your were shit on a log and hatched in the sun, son.

>> No.15454365
File: 22 KB, 361x358, butt hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15454890

I actually like townsends, super comfy to watch them make 18th century sloppa

>> No.15456229

based cowboy Kent, tried a few of his recipes now
he's really changed my mind about american food

>> No.15456240

Fuck this fool.

>> No.15456626

You forgot the part where he stirs with some twigs tied together, I like that part

>> No.15456745

Trump lost. It is over. You now have to go back.

>> No.15456749

God Forbid.

>> No.15456778

He’s like Bob Ross, he’s videos are relaxing.

>> No.15456846

You lack basic listening skills, just like the rest of your zoomer friends.

>> No.15456851

The hamburger haver has been triggered

>> No.15456861

Where's your channel, arsewipe?
If it's so fucking easy.

>> No.15456872

Look at the basement dweller criticise a guy for trying to make a living rather than leech off his mother.

>> No.15456879

I bet you're one of them California faggots that hates anyone trying to earn money

>> No.15456885

Is this a meme? He never mentioned Trump in that video does he?

>> No.15456892


get off my board

>> No.15456961

Liked his videos but stopped watching after this.

>> No.15457657

Wow it's almost like that's all they had in 1650s New England

>> No.15457678

Why don’t you fuck off to /pol/ then faggot. You’ll fit right in with all the shills there

>> No.15457709

I too post orange fool in townsends threads but I still find it difficult to believe that mutts are insecure and obsessed enough that they actually thought that video was a dig at trump. People say it was released around the inauguration, it was actually released around 4/7, as befits a George Washington dessert.
Townsends is very samey though and I find it difficult to watch more than a few videos

>> No.15458179


>> No.15458199

Why does OP seethe?

>> No.15458206


>> No.15458231
File: 476 KB, 1080x986, 20210124_104147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based af, made his chili recipe awhile ago

>> No.15458488

I hate that stupid fucking thumbnail

>> No.15459340
