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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15446825 No.15446825 [Reply] [Original]

If we make a thread mentioning The Food Lab, will Kenji see it?

>> No.15446852

Kenji, more like cringy

>> No.15446858
File: 186 KB, 1200x798, 31-restaurant-names-that-maybe-should-be-reconsid-1-8799-1375740158-11_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenji is a half breed faggot that molests his daughter every time he comes home drunk. This is why he invested in a head cam, so he can fap to his pov daughter when he sobers up. Also hes literally not a chef.

>> No.15446885

here is the thread

>> No.15446896


Kenji, I love you you half breed faggot that molests his daughter every time he comes home drunk.

>> No.15446955
File: 215 KB, 1080x920, Screenshot_20210122-152316~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenji is it true that you hate Adam Ragusea this much?

>> No.15446974

Weird. Most of the replies to the Kenji Tweet are consoling him about the abuse or complaining about racism. That's the tamest celeb thread I've ever seen.

>> No.15447021

Literally who

>> No.15447029

Arguing about someone else's dinner
Absolutly pathetic

>> No.15447033

>That's the tamest celeb thread I've ever seen.
why do you think he posted it to this twitter as a 'gem of a thread'
how many do you think he goes through before finding one thats tame?

>> No.15447073

Kenji is fucking BASED. Of course there would be vitriol towards him in a cesspit filled with incel freaks like this, just like it happens with Mark Wiens.
Meanwhile, in the real world, thousands
of people are thankful for Kenji's contributions and his wholesome personality.

>> No.15447084

Are they thankful for his pedophilia?

>> No.15447125

Pedophilia is based.

>> No.15447236

I like that he shows off his feet in every video. Couldn’t care less about what a soycuck he is

>> No.15447250

how do we stop the kenjicuck menace plaguing /ck/?

>> No.15447283

>Kenji's contributions
what contributions? He regurgitates McGee.

>> No.15447638

Based. All these sciencefoodcucks do without crediting On Food and Cooking.

>> No.15447695

Kenji wear a mask Lopez
This looks like a name /ck/ would give ironically holy moly lmao
Literally who is this though. I don't want to see twitter screencaps here
You should probably leave

>> No.15447870

>it's based when I do it but not when DA JOOZ do it

>> No.15447884

I like him and his recipes and articles are generally good.
Fight me if you want I guess.

>> No.15447917

Huh? Who are you quoting? I'm not a /pol/eddit retard.

>> No.15447946

You even read the thread? It was literally OP being a clown and everyone else defending Keiji.

>> No.15447954

Really the only people who don't like him are election tourists who will cite unrelated political reasons for disliking him. And because of those reasons they'll make up other stuff that's not really true to cry about.

>> No.15447961

>defending Keiji.
I was in there, I only defended microwaving Veggies learned from On Cooking which the first edition was published in the late 80's when people were still trying to figure what should/should not go in the microwave.

I hate kenji.

>> No.15447969

I separate the art from the artist

I disagree with his politics on most levels, but his books and videos have made me a way better cook

>> No.15447974

Yeah, freebased. Has the gubment took his baby yet?

>> No.15447976

I love your Barbacoa recipe!

>> No.15447978

Microwaving veggies isn't any worse than steaming them and it retains more nutrients. People underutilise microwaves in cooking and overutilise them for reheating things which should not be reheated in a microwave.

>> No.15447980

Don’t know who this faggot is but guess he’s a whiney liberal faggot. Hey Kenji, kill yourself you small dicked faglord

>> No.15447992

I unsubscribed permanently in July when he started posting Californian faggot political opinions on his fucking YOUTUBE COMMUNITY PAGE Instead of retarded California Twitter where they belong

>> No.15447995

yeah, i guess my point was asking the question "why would any modern cookbook (ie food lab) have a recipe for microwaving veggies in it?"

>> No.15448001

>whiney liberal faggot
Why are americans like this? Why does anything health or science related become a political issue? And why is it always the liberals who are behind it?

>> No.15448012

Liberals always want to tell people what to do and think. They are the hall monitors of high school.

>> No.15448014

Because Iiberals demand that everyone think and act how they deem to be correct and never shut the fuck up about it. Then they call others fascists LMAO fuck any of you liberal faggots you’re truly pathetic human beings, and I would spit on you if I could.

>> No.15448022

>AWWWW, you want taco fry rice? you want chirri bean eggroh. awww, I kneji-looooopez! You get kicked out for wearing Magahat in the German restaurant dat I culturary appropriated dat diffren waiguo gringo! Waiguo gringo no eat burrito wit chop stick?! hiiiyaaaah!

Is that enough to catch his attention?

>> No.15448023

Go back to le reddit, election tourist

>> No.15448027

Everyone on reddit knows who he is. So your assumption doesn't make sense.

>> No.15448029

can you imagine that this major cuck took his wife’s last name? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. he’s not even that good of a chef, and he’s soy through and through

>> No.15448044

>not taking the last name of your wife's bull
ngmi, it's time to progress to the next stage of human evolution.

>> No.15448090

His cooking videos are great and the man knows what he's talking about, with just enough foodlab explanation to inform you, but not so much as to waste your time.

Now, Adam Ragusea on the other hand,who practically worships Kenji, is pure soy. Insufferably annoying and never ceases to remind people that he needs a big black dildo to pleasure his wife. Kenji's dick is too big for that sort of cuckery, which is why his vids never come off as trying to compensate, unlike Adam, who won't just make a needlessly long video, but leave write a multi-paragraph spiteful essay on other foodtubers channels and reddit accounts, like he did with Ethan Chlebowski who also gives off bigger dick energy.

>> No.15448094

So it's contrarianism? You don't want to do 'thing' purely because 'the libs' want you to? Are seatbelts political over there too?

>> No.15448103

>asian mutt
>Kenji's dick is too big
Ain't adding up fampai

>> No.15448106

They are, which is why we only ride the bus to avoid them.

>> No.15448140

>Are seatbelts political over there too?
yes, that was spearheaded by car insurance corporations who thought the payouts for injuries would be less if everyone wore them.

>> No.15448206


>> No.15448285

Based and Kenji-pilled.

>> No.15448303

>links directly to a thread
what a newfag

>> No.15448325

Of course it does. The fact that redditors know who he is is entirely irrelevant. Thing is, Idiots like you came straight from reddit and social medial in 2016 and decided to pretend that you were no longer redditors and normalfaggots. I know you're one of those idiots just because of your immediate jump political garbage. You people are so unoriginal. You try to blend in but you fail 100% of the time. Fuck off.

>> No.15448355

I jumped here from fark dumbass back before chanology. I remember when /pol/ was /news/

>> No.15448394

Cute larp, fag. What's next, your father-son cock-sucking circus act?

>> No.15448405

Glad you looked up what fark was before replying.

>> No.15448453

Been reading him since he occasionally wrote for the Boston Globe food section like 15 years ago. He’s always been a cuck. Good cook, but still a cuck. The Lopez in Lopez-Alt is his wife’s name btw, which means he put his wife’s name before his own.

>> No.15448491

Pretty much. I like his recipes but do not watch his videos or anything relating to his personality. It's like a celebrity you think is a good actor, but dislike as a person.

>> No.15448504

Wtf kind of surname is Alt anyway?

>> No.15448509

i first encountered him when he was on camera for ATK. I felt sorry for him as he isn't good in front of a camera.

>> No.15448528

kenji's baking powder oven wings at god tier, haters are salty that they arent the culinary genius that he is

>> No.15448541

his earlier videos where he tried for that generic youtuber chef vibe did not fit his personality. his new gopro shit comfy af tho

>> No.15448554

go back

>> No.15448555

Larping retard. A common symptom of election tourists.

>> No.15448564

fuck off before I blast you with piss like a shit stain in the toilet bowl.

>> No.15448587

literally wasting your energy being mad. 4chan stopped being a secret club since 2011 fucking boomer

>> No.15448609

>he thinks it was 2011 and not 2009 with the Time article or 2006 with the Fox news exploding vans segment

>> No.15448611

Lmao this vibe sus af bruh. Got a mf goin skerrt skerrt skerrt like xannies in the lean breh fr fr

>> No.15448732

that jumpstarted it but all the retarded scientology shit and /i/ accelerated 4chan into mainstream

>> No.15448745

But project chanology was 2007-ish. You sound like someone that read about all these events on ED and wasn't actually here for it. Is it storytime, newfag?

>> No.15448746

I went to college with a girl named Kenzie and I always had to fight the urge to call her Kenji. She had a nice big bum.

>> No.15448763

Everyone sees through your larp, retard. Fuck off

>> No.15448777

He’s doing the “How do you do, fellow 30 year old boomers”?

>> No.15448783

been here since 2006, and the worst 4chan was doing at the time was habbo raids. chanology may have started then but it wasnt until the fox news segment did all the nerds feel like adopting the super cool hacker persona and going out in public

>> No.15448823

You don't even remember Meximoot, fuck off ED lurker election tourist.

>> No.15448877

i literally have nothing to gain or lose by lying and ur over here sperging out. yea, i have no clue what meximoot is but ive been here since sidebar lmaoooo

>> No.15448883

I miss when he wished to be the little girl.

>> No.15448955

>just like it happens with Mark Wiens.
nice try mark

>> No.15448981

It’s interesting that the tourists here think there is no reason to dislike Mark other than being a raging incel virgin. People are genuinely turned off by his weird expressions. He seems like a nice enough fellow, but the noises and faces are enough for some people. Just look at his gootoob comments and you’ll see tons of “why does he make those faces” from all kinds of people including women.

>> No.15449002

I tried watching his pov cooking videos but he says "um" more than Obama without a teleprompter.

>> No.15449036

how do i summon kenji

>> No.15449491

Holy art thy "Food Lab" enlighten us on the ways of the mailliard and amino acids.
Holy art Thy name is too long to remember
Holy art JKAL

>> No.15449691

Fuck off.

>> No.15449720

He's bookmarked this thread already and is actively following it. Not to blame him or anything, I mean who wouldn't?

>> No.15449732

what the fuck

>> No.15449799
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>> No.15449850

post feet

>> No.15449857

How can one man be so smug?

>> No.15449871

He know his toe game be impeccable.

>> No.15449875

la atrocidad...

>> No.15449884


>> No.15450483

Wtf now I love Kenji.

>> No.15450728

I don't know who this guy is but only gay retards use google alerts to monitor how people are talking about them online.

>> No.15450807

What? Does he? Do you have a source?

>> No.15450815

>Kenji is a half breed faggot that molests his daughter every time he comes home drunk. This is why he invested in a head cam, so he can fap to his pov daughter when he sobers up.

grim but i still died

>> No.15451360

>Iiberals demand that everyone think and act how they deem to be correct
It's obvious that you've never been exposed to the rabid, conservative, evangelical, groups, demanding everyone bow down before them.

>> No.15451557

>read this thread
>look at his youtube channel
>mfw he hints that he saw this thread in his most recent video

>> No.15451643


>> No.15451651

/ck/ is a Libertarian board

>> No.15451677

Yes, and the MSM, corporate America, universities etc... all act as their megaphones, just like they do for liberals, right?

>> No.15451757
File: 493 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20210112-100913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenji "microwaves his asparagus" Lopez-cuck is a shitty cook. Have fun paying $30 for basic recipes and "science based" shit like "steaming" asparagus with Chef Mike.

>> No.15451774


Besides being a total soyboy faggot he has the worst sanitation habits I have ever seen.

>> No.15451792

Kenji, can you refute this?
>I agree with him. That would also be an embarrassing recipe if it said to steam them in a steamer, or bake it in an oven. He wasted room in his book to say "get vegetable cook vegetable."

>> No.15451799

Unironically, yes. Evangelical schizos own the radio waves and every local TV station outside of major metropolitan areas, and Boomerbook constantly covers for their asses, and Rupert Murdoch, owner of the largest news media conglomerate on the planet, is their champion. Fuck off with your gay persecution complex, faggot. Go back to r*ddit with the rest of the election newfags who immigrated here in 2016.
/ck/ -- food, cooking, and /pol/niggers schizoposting about American politics

>> No.15451811

I can't believe I caused him to seethe so hard I he posted on twitter. What a bitch lol! This is confirmation he stole my high btu wok burner idea. You all called me schitzo. NOT ANYMORE YOU FAGGOTS!!!

>> No.15451841


>> No.15451878

Oh anon, did he not just post my thread that I have been attaching the image of my screenshot from his book to? Oh he did? Weird. It's almost like I did it to get his attention.

>> No.15451972

take your meds

>> No.15451976

Kenji don't be angry. Perhaps you'll upgrade to a bamboo steamer basket in the future.

>> No.15452666

There is a right and wrong way to do it.
My mother tossing them in for like 10 minutes in a bowl is the wrong way, for example.

>> No.15452675

Pedophilia is based

>> No.15452698

dude, he's literally going to find out where you live and dox you for saying that. shame on you

>> No.15452756

Shame on him for abusing his daughter.

>> No.15453003

The Food Lab
You're a massive faggot with no personality, Kenji.
You also have a hilarious toddlers body shape.
Go fuck yourself, you faggot.
The Food Lab

>> No.15453051
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>> No.15453134

kenji lopez is the adam friedland of cooking

>> No.15453144

Who's the nick mullen?

>> No.15453155


>> No.15453198
File: 143 KB, 600x400, mate_frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol invading ck

biden is your president

>> No.15453324

Funny bernie boys are happy about Biden

>> No.15453787
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>> No.15454080
File: 37 KB, 496x200, Screenshot_20210123-175902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get cucked non-moble poster

>> No.15454239


>> No.15454255
File: 2.80 MB, 520x293, 1611287594035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that no one replied implies that most 4chan users are mobile posters now

>> No.15454271

There's nothing wrong with microwaving asparagus. It works well.

>> No.15454315

Kenji you're pathetic.

>> No.15454327
File: 83 KB, 1062x574, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or nobody gives a shit

>> No.15454340

who is kenji?

>> No.15454422

why all this talk of him abusing his daughter? is this another needlessly edgy meme?

>> No.15454432

yes, retard

>> No.15454438

>He didn't see the leaked pics

>> No.15454529
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, 6D665DA9-AB96-475C-A826-A9612353900E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking up his daughter to play this fantasy out in my mind ASAP