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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 1000x639, vegan-land-box-1-1577968415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15445953 No.15445953 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ is AFRAID to absorb the soy. Has anyone actually tried this? Is meat dead?

>> No.15445958

fucking retard

>> No.15445961
File: 84 KB, 805x851, 4F81053E-447F-4919-BC5A-CB37849306C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that looks delish

>> No.15445965

I'm not even sure if there's a KFC near me

>> No.15445972

The only box a vegan should be involved with is a pine one.

>> No.15445982

you're not missing much. Soul food kitchens are everywhere and if Tyrone isn't drunk as fuck, their fried chicken is pretty damn terrific. If you've been culturally enriched by choonks, try korean fried chicken too

>> No.15446004

soul food nearby gives me mostly cajun places, I guess that's close enough

>> No.15446007

I like soul food but not the proprietors.

>> No.15446048

Do you really think places like that have any concept of food safety?

>> No.15446050

Meat will never die

>> No.15446054

Not really, no. Doesn't make drunk food taste any less tasty.

fuck jannies and niggers

Cajun soul food is fucking fantastic. Whenever I'm in Louisiana I eat it specifically. There are some fantastic spots in N'OLLINS

>> No.15446159

Its just deep fried frozen chicken. Youre not very likely to get ant foodbourne illnesses from that.

>> No.15446457
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 6CB0BFF0-546A-40A9-8476-9E03CE4AA010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These products are all flopping hard.

>> No.15446485

>eating meat is morally reprehensible!!
>but here’s a product to help you simulate the experience
Ah, fake meat. The loli-sexdoll of food.

>> No.15446506

Imagine being this emotionally invested in the success or failure of a commercial food product.

>> No.15446534

Someone please attempt to refute this.

>> No.15446542

They aren't replacements, they're just another menu item that increases the potential customer base. They don't have to be wildly successful.

>> No.15446549

You literally can't. Though I take offense to eating meat being equated to the act of raping children.

>> No.15446563

You WILL eat the tofurkey, bigot

>> No.15446571

Yo, I tried the impossible meat. And it is very workable. It doesnt make it the HEALTHIEST choice but it is better for health and environment. I am not a huge faggot and telling people you have to be vegan and be conscious of climate change. Just saying its a worthy substitute if you are vegan but want some grease.

>> No.15446581
File: 21 KB, 538x396, 1365470868444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're proving to you fuckwits that, all you gotta do is deep fry something and you'll eat it right up. And don't forget to slap 'New' on the label to get your dicks even harder. Wake up sheeple. There's no telling what the hell this even is you're eating.

>> No.15446585

>Is meat dead?
It better be. I don't eat live animals, only dead ones.

>> No.15446724

I think it’s funny.

Read Klaus Schwab’s book. They’re replacements.

No. I live right on the Pacific Ocean and I will just eat fish and crabs and maybe even poach sea lions if meat is outlawed. Big fat faggot things.

>> No.15446765

Never trust 4chan to understand science.
They just see the word "estrogen", and immediately think tofu is gonna give you tits.
The reality doesn't make for good soyjack memes though:

>> No.15446874

Food fished out of a rusty cauldron and slapped onto a styrofoam plate by a fat mammy at a cash-only restaurant is going to be the best shit you’ve ever tasted. You’ve got to put “cleanliness” and “class” out of your mind temporarily.
t. Southerner

>> No.15446890

>paying black people for slop
I'm perfectly capable of cooking slop in the comfort of my own home while avoiding the risk of being shot or stabbed, thank you.

>> No.15446897

It has far more estrogen then any animal product

>> No.15446907

>tfw used to be able to tell a an even greater restaurant by fat serving mammy and cook with cigarette in his mouth
Faggot health rules made it harder to find good food

>> No.15446921

>avoiding the risk of being shot or stabbed
Mammy’s Kitchen is untouchable. You have a greater chance of being shot in your own home by hoodrats.

>> No.15446931

Considering the most common estrogen pills are literally made from an animal product (horse urine) I declare your chemical knowledge to be fucktarded bullshit.

>> No.15446932

Not estrogen. Isoflavines, which are a type of phytoestrogen (estrogen-like compounds found in plants).
They're chemically distinct from human estrogen, and there's still no real concensus on what effect they have on people, but most evidence points to them having no negative impact.
But 4chan doesn't care about / understand science or nuance so you get this shit like >>15445961

>> No.15446933
File: 52 KB, 458x458, tct-sojafasern-in-scheiben-vetex-600b-50x200g-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> photoshop
If you dont blindly buy the shit thats advertised for vegans youll find that everything apart from a medium or rare steak and maybe chicken can be substituted with no difficulty or sacrifices.

Yes killing living creatures just because you are too uninformed about the perfectly valid alternatives or because you believe that the year long imprisioment and following death of a beeing is worth a combined 10h of joy is quickly coming to an end. Its simply objectivly speakig sociopathic and morally wrong through the entirety of time. Taking another life for pleasure is simply exactly that.

>> No.15447005

also of course you're going to get man tits and become a walking pussy if you only eat processed foods and never fucking walk around the block.

>> No.15447031

no its because lack of soul absorbtion. If to low ritualistic sacrifice ritual lack, then tits emerge and chastity cage appears on dick

>> No.15447342

Animals don't have morals, they aren't going to say to themselves "Wow this human sure is going to suffer if I gut it with my claws and eat it alive. Maybe I should eat this plant instead!"
We evolved eating both meat and plants, and I'm not going to let some faggots say "we need to discard meat". We can digest it, it tastes good, and I'll fucking go to jail to eat some good meat if they somehow manage to enforce something like that without the entire country collapsing.

>> No.15447444

Get some of your stuff.

Let's get this show on the road.

I promise it will be the best show in history, and we will just laugh at all the people who thought that whole "going to college" thing was so great.

It's going to be a blast.

You're going to love it.

>> No.15447471
File: 69 KB, 535x819, bananashake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man: INT. MULTI SPEED ENGINE ROOM - NIGHT In the engine room, the rapidly-rotating cars and boats on their blocks converge and rotate around the room. We then cut to a photo of Bobby. it has been Photoshopped to remove the crowbar protruding from his forehead. He is smiling. LOOKING DIRECTLY AT THE PHOTOGRAPH Looking DIRECTLY AT THE PHOTOGRAPH Bobby wakes up and we see the smile fading from his face. (beat) Oh... Fuck. (beat) I'm, fucking... Dead?

>Not Vegan btw.

>> No.15447514
File: 136 KB, 786x782, bc2ff8ee24ad5904fe65acd31791046acc4038d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will live in the bugs
You will eat the pod

>> No.15447536

You will pod in the bugs
You will eat the live

>> No.15447590

The reason people hate on all of these “meat alternatives” isn’t even because they hate the concept, the overwhelming majority normally wouldn’t give less of a fuck. They hate it because it’s so BLATANTLY forced. There is no organic (lel) movement behind this stuff. It’s completely artificial, and that makes people wary. The fear is that once this shit is out there they’ll push to either tax real meat out of reach of 90% of people, or just outright ban it altogether.

Vegans are “Streisand Effect: The Ideology”. If they just minded their own business literally no one would hold negative feelings towards them.