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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 286 KB, 1446x1144, R8ea8a54f600c2a65c90aafd53cb5f4fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15442592 No.15442592 [Reply] [Original]

>moi cheese
>Moi butter
>Moi breads
How are they so thin?

>> No.15442612

First off it'd be mon, mon, and mes, not moi.
Second off they don't eat much of it.

>> No.15442619

small portions, no snacking, they walk everywhere
CICO, lardo

>> No.15442628


>> No.15442634

Man, just by how they're spelled, you'd assume "fromage" and "beurre" were feminine and it'd be "ma", but nooo... Fucking French.

>> No.15442636

Chain smoking helps.
It’s mostly the aids though.

>> No.15442655

>muh cheez-wiz
>muh hydrogenated margarine
>muh hfcs bread
Cause they eat real food.

>> No.15442656

its cause french puts the letter E everywhere for no reason. fromage and beurre are actually pretty masculine-sounding when you pronounce them

>> No.15442764


>> No.15442782

you get out of here with your obvious logical answers

Ameri-lards don't wanna hear that shit

its magic
got it
fucking magic

>> No.15442790

As >>15442612 said, we don't eat much of them. Yes croissants are fucking full of butter but a single croissant is enough for breakfast (when the breakfast isn't just black coffee and a cigarette that is). It's all about portion sizes and the fact that we on average walk a lot more. Almost no one would take their car here for a 5 to 20 mn walk.
You don't really have a lot of "all you can eat" stuff here either and the food isn't loaded with corn syrup and has to follow pretty strict standards.
Disagree with >>15442619 though we definitely snack for what we call apéro.

>> No.15442821

I dunno, at least in Italian, "formaggio" and "burro" have that -o to let you know they're masculine nouns. Meanwhile in French, an -e is typically appending to feminine nouns.

>> No.15442825

OP is a faggote

>> No.15442844

Actually, both "fagot" (French) and "fagotto" (Italian) are masculine nouns, but I get where you're coming from.

>> No.15443044

Yeah French you almost just have to go off of your ear. There are some broad rules that hold true, like -on words almost (almost) always being feminine, but even then it's a crap shoot.

>> No.15443058

how do the french do creams?
I know creme fraich is used and also Liquid cream but what are their fat contents? Are there more?

>> No.15443076

Mon ami, if you guys just have a croissant or coffee for breakfast, what do you usually have for lunch and dinner? Whats the average med euro meal structure look like?

>> No.15443081
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>How are they so thin?

>> No.15443123

>French breakfast
Really light, sometimes literally just coffee and traditionally a cigarette.
>French lunch
Main meal of the day in most cases. Typically focused on salads, breads, cheeses, and meats. Frequently but not always comes with an alcoholic beverage.
>French dinner
Normally fairly light again, salad and bread is very common again, with a lighter meat or fish on occasion, and almost always an alcoholic beverage.

>> No.15443162

Med genetics. We Germanics pack on weight more easily because it's in our genes to attain a Viking physique to survive harsh winters. That's why y'all meds are hecking skinny :P

>> No.15443251

Why would these words be feminine.... it would sound awful

>> No.15443569

They serve tiny portions. My dad spent a lot of time around Lyon for business, he said he always ended up ordered two meals (and no, he is not a hamplanet).

>> No.15444418

I think they mostly eat expensive mushrooms and duck liver.

>> No.15444617
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First of all we cook a lot. Breakfast are extremely light. Croissants, chocolatine or pain au raisin are not an everyday thing and we mostly drink black coffee without sugar or a glass of milk when you are a kid. For the meal it depend but a standard french meal contain bread 2 small pieces 50% of the plate is vegetable like cabbages or green beans, peas ect. Then we have 25% of rise, potatoes, beans, then you have 10% meat like chicken, liver, steak ect. The rest is a glass of wine, cheese and a coffee. Same for the dinner but replace the vegetable with a soup and cut the meat out. Also at 6 pm you have the apéro, in the south we drink pastis and wine some of the old folk drink st germain and chartreuse and the really old drink creme de menthe and suze. The north is the same but change the pastis for eaux de vie because they are fucking alcoolics. The picture is a typical "repas du dimanche" on sunday french tend to eat chicken or if you live in the countryside pigeon or any small bird that can be hunted. French people have an extremely diverse diet and our ex colonies like réunion or Guyane have some amazing recipe lile sarcive and rougail saucisse.

>> No.15444627

Jup. Parisian breakfast is usually a black coffee and a cigarette, maybe one plain croissant.

>> No.15444632

Because they serve small amounts of the cheese, butter and bread with massive amounts of lean proteins and vegetables, since they actually know how to prepare a vegetable.

>> No.15444635


>> No.15444641


God I'm so jealous of European walkability. But would I trade it for my ability to basically road trip to nearly any biome I'd like? Hard to say.

>> No.15444646

you don't eat meat at dinner?

>> No.15444652

Much better health codes than the US so their food isn't packed with cancer causing chemicals and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.15444654

We tend not to. But it depend. French people don't eat a lot of meat like maybe 4 time a week. But yeah if you come from a hunter familly you eat boar every fucking winter.

>> No.15444680

>Quality over Quantity
that's it.
Bon appétit means that you will a have a good meal and appreciate its excellence, not that you will eat a lot.
That's how you should approach anything in life really; strive for excellence.

>> No.15444696

All gendered nouns are fucking idiotic, which is why all sensible languages dropped them.

>> No.15444839

Get fucked. France has the best food, best littérature we are amazing at sciences and architecture. Your country whatever it is, is probably a shithole.

>> No.15444861

>best food
That would be the Spanish or Japanese

>best littérature
That would be the English or the Russians

>we are amazing at sciences
That would be the Swiss, Luxemburgians or Swedes

>and architecture
Le Corbusier is a massive faggot who ruined nearly every major city with his modernism

>> No.15444862

Am I missing something?

>> No.15444866

I was in Normandie a few years back for work and I took the weekend to go see local stuff, since I like calvados (and really Normand food a lot just in general) a lot I ended up seeing quite a few places where Cafe Calva is still the main method of drinking coffee, fucking Christ the sheer level of booze you have to be consuming to have a shot of calvados at breakfast almost every day is mesmerizing.

>> No.15444873

le corbusier was swiss lmao

>> No.15444911

Double nationality, shared with France. Also, most of the abominations he designed are in France.

>> No.15445027


>> No.15445034

The French aren't very good at maths

>> No.15445042

with enough butter it slides right out.

>> No.15445055

Usually around 30% fat, but we also have a "light" crème fraîche around 15%. The latter is shit.

Did you mean pain au chocolat?

>Le Corbusier is a massive faggot who ruined nearly every major city with his modernism
I agree with it, the rest is pretty much subjective

Coffee with a shot of hard liquor was traditionnaly a worker thing. Also, school restaurants served beer and wine to children until 1981

>> No.15445137

The cheese and wine is the other part.

>> No.15445140

Did you mean pain au chocolat?

Why are you gay ? Chocolatine is the true word its not even bread but fucking pate feuilleté. You want a fucking Civil war negger ? Ill fucking carbomb you ass and rape your troat if you even say pain au chocolat on here again.

>> No.15445156

move to NYC

>> No.15445159

>best lit
>English and Russian
true, but houellebcq is the greatest living author right now

>> No.15445165

Lmao, okay tranny.

>> No.15445169

"La beurre" unironically rolls off the tongue better,

>> No.15445248

yes we do

>> No.15445732

branding, mostly
>40% overweight
>10% obese
>10th fattest country in the EU

>> No.15445738

that's a funny way to spell tao lin

>> No.15445767

France is pretty diverse. Forest, grassland, mediterannean, mountain, fields caused by milennia of human activity, desert...

>> No.15445791


>> No.15445895

as far as I know, only English has dropped gendered nouns

>> No.15445968
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>> No.15446015
File: 31 KB, 400x320, i20100-tripes-au-vin-blanc-de-micheline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medical desert mostly.

pain au chocolat southnigger

Did you tried tripes au vin blanc?

i'm not, i'm fat.

>> No.15446016

Their ships are still feminine though.

>> No.15446017

they don't add sugars to literally everything
and that's it

>> No.15446023

That's your mind on azur lane

>> No.15446035
File: 254 KB, 802x1024, 1611140477697m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripes are the best. The south is the best ! Midi-Pyrénées is way better than the rest of France. Suce ma bite enculé je suis sur que tu est parisien, c'est a cause des pédale comme toi que mon pays est plein d'immigrés de merde. Nous nos arabes c'était des Harkis ils étaient bien dressé maintenant avec hidalgo ils se reproduise comme des lapins.

>> No.15446043

Continentals don’t eat breakfast they just have coffee and ciggy in the morning so they’re basically all on IF.

>> No.15446044

No, ship have always been referred as "she". Hitler wanted Bismarck to be a "he" and no one took him seriously.

>> No.15446056


There’s nothing feminine about neither of those words.

>> No.15446063

>since they actually know how to prepare a vegetable.
Yeah they cook it in a ton of butter

>> No.15446077

I had tripes à la mode de Caen (I first had tripes when I was fucking around in Verdun for a week), that use of cidre and calvados is honestly what makes the dish for me, the taste ends up way richer than tripes au vin blanc. I wish my French wasn't as terrible as it is, though.

>> No.15446078

English has a lot of useless, empty sounds too. I actually think it's a French influence. Learning to write and to pronounce English is a nightmare, so is French.

>> No.15446084

Does france have high aids rate

>> No.15446106

Except dinner is not a 6pm, rather 8-9, sometimes even later.

>> No.15446113

It's actually primarily a result of England being a mish-mash of Celtic, Germanic and Romance languages, meaning it lacks a cohesive one-to-one phoneme to sound mapping that other languages come close to.

>> No.15446130

It's not like Spanish where words ending in -o are male and -a are female, there's absolutely no rhyme or reason to it.

>> No.15446138

There are a few rules that hold true for the most part, but French has exceptions even to the best rules in that regard. It's actually really strange how it seems to follow a pretty obvious series of gender determiners, then will just toss them out the window on completely random words.

>> No.15446140

Since the majority of French people are black, yes

>> No.15446141

Honestly ? Im more a cassoulet guy. Try tripoux its way better. You speak a bit of french its great.

>> No.15446150

They walk everywhere because they’re pauvres.

>> No.15446154
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>Implying older Frenchies don't blow up
It really is a cultural thing though. It's not as socially acceptable to be fat and I'm guessing most people don't regularly eat fast food. Portion control is huge as well.

>> No.15446155
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Tripes en brochette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

je suis un pur produit de la campagne bas-normande mais bon ici aussi on a plein d'arabes, au moins on a des kebabs pas cher mon fils.


Nice, you bet calva is way more richer than white wine lol.

>> No.15446162

I'm just thinking of like fruits and vegetables and ingredients off the top of my head and it's all at random

>la pomme
>le beurre
>le melon
>la carotte
>la vanille
>le sel

>> No.15446173

But do they have central heating and cooling? A full sized refrigerator? A car? A home that’s larger than 50sq ft? A dishwasher? A clothes washer and dryer? No? Awh, too bad.

>> No.15446191

It’s actually because you’re poor, but ok

>> No.15446204

Bon si tu est normand sa va je respecte.

>> No.15446212

They are tho

>> No.15446214

Yeah we have all that and our houses are not made out of paper and wood and we are not obese so we don't need AC running 24/7 during the summer to cool our asses

>> No.15446216

We have all of those plus good taste plus European traits plus history plus a healthy weight plus healthcare plus proper transportation plus cities that don't look like dumpsters plus non-tranny health ministers plus a long list of other things that make Europe the best place on Earth. Any other question, mutt?

>> No.15446226
File: 50 KB, 550x431, potee-auvergnate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm french and i'll tell you, this board disgusts me. this is the one board that shows how american this site is. your normal meals since childhood seem to be big stacks of fat. it is revolting to see what you feed your kids btw.
in France, cheese is eaten after the meal with a bit of bread. it's not everywhere on your meal.
butter is used for cooking, we don't put in our coffee.
pic related is a typical french dish

>> No.15446229

>Look at Adolf he doesn't want his ship to be an anime girl! Look at him and laugh!
>Reeeeee you guys *unintelligible German screaming something something unreal tournament*

>> No.15446231

So basically you just consume very few calories(most of which come from sugars and carbs) and smoke cigarettes and drink all day, yet, you have the gall to insult the standard of health in the US when we have a way higher adult activity level than anywhere in EU. As well as having a significantly lower percentage of smokers. Does the average Frenchman look like a wirey little dope fiend? Sickly and drawn in like a rotten fruit? I can’t imagine you people look great with a diet and lifestyle like that.

>> No.15446237

you eat cheese and bread after eating that?

>> No.15446241

I'm American, I just know those basic habits because I studied French in college and travelled there a few times.

>> No.15446246
File: 1.15 MB, 773x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the actual truth Anon? If you're a city slicker in France it is very likely that it will take you longer to find a parking spot than reaching your destination. That's mainly due to cities not being built like American ones where everything is a grid of parallel and perpendicular lines but at the same time it is the reason why European cities have soul and yours don't.

>> No.15446247

Apprends à écrire avant d'insulter les autres fils de pute de provincial.

>> No.15446252

that looks like a typical southern/midwestern American family dish. But please tell me about the sausage.

>> No.15446253

Hon hon hon
he exagerates the consumption of alcoholic beverage i think, in my family it's very rare, just when we get family around but surely not every other day.
As for smoking, i'm guilty of it but i'm the outlier in my family.

>> No.15446258

Look like the obese mutt can't smoke without another stroke. Oh shit if you get a cancer you are ruined ? Haha we got the sécurité sociale ! Look like you can't drink until being 21 and end up binge drinking in college like a nigger. We can drink at 15 in a bar and we are not full of alcoolics go figure. Its maybe because we walk to places and have good genetics instead of having litteral gravy running in our vains.

>> No.15446266

Yeah, it's normally a (one) drink with lunch or dinner, rarely both. I worded that post pretty poorly because I was tired as fuck when I wrote it.

>> No.15446269

Bordel mais vous avez pas d'écoles dans vos cambrousses ou quoi ? Retourne t'occuper de tes vaches pauvre merde et dis merci aux parisiens dont les impôts ont servi a raccorder ton trou perdu à l'ADSL sans quoi tu pourrais pas poster ta cacographie sur 4chan.

>> No.15446273

Je t'encule sous-merde. Je suis content
que tu ai pris le temps de me répondre entre les attentats et la dilatation du trou béant qui te sert de "vagin".

>> No.15446277

No part of that is conducive to good health in any way shape, form or fashion. Literally just caffeine, nicotine, and maybe some carbs lol. Compare that to a typical American breakfast of an egg or two, 2-4 slices of bacon maybe some cheese, and a coffee or orange juice. Multiple significant sources of animal protein, good fats, low sugar, low carb, high in vitamins and minerals, delicious and filling for a hard days work.

>> No.15446281

>you have the gall to insult the standard of health in the US when we have a way higher adult activity level than anywhere in EU.
France also has a higher life expectancy, lower diabetes incidence, lower CVD incidence, lower obesity rates, a lower stroke rate, lower CHD rate, etc. than the US so yeah, they are in a pretty good position to criticize you.
P.S.: stop being a lardass and perhaps you won't be scared of carbs, fattie.

>> No.15446282

What type of vegetables are cigarettes and coffee?

>> No.15446284

Coffee has been associated with lower risk of all-cause mortality. Educate yourself before talking out of your ass.

>> No.15446288
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Tobacco leaves and coffee beans duh!

>> No.15446299

That’s what every clueless euro tourist thinks until they visit the US with the expectation that they’re gonna see NYC and LA in the week they’re here. Lol. 40-50 hour non-stop drive through like 10 different climates/landscapes.

>> No.15446303

I do agree that tobacco isn't good for you but that aside, France is better than the US in life expectancy, diabetes incidence, CVD incidence, obesity rates, stroke rate, CHD rate so yeah, I'd say overall they know better than Americans whata healthy diet is.

>> No.15446305

>americans itt are unironically giving the French health advice

>> No.15446306
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>> No.15446310

>thinks he’s not eating sugar when he has a croissant with his cigarette and coffee

>> No.15446320

>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.15446323

Drinking liquor and smoking cigarettes all day out weighs any and all possible health benefits of IF

>> No.15446337

Show me your washer and dryer, fridge, car, and HVAC unit then. I’m waiting.

>> No.15446340

No need to samefag, I already replied seether.

>> No.15446346

Fucking sloppa topkek

>> No.15446354

That's an exegeration. French have pretty good health stats wise. So is Italy. Moderation is a word missing from most American dictionaries.

>> No.15446362
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>> No.15446367

someone coomed in your slop friend

>> No.15446376

Sorry not gonna reply seriously, i'm gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOK, formerly coom

i'm fucking hungry.

>> No.15446382

Makes sense. I'm just poking fun at Anglos declaring some languages have awful phonetics and spelling when English is peak shitty phonetics and spelling. It's stylised nicely at least.

>> No.15446385

whats the best way to learn french cuisine and how to cook like the french aside from going to france and learning from the french?

>> No.15446388

Every frenchy I’ve ever talked to says they drink at least once per day, and a literal majority of French citizens smoke cigarettes, which is crazy as fuck.

>> No.15446401

You’re actually bragging about being a pathetic, alcoholic, cigarette smoking loser who mooches his healthcare off the working man when he has a heart attack at 30. But that wasn’t even the funniest part.
>good genetics

>> No.15446405

All false. P.s stop being a soy boy and you’ll be able to afford nice American amenities!(lol probably not eurobroke)

>> No.15446413

Topkek he fell for the coffee meme.
>I drank a cup of caffeine water with my cigarette this morning, look how healthy and strong I am! Wee wee!

>> No.15446435

Coffee memeing samefag kys. How desperate you must feel, trying to convince internet strangers that your breakfast of caffeine water, inhaling burnt plant material, and complex carbs from your gay little croissant is actually healthy. Drink yourself to death greaseball.

>> No.15446440

Italy has one of the oldest, sickest, and most unhealthy populations of any “developed” country on earth. I guess the lack of nutrition has effected your cognitive abilities.

>> No.15446446

Woah thats impressive. Scallops, a tomato with some shit in it, some mushrooms, a few piece of canned asparagus, and a bowl of cum. Better than I thought it would be, honestly,

>> No.15446453

Modern English is the only precise language though. No other language in existence can be as precisely descriptive as English and this is not debatable. That’s why it’s spoken all over the world, because it’s better than everything else.

>> No.15446460

I've been meaning to actually try proper cassoulet, I try making most of the dishes at home (mostly I end up just making bistro food because I'm cooking for myself most of the time), it's not the same thing. Tripoux I wanna try because I like sheep-based dishes a lot and it being basically tripes but sheep interests me. Then again I'm the weirdo who actually enjoys British traditional food, I might be clinically insane.

Yeah, Calva's great, all the cheeses are great, and really I like Normand food more than just about any other French cuisine, the fact that it uses calva and cidre gives it a lot more depth than other cuisines. Still wanna try the food in Bretagne, I unfortunately haven't been there yet.

>> No.15446464
File: 38 KB, 512x333, Saucisse de Montbéliard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but that could be a saucisse d'Auvergne or a saucisse de Morteau. While not really talked about France got quite a nice choice of sausages but for me, it's the Montbeliard.

>> No.15446482

Italy has one of the highest life expectancies on Earth, fattie. Fifth spot in 2020.

>> No.15446483

Kek, actual studies too spicy for you?
I don't smoke, fat retard. See
>>15446281 and seethe even more, lardass.

>> No.15446492

>the absolute state of mutts
Imagine being a morbidly obese diabetic at the verge of CVD telling people who are better according to actual health statistics that they are unhealthy because le croissant has evil carbs.

>> No.15446500 [DELETED] 

Cool tu aime voir hidalgo donner tes impôts a des bougnouls ? Sa fais quoi de savoir que la ville lumière ressemble a Djibouti ? Nous on a la classe. Tu vois le capitole de Toulouse il pète. Ton héritage parisien c'est des vieux gauchiste qui vende leurs âmes a des trans de la sorbonne. Je vie gratuitement dans ta tête. Tes amis ont quitter la capitale quand ya eu le covid parceque les arabes que vous loger aurais violer vos femmes.

>> No.15446503

thanks, gives me stuff to research.

>> No.15446504
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>noooo, actual science BAD!!

>> No.15446508
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Im living rent free in your straigh edge vegan head. Also you will never be a woman im sorry. And no sucking dicks is not being a working man you are just a fag.

>> No.15446544


>> No.15446607

Quality over quantity

>> No.15446623

Frenchie here, I eat baguette with camenbert every day, cook everything with salted butter and drink wine every weekends but have visible abs. The key is being young, active and more importantly moderation. Plus you'll get bullied if you're a fat lard.

>> No.15446630

You should really learn English before you try to insult someone in English. Just sounds like schizophrenic gobbledygook otherwise. Or maybe this is genuinely your nature state, who knows.

>> No.15446632

It's a meme that Yuro men are thin. I've traveled all over, and by the time they hit mid 30s they have a beer gut and are covered in hair.

>> No.15446644

There’s nothing impressive about a 6 pack when you’re 130lbs soyboy

>> No.15446664

You gain the ability to road trip to entirely different cultures.

>> No.15446672

>Plus you'll get bullied if you're a fat lard.
I miss that in America. It wasn't too long ago.

>> No.15446682
File: 22 KB, 615x615, Gaping-shirt-overweight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s nothing impressive about a 6 pack when you’re 130lbs soyboy

>> No.15446690

Statistics > anecdotal evidence.
Also body hair has nothing to do with being fat nor is it a European trait to be hairy.

>> No.15446704

What makes French cigarettes so terrible? I heard Gitanes stink worse than horse shit.

>> No.15446710

Seethe harder fatty, twinkdom is what women want. I respect the double dubs tho.

>> No.15446712

Youtube, probably.
I haven't looked into french cuisine, but there's lots of channels with mexican, japanese or koreans who teach you to cook like them, and sometimes even go the extra mile to rec you replacement ingredients if the original ones are too rare.

>> No.15446719

>Plus you'll get bullied if you're a fat lard

>> No.15446796
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>but for me, it's the Montbeliard.
Mon negro.

>> No.15446831

Because none of those things make you fat
Sugar makes you fat
Hence why american's are fat

>> No.15446866

Sugar doesn't break the laws of thermodynamics. Also sugar consumption has been going down in the US for quite a few years now while obesity has done the opposite.

>> No.15446903

>je suis pas allé à l'école et j'ai une vie de merde
Cope, petite salope de puceau de JVC.

>> No.15446919

Ahah miskine.

>> No.15446923

In 4chan we speak lolcat or English.

>> No.15446959

We're talking about France. As for Italy it is one of the longest living countries and most people have excellent health due to the robust Mediterranean diet. It has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe. You sound very insecure and butthurt about Europeans with no basis for your delusions.

>> No.15446965

No, it has everything to do with British Empire and the rise of USA after World Wars. At any rate I take it you've never used a language with cases and larger range of grammar features. English as a literary language falls flat when compared to Russian or French.

>> No.15446971

>most people don't regularly eat fast food

Wrong. But you're right, it's mostly about portion control and also food quality, McDonald's uses far less additives here.

>> No.15446997

If this is not bait, you're a literal retard.

>> No.15447022

>No other language in existence can be as precisely descriptive as English and this is not debatable.

If you haven't studied any foreign language I'm pretty sure you can't even debate about that, Cletus.

>> No.15447203

not as much sugar
and that's it
just plain fuckin truth vol. 2

>> No.15447424

Anything with hips like that is a Miss, or if you're lucky: Missus, regardless of how it's hung.

>> No.15447985

Horse shit doesn't stink much.

>> No.15448097

different tobacco with different processing. I don't smoke very often, but I enjoy the occasional Gauloise or Gitane

>> No.15448099
File: 278 KB, 1200x1200, 5edf5ec750517_kouign_amann-3815992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretagne doesn't have a broad variety of food specialties, but crepes beurre sucre, galettes soubise, galettes saucisse (from Rennes), far breton and kouign amann are the sheeiiiit.

>> No.15448291

>kouign amann
this is divine

>> No.15448379

Just like Americans with spelling

>> No.15448428

It feels better when it taste bad, makes it feel like medicine

>> No.15448434

this is barely "chubby" by american standards, and the dude is old. married people get a pass in any culture.

>> No.15448435

>ackchual studies that definitely exist on reddit

>> No.15448438

They smoke constantly and fat is good for you

>> No.15448461

if you want to embarrass a french woman ask her about her gastric band. they all have them.

>> No.15448482

How does it feel to know that Canada is more French than France? Sand niggers cucked your culture and you faggots thanked them. France now belongs the Middle East/North Africa, and Quebec is the new Paris, except people actually visit Canada for things other than the singular purpose of taking a picture of an old wrought-iron tower lol seethe harder.
>Vous ne serez jamais une femme, fagot.

>> No.15448527

Give up trying to guess it, if you aren't french, you'll never be able to know if it's feminin or masculin. Some words are even transgender, boomers say "un clope" and zoomers "une clope".

>> No.15448538
File: 506 KB, 1964x1018, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15448679

>No, it has everything to do with British Empire and the rise of USA after World Wars
No it doesn’t. And the US wasn’t “on the rise” after the world wars. We were already the world’s super power.
>English as a literary language falls flat when compared to Russian or French.
You can always pick out a lying linguist by waiting for a non-native to tell you they speak fluent Russian, or have an understanding of the language that goes beyond simple conversation. Ask any real linguist(not some French homo on 4chan) if it’s possible to speak fluent Russian as a non-native, they will tell you no. So you pretending to know whether or not Russian is better than English is obvious horse shit. No one knows because no one understands Russian outside of native Russians, and they can’t fucking explain it because they speak Russian.

>> No.15448795

There are 3 “America’s” you uneducated dolt. Which one are you referring to?

>> No.15448802

This is literally what every French citizen looks like. Fat peasants

>> No.15448817

The country of the United States of America. Americans is the correct term, after all we call the citizens of the United States of Mexico, Mexicans.

>> No.15448903

If you say “Americans” without context then you’re referring to US citizens, then you’re referring to the America’s in whole. Have you learned nothing throughout the duration of your obsession with the US?

>> No.15448942

Holy fuck your post reeks of reddit. Go back bitch

>> No.15449628

Based achewood poster

>> No.15450627

>reality is reddit
American women cream themselves at the mere sound of French.

>> No.15450634

>I'm monolingual: The Post
English has been lingua franca for a very short time in comparison of the time Latin and French have historically been. Try staying relevant as a language for at least 3 centuries before you pretend you've "won" something.

>> No.15450641

Dumb mutt. This entire thread was discussing French food until some insecure mulattos had to come in and cry about Europe and how rich they think they are by owning a dish washer (LOL) in their 3rd world ghettos, i.e. half of American cities.

>> No.15450645

>Ask any real linguist(not some French homo on 4chan) if it’s possible to speak fluent Russian as a non-native, they will tell you no
Also absolutely wrong. I take it you've never been in Russosphere with countless of fluent speakers of Russian who don't speak it natively. Also source me with that or GTFO, you fat tub of lard.

>> No.15450651

So there are health benefits to smoking. Why is the globohomo trying to convince people that smoking is bad for you and being fat is good?

>> No.15450656

stop smoking retard

>> No.15450659
File: 2 KB, 256x256, tileshop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did a quick search and quitting smoking does seem to lead to weight gain. The current obesity epidemic may literally be caused by smoking falling out of fashion. People in the past were not skinny because the food was healthier, but rather because of the fact that everyone smoked.

Really joggins the noggin.

>> No.15450666
File: 29 KB, 823x475, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up my image

>> No.15450670

t. samefag and retard

the obesity epidemic is the result of sugar being in everything because fat was deemed to be too bad. quitting smoking probably does lead to weight gain, only because smokers have no appetite.

>> No.15450677

Sugar wasn't invented in the 1970s

>> No.15450683

>boomers say "un clope" and zoomers "une clope".
I think that's actually a good example of what I was getting at. "Clope" looks and sounds feminine, and I don't even think I've ever heard someone say "un clope" in my life (mind you, I don't smoke much). Even if it's "technically" masculine, as a word it just seems feminine.

>> No.15450998

They're minor things. Imagine trying to explain English phonetics through rules rather than "it just weeks".

>> No.15451015

We don't put high fructose corn syrup everywhere

>> No.15451039

Amusing how a significant portion of americans blow a gasket if they're told their country isn't the best at everything all the time.
I'm not saying the US is the worst at everything or isn't the best in several areas either, but these tantrums as soon as someone else claims to be better..
It's like they actually bought the state-issued propaganda.

>> No.15451047

Man that is one depressing image

>> No.15451093

It's not a direct cause of quitting, it's because tobacco is a slight hunger suppressant (which is one of the reasons they handed cigarettes out like candy in WW1) and because people replace smoking with snacking instead

>> No.15451127


>> No.15451181

You realize that you can not smoke and also be within health range of weight?

>> No.15451209

We run a lot during fights and wars

>> No.15451251

god i wish

>> No.15451253


I would, but the traffic seems outrageous!

>> No.15451388


>> No.15451433


>> No.15451730

I unironically burn 1000 calories a day just walking fastly when there are immigrants around

>> No.15451749

Do you also flee from mirrors?