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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15437887 No.15437887 [Reply] [Original]

/deen/z thread anyone?

>> No.15437891
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>> No.15437896

i like the design

>> No.15437897
File: 45 KB, 456x362, 3DB5562A-52D3-4CD2-9488-59F49AFEC4FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will be the only deenz left.

>> No.15437903

Nigger if you want to start a deen thread then try a non-stock photo.

>> No.15437911

I just took that photo on my counter dumbass

>> No.15437914
File: 66 KB, 612x612, B0A8A072-4CB2-43BD-9904-162AB8458B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.15437938
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should i deenz beenz or beenz deenz. i must know.

>> No.15437960

How do these compare to King Oscar and Wild Planet? They're about half the price so I assumed they are awful

>> No.15437963
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>> No.15437978

I've only ever had beach cliff

>> No.15437992

Sure you did. Like the last 4 threads you started with the same image.

>> No.15438033

a lot of people own counters

>> No.15438462


>> No.15438472

Best part of playing tarkov are the eating and drinking animations and sounds change my mind

>> No.15438475

Especially when you eat sardines

>> No.15438527
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Canada fag here - for me, its Brunswick

>> No.15438617

what is this, deenz for ants?

>> No.15438949
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drew zneed

>> No.15439929

how much deenz is too much deenz?
they're just so good and affordable i want to eat them every day, but i feel that's too often
have heard rumors of gout resulting from too many deenz

>> No.15439932

>deenz in hot sauce
pretty fucking based

>> No.15440129

are these threads ironic or what? why would sardines need their own thread?

>> No.15440151

Nice although I take prefer black beans with my deenz.

>> No.15440462
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Alright /deenz fiendz/, I bought a few boxes of these. What should I do with them.
I'm new to the deenz life. What are some good and simple to make meals with them?

>> No.15440484
File: 494 KB, 1079x1352, Screenshot_20210121-112622_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spicy Chinese street deenz

>> No.15440496

did you know that deenz is sneed backwards?

>> No.15440533
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me and my reddit friends LOVE deenz

>> No.15441025

put on crackers and consume
also the variety of that with herbs de provence is quite good

>> No.15442725

I mean if you’re eating Deenz daily it’s harmless, but once you start eating other foods high in Uric acid like liver and shit, then yea it is highly possible you’ll get gout

>> No.15442963

Just subscribed to King Oscar deenz on Amazon and used the coupon to get them 45% off

>> No.15442985

What is the best starch to go with deens? Bread?

>> No.15443003

I used to love them years ago but their quality went to shit. Now I'm a King Oscar man

>> No.15443537

I'm a full blown alcoholic with gout and its fucking horrible. People who eat deenz are usually alcoholics. It's the alcohol that gives you gout not the deenz

>> No.15443959

From one deen lover to another man you have got to stop drinking. Please look up Chronic Pancreatitis. It is horrifying and could be your future man. I might have it. Still in the testing phase.

>> No.15443977

How do you eat these? Do they have nasty bones that has to removed or they’re friendly like mackerel fillets?

>> No.15444009

they can be eaten whole. the bones are small enough that it is not necessary to remove them

>> No.15444040

Thanks senpai

>> No.15444041
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people who hate on these deenz on the internet should receive a free "I'm a faggot" button in the mail for their actions so that everyone knows right up front upon meeting them


>> No.15444053

I should have added that while I'm an alcoholic, I havent drank in well over a year. Still an alcoholic because if I do drink it will become a thing again.
But the gout thing I said is true. I eat deenz and mackerel all the time but I've had maybe 2 or 3 gout flare ups that last a day or 2 in a year and when I was drinking it was 2 weeks out of every month, and it was in my foot so it was horrible.

>> No.15445180

These are great on eggs. Solid meal right there.

>> No.15445378

Once you've had the higher quality deenz you can't go back.

>> No.15445498

>People who eat deenz are usually alcoholics
how do you figure?

>> No.15445593

Affordable, good flavor, cool lighthouse. These are my go to.

>> No.15445762

>eat 5 cans of sardines in the break room for lunch
>half the office complains about the smell

Get fucked normies

>> No.15445998
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I picked up pic related a couple days ago. Will be my first can of deenz, ever (ive had a fair amount of anchovies and love canned oysters, Im sure I'll like them). I would like a recommendation on how to eat them. Cracker, lemon juice, hot sauce? Some toasted sourdough and butter, maybe fresh parsley?

I'll have a couple plain, but Id like to make them more exciting.

>> No.15446003

i ate my 6th can today and i'm starting to dislike it....

>> No.15446094

how do i make fishermans eggs

>> No.15446097

>Some toasted sourdough and butter, maybe fresh parsley?
I'm gonna try that now that you brought that up, sounds like a great way to lose your deenz virginity before you reach the point that you're eating them right out of the tin like potato chips

>> No.15446132


>> No.15446139

Rookie numbers

>> No.15446200

would tuna casserole with deenz instead of tuna taste good

>> No.15446328
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Has anyone tried these out? They any good?

>> No.15446556

This looked like a box of Remington.

>> No.15446568

Full-blown alcoholic deenz lover here, and I love liver, can confirm.

>> No.15446666

This is a Deenz thread. Get that big tuna shilling out of here.

>> No.15446702

deenz only thread confirmed

>> No.15446749

But what of oysters, clams, mackeral, kippers, and pickled herring?

>> No.15447742

In the future, we have soylent deenz.

>> No.15447777

What about vobla?

>> No.15447876

I;m thinking about thos deenz

>> No.15448010

Popping a tin open right now. Some cold beers and deenz is my friday night/

>> No.15448061
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these are not good

>> No.15448111
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you VILL eat the deen-flavored bugs

>> No.15448138

It would taste better

>> No.15448424

Pasta with deenz is good, been making it with the Nuri deenz I got for Christmas. Fry onion and garlic in deen oil (red pepper flakes if you want spicy), add deenz and some lemon juice then add to pasta and sprinkle with a little cheese. Most recipes use breadcrumbs and capers, I just didn't have any all the times I made it.

Only other suggestion I've seen is fisherman's eggs.

>> No.15448436

Can't be worse than bumblebee, which tastes like literally nothing and is probably twice the price.

>> No.15448465

For me, it's deenz and cream cheese on crackers.

>> No.15449980


>> No.15450040

reverse google image search states otherwise you cretin

>> No.15450371

This was oddly fun.

>> No.15450383

Beach Cliff is only fit to feed stray cats

>> No.15450396

have you considered looking it up

>> No.15450416
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just passing though

>> No.15450454


>> No.15450461

Fishermen lay eggs?

>> No.15450462
File: 265 KB, 112x112, 1608353669803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Obzen drummer deenzbro

>> No.15450618

I just want to eat deenz outside in the summer again, is that so much to ask?

>> No.15450623


>> No.15450632

Beach Cliff is hit or miss. You can actually google the bar code and see what species and origin the can is on their website. In my experience, when it's been Sprattus sprattus it's been good, but not really a true 'deen after all.

>> No.15450882

i cant seem to find king oscar deenz in any store fug

>> No.15450922

going make fishman egg afer work

>> No.15450956

been eatin these bad boys pan fried with salmon and served on rice. tastes real fine, real fine.

>> No.15451018

Anyone know how to find raw deenz? I wanna try avoiding canned goods but I still want deenz

>> No.15451029

I see them at most fish stores. I never get them because I don't think I'd be able to get the bones soft enough to eat.

>> No.15451035
File: 37 KB, 600x687, 043C4E5F-A65B-4B8E-B626-BB545E8C0079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poverty fish

>> No.15451041

Dunno why so many people here are this obsessed with conspicuous consumption. It feels like Hyacinth Bucket posts here sometimes.

Quick education: if it's good it's good. Affordability doesn't factor into the assessment.

>> No.15451044

all the deenz i see seem too expensive. what are the cheapest deenz you've found?

>> No.15451095

Hmm, that's something I hadn't considered. I'll see if I can find any locally and experiment a bit I guess

>> No.15451112

The UK/Ireland have stupidly cheap sardines. Like a normal full sized tin is only €0.35


>> No.15451155

My current choice is oval can 7.5oz mw Polar in Tomato Sauce. 99 cents.
Very saucy, so plan something that makes use of all that rich oily sauce.

It may be easier for you to find Young's Town or Ligo. These are going to be skinny round cans from the Philippines.

Pacific is different than Atlantic. The fish is probably Saury instead of a proper sardine, and the flavor profile is more suited to match with a bowl of rice than a salty cracker.
Still, if you're a cheap bastard, you might like.

Brunswick is OK if you like the atlanticrap.

>> No.15451451

Yeah, they're salty. :^)

>> No.15451505

made delicious fishmans egg sloppa with cajun seasoning, onion and tomatoes
cant beat the deenz.