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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15428356 No.15428356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I already know about fenugreek, are there any others?

>> No.15428379


>> No.15428388

Milk and massages according to renown experts in the field, the Japanese.

>> No.15428400

She already has G sized boobs but they could always go a bit bigger.

>> No.15428405

F is objectively superior

>> No.15428424

>Implying there's anything tasty about large breasts.
/ck/ is a delicious flat chest board.

>> No.15428451

> not liking DFC
Dumb cu/ck/

>> No.15428467

whats the point of wearing a bra if your an AA cup?

>> No.15428473

I dated a flat-chested girl once. She only wore a bra to give herself some shape. She flatly told me so.

>> No.15428475

I think women do it to conceal their pokies.

>> No.15428487

>She flatly told me so.

>> No.15428501
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Semen. Vaginally.
Wife grew two cups within 4 months and that's not even her final form as they will grow again when milk starts to be produced at the end of pregnancy.

>> No.15428713

I hear a facial helps too. Or is that for skin?

>> No.15428724

>Besamung durch Mundfotze
No idea, I'm not a man of science.

>> No.15428747

Lard. Bacon fat. Cockmeat

>> No.15428887

Congrats anon. New mom boobs are the best. Make sure you try some milk out of the tap. Wait a month or so before you do, the first stuff that comes out taste like dirt. Have her drink a Guinness beer every couple of days. Hopefully she gets to keep them, luckily mine did.

>> No.15428992

AA is a man

>> No.15428998

> Have her drink a Guinness beer every couple of days.
not if you dont want retarded children

>> No.15429003

Os Guinness is a conservative. This could be a pro-nuclear family ad.

>> No.15429012

He's not talking about during gestation. Dark beer is for nursing mothers.

>> No.15429017

I'm not feeding my breastfeeding wife alcohol. The "first" breast milk is the most important stuff for your infant, no wonder it tastes funky.

>> No.15429020

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15429023

It's not, nurturing women can drink malt "beer" which is alcohol free. Alcohol gets into your blood and breast milk is forned from the mothers blood. Drinking it while breastfeeding fucks up your child just as much as drinking while pregnant.

Jesus Christ, I hope your wife didn't actually do this.

>> No.15429031

>luckily mine did
Your mom's boobs or your boobs?

>> No.15429033

There is no need for boobs that go beyond D.

>> No.15429040

I should have been clear. Have her drink the Guinness after the baby is born. It helps with milk production. From my experience buy or rent a breast pump for the duration. She can pump them when they get full. That means you can let her sleep at night and feed the baby. It makes for happy wife that will let you play with those fun bags. If this is your first, prepare yourself for a ton of emotion after the baby is born due to hormone changes. Be patient. I just let mine sleep at night for 6 months. Worked out well and was just a little tired at work sometimes. Again, congrats on the baby. I hope it's a boy and named Henrik.

>> No.15429077

>Have her drink the Guinness after the baby is born. It helps with milk production.
Again, alcohol which a woman drinks while breastfeeding still reaches the infant just like when she would have done while pregnant. You are supposed to drink MALT beer, not actual beer. Your woman should co-sleep that allows for far better growth and sleep for the infant as well as preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Bottle feeding is retarded and a child will automatically eat up to 1/3 less if it has to scream till you are awake and reheated the fuking bottle. If you get kids again, don't do it. Women which cosleep with their infant don't even really wake up while breastfeeding, they contantly touch up on the child and support their growing lung function through accustic cues rom themselves.

tl;dr don't a breastfeeding woman drink alcohol, it fucks with the cognitive growth of the infant

t. named ine Siegfried, the dragon slayer

>> No.15429119

You sound like a massive pussy. You didn't really give a kid a gay name like Siegfried did you?

>> No.15429134

You sound mad, I thought you were happy today? Meds need upping again?

>> No.15429293

I'm german. Why shouldn't I give my child the name of something from our national epos which is also the name of my father?

>> No.15429342

>I'm german
Mystery solved. Have you discovered who is the father yet?

>> No.15429397
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At least my child wasn't alcohol damaged in infancy feed by a cuck father simulating bottled motherhood.

>> No.15429399

You mad that he didn't name it "Mohammed"?

>> No.15429460

>Telling a breast feeding mother to drink alcohol.
Retard alert. I hope you're trolling. The alcohol goes straight to the baby.

>> No.15429488

based and perkpilled

>> No.15429750

Fennel, lavender, yams, soy.

>> No.15429758

Make fresh mozzarella from the milk, if she'll let you.

>> No.15430793
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>tfw my girlfriend has B cups but they change to C cups when she visits me (usually for a month) from constant fondling and massaging.
Call me the Milkman

>> No.15430808

You mean that's actually true?

>> No.15430861

Yeah the difference was actually pretty damn noticeable.
Especially to me.

>> No.15430975
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Monitoring this thread.

>> No.15430992

fenugreek does nothing and its effects are pseudoscience
you would know that if you weren't a teenager

>> No.15431011

Europeans are asleep.
Post dick-enhancing food.

>> No.15431026
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>> No.15431060

beer is the easiest way theres no secret , alcohol turns you into a female.

>> No.15431082

Fenugreek helps as well.

>> No.15431086

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooominggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg i'm cooooooooming

i am coomjinggggggggggg im coomign rihgtnow oh goddddddddd im gonna coooooooooooooooooom its coomings

its cooming im cooooooooooooooming

>> No.15431124

Beer is the easy way but it will produce flabbier breasts. Which might be good for titfucks but don't feel as good in your hands.

>> No.15431369

Breastnexus is a forum for natural breast enhancement. Pueraria mirifica and bovine ovary are commonly used. They did not work for me, only made me gain weight overall. They seem to work for some women.
Suction therapy devices exist, but they seem to only work if you wear them for very long periods of time every day (apparently they do work, though, and permanently; there have been legitimate studies on them). The time commitment was so extreme that I couldn't manage it. Saving up for an augmentation. Not trans btw, I'm a cis woman, but I have tiny boobs because God hates me.

>> No.15431400

based flatchest postette

>> No.15431404

>but I have tiny boobs because God hates me.
Don't be disheartened. There's nothing wrong with small breasts; anything more than a mouthful is a waste anyways.

>> No.15431433

What's the point of wearing underwear if you have a small dick?

>> No.15431442

I appreciate it.

>> No.15431462

Hello Hal

>> No.15431464

Also remember that God loves you. :)

>> No.15431504

Bust size is genetics or silicon. Give up. But, whatever you try do, don't make her fat. You will fucking regret it.

>> No.15431557

mother's milk tea

>> No.15431588

I dated a flat girl too. I hate that I'm 40 now and chased titcows my whole life and in the end the flat girls turned out the best

>> No.15431591

Surprised there isn't a kimchi flavored milk tea yet. Feels like every Asian culinary item gets fused with those Taiwanese drinks.

>> No.15431596

Sometimes the nipples get really sensitive. I imagine it’s like the head of an intact dick rubbing against underwear, give and take a few levels of sensitivity.

>> No.15431608

Imagine being a guy with sensitive nipples, ha ha...

>> No.15431651

That was an interesting thread.

>> No.15431659

I didn’t say guys can’t have it, but especially during period wearing one feels so much better.

>> No.15431682

Cake, and lots of it!

>> No.15431710

Because that was a good post, I'll also chime in here - it really doesn't matter that you have small/no boobs. I think it's more of a cultural meme / running joke that guys are all about huge tits. It's better to have a fit body overall and a good personality.

Do NOT get augmentation. I was once crazy about a flat-chested girl, but I lost interest in a big way when she confided to me that one of her big dreams was to get implants. I liked her for The Way She Was®.

>> No.15431987

I know that's just cgi but none of those bras look even remotely realistic. They're supposed to lift the breasts up. Those all look painted on.

>> No.15432001

Hey are you that cool girl that works at Dennys?

>> No.15432011
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flat is justice, i wish i knew that fact in high school though

>> No.15432288

Thank you very much. I may not, I’m on the fence about it. But really, thanks.

>> No.15432311

I was just coming back to add - I think it makes sense to think of the same situation inverted. Guys obsess over having a "big enough" dick, when probably 80% of women don't really care as long as the rest of him / his life / personality are what they want.

But imagine meeting a guy that said he got silicone injections and surgery to add an extra inch to his penis, and you could very easily see/feel the artificiality to it. It would be fucking weird, and it's the same with boobs, even if the latter is common enough to make it "seem" normal.

>> No.15432346

Fuck off faggot white knight

>> No.15432351

Barley, a main ingredient in stout, contains a polysaccharide that increases prolactin, a milk-production hormone.

>> No.15432366

My gf is D but looks like F

>> No.15432375

>She flatly told me so.

>> No.15432417

Whimper louder for me, little bitch. She made a solid post and earned a pointer; definitely doing more for this board than you are.

>> No.15432441

Are there any things that aren't simply imitating birth control?

>> No.15432451

You really think youre gonna get laid huh? Lmfao fucking loser

>> No.15432463

Checked and fake boobas are gross.
Save your money for something important

>> No.15432519
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>> No.15432587

I don't have to.. Although sex life is divine when you find someone that doesn't find it weird or anything

>> No.15432602


>> No.15432621

I keep forgetting that spoilers don't work in /ck/

>> No.15432622


>> No.15432626

What's the point of wearing underwear?

>> No.15432652

dont worry anon, i think spoiler gives your post character :)

>> No.15432691

We don't want our wives growing the same way his did.

>> No.15432696

It was because it's sensitive like my nipples haha and I like to think that the spoiler gives me additional privacy although it most likely does the opposite.

>> No.15432997

Im curious about actually trying this but I don't know what brand this anon recommended in his pic - and I can't find the other he mentioned.

Also, i'm curious as to how safe this is.

>> No.15433067

Whatever you say small dick

>> No.15433073

Checks out. I couldn’t care less about penis size personally.
It has to be this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Raw-Mammary-Breast-Enlargement-Pills-For-Crossdressing-Transgender-Men-/281139851084?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
That image has me curious. I think I’ll try out this regimen. It’s my understanding that those (bovine mammary, fenugreek, red clover) are natural herbs and wouldn’t have any negative impact on the body, excluding some weird side effects—as mentioned in the image, people say fenugreek can make you smell like syrup.
I can’t recommend pueraria mirifica at all. It screwed up my menstrual cycle and I gained something like 5 pounds in a week, no joke. Then I read that it can actually be somewhat dangerous, as it’s essentially synthetic estrogen, and biological females shouldn’t really be shoving more estrogen into our bodies unless we’re deficient (which I doubt I am, because I have wide hips). Got pretty freaked out and stopped taking them immediately after that

>> No.15433088

Don't listen to them. Do it!

>> No.15433106

underwear is a hinderance

>> No.15433143

Dairy and female mammal meat.

Don't let her have soy or beer as phytoestrogens block Mammalian receptors and prevent the hormones from being used.

Yes soy = emasculation is an anti science meme

>> No.15433214

There are so many thigs which increase milk productin, thre is no reason to consume fucking alcohol. If your wife isn't a creatura she will produce mor than enought through simply letting the child suckle.

>> No.15433231

Mine is at 6 months and has only gained 4kg,mostly no her tits. A woman isn't suppod to gain that much during pregnancy, it should be mainl tits and infant weight plus water retenssion which is arounf 7-12kg max.

>> No.15433262
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> It’s my understanding that those (bovine mammary, fenugreek, red clover) are natural herbs and wouldn’t have any negative impact on the body
Don't b retarded. EVERYTHING which has a effect has side effects. All those things are full to the brimm with estrogen. Overconsuming estrogen will make your own inert production cease or at least sharply roll down (similar to guys taking T). You wont rally see any effects long term, if you don't shut oour own production down fully and han add even more. Now hav fucked up your body and future fertility. You will also never be able to dose it accordingly, resulting in a buckt of physicl and mental problems. Womn ar only supposed to take small amounts of fenu if they have bloodwork which shows low estroge levels. And the only people taking that stuff otherwise are sterile faggots for a reason and they still sunset themselves in 41% of the cases.

Imagine fucking up your endocrine health in hopes of growing slightly bigger breasts, sacrificing your fertility. Stop being retarded. Uran, Aspest and aluminium salts ar also natural, doesn't make them good for you.

>> No.15433274

Trust me, flat girls are best girls. nothing turns me off more than a pair of fake knockers, for some reason I can easily imagine myself holding them and finding them too cold cause ynoe, theyre not real. The real shit is being able to lie on a girl's chest. Also hugs are less wierd with nothing between the 2 people, lol.

>> No.15433276

>Yes soy = emasculation is an anti science meme
It's not. There is a reason why menopaus women get prescribed soy pills for their lack of estrogen production. Unlike dairy, your body hasn't adapted to phytoestrogens. If dairy would make you more girl, the indo-europans wouldn't have raided and enslaved all of the euro-asian continent with it and their goats meat.

“Phytoestrogens are highly active in the human endocrine system”
>There is overwhelming evidence in many studies using a ruminant model that phytoestrogen exposure can have significant consequences for reproductive health. The effects of phytoestrogens depend on many various conditions such as dose and route of exposure because these parameters impact the final serum level of the bioactive compound. Moreover, the timing of exposure is critical in determining the phytoestrogen-induced effects and different tissues have species-specific windows of sensitivity to morphological and functional disruption. However, the most important issue connected with phytoestrogens is the fact that they are more and more commonly recognized as therapeutic compounds. Therefore, it is crucial to examine carefully the effects of these chemicals on reproductive outcomes using animal models that replicate human exposure levels.
>In spite of many limitations in conducting well-designed human studies, information gathered from already published ones combined with the large number of animal studies already available, clearly demonstrate that phytoestrogens have the ability to influence the reproductive performance of an adult. These findings should be specially taken into consideration when recommendations are made regarding dietary or therapeutic phytoestrogen intake in humans.

>> No.15433285

Oh. I was just going by what the women on the forum said, but you’re right, I was being retarded

>> No.15433314

Don't just take stuff which gets recommended by random people online. If in doubt use brain, if female and unable to do so, use google scholar to find some studies on it. Don't fuck up your body due to such a vain desire. At least not if you ever want kids, which will make your milkers grow either way.

What you could do, if you really can't live with your status quo is induce lactation. No pregnancy requiered. But again, just with mechanics, don't take any drugs for it. Read up on the biological processes which allow it and try to reproduce it. Bt be ware, lactation can make you cease being fertile for the lactation period and your tits will need to be emptied as well as leaking everywhere (bware of sexy time headshots). Personally it's not really worth it, but that would be an option. Your fertility should come back 6-12 months past ceasing lactation (which will be again hard), similar to how women get fertil after casing brast feeding again.

>> No.15433462

Hiding pokies, making the shape nicer, and still even if the boobs are small there is bouncing internally so the feeling of support is nice. I just feel kinda naked without a bra.

>> No.15433467


>> No.15433469

Yawn baw

>> No.15433471

just more cals anon