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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15427625 No.15427625 [Reply] [Original]

Do poor people view eating out as a luxury?

>> No.15427631

Eating out at a good restaurant? Sure

Eating out at McDonalds? lolno.

>> No.15427648

As a poor person, I have an insider's perspective on your question. I view it as a waste of money. I cook better food than most restaurants serve at any price. Since I am not rich and useless, I spent many years learning useful life skills that I apply to my own well-being. I don't want your money or anything that you are selling.

>> No.15427670

Poor people are almost always poor because they're dumb/unskilled and make bad financial decisionslike going to restaurants because they don't know how to cook. Financially stable people usually balance eating out and preparing meals at home

>> No.15427772

they dont because most of them are stupid and waste money on stupid shit like eating out all the time
thats why theyre poor

>> No.15427780


>> No.15427782

I mean, I'm not poor and I recognize eating out as a luxury.

>> No.15427836


>> No.15428137

Growing up on a teacher's salary, yeah. We went out to eat maybe once a year and it felt like a luxury to me (I don't know what my parents thought).
Yeah man fuck my dad for wanting to teach people and my mom for wanting to be able to raise her children well. What bad decisions by them.

>> No.15428412

>had multiple kids

Fuck your mom too

>> No.15428421

I am skilled enough to prepare my own meals.

I am not a child anymore that needs to eat what other people make.

>> No.15428448

Sour grapes.

>> No.15428466

>I’m too poor to go to a restaurant
>I cook better food than most restaurants serve at any price
>I spent many years learning useful life skills
How can such a gifted chef be poor?

>> No.15428478

Growing up we would only go out to eat on Friday nights when grocery shopping. I always thought we were poor but turns out my parents were just really cheap.

>> No.15428490


>> No.15428582

Wife and I have a combined income that is over 75th percentile in the US and over 85th in our city. We almost always eat out about once a month, each having a 5-10 dollar appetizer, 15-20 dollar entree, and 1-2 drinks. We generally eat out a second time, usually something small like sushi, 2-3 rolls each at 5 dollars per roll, and split a bottle of sake. During football season I order pizza and wings at my buddy’s sports bar once or twice a month, and some beer. We don’t drink as much now because my wife has been pregnant or breastfeeding on and off for the last 6 years. I think we eat out a lot but we eat out less than our friends and colleagues.