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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 996x699, school-lunch-castillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15427197 No.15427197 [Reply] [Original]

If you ate school lunch what were they like?

>> No.15427208

Average at best.. My school always served popcorn chicken, salads, and local pizza.. so you always had an option if it was a shit item like their hard as fuck pretzels.

>> No.15427216

Dunno. Never ate school lunch even once. They smelled bad though.

>> No.15427222

If you ever had a burger from an ampm convenience store it's a lot like that.

>> No.15427228

prison meals unironically look better than most American school lunches.

>> No.15427234

I was in school right before Obama. I guess it was alright, pretty much on par with frozen shit you can buy at the grocery store.

>> No.15427255

I mostly just remember the jump in quality/quantity going from elementary school to jr. high. Every day you had sub sandwiches (always the biggest line), pizza, burgers, fries, mexican and a daily special that could be something like grilled cheese and tomato soup or chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. It was all cheap shit but still enjoyable. You could also buy sobe drinks, little debbie snacks and yogurt in another line.

>> No.15427273

Why are school cafeterias even a thing?

Can't your parents prepare you a boxed lunch so you don't starve for 6 hours?

>> No.15427276

I remember there being rice at least 3 days a week with an assortment of fifth rate meat. Only way I could scarf it down was by salting the rice to give it some flavor. The milk was delicious though, cold as ice and fresh. The fish sticks were fucking great as well and I still haven't found the recipe for them. The problem was just that we had either undercooked rice or overcooked potatoes most of the time.

>> No.15427286

The fucking smell of turkey burger day will never leave my memories

>> No.15427294

Part of it is unironically just a money-grab/employment-game on the part of public schools. Another part hearkens back to the old tradition of schools being more than just places to learn.
As well, nutritional research groups, both governmental or otherwise, often seek participation in programs and the resulting data from schools all around the world. Everything from milk supplementation to fluoride rinses has gone through trials in children's schools (and before you say your favourite catchphrase, both of those examples happened in Japan and numerous other countries).

That said, growing up, I never personally went to a school with a proper lunch program. Most still had food services available, though. The middle school I went to had a program for students to work part-time and receive class credit for home-ec.

>> No.15427296
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I went to a black highschool and they had two lunch lines: one was the shitty boring lunch (which nobody ate) and the other line was literally pizza and French fries. That's it. Every single day nothing but pizza and french fries. The whole year. The pizza was your typical mass produced cafeteria pizza which was typically pepperoni (chopped pepperoni, never sliced). But, lads, the french fries were the most delicious fucking greasiest pile of sloppa ever made. Years later I could compare the fries to Five Guys in terms of the greasiness but the flavor was so much better at the ghetto cafeteria.

Now granted this was early 2000s before school lunches became healthy but to this day I don't even know how that was legal to serve pizza and french fries every single day of the school year.

And it was fun to see if you could catch the lunch ladies not paying attention and grab an extra cup of fries and put them in your jacket. Good times.

>> No.15427313

Usually bad. I, along with a lot of other kids, would just skip lunch most days. One time some people came to the school to ask us how the lunch is, and the staff kept telling us that we need to look like we're eating it and tell them that it's good.

>> No.15427355

Just like the stuff in pic, except it was all bland and when you took a bite it tasted like someone farted in your mouth

>> No.15428011

It's literally the same company so yeah

>> No.15428025

They were alright, not groundbreaking, but I never really remembered a school lunch that was strictly bad.
For about a year in highschool I only ate the salads, and that was nice unless they were made with shredded lettuce
No idea why someone would want to eat a salad with taco lettuce of all things

>> No.15428029

A friend of mine swears that when he went to college, they had a special "calorie spray" for lettuce on the salad bar because so many girls had eating disorders and would only eat tiny salads for lunch.

>> No.15428030

Middle school had popcorn chicken and Cajun fries

>> No.15428070

I was homeschooled, lunches we're usually nachos, chicken strips, or deli meat sandwich.

>> No.15428074

Imagine standing in a breadline for half of lunch then having to eat like an animal without chewing

>> No.15428077

Dem rectangle pizzas
With dem little cube-shaped pepperonis
Laughing at that little faggot who actually picks regular milk over chocolate
Fuck yeah childhood

>> No.15428082

If it was a secret, how did they know to eat tiny portions dumbass

>> No.15428163

I dunno about other schools in the UK but we had something called Pasta King which had some pretty nice Pasta Sauces (chicken tikka, chicken torino, bolognese, spicy sausage). The chicken tikka wraps, square pizza slices, hamburgers and breaded chicken baguettes were good too. I’m from the norf aswell so quality isn’t guaranteed but I was fed pretty well in school.

>> No.15428288

It was never particularly great, but it was food and it was hot (or at least warm).
When people tell you that it's prison food tier, they're not lying. It's basically the same thing. But that doesn't mean it's unpalatable.

Of course I was in school before Michelle got her hands on the menu.

>> No.15428308

I loved them. Never had an issue with them. Only problem was a social one, all the "cool" kids had packed lunches. Loved the dinners, loved the puddings, loved the salads.

Gypsy Tart, jam sponge with coconut sprinkles and custard. Semolina with jam. Chicken curry with rice. Roast beef with roast potatoes and veg. Sausage, chips and beans. Fish fingers, mash and peas. Salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot, onion and boiled egg. Lovely stuff.

>> No.15428352

That pic was taken during my time at elementary school, so that should give you a hint.

>> No.15428369

in grade school i would go home for lunch and sometimes my mom would have mcdonalds for me or it'd be something tastey my grandmom would make while i watched Arthur waiting for my half hour is up so i'd have to walk back to school

>> No.15428411

Well after Obama you sure as hell didn't get that many tots.

>> No.15428423

I went to a boarding school so I ate school food for about five years.

Apart from breakfast, it was pretty decent, we'd even get the occasional barbecue during the summer.

But I miss the jam sponge cake so much. I have no idea how something so simple was so good.

>> No.15428518

Are you talking about the same thing I was a couple of posts up? Sponge cake with a jam topping and coconut sprinkles on top?

Even if you're not, I agree with you. Why that pudding isn't available in shops is a mystery.

>> No.15428519
File: 627 KB, 650x812, twice baked mashed potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you ate school lunch what were they like?

Class of 1986 here, and in high school the cafeteria served a “crazy bread” that was fucking awesome, it was around 8”x4” and wonderfully cheesy and greasy and back in elementary school it was this twice baked mashed potatoes, that consisted of an ice cream scoop of mashed potatoes that was baked on a cookie tray until it was lightly toasted then sprinkled with paprika, while the Macomb Community College cafeteria had a HUGE and tasty farmers omelette with hashbrowns and toast that was only like $2.50.

>> No.15428528

Just eat 2 orders of fries and a couple pumps of buffalo sauce everyday. Our school fries tasted like McDonald's. But then Obama's tranny "wife" took all our fries away when I was a junior.

>> No.15428585

Class of 2000 here. What I remember the most was actually in Elementary school in the 80s. This huge plain cheese pizza but the top was so full of cheese and just a dash of tomato sauce. Ultra crispy flattened crust.

I remember lunch during elementary school was 75c and then it went up to 1.15 but those who were poor only had to pay like 50c? I might be wrong there.

There even was a steak day every couple months. All the steak came from cattle on my neighbors farm. Literally fed the whole school and one not too far from me. You just can't seem to do all that great stuff these days.

Do they even still do dissections of rabbits and pigs in middle schools anymore?

>> No.15428599

The most you dissect in a highschool/middle school nowadays is a worm, a sheep’s eye, and if you’re lucky a frog or something. Mammals are more of a college or AP bio thing, and the school has to have some pretty good test scores for AP bio to afford buying a bunch of dead cats.

>> No.15428603

Yeah, that's it. Wow.

I had totally forgotten about the coconut sprinkles.

>> No.15428609

At my school there was a separate snack line that served a big thing of fresh fries for a dollar and most kids I knew that didnt bring a packed lunch would just go there and eat french fries for lunch every day

>> No.15428617

Literally worse than prison food. At least prisoners can sue the government if they're unhappy with the food, us kids were too stupid to complain.

>> No.15428618

Incredible amounts of children are abused or neglected under the radar and would be malnourished if not for their schools feeding them, this is another reason behind it

>> No.15428625

Average and mediocre. It wasn’t high quality cuisine but nobody minds having it and I’m poor so I get it for free. It’s reliable and doesn’t deserve bashing

>> No.15428627

>us kids were too stupid to complain

>our parents sending us to school
>”you have to go no complaining”
>”I don’t want to hear anything from the school today”
>”I don’t care if you don’t want to go, you have to and there’s nothing you can do about it”

Gee I wonder how we got it into our heads to sit down, shut up, and “quit ‘yer bitchin’ nigger”

>> No.15428629

>poor people problems
I, for one, am glad we as a population have decided to preserve every single last element of our populace in order to assure MAD as overpopulation looms over us like an obese grim reaper.

>> No.15428649

Most of them are mediocre at best.
The only good foods are the sloppy joes but they barely have them once a month.

>> No.15428652

Turkey gravy day. And rectangle pizza day

>> No.15428659

I'm all for people being accountable for their own wellbeing but young kids that drew the short straw with their parents are not among a group that deserves to suffer and be left to their own devices

>> No.15428675

I can't even lie I liked it, and I had shitty New England rust belt whatever ny and nj are school lunch

we had this chinese chicken thing, was like dark meat and white meat fried but one time at lunch someone said "horse knuckles" and i could never eat em again

Another time we had these lovely chicken nuggets with duck sauce and we never had them again

Pizza sticks were lovely

>> No.15428676

We had 3 options: Rotating school lunch of the day (chicken patty, pizza), another line for bosco sticks, and a salad bar. You could also get uncrustables as your main meal, but all the meals came with a fruit and milk. There was also basically a mini party store in the cafeteria where you could go in and buy Monster energy drinks, candy, Little Debbies, whatever, it was as big as a small gas station and even had floor to ceiling drink coolers. We also had an additional snack counter where you could buy more candy and snacks. There were ALSO vending machines everywhere. ALSO, the breakfast was really fucking good, it was good quality cheese/sausage/egg/biscuit sandwiches served so hot they'd almost burn my mouth and you could get those or poptarts/cereal with milk. I was poor and had reduced lunch so I would go to school early and get breakfast for free and then I'd get lunch for 45c shit was so cash. I wish I could get a kid to smuggle me out one of those sandwiches again they were VERY good

>> No.15428685

My school just got ‘restaurant’ foods and served that for lunch.

Burger day was McD’s or BK, pizza day was Pizza Hut or papa John’s, they’d get subway sometimes, or get catering packages from other restaurants around town.

>> No.15428687

>Macomb Community College cafeteria
I've taken classes there at the university center
It's creepy to see people so close to me on /ck/

>> No.15428695

Remember the frozen malts? Why does ice cream not taste like that?

>> No.15428697

>let kids from poor, uneducated families grow up to be poor and uneducated
>except now for each pair of poor people there’s 5 poor kids
>and each of those kids pairs off and makes 5 more babies
>what is overpopulation?

The problem is that the overpopulation problem is practically built-in to providing for poor people. Then the welfare system literally incentivizes having more kids for bigger checks, and it’s a wonder every poor family doesn’t have a dozen or more rug rats. If our school systems weren’t over-extended, run by cripplingly retarded near-geriatrics, and substituting money for real actual educational improvements - then maybe providing for all the poor would be worth it. Currently, we are just throwing money at a dumpster fire and watching the rats pour out, all the while claiming feeding the fire is keeping the rats warm.

>> No.15428700

Ranging from bad to okay. Anything with fish(except for fish sticks) was always terrible, for some reason.

>> No.15428710

>le overpopulation meme
fuck off you absolute idiot

>> No.15428715

The way you describe it makes your school time sound pretty dope

>> No.15428727

Most kids would eat from the snack stand. They sold giant fresh baked cookies for 30 cents a piece but they wouldn't open it until everyone in the real lunch lines were served.

>> No.15428733

I think eating school lunch turned me into a non-picky eater.
t. latchkey kid

>> No.15428740

We may have not reached global population capacity but we have definitely reached far and above maximum population density in certain regions, which is evidenced by human health suffering (mental illness, drug abuse, pollution, bad diet, etc).
Further, “human maximum capacity” for earth is a human population we DO NOT want to reach EVER because humans would have to walk on egg shells ON AN INDIVIDUAL SCALE, NOT AS A POPULATION in order to avoid dying. One single bit of unusable land rendered means someone is going to starve. We wouldn’t be allowed to have children freely. It would be hell. Pretending that humans can just freely reproduce until we reach Earth’s population cap. is a fucking stupid notion, fool.

>> No.15428746

We had 2 lines. One was the lunch of the day that changed daily. The other had burgers, chicken sandwiches, pizza (pizza cost an extra 25 cents) or premixed salads. Both came with fries and some kind of canned fruit or pudding in a little plastic dish. You had to get the sides, if you didn't put one on your tray they would refuse to let you pay for your lunch and sit down so most kids would just throw away what they didn't want before sitting down.

>> No.15428755

Remember when they would have the vanilla milkshake flavored cartons? Why were those so rare?

>> No.15428762
File: 301 KB, 680x500, Ole_Burrito_BeefandCheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school had a chili cheese variant of these things that they sold for $1 each at lunch ala carte.

I've never been able to find them anywhere since, I've searched for 20 years. They were phenomenal.

>> No.15428766

Typically when doing chemical testing on children the dosages are applied at fixed intervals; depending on the drug, it can be anywhere from years to hours apart.

>> No.15428790
File: 42 KB, 571x800, Lunchroom-Peanut-Butter-Bars-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate a ton of these, but they'd make them with even more chocolate, like an equal part peanut butter to chocolate.

>> No.15428994
File: 72 KB, 960x720, oven baked chikin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meal was the best and most filling.

>> No.15429170

Pretty good for cheap food, stop bitching.

>> No.15429185

It was pretty good, I remember my favorite meal were the breakfast pizzas. That changed though when the Obama healthy food initiative. Then they substituted most of the foods with "healthy versions."

>> No.15430400

chicken patty was the best, bread bun was awful, hamburgers only were OK when I hit highschool and they cooked them more well done although gas station burgers were better. Usually they would be greasy. Tater tots were standard. Sometimes they'd give us mozerlla cheese sticks wrapped in pizza dough with a cup of marinara to dip them in, those were considered good when I was a kid even though looking back they are disgusting. Fruit cups were OK, apples were shit. I think they'd serve instamash sometimes but I don't remember it. Veggies were boiled and unseasoned with anything so they tasted awful. Pasta I think they did medium shells with red sauce, always overcooked but decent compared to whatever else they served. Boiled flavorless porkchop and applesauce cup was also to be avoided. Hot dogs were decent, buns were still the same shit as the lowest quality flavorless crap. Grilled cheese was decent. I say decent but that's really only when you are a kid and don't know better.

Not sure why but all our lunchladys were usually morbidly obese.

>> No.15430417

Lunch ladies steal the food. The weight is a sort of insurance against the grinding poverty they live with

>> No.15430437

Barely warm, bland shit that was simultaneously dried out and soggy. I was a poverty kid with free lunch so I used to sell that shit to fat fucks who liked it and wanted more then just buy shit from the vending machines.

>> No.15430467

it was alright, mostly salty/cheesy/greasy junk that would hit the spot if you had skipped breakfast.
Once in a while though they would server this awful "caesar salad", and I could never help looking at the retarded kids struggling to fork huge dark pieces of lettuce into their mouths, getting creamy dressing all over their noses and chins and shit. It ruined my apetite and was the original reason I started going out and making friends during lunch.

>> No.15430468
File: 92 KB, 492x661, 1382033556513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ate school lunch. I took my own until high school and the I saved my lunch money to have the seniors buy me pints of bourbon and pall mall's. I regret nothing.

t.45 yo Gen X loser

>> No.15430523
File: 39 KB, 754x394, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ate because it was too awful, but here is what it looked like

>> No.15430575

Other way around: School observes girls eating tiny leaves of lettuce for "lunch" and sprays shit on it to increase calories so they don't starve to death.

>> No.15430585

Pretty good actually. Great fries, ok pizza, and ok burgers, plus plenty of junk food from the vending machines.
t. Gen X before the Obama "healthy school lunch" craze

>> No.15430638

I'm a millennial and the healthy lunch shit JUST started in the year I graduated (2008). I'm so fucking glad, too, because the cafeteria food went from something I looked forward to every day to absolute garbage that I preferred just skipping lunch instead of eating.

>> No.15430661

They had a few banger items, but those were few and far in between. My favorite thing was this wannabe famous bowl. It was better before obama presidency because we still had full fat chocolate milk and a vending machine.

>> No.15430677

They did it to make the ensuing generations weaker too. No offense, but haven't you noticed that Xers are either in shape or fat as fuck, while your generation is either too skinny or just fat as fuck?
Anyway, glad you didn't have to endure crappy food.

>> No.15430691

that dude has a giant piss stain on the front of his pants

>> No.15430707

I'd always blame michelle obama and everyone called me a schizo.

>> No.15430712

This guy has a giant piece I think. Sauce?

>> No.15430718

In the 80s and 90s, somewhat like a tv dinner. my school had decent, non corporate subs that could be bought for a few bucks extra, and you could always steal shit from the snackline because underpaid lunchladies gave zero shits about narcing on you unless they flat up hated you.

>> No.15430731

>flat up
"flat out"
Also in my area if you didn't pay ahead of time with a card or cash, you starved. No if ands or buts.

>> No.15430748

straight up/flat out.
Same shit. Maybe school lunches are to blame.

>> No.15430763

You said "flat out", dough.

>Maybe school lunches are to blame.
Of that I have little doubt. Gubbermint lubs uzz.

>> No.15430768

*flat up
See, my brain tried to protect me.

>> No.15430783

I blamed Michelle Obama and literally everyone in my class agreed with me and we all hated her for taking away the good pizza and fries and replacing them all with tasteless cardboard.

>> No.15430788

So how did you guys cope? Did you bring your own food?

>> No.15430806
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 27874780101332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related with ketchup was kino

>> No.15430814

I stopped eating lunch entirely. I was too lazy to pack my own food so I just pocketed the lunch money and didn't tell my mom.

>> No.15430822

I went to jail once and it's frightening how much the food there reminded me of school lunch.

>> No.15430828

In your defense, keeping lunch in a locker sucked or having to carry it. Hope you bought something nice with all the lunch money for the year.

>> No.15430837

If you want to really blow your mind, look into who makes the schools and who makes the prisons.
Oh no they're the same entities.

>> No.15430898
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, KPGIDQ7NSBCPUJWEPJUPDZSNJY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was super picky as a kid and I remember that my favorite thing they served were called "dunkers" or something like that and it was literally just cheese on an open hot dog bun, served with marinara sauce. Pic is kinda related, but I remember it being just a kraft american slice. The shredded makes it look more fancy. But I loved the hell outta those.

>> No.15431540

for me
>12 dollar subpar burger and fries
why yes, B.C canada! how could you tell?

>> No.15431575

I've never had the school lunch, but my classmates used to complain about things being soggy and the apple sauce being warm. In my opinion the pizza didn't look good, but they liked the pizza. There was also this kid that claimed she can't drink white milk, but chocolate milk was good. So she then requested that everyone in the class reward her with Chocolate milk every Friday.

>> No.15431774
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>> No.15431797

Is that a cookie or a burger patty

>> No.15431822

Food they feed to zoo animals. Pun intended.

>> No.15431905

It was a breakfast sausage patty, this was commonplace at my shitty public school.

>> No.15432160

While that kind of sounds like something someone with an eating disorder (mental illness) would imagine, the precedent for supplementing nutritionally deficient food is there. I was more talking about it in the sense of how, in OP's image for example, that bun is probably made with enriched white flour and that reduced-fat chocolate milk has added vitamins.

>> No.15432171

Welcome back, wet cardboard patties. Brrrr.

>> No.15432263

>I was in school right before Obama.

Can you please refer to him as his official title; Nigger Faggot

>> No.15432279

how is he keeping that beer up... oh... I see. Its with his dick.

>> No.15432293

why do yankees get free gubberment meals in school and then complain that they are shit. Just pay for your kids meals if your that cheap. Your already saving on tuition for the schools because your too cheap to put the kids in private schools.

>> No.15432304

Did we go to the same school? Mine was the same and we also had Nacho Day every Wednesday in which the lines were always filled. We also had a day where we had Asian food and Hispanic food.

>> No.15432317

>why do yankees get free gubberment meals in school
School lunch isn't free, what the fuck are you on about? Only super poor kids get free lunches as part of welfare programs, everyone else pays for their food. It's basically sold at-cost, so it's not super expensive, but it's not free. Whatever the hell gave you that idea in the first place?

>> No.15432320

>Only super poor kids get free lunches as part of welfare programs

this needs to be cut. No free food for orcs

>> No.15432326

Not as bad as people say.

>> No.15432350
File: 3.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15432361

School lunch isn’t free in the US. Your parents get a bill at the end of the month. If they don’t pay, you get in trouble at school. Since they have to feed you, they make you wait until last (wasting your lunchtime) and then give you the bare minimum lunch of like a piece of bread and water. Some schools will make you “work it off” by having you clean tables or serve the food or some shit. It’s actually a really terrible situation, and they ought to just raise taxes to offer free lunches.
You can get a subsidized (free) lunch but only if your parents file paperwork proving they make like no money. I know people who make like a buck more than the cut off (it’s really low) and have to pay for lunches because they “make too much” and it sucks, too.
But even if it were free, so what? Still your tax dollars so yeah you should complain if they’re wasting your taxes on crap.

>> No.15432369

That looks good.

>> No.15432406
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My favorite was when we had this focaccia+cold-cut+chicken noodle soup line open. Other than that, it was pizza, 90% of the time, which was nice and browned.

>> No.15432476

Based, inner city highschool was fun as fuck

>> No.15432538
File: 18 KB, 640x230, C552768D-C648-4262-B405-9625073A0373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those basketball Americans who were bussed in early to eat breakfast at like 6 am in the cafeteria

It was always a carton of milk and/or a carton orange juice, a sausage and egg biscuit, a McDonald’s tier hash brown, and in the winter they had styrofoam bowls of grits. The P.E coaches would always hangout drinking coffee in the cafeteria while the kids ate their breakfast.

Now that I think about it, I think they gave out thanksgiving meals to the really lower income kids, like the school was closed for thanksgiving but the buses still ran so the poor kids could eat a thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.15432555

>5 drug dealers in every class. weed, coke, pills, whatever

>> No.15432593
File: 45 KB, 474x489, FB17AA49-F943-4216-B8E8-B35E9DD7E992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in P.E
>class was fucking huge, like 100-120 kids since it was an elective and any kid in any year could sign up
>coach just told us to run around the gym and do physical activity while he recovered from his hangover
>a kid a year below me would sell any drug to anybody who asked. Kid had the reefer and pills (which I’m assuming were either his ADD meds or his parents prescriptions)
>like he would walk around the gym and ask other kids if they wanted drugs.
>kids at lunch would talk about selling their meds

>that 20 year old who got arrested in class
>those girls in crutches who got in a crutch fight in the cafeteria
>that kid who brought a handgun to school

I hated every second of it, but looking back at it it was based.

t. Went to a southern inner city public school in the mountains

>> No.15432669

>fresh green vegetable
Holy shit now that i think about it idk if my school ever had leafy greens in any way. Shitty steamed broccoli once in a while maybe, but i mostly remember canned green beans and other canned veggies.

>> No.15432752

>Your parents get a bill at the end of the month.
At our schools you brought cash to the cashier at each lunch.

>> No.15432760

>(focaccia + cold - cut + chicken) noodle soup
Can someone do the math on this?

>> No.15432762

america sure sounds like a wonderful place

>> No.15432803

My highschool has 3 lines for lunch. A sub line, normal lunch line, and pizza line.

No one ate at the normal lunch line unless it was teriyaki nug day. Teriyaki nugs were, are, and will always be based.

>> No.15432846

Never heard of teriyaki nugs but I gotta make those at home sometime now

>> No.15432851
File: 29 KB, 600x445, 6badbaf89b92f6164a67271fb9faba8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>went to public school in USA
>food is as awful as everyone saying it is
>my school had a snack bar separate from the cafeteria lunch line
>you can't go to the snack bar unless you've been through the lunch line
>i would grab a tray and get in cafeteria lunch line but only grab a drink or cookie or something small and tell lunch ladies i brought my lunch but just needed to buy a drink
>proceed to snack bar line
>spend lunch money on slushies, soft pretzels, snack cakes, ice cream, generally healthy fare like that

relatedly, who's old enough to remember those dumbass pic related bags of milk?

>> No.15432862

chalupa and calzones were like the #1 cuisine here in los angeles (90s/00's). milk was cooler when it was bagged. coffee cake for first recess (nutrition) was goated.

>> No.15432880

I have a fond memory from high school.
We didn't have free lunches here but we did have a cafeteria.
However, at the end of lunch they would take all the leftover fries out of the deep fryer, slather them in gravy and set them out on the tables.
Me and my buddy Curtis used to wait like vultures for this bounty, then chill out and eat fries and gravy while skipping class.
Good times.

>> No.15432919

do u still talk to curtis

>> No.15432920
File: 51 KB, 900x960, cHKfn8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't horrible, and I was in a relatively low income rural area. It was basically all shit you could get at the grocery store that's meant to keep for a while. Canned vegetables, canned fruit in syrup, frozen shit like fries, yeast rolls, nuggets, etc. I don't know what the meat was, frozen or fresh. I think it was mostly fresh though, burgers might have been premade frozen patties, but the roasted chicken didn't taste frozen. Huge batches of spaghetti made separate, with the noodles sitting in the serving warmer in the water, and separate canned sauce, so it'd always be watery as fuck. I graduated 2004 and lunch was like under $2 so it wasn't like it was a ripoff or anything. I've never been in prison to compare, but it was about the same quality as mess hall food in the military, just with less options.

>> No.15432958

your weird little school isn't the us. half of that shit ive never heard of and most of the rest you exaggerated to hell

>> No.15432963

Yeah, he told me you're a fuckin loser

>> No.15433074

What? I never got in trouble for not paying my school lunch bill. Meals were like $1.50 and breakfast was a buck, I graduated in 2003. We just had a card linked to a little account that you paid in advance and they wouldn't even care until it got like -$10. My parents just gave me a $25 check every month to pay for lunch.

Even though the cashier lady would bitch at your for being negative in your account they would still give you lunch.

God damn, I sound like a boomer

>> No.15433226

glad u still talk to him anon that’s good to hear bro proud of you I hope you and curtis are doing well

>> No.15433286

holy shit here I am 20 years later and I can perfectly recall how everything in this picture would taste and smell

>> No.15433303

Anyone have chicken tender Tuesday? My buddy and I would split it and mix every condiment and make the ultimate dip. Tenders and fries for like 4 bucks. It was always good. I would try to stick with what I made at home though. I pocketed my weekly lunch allowance. Used it on new albums. Simpler time bros...

>> No.15433327

Class of 2020 zoomer here - nah, nothing in middle school, especially not that big. High schools just do the standard frog dissection in bio (generally 9th/10th grade). I went to a hispanic school and a couple of the mexicans got their frog privileges revoked for throwing them at each other kek

>> No.15433334

They were so bad i just ate the salads instead, and those were basically nothing but old lettuce

>> No.15433342

Very pleasant actually. Despite what a lot of normies say.

>> No.15433344

Then do somethin about it. Oh wait, you wont cause you a bitch

>> No.15433464

Very low quality food outside of the little bit of fruit or little bit of chopped lettuce that showed up sometimes. I just brought my own most days

>> No.15433481

This wouldve happened even without school lunches, although it probably accelerates the problem. Junk foods and fast food are easy, available, and delicious. On top of all those extra calories people rarely ever bother eating something thats nutrient dense like liver, fish roe if they can afford it, or even just a bit of fish for omega 3 cuz those foods smell funny compared to a donut

>> No.15433485

my highschool had a somewhat legit caf, turkey clubs? grilled cheese with bacon..? that's all i got. i dropped it, as a kidd... nah i barely remember sorry anon i dropped the ball

>> No.15433572

Went to public school in Taiwan until HS. Food was brought to the classroom in large containers. We brought our own bowls/containers and chopsticks/silverware and lined up, cafeteria-style. Different menu every day, usually local. Steaming hot white rice, a meat dish, two vegetable/other dishes, and soup.

Shit was good. Some days were better or worse, but the baseline quality was decent and it was legit food. Cooked in large batches off-site by a third party and delivered in (somewhat) heat-proof containers.

There was a pretty reasonable lunch fee each semester.

High school in US: I vaguely remember options for pizza, tots, and maybe some kind of sandwich/salad of the day? Motherfuckers would drench their food in ranch. I think you had to buy lunch separately each time unless you qualified for free lunch.

>> No.15433587

As obsessed as you people are, you sure don't do a lot of research.

>> No.15433591

They were absolutely disgusting so a lot of people in our middle/high school just went to buy a sandwich from one of the 10 bakeries within walking distance.
t. Frenchfag