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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 531 KB, 2172x1448, Sandwich-AvocadoBLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15426547 No.15426547 [Reply] [Original]

Toast + thin layer of brie + layer of ljutenica + a slice of schwarzwald ham. Cheap and good.

>> No.15426561

I don't eat gluten, as they are the cause of my depression and brainfoggyness.
Wish there were tasty substitutes for sandwiches.

>> No.15426589

Italian roll, sliced turkey, pepperoni, sliced pepproncinni peppers, lettuce, tomato, swiss cheese, salt + pepper, Italian dressing.

>> No.15426616
File: 141 KB, 1000x667, On-Rye-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15426625

Gluten doesn’t cause depression, you moron. Take some Prozac and eat a sandwich

>> No.15426633

I don't believe """"science""".

>> No.15426636

Cold cut turkey, avocado and bacon is the GOAT. I dont know why it's so good, but it just is.

>> No.15426646

Maybe you’re a depressed slow thinker because you don’t eat gluten. Ever think about that? Huh?

>> No.15426650
File: 157 KB, 1080x1620, slow-cooker-french-dip-sandwiches-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French Dip

>> No.15426667

eat a sandwich, trust me your depression and other sever mental issues you have demonstrated in this thread will go away. also get some sun and get laid.

>> No.15426673

I can assure you my quality of life has improved considerably after I stopped eating gluten. No more bloating and no more dramatic mood swings.

>> No.15426674

you sound like a woman, which you will never be

>> No.15426676

Oh, so you’re just a loony woman. Gotcha.

>> No.15426681

I'm not a woman, but it's funny that you have to resort to unsubstantiated ad homs because you've run out of lockuments.

>> No.15426684

butter, ketchup, meat, cheese

>> No.15426689

>dramatic mood swings
These are much more common problems for women than men hence the assumption. You would know this if you ever spent time around women.

>> No.15426723

>I have conditions that improve when I stop eating gluten
This is the level of intelligence I have to deal with because of wheat industries.

>> No.15426745

When you type out things like you’re part of a Boomerbook mom group, people are going to assume you are.
>brain fog
>mood swing
>going gluten free magically cured all my symptoms!
That is exactly what female gluten free communities claim. Did you receive a formal diagnosis of celiac disease from a doctor or are you just being retarded?

>> No.15426747

This but also with salami and some light mayo on the side.

>> No.15426752
File: 199 KB, 656x874, CTGA7DSWM2UYJ2EGXHTZG64CYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deenz + capers + tomatoes

>> No.15426762

Would hate to smooch you after that sammie hahaha

>> No.15426785

Trust me he's not smooching anything regardless

>> No.15426790


>> No.15426791

No that anon is just rightfully giving you shit cause you're a massive faggot who came in this sandwich discussion blogposting about your foggy woggy bwain. Nobody gives a fuck about you

>> No.15426830

>like you’re part of a Boomerbook mom group
Not an argument.
>celiac disease
Or, what's inherently much more common, gluten sensitivity. The fact that you jumped straight to an auto immune disorder means that you have 0 knowledge on this subject.
>rightfully giving you shit
I came here to mourn the loss of my ability to enjoy sandwiches and asked for gluten-free alternatives that were reminiscient of traditional sandwiches.
It was the people replying to me who derailled the discussion about sandwiches into a discussion of effects of gluten for non-celiacs.
Does mentioning "All these candies make my mouth drool, shame I have diabetes!" derrail a thread? It usually doesn't.
Now when a bunch of lower-minded people come along to challenge that very obvious claim, the thread successfully gets derailled.

>> No.15426836

My wife would disagree. Besides she is the person who showed me you can do a lot more with them than just put them on salads

>> No.15426837

Holy fuck dude, it’s not the gluten you’re just a huge sperg

>> No.15426848

Can you fuck off out of the thread about fucking sandwiches with your gluten bullshit? Nobody fucking gives a fuck about your gluten allergy or whatever. This is a thread about SANDWICHES.
Not your gluten mood swings.

>> No.15426875

>Can you fuck off
I'll share a protip with a newfag with you just because I am feeling generous.
If you feel like giving your hot take on an innocous subject and don't want that thread to get derailled by it, try to refrain from giving it.

>> No.15426876
File: 23 KB, 489x423, 256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom's PB&J when I was in kindergarten

>> No.15426879

this is your brain on gluten

>> No.15426911

Maybe you are allergic to gluten

>> No.15426932
File: 183 KB, 1200x800, eibrötchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread roll, eggs, remoulade, lettuce, chives and some pepper.

>> No.15426966

Do you have a gluten free version of this?

>> No.15426977
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 933666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not real anon

>> No.15426989

layer of pepperoni, layer of cheese, second layer of pepperoni, microwave it to melt the cheese, put it on some toast with pizza sauce, garlic powder and onions. Ate this like twice a week in uni when all I had was a microwave and a toaster.

>> No.15427008

Turkish bread, sliced turkey, bacon, brie, avocado, red onion, baby spinach

>> No.15427032

too much gluten

>> No.15427038

I'm gluten free too. I get gf Turkish bread

>> No.15427043

That isn’t bread, glutard

>> No.15427094

Ok, I eat
>sliced turkey, bacon, brie, avocado, red onion, baby spinach on "not bread"

>> No.15427111

I guess you could put it in a lettuce wrap or something but It would be pretty messy.

>> No.15427120

you can make bread from other grains too glutelet

>> No.15427122

How do hold that together without bread? Wouldn’t that just be like a deli salad or something?

>> No.15427125

I use my hands retard

>> No.15427131

You just scoop all the food off your plate with your hands?

>> No.15427164

Why would I need a plate? I'm holding everything

>> No.15427183

>hands full of loose of sliced turkey, bacon, brie, avocado, red onion, baby spinach
That sounds messy. Maybe make a sandwich or something.

>> No.15427598

For me, it's a good ol' belto. Bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato, and onion. Add a little mayo and be sure to toast the bread and you are good to go.