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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15423476 No.15423476 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best brand of Japanese curry roux?

>> No.15423491

I like kokumaru. don't get the hot version btw, it lacks the depth of flavor of the mild

>> No.15423774

Make your own roux.
Golden curry is the best tho.

>> No.15423808

Glico, hot or medium.

>> No.15424046

definitely golden

>> No.15424063

Wont people just choose the one brand that they tried?
>Golden curry is the best it is the only one the supermarket has so its the only one i tried xD

>> No.15424109

What shitty supermarket do you go to that only has one brand?

>> No.15424116

Java curry is apparently very good but I can't find them where I live. Everything else shown in this picture is also pretty good, I can't really tell which one would be the "best"

>> No.15424342

It's insulting to call japanese curry curry. It is spicy gravy

>> No.15424813

3 tablespoons of oil (not vegetable oil, peanut or canola)
1/4 cup of flour
3 tablespoons of curry powder
1 tablespoon of garam marsala
2 teaspoons of salt
~1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper if you want a bit more heat

Heat oil until it shimmers, roughly 350 F. Add flour and stir for 2 minutes. Add spices/salt and stir for another minute. If you want it to be Japanese style, add a tablespoon of honey or 3 tablespoons of apple sauce.

>> No.15424910
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Golden is good. Vermont Hot is my
To me, Java tastes like a pot of curry upon which an autistic kid with a spice cabinet was released.

The manufacturer says Vermont is good for children and pussy ass faggots (pic related). I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.15424920

Insulting to who? Streetshitters? SEAniggers?

>> No.15424930

My usual is House's Vermont Curry but that's mostly because it's the easiest to get my hands on, I have to go to an Asian store or order online for anything else. I liked Golden, I want to try Java but I can only find it online and it seems inordinately expensive. Probably because of the current state of things.

>> No.15424945

Protip: you’re supposed to add meat and vegetables. That’s why the packages say “sauce mix”.
You’ll be amazed how it compares if you’ve just slurping a bowl of sauce.

>> No.15424969
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>spicy gravy
i.e. curry.

>> No.15424987

tried all of them and java is by far the best.

>> No.15424993

Okay boomer.
See >>15424910

>> No.15424996

Can you describe the flavors for each and every one and why you like Java the best?

>> No.15425030

java is very flavorful and rich, with a deeper umami flavor than the others. the vermont ones are more or less the same to me. they have the same texture as vermont but less flavorful in every aspect, mild is sort of an understatement i would call it bland. kokumaro is alright it's a good base if you want to just add your own spices.

>> No.15425076


Fuck off with your memes.

>> No.15425149

>is meme cuz I say
You must either be a woman or a homo to believe “omg but what does some other random person think?” is something the rest of us worry about.

>> No.15425279

not a meme just a flavor you schizo

>> No.15426161
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>> No.15426176
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The undisputed curry king coming thru

>> No.15426182
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>undisputed king
Me on the right, making my smug face at just how wrong you are.

>> No.15426205

It better have banana in it

>> No.15426209

curry is akin to shitslop, its vile and i refuse to eat it

>> No.15426215

I like Golden Hot (or Extra when I can find it). I never make curry as a stew the way most Japanese do, but I make curry sauce to be laded over chicken katsu and rice. I've found they key for any of these is to find your brand's weakness and compensate. I don't really keep curry spice around and don't make it often, so blocks are convenient.

I start by frying minced garlic and ginger in some butter, than adding a grated carrot, half a grated onion, and sauteeing for a few minutes over medium heat. Add water or stock, bring to a simmer, and add your curry blocks. Simmer for 10 minutes, add grated apple, then 10 minutes more. Taste for seasoning, and I usually correct with dashes of soy sauce and worcestershire. All the veg adds texture, but being grated and minced means you don't get big chunks, and you get a fresher taste from the apple than something like Vermont.

>> No.15426235
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For me, its gotta be the Sonic the Hedgehog curry.

>> No.15426981
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why does /ck/ call japanese curry watery?
you can literally make it as thick as you desire.

>> No.15426998

Golden Curry is epin, lads

>> No.15427010

I dunno, maybe it's some SEAmonkeys who usually get the stuff in a retort pouch or something?

>> No.15428010

He made a mistake.
He bought an inferior product
He's never actually eaten it.

>> No.15428110

I use golden since I find it compliments my fried pork better than the other brands.
I sautee onions and some garlic, deglaze with some stock, add in frozen peas and chopped mushrooms, add the roux cubes, then add a dash of soy sauce, a dash of honey, a spritz of old coffee, and a tbsp of bbq sauce to add some tangy zest to it.
Goes fucking exceptional on Katsu style dishes over rice.

>> No.15428147

the one that sells food for white people and weird import shit is limited to a single shelf near the pasta.

>> No.15428252

>To me, Java tastes like a pot of curry upon which an autistic kid with a spice cabinet was released.
Vermon hot is my favorite as well.

>> No.15428422
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I would recommend this product to anyone who likes JAVA.

>> No.15428673

Does anyone actually eat this mix of palm oil, MSG and salt while overpaying 20 fold for that shit?

>> No.15428938

Found the retard.

>> No.15430013

considering you need to actually chop and cook shit in addition to the packet these daily forcerd threads right next to the ricer cookers, japmayo and chilli oil its all just ultra larping from weebs.

>> No.15430319

LARP would imply that they're actually doing it.