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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15423167 No.15423167 [Reply] [Original]

>are sardines good for you?

>> No.15423239

sharky sharky lookin for the YUM
sharky sharky feelin so GLUM
sharky sharky thinking about what life MEANS
sharky sharky thinkin bout them DEENZ

>> No.15423248

they would be if 99% of "deenz" in the market weren't some unknown sucker fish or god knows what else raised in an unsanitary mongolian yak farm.

>> No.15423266

Source or fuck off back to r e dd it

>> No.15423275

how can it be a yak farm if they're fish

got you good you little faggot

>> No.15423288

>me trying to approach women

>> No.15423300

>how else would a yak farm dispose of several tons of yak poop
Think logistically fren. The deenz eat the poop.

>> No.15423303

Anon, I have to admit that this is exactly what I expected from you - a small-minded, smug moron who is unable to put the tinniest of efforts into any thought, much less his own, and only knows to express himself (as if you even have a “self”, lol) through trendy memes and 4chan opinions that have already become his innate reflexes, not an action in which he has any dose of demonstrable autonomy. Enjoy the coming psychosis, you poor, poor thing.

>> No.15423306

>imagine typing this

>> No.15423336

pretty sure all commercial deenz are wild caught.

>> No.15423351

But are they sardines?

>> No.15423356

says so on the tin.
it's not like they're difficult to find or catch.

>> No.15423381

Yes. I thought it was a /fit/ meme but damn it after eating them for a few months I felt better. That was years ago and I still eat at least four cans of week. Only good quality, virgin olive oil packed.

>> No.15423438

holy based

>> No.15423478

What types of sardines should I try if I've never had them before?

>> No.15423486

The ones that cone in tomato sauce

>> No.15423517

I was going to recommend these thai chili deenz that I like but I realized they use sunflower oil.

>> No.15425083





>> No.15425120
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>> No.15425129

I like king Oscar with some 'basco on top

>> No.15425292
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thinking about thos deenz

>> No.15425457

Might be wrong but I was under the impression that canned food should be limited to one-two rations per week due to heavy metals

>> No.15425571

deenz are the ace combat of food

>> No.15425836 [DELETED] 

Wow fags on /ck/ are vocal about the new deenz thread and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way anon keeps eatin deenz and the whole discussion about canned fish. I guess they were holding out hope for another mcdonald's thread. There's even a petition that's garnered fifteen signatures to have the janny ban deenz posters. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.15426640

deenzbros, what should i do with my oil?

>> No.15426708

Something packed in extra virgin olive oil. EEVO is generally considered the tastiest (and healthiest) oil. Try Seasons, King Oscar, or Wild Planet. Those are mid-priced, decent quality. Do not get anything packed in water or bottom shelf. They can be very mushy in texture and taste very fishy. It'll turn you off if you're not used to it. Good sardines taste like very good canned tuna. Bad ones taste really bad.

>> No.15426713

Drink it. Improve your lipid profile. There are omega 3's in there.

>> No.15426718

that's fake news from Big tuna.

>> No.15426749

>Anon, I have to admit that this is exactly what I expected from you - a small-minded, smug moron who is unable to put the tiniest of efforts into any thought, much less his own
That was an awesome, Arnold Rimmer tier roasting but then you fucked it up and turned into a faggot

>> No.15426751

Boys you gotta try King Oscars mediterranean style mackerel it's fucking amazing

>> No.15426756

You know what? I was gonna stop by the 'Mart to grab some 'Atermelon 'Ountain 'Ew this morning after wrappin' up my 'ight shift but I'll keep an eye out for some "Meddy Macks" while I'm there!

>> No.15426782

Biomagnification of toxins mainly occurs with larger predatory fish. Most species of fish sold as sardines are significantly lower in the food chain than fish like tuna, which makes them safer.

>> No.15426813


>> No.15426814

sup bitches

>> No.15426916
File: 11 KB, 233x203, 020508-gortons-fisherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember a brand of sardines that had a fisherman on the package? The fisherman was wearing this distinctive sort of hat, and overall looked similar to pic related, although in a different pose. Either the package or the fisherman's clothes were yellow.

>> No.15427073
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this one? It's spanish brand vigilante

>> No.15427238

Unfortunately no, it wasn't those. Though they certainly match the description I gave, I can't blame you. Are those ones good by any chance? Just curious.

>> No.15427257

what does that mean

>> No.15427264

ace combat fans are absolute bros (and have excellent taste)

>> No.15427412

I haven't tried those, but their other stuff is alright.

>> No.15427516

That depends on the type of oil
the omega6:3 ratio for vegetable oils they might use is simply toxic.

>> No.15428120


>> No.15428181

Save it in a mason jar in the fridge. When you need to make a salad dressing or just add more flavour to something use it. It will last a long time in there and just keep adding your deenz oil to it. Makes a fucking delicious salad dressing with some apple cider vinegar and balsamic.

>> No.15428800

I just tried Goya sardines in olive oil, can't recommend them. They were worse than my store's brand which surprised me because Goya stuff is usually pretty good. I use a lot of their canned vegetables.

>> No.15428879
File: 77 KB, 640x480, EE676D7F-F07D-4F53-BA62-C58CE2BD5DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made my soup lunch. Who else DEENZ IN THE SOUP

>Can of Campbell’s soup(plenty of options)
> can of Deenz
No dishes.

>> No.15430032
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Jews fear the canned deenz hoarder

>> No.15430175

Learn to greentext

>> No.15430308

I have $80+ worth of deenz on my shelf, plus some yellowfin and salmon. Is that enough to keep the chosen tribe away?

>> No.15431623


>> No.15431662
File: 147 KB, 966x496, KO-USA-anchovy-open-can-overhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'choves > 'deenz

try to prove me incorrect

>> No.15431696

Clearly they're for low IQ individuals if even their advocates can't spell what it says on the tin. I use them for cooking and as a pizza topping and they're great for that but not really comparable to sardines IMO.

>> No.15431752

Nice soijak, fatty.

>> No.15431954

it was a phonetic abbreviation. "deenz" isn't short for "sardeenz"

i find the oil in the anchovies packs a better savory flavor. on a pizza with capers and onions is fantastic tho

>> No.15432066

Deenz makes the same noise as -dines though.
ending with an e like
doesn't seem as organic. Not that I think
is particularly organic either.
>on a pizza with capers
I'm going to have to try that, I love capers but all too rarely eat things that can utilize them. What kind of pizza do you usually throw them on?

>> No.15433047

I just tried to eat a can tonight and they were the saltiest fuckers ever. I couldn't take another bite.

>> No.15433059


>> No.15433287

You need several cans that warm about shellfish.

>> No.15433503

>Deenz makes the same noise

>> No.15433599

>pizza do you usually throw them on?
usually on a Hawaiian, with no ham (I don't eat any porcine products)
Gotta have stuffed crust, with extra ranch

>> No.15433657

Save it for deep-frying fish. After that do throw it away though.

>> No.15433817

dont do this

>> No.15434200
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smoked oysters > deenz

>> No.15434212

ate some deenz and rice after gettin off da night shift
love you deenzbros

>> No.15434216

very based

>> No.15434262

Which bands specifically because it seems many metal bands, especially of the power metal subgenre, are pro ocean life.

>> No.15434280


>> No.15435578

That works.

>Hawaiian, with no ham
Wouldn't that just be a pineapple pizza? Do you put a different meat on there? I like Hawaiian pizza but I can't imagine it without ham.

>> No.15436888
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picked up this bad boy today, never had bela before so i'm excited to try

>> No.15436898

Did you know that deenz is sneed backwards?

>> No.15437867
File: 45 KB, 456x362, 85817688-00A3-4710-9D70-8B9EBC8E84E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor deenz.

>> No.15437898
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I'm glad to see that he's doing well for himself.