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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15420278 No.15420278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this diet /ck/?

My partner is begging me to finally have penetrative sex with her and I'm concerned about making a mess/the smell.

>> No.15420282
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Use a shower based enema hose.

>> No.15420287

I use mine almost every day.

>> No.15420292

i just learned on /b/ that homosexuals often get gastrointestinal worms from all the rimming

fucking wild

>> No.15420296

That's why they need the rope lol

>> No.15420298

Who told you that shit? Jesus christ the internet is poison. Worms from warm fish, warm meats. You can lick an asshole all day without that shit happening. Unless you have an unclean partner, which is rare.

>> No.15420306
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>> No.15420308

jesus christ. Stop licking poverty ass. I've licked so much ass I should get an award. No parasites. That's just fucking ridiculous.

>> No.15420312
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>unclean partner, which is rare.
stop lying, you guys eat each others asses out and do A2M all the time lol

imagine licking some dudes shitpipe

>> No.15420315

I'm straight, dumbass. But maybe men are vile.

>> No.15420316

One article from three years ago saying "I can't be the only one" does not exactly prove there's an epidemic of it.

>> No.15420320

Ive done it several times and rarely had a problem. Maybe I’m just lucky. It’s really not my thing desu.

>> No.15420334

I'm thinking that its people who get warts all the time and infections. I couldn't live in dirt people world and survive.

>> No.15420347

how would that even happen you retard? kys.

>> No.15420391

ITT butthurt (no pun intended) homosexuals because the rest of the world discovered that they often have worms because of all the feces eating

>> No.15420399

You live in some central or south american country, don't you? Dirt people.

>> No.15420404

How can your partner penetrate you if shes a she?

>> No.15420411

there are lots of worms that lay their eggs in the folds of the anus, making it itch. Then at night the homo scratches his worm egg infested asshole. when he touches his mouth the next time, the cycle is completed. if the gay partner starts rimming him at night or ingesting feces from sucking cock that's been in some worm infested shitpipe before, they get worms. many such cases

>> No.15420413

Based asslicker doing gods work

>> No.15420414

You've never had sex with a woman. Fingers go right up the ass. Tongues too. Get your prostate massaged and learn how great it is.

>> No.15420417

>Fingers go right up the ass
Thats gay you faggot

>> No.15420419

That's gay as fuck kys

>> No.15420424

Because you're 12 and never had a wife. No adult thinks that.

>> No.15420425

gay people are super nasty apparently

>> No.15420427

My wife won't eat my scrum.

>> No.15420440

Welp, enjoy being a Mormon or whatever the fuck you are. I've been having sex since I was 16 and everyone eats ass.

>> No.15420441

Are you not aware that many women have penises? It's 2020.
Some men need a special diet so they can be penetrated by their primary partner (woman (male))

>> No.15420453

Most normal adults think that. youre a degenerate gay faggot.

>> No.15420456

You fucking people have never shared a real relationship. Anal goes both ways in a straight relationship. This is like talking to cabbage. You fucking people are just kids.

>> No.15420466


>> No.15420476

yeah, so gay. 10 hetero relationships spanning 20 years. So. Im' sure you're more experienced.

>> No.15420503

stop fagging up this place with your faggotry

>> No.15420509

keep saying fag, it might stick. You fucking kids are essentially worthless. You're so much garbage.

>> No.15420511

gay people cause problems wherever they are

>> No.15420517

proof for the many such cases?

>> No.15420521

You're going to end up in prison for the capitol attack. You're just that kind of piece of shit.

>> No.15420524

straight pwople transmit worms just as much as the gays though. I think you might be the source for all those problems anon.

>> No.15420528
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>> No.15420534

I've eaten a lot of ass and I've never even thought about parasites. I was more worried about parasites from sushi and sashimi.

>> No.15420540

Can't pass 1 min without mentioning "politics" can you?

>> No.15420549

faggots seething

>> No.15420561

That's all I ever do. It wasn't your screwed up asshole post.

>> No.15420603

seethe and cope
You will never be with a woman(female)

>> No.15420617

tell that to my failed marriage.

>> No.15420619

>Having doubts about sex outside of marriage
It's God telling you not to, buddy.

>> No.15420631

why would a mans ass be more likely to transmit worms?

>> No.15421755

>which is rare
Homos are nasty

>> No.15421795

>putting your peepee where literal shit comes out of
Why? Only the mentally ill make any sense of this. The pussy is infinitely better, why would you do this?

>> No.15421844

If his partner is one of them black folk then the argument goes both ways

>> No.15422641

nah your just a fuckin degen. If you're a dude and enjoy things up your ass, you are gay.

>> No.15422652


>> No.15422662

Someone post the Nicoado pic. You know the one

>> No.15422683

>meanwhile jannies delete threads about tipping or posts with the n word after 10 minutes

>> No.15422693

Or they ban you for arguing with commie Chang shills