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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15418075 No.15418075 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t African food getting any traction in the west?

>> No.15418096

I've often wondered this myself. I see a fair amount of Ethiopian restaurants, but not much else. Had a few Ghanaian places but they are always really unconventional in how they are located or established (for example one operated out of a church basement next to a daycare). I'd love to see more west African food. Miss kele wele and fufu, bros.

>> No.15418106

there aren't many Africans opening restaurants in America. compared to maybe chinese and indian.

>> No.15418108

Ethiopian food kind of is, but it's kind of odd that other cuisines haven't. Especially Nigeria given its large population and increasingly large diaspora.

>> No.15418111 [DELETED] 


>> No.15418116


>> No.15418127

What exactly makes that African?

Indian food is shit because it's just different colored poop.

>> No.15418161

Because modern Africa food is pretty much just your standard western food where we have the, corn rice yams chicken and beef and they cooked it in very simple ways I guess the spi is are unique

>> No.15418205

The immigrant communities are small and heavily slanted towards highly educated people - not that they don't know how to cook regional dishes from home but they are more likely to work in white collar jobs in their discipline, they tend to be products of the brain drain of their home countries. On the other hand refugees don't usually have the money to start a restaurant, especially one in a nice neighborhood that seems inviting to people who have no idea what any of the dishes even are.

Chinese immigrants for reference have entire endemic support systems of community banking and people who will help you set up a restaurant - advising you how to navigate the legal hurdles to get going, what dishes americans like, help you get menus printed and getting you deals on furniture. My godfather grew up in China and worked tangentially to this little shadow industry in Boston and it was really interesting to see entire bus lines, financial systems, medical systems etc. all set up to help people get lives started in a new country.

>> No.15418228

too many black people here

>> No.15418249

I dont think you have indian food, you have american/euro slop passed of with a indian label.

>> No.15418266

its a bunch of food with indian spices. how isn’t it indian? except made without any ganges shit river water

>> No.15418275

>corn rice yams chicken beef
literally nothing about that is western tho

>> No.15418291

UN/Red Cross food rations aren't exactly haute cuisine. :0

>> No.15418307

Because it’s shit? Most of Africa the food is just like unseasoned yams or simple grains. Ethiopian and Moroccan food is based tho

>> No.15418326

Based retard

>> No.15418344

nobody wants to eat mosquito burgers.

>> No.15418350

I had "curry" made by white people the other day and that shit was literally just beef stew.

>> No.15418356
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how about mud biscuits?

>> No.15418368

I have an Ethiopian place that I order from regularly, and I had a Moroccan place I used to frequent very regularly before the rona. I loved both of them and my girlfriend's dad, who lived in Ethiopia for several years said that it's by far the most authentic Ethiopian food he's had in the states.

>> No.15418372

Boston Chinatown used to be based.

>> No.15418374

y'know given a couple of decades I wouldn't be surprised if it does. you see it in little bits and pieces but as current trends fade and the thirst for novelty continues, I could see it playing a role at least if current demographic trends continue. Indian food is only currently making its inroads throughout the country, "Mediterranean" has been around for so long and yet is only now properly "in vogue". One day. From my experience it's actually pretty tasty, most notably a friend of mine married into a Kenyan family. The food was delicious, honestly what might hold it back is that a lot of the foods (not all, but plenty) were quite similar to other stuff you already know and love, with minor differentiations. There was a dish that might as well have been literally pico de gallo, various samosas, some stewed meats.
lotta insight in this here post, though.

>> No.15418383
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im not sending them 5 dollars a month because they are black anon...

>> No.15418391

>American Corn
>African Food

>> No.15418399

Because good African food is actually Indian and Durka in origin.

>> No.15418400

based 15thcenturyposter

>> No.15418419

Because they don't curate an inclusive atmosphere. The feel like when you go into shops, but they ain't just shops. I dont know why I am there for food I dont eat from people I can't talk to that dont look like me. How is that supposed to gain traction when it only accommodates the usual customers. And westerners worry that contamenent awareness and hygienic responsibility may not have been held to a western idea. Sorry anon

>> No.15418433

And your local markets into are all in your language and are stale af. Otherwise, I'd clean out the Asian market and halal store as well as afrikaans and whatever my American body can glutton upon. Try hybridizing with local trends. If you are the community, be a fuckin member.

>> No.15418434

friendlier than mexicans. at least if you're putting money in their hands, they'll actually look you in the face.

>> No.15418491

Mexicans are the ones who taught me to cook when I was a kid. They kind of helped keep multiple generations of my family out of poverty.

>> No.15418492


>> No.15418516

y'know I do apologize for painting with so broad a brush. I just had very bad experiences living in a mexican neighborhood, most of what I took with me from those years was an attitude of tribal territorialism. less people asked me for money on the street there, but I could feel the seething contempt for white faces nearly everywhere I went. it's hard to forget.

>> No.15418525

So fucking cringe when people say
>X or y food can’t be cooked by anyone ever except X or y people!
You’re not special and neither is your food. It’s literally just spice-stew. Get over yourself snowflake.

>> No.15418538

No fucking way. Did they set up some kind of stall to sell shit out of using the bed of that broken down pick up truck? Fucking topkek

>> No.15418555

Now now, that's Haitian food.

>> No.15418587

>It’s literally just spice-stew.

Generally if you get half of the recipe wrong, its a failure.

>> No.15418602

>X or y food can’t be cooked by anyone ever except X or y people!

Also this isn't what I'm saying at all. Japs are some tasteless mofos but their curry is sweet and flavorful. This was just an instance of very bad curry.

>> No.15418637

She's got quite a bit of fat on her, I'm assuming those mud biscuits have quite a caloric profile

>> No.15418641

That’s called a Haitian loft lol

>> No.15418648


Because it's garbage

>> No.15418806

Speaking of African cuisine, unironically is there a way to get say 100-200 kg of elephant meat (including liver if possible) shipped to the US? Legally of course, or you know w/e. Seems impractical but I need to give it a shot for reasons bros.

>> No.15418823

They have in the past at some points but it's always a dice roll whether something will catch on and be a trend.

A lot of African food that's unique still falls within being overly similar to Indian or middle eastern foods, so when you open up a restaurant it doesn't really stand out as well.

There's one other factor I've noticed. Africans in my city who might open a restaurant seem to do so closer to more black neighborhoods, because like other immigrants they initially think of marketing their food to fellow immigrants.

Meanwhile others will open theirs where white hipsters are more likely to see them or pass by.

>> No.15418827

It is though, there weren't any African restaurants in my town until a decade ago. Now there are a few and some African grocery stores.

>> No.15418833

African food is just shitty middle eastern food.

>> No.15418834

>Indian food is shit because it's just different colored poop.
t. tastelet

>> No.15418836

Who would have thought that random stew and flatbreads present in many cultures in the word would fail to impress anyone but the most ardent fans of montezumas revenge

>> No.15418839

No one eats elephant. The only people who ever would are dumb white sport poachers. But mostly that's too icky for them, they just want a trophy.

>> No.15418848

It's slowly taking off because Africa itself is slowly taking off. Like others have said, Ethiopian is already fairly big, but other regional cuisines are starting to take root too. I give it about 20-30 years before you start to see it really become commonplace, kind of like how sushi was common on the West Coast in and some major cities the 50s but didn't fully take off in the US until the 80s.

>> No.15418853

because we can only handle one epidemic at a time

>> No.15418866

okay pooplet, tell me who different spiced up poop is better than a burger.

>> No.15418871

The monkeys seem to have discovered the wheel. Quite intriguing indeed.

>> No.15418903

Don't bullshit blackanon. Literally everyone and everything that eats meat will eat megafauna, including black africans, anon. It's official legislation in South Africa, included in their Animal Improvement Act. It's very popular in Central Africa and West Africa, but that shit is often illegal. This is especially so with rich black urbanites, probably LARPing in some autistic way or doing god knows what kind of voodoo tier shit with remains. Anyway I heard about this from a black African who said he had eaten elephant meat from an elephant that was hunted. It was legal, no problem, a rare occurrence but it happened. Now I can believe the hunter was white and the conservation people were white, but this isn't a white people thing (unfortunately). Rhinos are part of that legislation in South Africa too btw.

>> No.15418911
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It's not getting any traction in Africa either

>> No.15418913

I like burgers a lot, but Indian food is great too. There are tons of different Indian cuisines and dishes, maybe try some different ones?

>> No.15418934
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>> No.15418998

Fantastic post.
That's Haiti, not Africa.
Ethiopian, Ghanaian etc. restaurant-owners tend to be incredibly friendly; either you're autistic and self-conscious or the restaurant owners in your area are douchebags.

>> No.15419816

because people in the west dont know africans eat food

>> No.15420375
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it's not up to you

>> No.15420379


>> No.15420415

I ate at an African restaurant once. It was very "rough", for lack of a better word.
It was basically a big pile of yellow rice like in your pic with two massive drum sticks on top of it. Might have been turkey, don't remember.
It wasn't bad honestly, just really basic and kinda primitive.

>> No.15420436
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>noooooooooooooo! My cuisine is very special and you have to use the right spices and it has to have the consistency of pig swill or you dont get the right taste! Urgh.

>> No.15421713

based avenged sevenfold shirt

>> No.15421726

Nobody likes diarrhea and Aids.

>> No.15421830

Based and currypilled

>> No.15421845

Pretty sure westerners think of lions eating whatever whenever they think of Africa and food. There's apparently people there.

>> No.15421849

because we are stupid racists and have a lot to learn

>> No.15421943

haha you're obviously not white because why would anyone give a shit about mexicans feeling inherently inferior

>> No.15421950

the whole ethopian thing is completely forced "new trend"...you try it once because of the buzz and then you realize it's fucking dog shit...literally no one ever craves ethiopian food or goes out for it more than one time

>> No.15421952

Now the entire metro area is a giant Chinatown. Not so based anymore.

>> No.15421958

lol cambridge is chinatown

>> No.15422077

>all set up to help people get lives started in a new country
Wouldn't they be forever indebted aka slaves tho

>> No.15422089

>you try it once because of the buzz and then you realize it's fucking dog shit...literally no one ever craves ethiopian food or goes out for it more than one time
You must have gone to a shitty fucking Ethiopian restaurant then, I live in a town without it right now and miss it a lot.

>> No.15422096

no. you don't. literally no one does. every fucking ethiopian restaurant is shitty.

>> No.15422106

> highly educated people
That cant be true as were talking about Africans

>> No.15422105

>Telling me what I think
Based autist that can't imagine people having different opinions.

>> No.15422109

Nah fuck you cunt, I like it too.

>> No.15422114

yeah, but you don't have a different opinion. you are just lying.

>> No.15422117

>Everyone that disagrees with me is a liar
Not sure if autism or schizo.

>> No.15422120

i like mcchickens too. sometimes. i also know it's shit.

>> No.15422126

ok you're not lying you're just larping as a retard then whatever. still doesn't change the fact that ethiopian food is dog shit slop that no one thinks is actually good.

>> No.15422127

Africans are not the same as African-Americans, and if America is going to open its doors to any African immigrants, they are going to have money and credentials as a prerequisite, and even then you got some 'splaining to do. We take absolutely only their best and brightest, to the detriment of their native population.

>> No.15422130 [DELETED] 

africans hate niggers like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15422131

Ok schizo.

>> No.15422132

Your face is shit you fucking autistic faggot, suck my rusty knob.

>> No.15422138

whip out you little shriveled shrimp dick loser and i just might

>> No.15422144


>> No.15422151

why would anyone try to say they like ethiopian food unless they were lying or were jewish? you've been to an ethiopian restaurant exactly one single time in your life voluntarily and any subsequent trip was because there was a person who had never tried ethiopian food and wanted to eat there for their first experience

>> No.15422155

Who would want to eat African mud cookies?

>> No.15422156

i don't think so i'm pretty secure with my impressive dad cock

>> No.15422157

Does your wife get kinky when she prepares African food?

>> No.15422160

Been to 5 different ones and used to have a regular one that I'd order from all the time. It was like $15 for a metric fuckload of injera and 10 different toppings, would have leftovers for days. Also not a Jew, fuck Israel. Keep telling me how I lived my own life though schizo, whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.15422169 [DELETED] 

>Also not a Jew, fuck Israel.
see you just gave it all away you fucking lying hebrew piece of shit fuck off with your metric fuckload of ethiopian dog shit

>> No.15422183 [DELETED] 

>Fuck Jews
>"You're a Jew!"
Lmao actual schizo confirmed. Have fun imagining kikes everywhere retard.

>> No.15422187

>Why isn’t African food getting any traction in the west?
I don't know, have you heard of African cuisine? Well, neither have they

>> No.15422188 [DELETED] 

stop shitting up the thread moishe no one likes ethiopian food.

>> No.15422199

even ethiopians don't like ethiopian food. if you ever go to an ethiopian restaurant there will be 0 ethiopians eating there and 100% white people trying ethiopian food for the first time.

>> No.15422206
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nando's is south african and I fucking love eating nando's, even though it's kinda portuguese. For a while I order their Nando's bowl at least once a week, mango and lime sauce or lemon and herb are good.

>> No.15422322

haha. so much projection. I go to Ethiopian restaurants all the time and I've never seen more white folks than Ethiopian folks. My group is usually the token non-Ethiopian group a lot of times. It's in a neighborhood that's heavily Ethiopian but I don't know of any places outside that neighborhood that serves Ethiopian cuisine.

>> No.15422355

That's not one of the countries slaves were exported from, wrong coast. Where is your city even getting all these Ethiopians?

>> No.15422366

Not him but Ethiopia's diaspora is growing pretty rapidly in the US at least. Most major cities have small Ethiopian communities now, I can speak from experience that DC has a pretty big one.

>> No.15422533

I know. I saw some of those fuckers chasing geese and scooping up the goslings so they can could take pictures. They also forage for river vegetables on the banks of the Charles. And they catch and eat fish from it too.

>> No.15422602
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So eventually you're gonna have a bunch of chinamen who's brains are loaded down with mercury? Jesus that sounds bad.

>> No.15422664

nobody wants food that is crawling with flies

>> No.15422805
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idk, it the kebabs look good

>> No.15422864

White sport “poachers” arent poachers. These countries sell off select hunting permits to rich af whiteys to fund the habitats and preserves. It’s totally legal and without that income they couldn’t pay the people neeeded to make sure these animals dont fall victim to actual poachers who want to take advantage of the massively expanding chink market for exotic animal parts cause they think it will make their pee pees grow.
So if 12 billionaires shoot 20 lions a year and that nets the sanctuary $3,000,000 to finance their operation so be it.

>> No.15422880

She gets fat on American supply drops of pop tarts and nutrigrain bars. This is just something they do for fun

>> No.15422935

this guy's post >>15418205 points out things that are true for the US, but in France the communities are far from small and far from highly educated. For some reason African immigrants here don't build solid communities like East and South Asians do, and for some other reason even though they're much more numerous and have been here for a longer time than Asians there hardly are any black-owned businesses in France. I can only think of two out of all the places I've been in this country, a Senegalese restaurant run by nice people that I went to once (now closed), and my very friendly but very shady neighbor whose near-empty corner store I suspect to have been a money laundering front (now closed). It's easier to find an Iranian or Argentinian restaurant in France than any African restaurant. I don't think it's overly racist to say they aren't as hard-working and community-oriented as Asians. It's a shame because peanut stews are pretty good and would find the same success as curries or vietnamese soups.

>> No.15422945

Pointing out cultural differences between groups of people isn’t racist.

>> No.15422946

Not that many african immigrants, at least in the part of america I live.

>> No.15422965


>> No.15423006

This is the most autistic conspiracy theory I've ever seen. I go to Ethiopian restaurants because dereq tibs is a god-tier lamb dish.

>> No.15423016

True. Africans hate everyone who isn’t from their own tribal region of Africa

>> No.15423133

There's plenty of african-owned grocery stores in France specialized in importing traditional goods used for their cuisine. There's also a fair share of restaurants although not as much as other nationalities that's right. Depends on your area I assume. The subsaharian african national communities also organize like the chinese, indians etc. with community banking (tontines). If historically the african, either north or subsaharian weren't as business savvy it's because a main share of the ones in France were poached from an agro-pastoral background to become cheap labor, whereas the flow of chinese/indian/odd nationalities were often from mercantile class who did an horizontal change in terms of line of work, unlike people who went from cattle herders to garbagemen or whatever else

>> No.15423489

I'm currently fasting so you could say I'm eating like an African

>> No.15423512
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That crazy chick streamer with big knockers made a video on it and got banned or some shit.

>> No.15423546


It makes sense when you think about the pica problem that black women have where they eat laundry starch (which I think is a substitute for clay)

>> No.15423623

Not him but I think Anon was talking about France, not Paris...

>> No.15423634

>Why isn’t African food getting any traction in the west?
I have never seen one, ever.

>> No.15423635

Holy shit is that really a real thing? Jebus...

>> No.15423639

Went to an Ethiopian restaurant and it was okay at best
Could probably do just as well if I made it myself
Never seen another African restaurant of any cultural group

The thought of fufu makes me want to puke

>> No.15423642

yea it always looks like someone drank from the Ganges then shat on a metal plate

>> No.15423657

>I go to Ethiopian restaurants all the time
no. you don't. stop lying you pink shrimp dick loser.

>> No.15423672

>I go to Ethiopian restaurants because dereq tibs is a god-tier lamb dish.
You don't. And it's not.

>> No.15423677

The CCCP fell over 30 years ago, ivan.

>> No.15423723

the west only cares about rap music and blacked.com, any other aspect of african culture is uninteresting to us

>> No.15423749 [DELETED] 

Because why would I want "food" made by literal animals lmao. I don't want to eat the dead bird that the cat dragged in either.

>> No.15423757

Basketball. Clothes. Jewelry. Shoes. Gang culture. Graffiti art. Dancing.

>> No.15423775

When I lived in DC, some random coworker or out of town visitor wanted to dine Ethiopian.
Utter crap, each and every time. Crap. It was apparently Chelsea Clinton's favorite, blah blah blah, it's horrible. It is poverty food with hard boiled eggs simmered in casseroles that have a sugary taste. It feels like a cook screwed up the spices in every single recipe. All of them. Your eyes say mmm indian food, and then you have sugary spinach that is overcooked til slimy.
And, to eat it? The worst bread in the entire world, teff. Its not a crepe, nope. It's not a pancake, nope. It's a sticky gummy poi flavored stupid utensil you want to spit out. Literally the whole world cooks a cuisine better than Ethiopia.

>> No.15423783

I'm not sure if you're being facetious or genuinely stupid.

>> No.15423790

Bit racist mate

>> No.15424085
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Bit tasteless mate

>> No.15424121

I for one enjoy the tripophobia bread. not sure why it's so polarizing.

>> No.15425124

Nigerians are among the best-educated and highest earning diaspora groups in the USA on par with Asians, this is coming from someone who absolutely loathes niggers.

>> No.15425212

My anus is full of flavor, now give it a lick

>> No.15425215

Depends on the tribe in Nigeria, I know the Igbos are said to be highly intelligent

>> No.15425241

I wouldn't expect a fat hamplanet on the brink of heart disease and death to help anyways now get the fuck out of here with your dumb sonic cartoons

>> No.15425297

Mad nigger

>> No.15425302

It's a sourdough so a lot of people dislike it from that alone, doesn't really have much to do with the teff.

>> No.15425309

It has to be cheap running an Ethiopian restaurant.
You would think more people would try.

>> No.15425313
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It hasn't made any traction in Africa either

>> No.15425316
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Tastes like cum

>> No.15425317

You've never seen the Somalis that got imported to Minnesota. Dumbest ethnicity I've ever met in my life. Almost all of them seem like they would meet the medical definition of retarded. Africans from other countries are generally fine though.

>> No.15425341

Ethipian food is unironically disgusting, I don't know why that shit is as popular as it is in America. West African foods from Ghana and places like that are the shit, though.

>> No.15425369

Those are all the dregs of the refugee camps from Clintons wars.

>> No.15425388

Yes look it up on jewtube

>> No.15425401

Why the fuck would I want to eat spaghetti and raw bananas together

>> No.15425741
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>african food culture

>> No.15425864


>> No.15425927


Ethiopian from what I've seen just doesn't look attractive. The bread looks spongy and it kind of comes across as Indian food but not. That's assholish of me to describe it as such but that's what I see, and I like Indian food/foreign food. Spongy Trypophobia bread instead of Naan or Dhosa and a whole bunch of curry-looking food. Imagine then what the average American whose idea of foreign (non European) food is Mexican (Texmex) or Chinese(American) food.

I'm not familiar with other sub-saharan cusiine but I'd be happy to try it.

>> No.15426059

> It's easier to find an Iranian or Argentinian restaurant in France than any African restaurant. I don't think it's overly racist to say they aren't as hard-working and community-oriented as Asians.

as a second generation immigrant in France (Moroccan) i get where you're coming from, we may seem like we're not as organized, but there are also a few elements to consider :
1) France's restaurant market, at least in the larger cities (which are where immigrants are majoritarily at) is litterally saturated with fast foods : sushis, turkish, french tacos, and american fast food joints. Even white french restaurants seriously struggle when it comes to developing actual businesses that are not large chains (hippopotamus, flunch, léon de bxl etc.)

2) Having lived for a good part of my life in Asia (China, Taiwan, Singapore, and I often visited friends from Vietnam and Thailand), I noticed that Asians are very street food oriented. from hawker centres to night markets, their street food is so cheap you're better off eating outside rather than inside and that's what most people do there. In EA and NA, we don't have that as much. On the other hand, our dishes, and the dishes that you'll see on most nafri and east african menus are actual, full on communal dishes (couscous, tajins where everybody eats from one single huge plate), or just quite technical dishes that you can't prepare quickly nor eat on the go. On the other hand, asian fusion stuff can just be stuffed in a box and eaten with chopsticks (and let's not talk about banh mi or bao buns and other shit that you can just eat with your hands as they're basically variants of sandwiches), and turkish foods are basically grilled meat on sandwiches.

3) see cont

>> No.15426074

3) while I said that we weren't as organized as asians, it's also due to the fact that said communities are just so immense there is nothing to organize on. Networking is about having a few people meet and say they had each other. When several millions of immigrants (for economic reasons, so you basically get the shittiest of the bunch, whereas vietnamese and chinese came for political reasons mostly) come at the same time you don't have much cohesion. Also, accountability is something that you can actually keep track of since rumors travel pretty fast in smaller groups. If a Vietnamese dude tried to screw another one in Chinatown back in the 80s, the whole neighborhood would know of it. Paris is full of fucking nafris, if the same happened he'd just drown in the anonimity.

We used to have tightly knit groups of nafris in Taiwan and S'pore. they helped me out of a pickle more than once and I returned the favor too. I'd never do that to a fellow nafri in france just because he's a nafri.

>> No.15426090

nigerians are hella based i actually bough a n-word pass from one for only $359

>> No.15426103

yeah all of that sound fucking horrible i hope you move back to your country before you get snuffed out

>> No.15426121

Probably because of a combination of factors.

1) most people in the west don’t care about “ethnic” food unless they can verifiably brag about how authentic it is.
2) let’s be realistic; most of the African cuisine that would be considered “good” by people who don’t live there comes from Egypt, Morocco, and Ethiopia (fuck off, starving-infomercialfags, Ethiopia is the only sub-Saharan place in Africa with legitimate traditional foods). In these cases, they NEVER bill themselves as an “African restaurant” because they don’t want to sound like a restaurant that serves Red Cross rice from a sack stolen by a warlord. My city has multiple “Egyptian restaurants“, “Moroccan restaurants”, and even “Ethiopian restaurants”, but not one single place that sells itself as an “African restaurant”.

>> No.15426140

and yet all you /pol/tards would absolutely throw a shitfit if you saw a Nigerian making lox while calling it "Nigerian cured salmon"

>> No.15426175

seethe my brother

>> No.15426185

why would i be seething? you just made a shitskin coping blog post on an anonymous image board....you should try to build a bomb and accidentally kill yourself and your whole family

>> No.15426360

Ate some goat at a little jamaican food truck, it was really good, very spicy too. However, before I ordered, the Mormon looking guy in front of me kept trying to talk to the chef in a really bad jamaican accent and it was pissing the chef off.

>> No.15426436

Where can I subscribe to your blog?

>> No.15426498

Why would we want to eat plastic bottles and tree bark

>> No.15427055

I fucking love boerewors. European sausages can't compete.

>> No.15427061

Where do you think Jamaica is?

>> No.15427181

we don't know shit about foreign cultures.
In order for a cuisine to take off, there has to be one flagship dish for every average joe to latch on to
>broccoli beef/sesame chicken
>tikka masala
and fwiw, carribbean food is basically african food and it kicks ass.

>> No.15427201

but fasting is all the rage now anon

>> No.15427281

Based Moroccan dunking on white supremacists with his insight.