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15417170 No.15417170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15417205

Well... I do like watermelon flavored candy. I don't drink 'Dew very often, but I might give this one a try.

>> No.15417236

fpbp. I'm down to try it.

>> No.15417337

I've had it. Somehow it has the right amount of sugar that it kind of tastes like a slushie.

>> No.15417349

If they made it more like fresca than md, would consume.

>> No.15417382

>I do like watermelon flavored candy

>> No.15417393

Not everyone has the elitist autism of typical /ck/ posters. Don’t get mad he doesn’t only go to 1000 dollar steakhouses and drink expensive alcohol every day like apparently everyone on here

>> No.15417395

Still can’t find the zero version.

>> No.15417406

they have it at Wawa

>> No.15417441

Why does anybody like the artificial fruit flavor of fruit flavored candy? You like some fruit esters more than others when it comes to candy I guess.

>> No.15417448

Just in time for MLK day

>> No.15417478

I work at wawa ours does have it yet

>> No.15417500


>> No.15417762

bitch, kroger near me has had it for a week now

>> No.15418751

Absolutely not a fan.
Well you'll love it then, since it tastes just like that.

>> No.15419163

just got it from wawa this morning, at least the sugar free version. wasn't terrible but not amazing. tastes like drinking watermelon jolly ranchers.

>> No.15419187 [DELETED] 

>tfw I haven't tried it yet

>> No.15419195

It’s okay but too sweet for my tastes

>> No.15419272

It's surprisingly delicious. Not even a nigger, but I think it's the tastiest temporary flavor they've done in quite a while.

>> No.15419277

My first thought trying it was it tastes exactly like watermelon jolly ranchers. It's not bad, but it's nothing special.

>> No.15419278

I'd rather have baja blast zero cans

>> No.15419281

It's supposed to be their new permanent flavor.

>> No.15419346

Wouldn't be surprised if it sticks around, everyone I know who's tried it seems to agree it tastes exactly like watermelon jolly ranchers and it's pretty decent.

>> No.15419366
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i dont see the big deal of this, im drinking one right now. It literally just tastes like watermelon Crush. They did it first too and no one said anything about it

>> No.15419383

Fake watermelon but 100x the sugar. Horrid

>> No.15419389

>It literally just tastes like watermelon Crush. They did it first too and no one said anything about it
They do this all the time, they will take a soda that pretty much already exists and slap their own gimmicky label on it. Whatever makes the shekels.

>> No.15419390
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Code red is my favorite soda. Cherry is always top tier.

>> No.15419425

Literally never seen this sold anywhere, honestly can't remember any big brand selling a watermelon soda anywhere near me so if people want one there's a market for them to corner.

>> No.15419453

I liked it. Has less overall sugar compared to regular dew per 16oz bottle (not by much, but still), while still retaining an enjoyable flavor.

I am a melon lover though so my opinion is mildy biased, but i would give it 8/10. Solid drink and I hope it remains in the Dew family.

>> No.15419457

>Literally never seen this sold anywhere,
i see watermelon crush all the time at my gas station and family dollar

>> No.15419521

it's decent, could've been better though
I hope they do strawberry next

>> No.15419537
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>That timing

>> No.15419645


>> No.15419730

It’s pretty good. Had one earlier

>> No.15419804

This is the best flavor they've released in a while, easily tops white out and code red.

>> No.15419808

Same here bro. Watermelon flavor + dew twist creates the perfect drink.

Only voltage remains higher for me, but nothing can top voltage. Either way, glad to see this as a permanent flavor.

>> No.15419997

Literally carbonated Icee cherry mix... not that is a bad thing.

>> No.15421349

Yeah nah, in my area I've never seen this before, not in gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, nowhere. Crush in generally isn't very prominent around here though. The only flavors I ever really see stocked regularly in stores are orange and either grape or strawberry (they always seem to only have one or the other, rarely they'll have both at the same place). I saw pineapple ONCE I think, and there's one specific ghetto as fuck Philly cheese steak restaurant near me that stocks 20oz of peach.

>> No.15421356

I'd place it about on par with code red personally, definitely better than whiteout. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone likes whiteout or how it beat out distortion to become a permanent flavor.

Baja Blast is still the best variant they've made to date.

>> No.15421357
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>> No.15422475

I don't normally go for a soda, but I always need to try new Dew flavors. It's been hard to come by, but I finally got one of these yesterday at a Speedway.
It's really good. Like someone else said, it's like drinking a watermelon Jolly Rancher. I'm kind of glad I don't run into it so much.

>> No.15422531

Yep, watermelon jolly rancher alright. Pretty disappointed personally, I was hoping for some lime mixed in to give it a little character. At least I still have Voltage.

>> No.15422795

not as good as og, code red, or livewire but not bad.

>> No.15423042

definitely viral marketing in the same vein as the monster zero ultra shills but i'll probably end up buying this if i see it in a store because my will is weak.

>> No.15425206

It's alright. Like all mountain dew it has way too much sugar although surprisingly doesn't taste very sweet.

>> No.15425232

tastes like a jolly rancher dissolved in urine

>> No.15425250

I’m glad MtnDew decided to go with a lighter fruit-based option for those of us who don’t typically drink their sugarsludge.

It has notes of watermelon kombucha mixed with a virgin tiki drink.

>> No.15425591

>pepsi is trying to unite blacks and gamers

>> No.15425627

Where am I supposed to find this shit?

>> No.15425639

Walmart, Dollar General, some gas stations

>> No.15426100

had it the other day
its meh
ill bet there'll be a lot of people who love it. im just not a crazy about it myself

>> No.15426110

Sounds nummy. I think I might pick up 1 if they have it at my local corner store. Man, still at it with my Asian bro who hooks it up with 2 beers on those really stressful days I need to black out and forget everything.

>> No.15426203

i actually bought one at kroger to give it a shot
i almost never drink pop, and i didn't want to buy a whole case of it
it was okay, better than most of the other flavors, noticeable watermelon flavor.

>> No.15426234

It's not bad when you get used to the taste.
Mixes pretty well with vodka too.

>> No.15426240

7/10, It was good but probably wouldn't buy again.

>> No.15426271

Okay. I just tasted it. It's not bad. If you like Jolly Rancher watermelon candy, you'll love this 'Dew.

>> No.15426427

I got the Zero Sugar version and it's pretty solid at room temperature. I didn't like it right out of the fridge, though, so I'm just drinking them right out of the box.

>> No.15426467

Local gas station finally got it in stock, got the zero version. Pretty good, tastes kinda like the Gamer Fuel Zero watermelon flavor with a bit more citric acid which I thought it needed.

>> No.15427980


>> No.15429387

have sex, incel

>> No.15429533

This, but the MTN Dew has that weird bitter aftertaste all their sodas started to have in the mid 2000s. I picked up a bottle just to try it out and couldn't finish it.

>> No.15429573

its an acquired taste, by the third one in the pack I'm hooked. love this

>> No.15429605

Lol. If you've eaten rotting fruits, you'll know....

>> No.15430855

tried it last week. pretty good, would buy again next time i go in for some yummy food

>> No.15431067

would that change a bitter heart?

>> No.15431071

if you wanna put this shit in your body go for it...all soda like this tastes terrible and is terrible for you. if you drink a loot you'll get so fat your peanus will shrink up into your fat foldes...beware

>> No.15431078

what's a fat folds?

>> No.15431130

this changes the reality that i will die one day and it's highly unlikely to be because of how much soda drank how?

>> No.15431152

ur fat boi u cant see ur peanus

>> No.15432192

Man this shit would be fire with some lean famo

>> No.15433135

I haven't yet come across these yet, and probably won't. I have a hard time finding Mtn Dew Zero. There's only 1 store in my area that sells it, and it's practically sold out half of the time. Finding a flavored specialty version will be impossible.

>> No.15433460

Second favorite mountain dew, right behind Baja Blast. The color scheme and artwork on them is absolutely fucking horrendous though. I feel like almost anything else would've looked better.

>> No.15433640

It's pretty good. My big let down I think was that I had the new Monster watermelon flavor first, and that is a little more sour and more to my liking.

>> No.15433665

mtn dew has some of if not the most successful spinoffs / seasonal product lines fucking whatever, that brand kills it with all of its products. Plus I love watermelon anything, natural or unnaturally flavored.

>> No.15433667

nobody said anything because nobody gives a fuck about crush. mtn dews brand is actually relevant

>> No.15433677
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gibes me dat
I haven't had watermelon soft drink since Fanta Sour Watermelon back in the mid 2000s. Sigh....

>> No.15433968

Cool shape

>> No.15435427

>cope and seethe

>> No.15435697

We are the only other group that has the pass.

>> No.15435740

You gotta admit theres quite a few fast food threads aswell

>> No.15435862

I could only find the Zero in individual bottles - pretty good, but they are pretty much the same price as a far superior Rockstar Zero. If they were available in the those big packs of canned Dew I'd definitely pick up a case.

>> No.15436200
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>he doesn't enjoy fake watermelon flavoring additives

>> No.15436261

What I find disconcerting is the state of Major Melon himself.
I mean he's got these horrible open gashes on his melon body and seems okay with it.
He even has a slice of his own body in his helmet band and those shark teeth.
Truly a demon lord from hell.

>> No.15436332
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s'good. both versions.
wish it didn't have so much caffeine in it though.