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15406248 No.15406248 [Reply] [Original]

Is kewpie mayo as delicious as everyone says it is?

>> No.15406264

I haven't made it but I have a recipe written down as it being a ratio of 1 cup mayo to 1tbsp sugar and 1tbsp rice wine vinegar, a real quick google says that's probably fairly accurate, maybe a little more rice wine vinegar. So sounds like a sweeter richer mayo so yeah it's probably good in the right context

>> No.15406279

Ask your mom, it's all over her face.

>> No.15406297

wtf is this shit from fucking mars? wtf are those fucking symbols and shit?

>> No.15406308

Why would they go with マヨネーズ and not メヨネース?
It's Mei-yo-neise, not mah-yo-neize.

>> No.15406313

Because it's not based off of your bumfuck nowhere accent in Flyover Country, USA

>> No.15406319


>> No.15406323

just buy it and try it faggot, it's only like $10.

>> No.15406332

I thought it had MSG as well.
Which makes everything better.

>> No.15406344
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looks like it, I'm sure a healthy pinch wouldn't hurt

>> No.15406350

No. It tastes really funky because of all the MSG. Not worth getting

>> No.15406361
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Its alright, but doesnt last long if you really like mayo.

For what I paid for it, $5, I'd rather use it as tangy topping

If you haven't tried it, and it's not ridiculously overpriced in your area, I would go for it

>> No.15406363

It’s not very good, too sweet, bland, and it’s all you taste when you use it.

>> No.15406368

Literally nobody pronounces mayonnaise with an Open Back Unrounded (English "short o"). It's pretty universally a diphthong eJ (English "long a").
The katakana they picked make it look like they're trying to mimic spelling over pronunciation, which is retarded for a phonetic writing system.

>> No.15406373

>he doesn't know they are moon runes

>> No.15406378

Apparently 4chan can't take IPA notation, you get the point though

>> No.15406384

As if I'm going to listen to some yokel that has never been outside of his own state

>> No.15406388

Not vocaroo bro but https://voca.ro/1ofmLrrzHSPe

>> No.15406395

lost. good shit

>> No.15407450

Shame it got shoa'd

>> No.15407475
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Japs send a lot of white coats to easter european countries in the 90s and early 2000s, collecting their varieties of cherries, strawberries etc .
Kewipie is EE mayonez but with rice vinegar .

>> No.15407494
File: 248 KB, 474x474, kingofkings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Miracle Whip pill. You'll thank me when you're zipping through flavour country.

>> No.15407506

Have you had kewpie mayo though? How it does compare?

>> No.15407517

kewpie is the only mayo that actually goes well with rice

you could unironically mix rice with it and then top with boiled eggs and this would be a solid meal

>> No.15407597

miracle whip is absolute trailer trash tier, come on just squirt mayo on your wonderbread pb&j if you want corn syrup added to your mayo

>> No.15407620

Miracle Whip has a tangy zip that Kewpie just lacks. It's America's #1 sandwich spread for a reason.

>> No.15407629

Are you a Miracle Whip spokesperson?

>> No.15407632

the 23 year old kewper

>doesnt care about nutrition, just squirts kewpie mayo into his mouth all day
>has no spice cabinet, just flavors everything with kewpie mayo

>> No.15407644

In Japanese, the product is pronounced "Mai-yo-nay-zi"

>> No.15407686
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Just an ordinary American with a passion for sandwiches and a desire to spread the good news, fren.

>> No.15407813

Stop eating PUFA

>> No.15407884

It's not ridiculously good or anything, just a bit sweeter than normal mayo.

>> No.15408043

it's very custardy, taste a lot better if you are only accustomed to miracle whip/hellmans

home made is still the beset

>> No.15408405

Post recipe and instructions.

How do I make my own mayo?

>> No.15408418


also add msg

>> No.15408445

I fucking hate meme templates.

>> No.15408454

Oh god no not CORN!
Corn killed my dad.

>> No.15408474


>> No.15408483

>look up
>fish oil is a PUFA and should be avoided
I find it hard to believe any of this bullshit when it is such a hard stance on something that was used as a remedy for centuries

>> No.15408490

oh no I did the appeal to tradition fallacy
regardless, I grew up learning fish oil was extremely good for you and my mom would even give it as a supplement to our dogs

>> No.15408492

It's just a novelty OP. It's for drizzling over their fried crazy street food items. Along with the MSG no longer present in american mayo, it's got very tiny, really just trace flavors of dashi which is the kelpy seafoodish flavor many would consider as tainted and spoiled flavors, light amount of mustard powder that comes across more like horseradish. Rice vinegar vs cider vinegar brings no flavor to the table, and it might have more of it.
Buy it. You'd probably enjoy Mexican mayo more than kewpie. It's got more lime flavor.

>> No.15408503

Mayo isn't supposed to taste like lime, you fuck.

>> No.15408509

>trace flavors of dashi
I think you’re mistaking kewpie with “homemade kewpie” where people add dashi because they’re scared of msg.
>mustard powder that comes across more like horseradish
... what? have you ever actually tried it? Or have you only had the funky US-export version?

>> No.15408892

Its genuinely really good. Everyone here saying it isn't just wants to be the contrarian on an anime image board, or grew up in a trailer and counted their 6 teeth for fun their entire lives.

Other than being expensive depending on where you live, its richer and creamier than most mayo. Works very well as a topping and is quintessential in the Sriracha-mayo combo.

>> No.15408936


>> No.15408949

It's just a little tangy. Nothing special.

>> No.15408968

Flavored mayos are a bit of a novelty to fancy things up. Restaurants are always advertising "chipotle mayo" on spicy sandwiches. Hell, ranch dressing is basically flavored mayo.

>> No.15409059
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I use jap mayo for my egg salad sandwiches, and honestly I like Kenko better for this purpose.

>> No.15409071

t. nigger or white trash
I'll take it to the dump, where it belongs

>> No.15409080

Kewpie is honestly delicious and eggy.

>> No.15409088

based classic meme

>> No.15409104


>> No.15409184
File: 344 KB, 1127x845, mayomayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dip grilled fish in it and eat it.

>> No.15409209

Translation went by spelling and not pronunciation for a good while.

>> No.15409229

The made in USA version doesnt have msg cause its spoopky

>> No.15409237

the baby freaks me out

>> No.15409473

Even thicker products are available.