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15401752 No.15401752 [Reply] [Original]

If saturated fat is really not bad for you, why does every single medical authority in the entire world recommend eating less of it? I know there are studies that say saturated fat is ok, but most studies say it isn't.

Can someone explain this to me. Is it just a big conspiracy theory in your view?

>> No.15401754
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>> No.15401765

I see..

>> No.15401907

It really is a conspiracy. The root of it has always been that they want you to keep eating refined sugars and grains. It's 100% about money for shelf-stable processed junk.

>> No.15401925

1. big sugar gives money to "sciencetists"
2. ???
3. benis

>> No.15401930
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Pork is still unclean

>> No.15401937

>The root of it has always been that they want you to keep eating refined sugars and grains.
They also recommend eating less of these, fat retards

>> No.15401939

>doctor named Mark Hyman
>not a gynocologist
What a waste of life

>> No.15401957

Ketolards are mentally ill, they don't are about the truth, they just want an excuse to keep on chugging lard.

>> No.15401960

scientists will never agree on anything.

>> No.15401975

>they don't are about the truth
they don't think it be like it is

>> No.15401991

But it dont though?

>> No.15402001

Just eat everything in moderation and don't worry about studies. Dietary studies are highly unreliable because they almost always rely on self-reporting and there are so many variables that it's impossible to control for all of them.

>> No.15402007

>Just eat everything in moderation
dude just eat a little bit of this poison

>> No.15402022
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an excuse to bring vegetable oil to the market. now, everything is made out of vegetable oil. every junk food, fast food, processed food of any kind, always made out of cheap vegetable oil instead of saturated animal fat.

>> No.15402023

No poison on earth is so lethal you cant even eat just a little bit of it.
So yes eat a little bit.

>> No.15402026

antisemitic bastard!

>> No.15402039

What's the deal with ketotards and conspiracy theories?

>> No.15402049

its eass, its bads for you but since its fucking tasty the pol-uted minds on here just declare its good for you.

>> No.15402065

food industry hoes mad

>> No.15402075

it's a joke, auty

>> No.15402078

Yeah its crazy. Just because 90% of the sugar and vegetable oil industry is owned by jews doesnt mean the jews are involved.

>> No.15402090

This, pol just blames us for everything.

>> No.15402119

It just means you make shit up.

>> No.15402163

It's because those fats don't go rancid. It works very well with a non-local, fossil fuel dependent global economy. Real food doesn't. Eat your grains and seed oils! Make the rich richer while you don't even get to own land in your own country anymore!

>> No.15402181

>while you don't even get to own land in your own country anymore!
you say that like property tax (rent) is a new thing

>> No.15402183

actually 90% of all sugars belong to the republican party. you hate to see it.

>> No.15402191

Aww, did the lardass walk by a bakery and get PTSD from seeing all those evil carbs?

>> No.15402271

nah he's right. doesnt mean It's a conspiracy though.

>> No.15402274

I don't know if it's a conspiracy but there's definitely a push and a lot of propaganda out there to convince people not to eat meats, fats and dairy.

>> No.15402297

because they are unhealthy

>> No.15402301

mostly because of the environmental aspects these days

>> No.15402513

RETARDS will claim it's some big sugar bullshit, even though sugar has been villified more than ever these days

this is the actual reason look up ancel keys, the farm bill of 1970, AHA in 1961
Proctor and gamble unleashed their biggest marketing campaign for vegetable oils
ancel keys conned the AHA into thinking that saturated fats were causing heart attacks even though his evidence was crap
nixon made growing corn the most profitable thing to grow

a real combination of things that are probably not as unconnected as they may seem

>> No.15402522

They are erring on the side of caution, the same reason they say your poultry needs to be cooked until it’s dry as a board and that leftovers all must be thrown out after 2 days. They’re trying to protect your average dumb pleb and cover their asses at the same time.

>> No.15402526

yeah they “recommend” it yet every single item at the store is now completely fat free and filled with refine sugar and cancerous rapeseed oil. wake up normalfag

>> No.15402530

Not really.

>> No.15402551

>it's not sugar reeeee
Watch the documentary I posted a pic of instead of talking shit you don't know on the internet, you sugar-guzzling faggot retard

>> No.15402580

go back to drinking your candlewax that they tricked you into thinking is edible

>> No.15402581

Cry more, retarded fatass. Normal people will not cry like a little bitch at the sight of an ice cream.

>> No.15402587

Health organizations are not supermarkets.

>> No.15402596

Are you like 13 or something? You clearly don’t understand how the food and health industry works.
“health organizations” lol. Stop talking about shit you don’t know a single thing about.

>> No.15402675


>> No.15402688

Yeah, it can't be big sugar. Big sugar finally got caught after 50 years! Let's undo that propaganda within 2 years.

>> No.15402693

food industry shills absolutely raging itt

>> No.15402749

Ever notice how vegans want the same thing as food processor and pharmaceutical companies?

What a coincidence.

>> No.15402756

i gave you the actual reason
you think the sugar companies are leading the charge against saturated fats... more than their direct competition (unsaturated fats)? Wow, so not only did vegetable oils manage to beat started to a pulp with their propoganda and become , they even managed to get people to COMPLETELY overlook them and shift the blame to sugar when their propaganda was found out.

Guess it'll be a few more decades before people realize that soybean oil is even worse than sugar and absolutely not a replacement for saturated fats. Till then they'll just cut out sugar, think they defeated their enemy, and go back to guzzling soybean and corn oil.

>> No.15402767

Big sugar should have spent their advertising money exposing vegetable oil instead of telling everyone abstract measurements (i.e. calories) make us sick and fat and no particular food is to blame. That was obviously bullshit and makes them look guilty.

>> No.15402888

All I notice is the same desperate ketotard in every thread calling everyone a vegan when he gets called out on his bullshit.

>> No.15402894

The Italians and French eat quite a bit of carbohydrates and remain slim, juts because you refuse to not eat like a pig doesn't make the laws of thermodynamics any less real.

>> No.15402936

Conspiracy? Nah. LDL chlolestorol, which clocks your blood vessels, is mainly produced in your body from saturated fats (and trans-fats). If you eat them in moderation while eating healthy and doing sports to promote HDL cholesterol to counter the LDL one, you're good to go.

Vegetable oils are a mixed bag. While most of them contain unsaturated fats, which are healthy in theory, their Omega 6 : Omega 3 ratio is heavily tilted towards Omega 6, which causes inflammations.

>> No.15402992
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Saturated fat is fine for you, diet is all about the meta of what you're eating. The bad things are and always will be all grains and artificial sugar. Lose that, live longer, end of discussion. Not up for debate, this is reality.

>> No.15403017


>> No.15403041

I am aware that other diets exist, those cultures -usually- grow grains in a healthy manner. I import their pasta. I am in a thread full of fucktards on 4chan who don't know that kraft mac and cheese has turmeric in it, I'm not going to break down regional diets that work for 1% of the planet

>> No.15403047

if I cook, say, something in a fry pan, should I use olive oil or butter? Which is healthier? I also have sunflower oil.

>> No.15403064

It has to do with how hot you're making it, butter and olive oil burn fast and you don't want to heat the oil/fat so much that it burns unless a recipe calls for it specifically for a flavor.

Generally speaking low smoke point shit like butter and EVOO are better for fish and veg, fast cooking stuff, eggs etc. The longer stuff needs to cook the higher smoke point oils you need.

TL:DR Evoo and butter are healthiest when added after the fact, not used as the primary fat to cook with, but it's still always going to be better for you than any 'vegetable' oil, soy oil, canola oil or corn oil. Sunflower at this time is in the middle of the road - as its use goes up the more it will be fucked with by farm companies and it may go the way of soy and corn

>> No.15403083

Sunflower oil is a polyunsaturated seed oil fat and should basically never be eaten.

For average frying, I would use butter before olive oil. Butter has a tendency to burn, but olive oil has an even worse tendency to smoke. Most olive oil you'll buy in the stores is probably lower quality than advertised anyways, and it tends to go slightly rancid over time. Frying with a combination of bkth isn't a bad idea. (Personally I fry with butter, tallow, and coconut oil.)

>> No.15403084

>Italians and Asians don't get fat from their carb-heavy diets because they "grow grains in a healthy manner"
Smoothest brain I've seen in weeks

>> No.15403091

Based retard who doesn't know about corporate farming and pesticides versus local homegrown shit. Go visit Italy some time and see the population that is kept in the stone age for tourist purposes that still stone grind grains faggot

>> No.15403100

>pesticides make you fat
Smoothest brain I've seen in the last 2 minutes

>> No.15403106

That's not what I was inferring, the thread was about 'bad for you' not fat. Plebbit brainlet conflates being fat with all health problems, not replying to you again

>> No.15403109

Because nutritional science is in an infantile state. How much money is invested in actually researching diet vs say cancer therapies? Some jew named Ancel Keys came up with a half baked theory in the 60's and that took off and became the mainstream paradigm. If you want to study nutrition now you're educated into that paradigm. And obiously since you got educated into believing that saturated fat is bad, as well as all your classmates then all educated people will believe saturated fat is bad. And the proof? It's what all the "experts" believe!
They have only just now started recommending less sugar after decades of saying it's harmless and still say your diet should be overwhelmingly "whole grains".

>> No.15403120

How long does lard take to go rancid. I have a cauldron full of lard at room temperature. Its been there for over 3 months and it still doesnt smell rancid. Every couple of weeks i cook with it then restore it. It seems like it just gets better and better.

>> No.15403136

Why are all these egg head scientists worried about the environment if they all think we live inside a simulation anyways?

>> No.15403141

A french pastry is half flour half butter. They fry everything they eat in butter too. Shouldnt they be dying at 40?

>> No.15403150

LDL is not a good predictor of cardiac risk. HDL/TG ratio as well as simple waist circumference are much stronger indicators. Half of the patients presenting to the ED with an accute MI have normal and even low LDL levels.

>> No.15403182
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>Some jew
>opinion discarded
into the trash it goes

>> No.15403186

humans are omnivores and the push to eat less animal fat only happened after a company wanted to sell more vegetable oil

>> No.15403198

OK. Unfortunate, its the only butters I have. I'm not a fan of lard or anything, actually, I grew up eating stuff overused with lard and I retch at the taste. I think the olive oil I get is real, I did a few tests I found online and it passed.
I don't really cook a lot of meat, the longest thing I cook is maybe pierogies I make, so I'll just keep using butter. Thanks.

>> No.15403201

I think there is definitely a benefit of keto and saturated fats that is not appreciated across the medical industry.

But conspiracy theorists, wannabe machos and neo-nazis are deeply paranoid about the medical system for some reason. I guess they don't like the idea of society providing mutual care to its people, especially not a society full of people they hate, and want to find some nefarious plot to emasculate or weaken them.

>> No.15403223

The truth is that nobody has any idea about what foods you're supposed to eat, because real scientific experimentation on living human subjects is illegal

>> No.15403229

Some want to encourage vegetarian diets for environment

>> No.15403241

Read studies before 1957

Carbs = short term energy
Fats = long term energy

>> No.15403247



>> No.15403253

Why should they?

>> No.15403259

Jews isn't code for democrats, I hope you're aware of that.

>> No.15403278

>why does every single medical authority in the entire world recommend eating less of it?
Because you are eating too much of it, salt is not bad for you either but you should still not eat too much.

>> No.15403282

Help me! EVOO chads! I need your wisdom!

>> No.15403438
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Based answer.

>> No.15403451
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This. /thread

>> No.15403459
File: 3.08 MB, 420x431, B9E66D3F-B821-48F2-BD73-DEEE05E89A2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf now I love SPLC!

>> No.15403462

Because in the 50s big sugar lobbied politicians and scientists to blame fat as the reason why people are unhealthy.

>> No.15403477

Rent is not property tax you fucking dipshit.
Occasionally in Europe you read stories about people finding old people that have been dead in their homes for literal decades because they're not paying extra money eternally for something they already own. In America you get behind on your taxes and the government kicks the door in, takes the land you paid for, then sells it to somebody else, then THEY pay eternal property taxes.

>> No.15403564

>But conspiracy theorists, wannabe machos and neo-nazis are deeply paranoid about the medical system for some reason.
I'm none of those things and still wary about the medical system because it's a big problem where I live with a lot of doctors acting as nothing more than drug dealers. Unfortunately a lot of doctors are in it just to make money and sometimes the best thing for someone's health isn't what generates the most profit.

You also have things like the American Heart Association being funded by vegetable oil producers so for me that raises some questions about their claims that people should be eating more vegetable oil.

>> No.15403605

only buy olive oil that has
>100% California
on the seal, absolutely avoid ANYTHING that is made in Italy, ironically the majority of fake olive oil comes from there

>> No.15403611

What about tunisie? that's where this comes from.

>> No.15403661

Buy evoo that labels what olive variety it was made of. Buying "just evoo" is like buying "red wine" instead of merlot or cabernet sauvignon.

>> No.15403673

aren't black olives just ripened green olives? how many olive types are there?

>> No.15403769

Thinking about buying lard to cook with. Problems with lard? This question is directed towards the based folks in here, not the jews, faggots, lobbyists.

>> No.15403876

I think lard is fine if you get fresh natural lard, but I'm not sure about the shelf-stable hydrogenated lard that I've only been able to find.

>> No.15404131

The first time you use it it smells bad because of the preservatives they put on it. After that it doesnt smell.

>> No.15404221

This. And testing on animals, even great apes, is useless because humans have very specific mutations to digest starch or milk.

>> No.15404416

That's retarded considering both are seen as bad for you.