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15399854 No.15399854 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think I have ever had a martini stirred and not shaken. What kind of shitty bars is James Bond going to?

>> No.15399859

You're supposed to stir it. Shaking it waters it down with ice shards.

>> No.15399861

Back in the 1950s/1960s there were a lot more shitty bars that would take shortcuts like that.

>> No.15399866

That actually makes sense. I wonder if Bond changed how bartenders made martinis? Like it became a faux pas to stir and not shake them?

>> No.15399882

Are you fucking stupid, bitch??? Stiring a cocktail rather than shaking it has NOTHING to do with laziness, it is about the level of dillution and the appeareance of the drink (clear vs cloudy). Martinis were originally, first off, made with much more vermouth, secondly, did NOT have olives, and were STIRRED.
That anon is misleading you.

>> No.15399898

bond also drank vodka "martinis" which changes the game entirely

>> No.15399913
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Stirlets mad

>> No.15399932

Cuckold that holds back the perfection of alcoholic beverages, disgusting.

>> No.15400046

The bars I like are the ones where middle aged dudes go to get shithoused and avoid their families. I can't imagine ordering a martini at one.

>> No.15400987

What kind of shitty bar shakes a martini?
A good martini is just flavored gin. If you shake it you increase the dilution ratio, de-flavoring the drink.
Alternatively if vodka is being used, the dilution and marginal decrease in temperature from the melted ice is likely beneficial.

>> No.15400995

You're doing that wrong. Lurkmore.

>> No.15401002

ok brainlet.

>> No.15401060

They're stirred for 45s to a minute... there's dilution/infusion of cold water, or the gin wouldn't be ice cold after a minute. If it weren't for the agitation muddying up the gin, shaking for about half the time would give the same result. Vodka doesn't cloud up as much, and I find it actually looks better in a martini glass when it's been shaken over ice rather than stirred.

Technically a shaken martini is a Bradford.

>> No.15401260

How big are your martinis that they need to be stirred that long?

>> No.15401273

how small are yours that they don't?

>> No.15401274

shaking it bruises the vermouth. It has very little to do with dilution.

>> No.15401315

2 oz gin
1/2 oz vermouth
stir ... I don't time it, but I would be exceedingly surprised if it was over 30 sec.
can you elaborate?

>> No.15401355

yeah, nobody wants a cloudy martini.

>> No.15401369

>A good martini is just flavored gin.
I'd argue the vermouth's as essential as the gin.

>> No.15401374

"Bruises" is the wrong term. Whenever you're shaking something, you're vigorously aerating it (it's why a sour looks cloud, it needs to be shaken), and that new air makes it cloudy.

>> No.15401377

Bruises is the correct term.

>> No.15401383

But you'd "bruise" whatever you put in it, no one complains about a drink that has vermouth and is shaken if it has citrus because traditionally citrus calls for shaking and therefore aeration.

>> No.15401392

yeah, don't bruise the fucking vermouth in my martini. You dense motherfucker.

>> No.15401425 [DELETED] 

I asked for this at a lesbian bar once and was asked to leave. I said I'll have a martini you fat dyke. Shaken not stirred.

>> No.15401445

vermouth is the flavoring anon

>> No.15401468

explains it

It was only actually in one scene, in one book. Casino Royale. He's also ordering it purposefully to draw attention to himself and fuck with the waiter.

According to Ian Flemmings biographer, the author just liked shaken drinks.

this is a fucking myth. You don't 'bruise' anything. The only chemical difference is miniscule. The only change from "bruising" is visual from the bubbles.

>> No.15401475

>the only difference between wine and champagne is visual from the bubbles
this is how dumb you sound. stop posting kys.

>> No.15401477

Every post in this thread is already debunked.

>> No.15401537

The original Martini is stirred.

>> No.15401548

If you drink cocktails you are fucking gay


>> No.15401690

champagne bubbles don't come from aeration and aeration bubbles aren't stable like champagne fizz you mong

>> No.15401697
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stole ur thread bro

>> No.15401699 [DELETED] 

Oh sweetie I'm super gay. I've even sucked off a wheelchair bound elderly man with Alzheimer's.

>> No.15401805


>> No.15401808

>The red-coated barman asked him what he would have and he said, ‘Some pink gin. Plenty of bitters. Beefeater’s.’ There was desultory talk about the relative merits of gins. Everyone else seemed to be drinking champagne except Mr Hendriks, who stood away from the group and nursed a Schweppes Bitter Lemon.

>> No.15401812

I don't think James Bond went to those kind of bars.

>> No.15401818

They're getting shittier and shittier for forced diversity.

>> No.15401837

there's no proof that vermouth magically changes its taste just because you shake it. it's a myth

>> No.15401854

I don't like vermouth, it tastes like blood to me. Its just plain weird tasting.

>> No.15401872

He might have had to in order to track down evil villains.

>> No.15401876

purity is perfection you alcoholic miscegenator

>> No.15401885

There's nobody on the planet that's "pure" you're not pure nor am I.

>> No.15401891

Not being so called pure is what makes us human.

>> No.15401904

... admiditting it even more human because we can admit that nobody is perfect.

>> No.15401944

james bond deals with high-ranking spies and extravagant millionaires, not Bob the alcoholic who beats his wife and kids

>> No.15402047

I'm not talking about people you retard, keep up

>> No.15402593

Mine are usually double that, and my gin's kept in the liquor cabinet... I'm not big on lukewarm martinis - It takes 30-45s of a slow, gentle stir to get 5oz of liquor and bitters as cold as I want them to be with 4 cubes of ice in a shaker. From everything I've read, 30s is the suggested timing, but ain't nobody in a martini bar got time for that shit.

>> No.15402609

how much do you drink for your blood to taste like Vermouth?

>> No.15404581

That mix length with those proportions make sense. I would use more ice though, at least six; you will get less melting that way.

>> No.15404590

A martini itself isn't pure either you fucking mongoose, it's by definition a mixture of two different alcohols.

>> No.15404832

No, it's supposed to be stirred. Bond ordering his martinis shaken was supposed to be a way of subtly outing him as a poser. He knew how to act all high class because the government had trained him that way, but he wasn't actually a richfag and was making small mistakes that real richfags wouldn't. It was all an act.

>> No.15405573

the only place filled with even more cancerous normalfags than /ck/

>> No.15405719

Where he's really doing it wrong is by getting vodka.

>> No.15405824

This is more apparent in tiki bars. Originally it was like a war with secret recipes and secret codes to hide them, then when they gave up trying to rip each other off authentically they just stole the names and made up something shitty that sold by having the same name and aesthetic.

Maitais especially were butchered. Bars would just take what juices they had under the bar and use the same name with nothing at all being similar. If you ask for one and they reach for any juice besides lime then they've failed.

That said, you're not fucking supposed to shake a martini. This is like the "less than 12 parsecs" line where it's just a writer having no goddamn clue what they were talking about.

>> No.15405835

If the writer didn't know what he was talking about, the line would be "stirred, not shaken." The character specifies because the writer knew very well that it was non-standard.

>> No.15405849

>Like it became a faux pas to stir and not shake them?
Not so much a faux pas.
More like bartenders got beyond fucking tired of people ordering their martinis “shaken, not stirred” and shaking became the default so people would stop asking.

>> No.15405854


As far as Im aware the Mai Tai is the only cocktail to have a court case too.

Maybe the Painkiller, and Dark & Stormy too - but that might just be cease and desists from Prusser's/Goslings. Funny enough its all tiki-ish drinks too

>> No.15405888

Shaking “bruises” (oxidizes) the gin. Always stir your martians

>> No.15405916

That's just a nonsense term. It makes it cloudy and overdilutes it.