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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15395151 No.15395151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>look I eat healthy I'm clearly superior than you
fuck off, food is food. It's only normal to eat tasty ones and enjoy them.

>> No.15395167

>not trying to be healthy
Even if your a sickly little skellington or a fat fuck, looking to be more healthy is in no way detrimental to your outlook, mentallity or intent.

>> No.15395183

fuck off healthfag. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to enjoy tasty foods. Just because you like munching on leaves does not make you better than me.

>> No.15395195

Was it autism?

>> No.15395199

Are you saying your outlooks is to be unhealthy even if you are infact a fat cunt

>> No.15395208

no my outlook is to enjoy whatever the fuck I want

>> No.15395211

Its like saying a healthy person saying ooo wouldnt mind being sickly.
Ooo cancer would be nice

>> No.15395225

ya kno, i actually agree with this one, fucking retarded that degenerates in every single thread feel the need to bring it up like they're trying to do anything other than express that they read a healthy eating article a year ago and cook 12 times a week, go on the kale subreddit or something fucking pussies

>> No.15395229

On your deathbed going, ugh uugghh I wish...I wish I was more unhealthy

>> No.15395230

So hedonism. How archaic.

>> No.15395231

This is a good bait. Well done

>> No.15395251

>when you're dying what you think is how you eat

>> No.15395255

My oldest cousin, who I love dearly, was a straight edge faggot back in the early 00s before it was cool. Then he made a few business brewing health bars in his bathtub. He currently runs a billion dollar (or so the accounts say) empire selling a novel but thousand year idea to idiots and campers.

He despises me because I'm a fat alchoholic. Except he lives every day in misery and I do whatever the fuck I want. The asshole didn't even show up to our grandma's funeral. He was too busy sourcing organic bison or some shit.

>> No.15395291

ask for job from him, sounds like you got the hardest part of getting a comfy job down: knowing people

>> No.15395306

Fuck no. My whole identity is turning my back on my bougie family. I work like 20 hours a week and make about 60k a year. Im fine.

The whole point is that his whole existence has always been about being pure especially in eating. And he is the most hollow shell of a person I know. But I still do love him dearly. We had some good times as children.

>> No.15395363

It isnt about what you eat its the way ur going along ur merry ways
U grand poof

>> No.15395423

Correct - but in moderation.

>> No.15395424

Fat fuck cope thread. Enjoy your diabetes and eventual heart attack.

>> No.15395479

How much of a giant pussy are you? The first time I almost died I was extremely young. And I've come a cunt hair close to death atleast 4 times since. That I remember. You are going to die bro. And a massive heart attack is, in my opinion, much better than spending your last 4 minutes gagging for oxygen completely concious. Which is, odds are, how your faggot ass will go.

>> No.15395480

>early 00s
>straight edge before it was cool
wew lad

>> No.15395547

maybe i was behind the times. I only saw At The Drive In once in 1999.

>> No.15395557
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>fuck off, food is food. It's only normal to eat tasty ones and enjoy them.

>> No.15395561

shutup babby

>> No.15395574
File: 42 KB, 750x1144, commiedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My whole identity is turning my back on my bougie family.

Big respect if you're really willing to turn down a large amount of shekels in the name of sticking it to the bougies, but you could always use that money to donate to good causes that help the oppressed common people. Most people with the opportunity to make good shekels aren't willing to use it for a good cause

>> No.15395576

death to amerifats

>> No.15395585

Fuck off commie.The magays are finally leaving we don’t need you shitting up the board. Go sperg about politics somewhere else. Besides there isn’t any food in communism so idk why you’re even here.

>> No.15395599

>unironically a liberal or "libertarian" in 2021

pick a side faggot, the status quo clearly isn't working

>> No.15395607

I truly hope you do better. But yea no. My retarded brother will get all the money and houses. It isn't about sticking it to the upper classes. It is about how my father, who used to beat the shit out of me for no reason, cannot control me. And how the rest of the family, who witnessed my father brutally beat the ever living shit out of me at least twice that I can remember, never did shit.

I love my family very much. Especially this idiot cousin of mine. We used to beat the shit out of each other as kids. And that was good fun. But it is a moral descision. I am giving up from what i can figure about 18 million dollars in 2021 money. Not super rich stuff, but if I just went back and begged forgiveness I would have a giant house.

But I am perfectly comfortable in my tiny little apartment.

>> No.15395624

>pick a side
Make me tranny. Fuck all you politispergs

>> No.15395632

People who put in extra effort and make the sacrifice of omitting pleasurable things ARE better than you, and in general they feel better, have more energy, and are happier than you. Your post makes that apparent.

>> No.15395669

i've rarely f EVER met someone with this mentality. but when it comes to music, this mentality is fucking rampant.

>> No.15395685

>look, I'm addicted to sugar, fat and salt, I'm a slave to my taste buds, I'm superior than you

>> No.15395688

And film and literature and art and comic books and every other creative endeavor that people engage in.

>> No.15395704

Name some healthy music we can laugh to pls

>> No.15395710

Alex Jones Folk Song

>> No.15395741

He wasn't wrong.

Alex is shell of his former self at this point. His giant failure was endorsing Trump. But he was right about almost everything. He used to show the white papers on a projector. He had William Binney on 4 years prior to edward fake as fuck snowden. The old meme against him was the gay frogs, but at this point every scientist fully believes that plastics turned the frogs gay. Alex Jones is a washed up trumptard right now, but he is still the greatest patriot alive.

>> No.15395744

I now have ear diabetes. My definition of unhealthy music. Like kings of convenience. Makes me sick.

>> No.15395754

Honestly, a fair assessment.
The thing he had going for him as an entertainer, whatever retarded viewpoint he was peddling at the time, was his unique charismatic personality.
As soon has he feel in line with trump, this charismatic personality was made subservient to another - he was subsumed by the charisma of trump.

>> No.15395759

That’s what makes him so compelling. He’s actually gotten a lot right while simultaneously spewing the most insane /x/ tier schizo shit.

>> No.15395771

>retarded frogposter bait
>still gets replies

>> No.15395802

For real, king. It’s the eternal pandemic summer

>> No.15395807

He got almost everything right if you read between his asinine commentary. Old shcool alex jones programs, back in the mid 00s, he used one of those college projectors to show actual white papers from Rand corp and other "think tank" entities that shape congessional bills. AOC is 100% correct that dropping 1300 page bills on her desk and asking her to vote on it in 2 hours is a travesty to the democratic process. Its just that AJ was calling this shit out 20 fucking years ago.

>> No.15395958

I'm not even a burger but the fact that 100% of the media isn't hammering day in and day out the fact that every bill at this point is a few thousand pages and on 10 different things and they have hours to read it and maybe that's a little crooked is 100% proof that it's just a show and we're along for the ride. I don't care if you're a commie or a paleo-conservative, that's insane. Also, to stay on topic, self denial leads to self mastery and while eating kale doesn't make you better than other people, keeping your inner demons in check does, and sometimes that involved not gorging on fried chicken

>> No.15395989
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>fuck off, food is food.

>> No.15396015

name one thing wrong with that statement

>> No.15396021

I only eat raw meat which has 3.7% more nutrition than cooked meat and therefore I am better than you.