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15390397 No.15390397 [Reply] [Original]

After quitting Soft Drinks (Coca Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite, Dr.Pepper, Mtn.Dew) for 1 and half years I have never felt better.

These drinks are heavily aritifcal, processed and loaded with sugar and I know we all need sugar but in moderation, not a toxic amount like those in the drinks.

I have also ditched energy drinks (V, Monster, Mother, Rockstar) my god, these are literally created by Satan himself, whatever you do avoid these abominations.

I have replaced my soda intake with Mineral Water (Seltzer water or Soda Water depending where you are from) and it is pure bliss and actually tastes good and of course I don't forget regular water too.

Once in a while I do have the occasional beer/wine/sprits and a apple juice/orange juice here and there but it is nothing compared to Coke and Pepsi.

Has Anon quit soft drinks? do you plan to?

Share details about quitting one of the most destructive habits besides smoking and alchohlism.

>> No.15390515

Have the odd one now and again, usually a D & B or Irn-Bru but perhaps once a month. For me, its water, tea and milk

>> No.15390523

I would like to quit but the headaches are unbearable when I try

>> No.15390527

Humans have no dietary need for sugar, human body will make sugars from protein if it needs them.
Fruit juices are often worse than soda in sugar content, especially if you buy it instead of making it yourself. Alcohol is the worst particularly beer which is loaded with xenooestrogens and will make you a fat faggot with bitch tits.
I do commend you however for quitting, and embracing the superiority of carbonized water.

>> No.15390531

get the big bottles and drink a slightly smaller amount everyday

>> No.15390532

I only drink diet caffeine free soda. I'm not sure if it's bad for you or not.

>> No.15390536

Occasionaly wouldn't hurt but there is a certain point of no return regarding the damage these fizzy drinks do

>> No.15390537

t. kool aid man

>> No.15390539

Indeed, Alc is in moderation, but water in general is just so much better to have and it is benefical for you rather than harmful. Even soda water tastes better than whatever sugary crap people keep drinking

>> No.15390541

I think diet anything is bad as there is always a catch to them (i.e extra sugar in Coca Cola Diet)

>> No.15390549

I was never a big fan but I just stopped liking them in the span of a few months

>> No.15390550

There's no sugar in diet coke. It's only artificial sweeteners.

>> No.15390553

Yeah I'm trying, cut out all sodas and only drink water - sparkling and still. I only put 1 sugar instead of 2 in my coffee, I would like to cut that out but I don't feel like having to deal with no caffeine headaches for a week. It's only once in the morning.

>> No.15390574

I've never had caffine hedaches, how does that work?

>> No.15390579

Just drink black iced coffee.

>> No.15390585

It's the phosphoric acid in coke that eats your enamel away.

>> No.15390601

Good on you, OP. Never go back.

I've been off soda for three years now. I have the occasional can when I visit my parents to be nice but otherwise I mostly just drink tapwater and black coffee. The difference is just absurd. I feel so much better.

>> No.15390647

Based, the rational choice

>> No.15390651

It's caffeine addiction. Replace with calorie free caffeine

>> No.15390749

Post physique

>> No.15390762

Good for you! I was never a big fizzy pop drinker because I suffer badly with trapped wind. I mostly drink tea, water, fruit juice and maybe a coffee occasionally.

>> No.15390781

I need to quit, but my issue was after doing good for a while I've let myself go "just a lil" for years.

>> No.15390785

I drank Coke everyday until 20 and when I stopped, I didn't feel a difference.

>> No.15390810
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Good job anon

>> No.15391365

I drink around 20 cans of Coke zero a day. If quiting was an option, i would have done it long time ago.

>> No.15391404
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>> No.15391629

i think i drank two sodas in all of 2020
i mainly drink chocolate milk, cranberry juice, and vitarain zero from costco

>> No.15391643

I just quit recently too, I still have a can when I get takeout or something, but those days are few and far between. Quitting was really hard and I had to just stop having soda in the house at all to do it.

>> No.15391875

I mainly drink water with the exception of coffee and green tea but I don't restrict myself ill have the occasional soda but its like once every couple months

>> No.15391908

What are you talking about dumbass.

>> No.15391922

I cut out soda, I was only drinking diet but I have worries about my teeth, shits scary cause dental cost too much in freedomland

>> No.15392043

i still have been pounding down cheap candy from grocery outlet.

sometimes like to make a batch of koolaide syrup and mix it with seltzer water n ice

>> No.15392049

would seltzer water be good with cold brew syrup?

>> No.15392057

If I really get into it I can drink a 2 Liter of diet pepsi or coke a day. I end up drinking about 1 liter a day and no more than 3.

>> No.15392134

I quit drinking soda when I was 15 or so, it wasn't difficult at all. Now I can't stand the taste.

>> No.15392151
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>carbonized water.

>> No.15392167

I have about a glass or two a day, but if I run out and can't be fucked to go to the store I just have coffee or milk instead, in between water that is, I just need something other than water sometimes too or I'll go insane

>> No.15392600

For the first 18 years of my life I hated the taste of water and was drinking mainly juice and soda. I ended up forcing myself to drink nothing but water (with the occasional tea) until I developed a taste for it, and after a couple months it actually worked. Since then I only drink water, milk and tea and on the few occasions I've tried soda since then it just tasted super acidic and felt horrible.
Probably my biggest piece of advice for those trying to quit is to find an unsweetened drink that you genuinely enjoy, and try to get by on mostly water and occasionally your other drink to give you something to look forward to. It gets easier the longer you go without soda and eventually you'll lose those urges altogether.

>> No.15393384

lack of caffeine I should specify. For me I get a frontal headache and just feel lethargic.

>> No.15393396

i've only ever drank water and juice. soda just doesn't quench thirst and always left my mouth feeling sticky

>> No.15393402

I quit soda and exclusively drink soda water now. I never want to go back, unfortunately I accidentally bought a 12 pack of what I thought was lemon lime soda water but it turned out to be a noname sprite ripoff

>> No.15393595

>heavily aritifcal
This means literally nothing
>and loaded with sugar
Yes, drinking something loaded with a fuckton of sugar is bad for you, good job you figured it out, thanks for letting us know.

>> No.15394627

Don't be a faggot and just drink Sprite and Ginger Ale in moderation, hell those are the only sodas any sane person should drink anyway

>> No.15394942

I quit both soda and cigarettes around the same time. Figured I was gonna suffer no matter what so may as well make it fun. Turns out it wasn't that hard. Lots of drinking water and chewing sunflower seeds in lieu of smokes.

>> No.15394959

>tfw literally just drink several litres of tap water a day and nothing else besides tea once in a while.

>> No.15395110

sorry bros, I just drank a coke no sugar, I've gone a week without a soda, but at least

>> No.15396544

a 33cl can is nice for this. tho I was completely raped by a store the other day. I ripped the six-pack to take a can and by doing so the can got 3x more expensive. fuck. (there's a law in my country that they can't refuse such a sale because cans, water bottles, milk cartons are considered to be packaged enough on their own)

>> No.15396561

I quit drinking soda recently. I thought that it would be almost impossible not to have a soda with certain foods sometimes. Like fast food, pizza, mexican food. But it turns out that a tall glass of ice water goes just as well with these things to be honest, but without the sugar rush and subsequent crash you get with soda

>> No.15396564

in other words you feel more satisfied longer when you just drink water

>> No.15396694

In my authority of approbator and disapprobator
of what people do with their lives, I think once a week is fine.

most countries don't have soda or milk at the dining table. I only ever do it in dine-in fast food . Even then, McDonalds sells beer so I'll drink soda if I somehow sit down in an urban muslim/arab fast food.