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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15390001 No.15390001 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have recommendations for sweet recipes that use up a lot of eggs? I have a lot of eggs that I need to use up but I don't want savory things like fried eggs, omelets, quiche, etc.
Bad at cooking so something easy would be great. Been looking at just making custard, pancakes with lots of egg, hong kong egg tarts, or some sort of sweet pie. Also egg recipe thread i guess, even non sweet ones.

>> No.15390006

Pickled eggs?

>> No.15390007

Make something with meringue. Endless options.

>> No.15390013

Note: people insist making meringue is difficult but it truly isn’t. You can also find something to do with the yolks. Some great chocolate cream pies use the yolks for the fudgey, rich chocolate filling, and top with meringue. It’s delicious and easy. Just pay attention to how your meringue peaks and you won’t have any issue with separation.

>> No.15390019

Oh yes. I suppose some recipes only need the yolks, so i can use the whites for making meringue.

>> No.15390029

If you have too much meringue, try making some meringue cookies too. They’re airy, delicately sweet, and crunchy-fluffy. And impossible to resist having just one more. I love to make them with a bit of almond flavoring for a gentle taste. It’s delicious.

>> No.15390067

Make french butter cream icing for cupcakes. it's very rich and requires a lot of eggs, yolks included unlike these memesters telling you to make a disgusting egg white only dish like meringue.

>> No.15390070
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>> No.15390071

Yeah. Whites for meringue, yolks for custard.

>> No.15390105

I've decided to make chocolate pudding and then use the whites for meringues. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
This sounds great too. I have written it down. The hens produce so many eggs so I will always have them.

>> No.15390288

creme brulee, I can never seem to get that right.

>> No.15390304

With a ton of eggs you can play around to try to get creme brulee right.

>> No.15392146

a small parisian flan uses up 6 to 8 eggs.
no crust.

>> No.15392212
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Pastel de nata

>> No.15392234


>> No.15392919
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the good stuff

>> No.15393670

this is my mums recipe, that her aunt gave her

10 eggs
1 can of condensed milk

Mix the eggs with the condenced milk, fill the said can 2 times with milk and pour it
In your pudin mold pour some sugar and some drops of water put it on medium high heat until it goes caramel
Pour the pudin mixture in and take it to an oven for 2h 30min(not sure about the time)

>> No.15395127

Pastry cream/creme patissiere, aka the best vanilla pudding.

>> No.15395135

I tend to not use whites in mine because I don't like the eggy taste it gives, but some whites in there can give the pudding/cream more structure, where using less makes it looser but less taste of egg.

>> No.15395592

>Pastel de nata
This is good shit. There used to be a little chinese bakery down the road from my house that made amazing portugese egg tarts.

>> No.15395936

throw a bunch of jam and some lemon juice in your scrambled egg and cook it like a custard

>> No.15396117
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Pavlova is the easiest and most irresistible option.