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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15387071 No.15387071 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst cooking smell you have ever encountered?

>> No.15387086

I tried to bake bread in the microwave

>> No.15387090

Probably eggs
Straight fuckin farts lmao

>> No.15387196

Gone off smoked haddock
Cracking a rancid duck egg straight into a hot pan
Any time you're batch cooking 20kg of diced chicken thigh before making a pie mix and it's just kind of sitting there steaming in the oven is pretty fucking horrible.

>> No.15387202

limburger cheese

>> No.15387210

frying bacon after it has defrosted

>> No.15387230

Durian pie
I gave it to my 10th grade teacher as a birthday cake and we all had to pretend we liked it to be nice.

>> No.15387233

sauteed squid or maybe shrimp paste

>> No.15387280
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Not technically cooked, but red seaweed is absolutely vile, it smells like vomit mixed with a year-old cumsock and tastes like feet mixed with rotten pickles

>> No.15387305

burnt milk
I remember trying to make a mac and cheese at uni and burning the milk. Everyone was disgusted by the smell and it completely ruined my confidence in cooking for years.

>> No.15387313

We once had some kind of faux-mexican lunch at work. I took some of it home and reheated it and something was in the cheese that my whole apartment smelled like something I can't even describe for days.

>> No.15387323

My dad would overcook the shit out of scrambled eggs and the smell lingers in the kitchen for hours and makes you want to vomit

>> No.15387332

Please tell me more

>> No.15387349


>> No.15387373

Durian is pretty bad

>> No.15387392

rotting beans are maybe not the worst smell but the potency of the stench compared to other rotten foods makes it the worst IMO

>> No.15387407

>What is the worst cooking smell you have ever encountered?
boiled animals smell bad.

>> No.15387432

boiling tripe smells pretty grim

>> No.15387458

Black family in an apartment building I used to live in made it on special occasions.
The smell travelled down the hallways and stairwells. Literally smelled like there was a sewage leak.
How anyone could smell that and think “damn I sure am hungry!” is beyond me.

>> No.15387503

Chickpeas. The smell of cooking chickpeas makes me retch. I'm never making hummus at home again

>> No.15387526

only sith deal in absolutes, so I won't say "worst". but recently I made a layered-baked-rigatoni, first step decasing and browning italian sausage in a pot. It was really pretty foul. The end product was delicious. But it had been a long time since I'd cooked something so unpleasant. Hard to describe other than an air of carrion. I knew I was frying entrails.

>> No.15387585

one of those big bags of costco shredded cheese left in a trunk in phoenix until it burst

>> No.15387601
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>> No.15387780

cooked collard greens are stanky

>> No.15387993

The smell and taste of beets makes me want to puke. It tastes like dirt and blood.

>> No.15388074

I brewed some shitty beer and was left with a bunch of yeast residue (trub) in the bottom of the jar after bottling. I decided to try concentrating it into some kind of a yeast nutrient so I put it into a frying pan and boiled it. Holy Jesus. I have never smelled anything so bad. I still had the smell in my nose three days after.

The smell was reminiscent of how you'd expect a dead body to smell, but not the familiar (and by comparison pleasant) scent of rotting flesh, rather more like the decomposing body of some extraterrestrial creature whose biology is based on something much more foul than carbon.

>> No.15388120

Microwaved bacon

>> No.15388122 [DELETED] 

a popeyes kitchen on a busy friday

>> No.15388129

Limburger is delicious, pansy ass.

>> No.15388130

>all those sweaty black people who don’t shower because it ruins their hair
Imagine the smell

>> No.15388135

Your mom's cooking

>> No.15388145

pork that some dipshit left in a closed bucket out behind the dumpsters. some other dumbass opened it and I could swear the stench followed them inside

>> No.15388147

My mother in law was makig some form of stewed cabbage. Smelled like rancid assholes in that house all day.

>> No.15388159

Idk if it counts as a cooking smell, but once when I worked stocking shelves at a drugstore, someone took a tube of frozen ground turkey and put it on the back of a shelf in the dry food aisle and covered it up with a can, and nobody found it until it was bursting and infested with maggots, after noticing an odd smell for almost a week

>> No.15388161

1. I was cooking something in a pan and fell asleep so it all burnt off and the burnt pan smell was horrible. I threw that thing away because it would have taken too long to clean.
2. bagel bites, I followed the directions and put them in a microwave went to take a piss came back after one minute and it didn't look quite right in the microwave, opened the microwave door and smoke started billowing out.
That was during a cold winter so it took a while to air out my kitchen without going freezing cold myself. That's the last time I ever bought those nasty bagel bites.

>> No.15388162

salted hog intestines for sausage making. i guess you can't expect pig intestine to smell good, but it was very off-putting

>> No.15388172

... #2 even made my smoke alarm go off, at like 3-4 am in the morning, I was waving towels around to get out the smoke and hoping neighbors wouldn't notice.

>> No.15388175
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Not exactly cooking

>Take bus from PDX to SEA
>Stomach really bad that day with nausea
>Hunter's Club from JJ, I choose you.
>Feeling better and top off my Coke
>Actually really clean and comfy
>Two Asian women sit in front of us
>One was carrying a bag with takeout
>Get right over WA border and she decides to eat.
>Most God awful smell
>Like fish sauce with cat food and funk
>Eaten at many sketchy Asian joints, never smelled something like that
>Spend next 20 minutes holding down lunch
>Coke allowed me to burp which saved me from puking all over them
>Feel better getting off bus in International District
>Greeted by nodding off junkies, bums, and cunt women.

>> No.15388177

French onion soup

>> No.15388185

My best friend's mother was a horrible cook. I would go over to their house for sleepovers all the time in high school, and I dreaded dinner every time. I was a picky eater to be sure, but her cooking was bad by any standard.
One time she made lamb, which I like, and when my friend and I went upstairs to the kitchen it just smelled like straight-up dog shit. Thankfully we were allowed to eat downstairs instead of at the dinner table with his parents, because I wasn't able to get a single bite down. It was super tough and dry and just tasted like dirt. Awful.

>> No.15388192 [DELETED] 

why didn't you just tell the bitch the smell of her food is about to make your throw up all over her? you're in fucking oregon not shanghai

>> No.15388194

He just said it smelled bad you Nancy boy

>> No.15388199

dead rat frying in oil. opening up one day, retard coworker turned on the fryers without looking in, 2 minutes later we smelled a mix of burning skin and bile. i threw up in my mouth.

>> No.15388203

good mexican food unironically just smells like BO

>> No.15388212

Had an Asian girl open a glass container of food next to me on the bus and it smelled like it was full of farts.

>> No.15388217 [DELETED] 

actually in shanghai they probably have laws against eating smelly ass shit on public transport

>> No.15388218

Are you two married now?

>> No.15388238

meth makes me puke sometimes

>> No.15388239

Well she looked to be somewhere between 9 and 12 years old and I was 26 at the time, so yes obviously.

>> No.15388243

dead animal smells are pretty bad, I've smelled plenty of them over the years

>> No.15388246

but they're asians and asians have no souls

>> No.15388280

Another truly nasty smell is NYC on a Monday morning, especially the subways, it's totally disgusting and I'm way glad that I don't live there anymore.

>> No.15388290

I thought that was natural, or maybe that's heroin. I've never done either but hear about the puking from tv shows.

>> No.15388297

I'm glad that I've cut all ties to NYC, there's no reason for me to go there anymore or deal with its nasty smells.

>> No.15388298 [DELETED] 

the fuck does that have to do with cooking you fucking grundle goblin?

>> No.15388300

Puerto Ricans frying something god awful while smoking crack.

>> No.15388310

On a hot summer humid monday morning the hobos and bums are pissing on the walls in the subway so it creates a truly horrible smell, their piss is cooking on the walls and floors.

>> No.15388320
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i over-microwaved rotting bacon once. nothing like that burned rotting flesh smell

>> No.15388326

Probably rats or mice.

>> No.15388332

Sometimes that stench wont get out of the microwave oven and you have to take it as a loss and throw it out and get another one. The stench will infest other food.

>> No.15388336

You should have given it the smell test first, I always do that no matter what it is.

>> No.15388339

Believe in magic, or I'll kill you

>> No.15388346

You are stinky, you stinky ol bitch

>> No.15388362
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>more like the decomposing body of some extraterrestrial creature whose biology is based on something much more foul than carbon

>> No.15388363

This one is pretty horrible, I got a bit of durian once just to try it out then put in a refrigerator, then one day I was chilling out noticed this fucking evil stench. It took a few minutes then remembered that bit of durian left in my fridge, I wrapped that up in some bags and threw it down the garbage shoot. That's a nasty smell.

>> No.15388434
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>> No.15388473

My roommate used to steam huge quantities of broccoli to the point where it was mush and leave it out on the countertop "to cool". Smelled like ass every time and he insisted he didn't smell anything wrong.

>> No.15388513

I can't remember specific instances but i know i've smelt some pretty horrendous stuff that's suppose to be food before. I live in arizona and when i went on a walk the other day i walked by someone's house that reeked of cat food and cig butts and the musk of a overly lived in hovel whose inhabitants have lax hygienic standards mixed with the stale desert air, it's not the worst thing i've ever smelled but it really just pissed me off to of smelt it.

>> No.15388521

Spam being fried. it makes me gag

>> No.15388522 [DELETED] 

>I can't remember specific instances
then why are you responding here you fart huffing mongoloid?

>> No.15388533

My pothead stepsister tried making cannabutter. All she accomplished was burnt butter and making the house smell revolting for the next day.

>> No.15388540

lambs fry

>> No.15388542

Maybe it was ur girlfriends rotten filthy cunt hole? Bitch faggot

>> No.15388588

Lmfao. Been there done that

>> No.15388629

I worked for a Chinese family that owned a hotel. The smell of the food they would bring from home always made me want to vomit. Not sure if it was isolated to their cooking or if "authentic" Chinese food is actually that gross.

>> No.15388637

I do the smells test on your mother cunt

>> No.15388762

That wont work out too well since my mom's been dead for about 20 years.

>> No.15388770

What are you, some kind of necropheliac that's into smelling corpses?

>> No.15388898

back in college my room mate and I went hiking in the desert near the college exploring old mines and shit. at one point we stumbled on a pit with a rotting dead cow in it. it must have fallen in and either got hurt and died or could not get out and died.

my room mate started throwing rocks at the maggot infested carcass which smelled fucking disgusting.

I was worried we were going to get it on us as it was splattering everywhere.

Later when we got back to the campus at dinner time we go to stand in line at the cafeteria.

I start smelling that dead cow again. I'm looking all over me and my room mate to see where the smell is coming from. he can't figure it out either.

We are both sure people can smell us but play it cool.

We get up to the serving line and found the source of the smell.

steamed brussels sprouts.


>> No.15389469

Most brutal roast ive seen on this site

>> No.15389939


>> No.15389954

Dude you have no idea how bad it can get. I grew up in a little town called Yatesville GA and every year they host the Chitlin Hoedown and Parade. You can smell the stink for miles around the town. And I was in Marching Band. After the parade we'd play a standing concert that was ALWAYS right next to where they were running the cauldrons. Fuck off trying to play a wind instrument with that smell hanging around you

>> No.15390922

>Rotten Pork
Filled my house with the smell of a really bad fart
>Chitterlings or "Chitlins"
Literally smell like shit.

>> No.15391126

Maybe it was left there by space aliens in flying saucers after dissecting poor innocent cows?

>> No.15391147
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Saw a wall of pic related at the Gross Food Museum.
Are they really THAT bad? The smell is awful but I hear it doesn't taste like it smells

>> No.15391176

vinegary shits

>> No.15391188

when i was a vegetarian it seemed like everyones mom was always cooking rump roast. the stankiest rump roasts to remind you that meat is dead animal.

>> No.15391192


>> No.15391363

When I make kraut or open-air pickles and it gets a kahm infection. Smells bad, man.

>> No.15391416

I once went to a restaurant in china town (Amsterdam) with my girlfriend and after we'd decided on our orders, the waiter took away the menus before asking for our picks. I guess my gf mixed up number 16 with 19 or something. Anyway, 10 minutes later the smell of industrial sewage plant/festival toilet starts hitting me. I do a wtf gesture and look over at our neighboring table who've obviously gotten the wiff as well and look disgusted and flustered. Waiter arrives at our table and places a steaming bowl of duck or chicken intestine soup in front of my gf. When the waiter leaves my gf is on the verge of tears. I talk her into returning the fucking order whether it was her own mistake or not and after she musters up the courage and talks to the waiter he reluctantly acquiesced but while being a bitch about it.

>> No.15391435

That's part of the reasoning as to get your own place, that's to not deal with idiot roommates.

>> No.15391450

Another part of that reasoning is to be able to boot out annoying bitches, if it's your own place and some bitch is hollaring at you for no reason just boot the bitch right out. Hell, for any reason, it's your own place with no roommates.

>> No.15391461

My ex's sister would "sauté" garlic by putting it into a frying pan with no oil and burning it and making the house smell like shit. Fuck garlic

>> No.15391470

Seems like you should blame your ex's sister and not some poor innocent garlic for her burning it.

>> No.15391471

burnt garlic
the smell fucking lingers for hours

>> No.15391514

That's like blaming some poor innocent saloon mirror for getting shot up instead of the drunk gunfighter in Dodge who shot the thing in the first place.

>> No.15391552

Boiling cabbage and tomato triggers my gag reflex for some reason

>> No.15391586

My wife left some leftovers in the fridge we lost track of until we moved out 2 years later. I opened it and put it in the kitchen moving week to prove to her that she doesn't clean and is a messy dirty women and needs to get her shit together. We were moving so didn't really give a fuck all the paperwork was signed and the wife needed to be taught a lesson in cleanliness. Sick of picking up her god damn shit and need to put my foot down. Not sure what the leftover was but I named it Oliver and it was all moldy and disgusting smelling and made the house smell like rotten eggs combined with burnt hair an old diaper of indian food and a dead animal all rolled into one.

RIP Oliver.

>> No.15391600

Burnt eggs is very bad

>> No.15391736

I get so sick of incompetent women. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.15391949


Bad oysters from a delivery at the restaurant I work at. They sat in the back of some hot truck for who knows how long. It was so bad we ventilated the entire front and back of house for hours.

>> No.15392002

Was cooking drunk and fell asleep on the couch one day. Bakelite panhandle caught fire. I lived in the stink for weeks

>> No.15392102

You're a shit person and engaging in POA behavior. Shame on you.

Mine is is just messy. She cooks almost daily for me. My wife never admits her faults the day of, its always a day later. So I say my piece and let it marinate. The story of Oliver the leftover was one case, however, I've been married long enough to know shit never changes so I usually just clean up after her. Every so often I snap. Oliver was a snap. Other time I snapped was when she didn't fold her laundry and left it laying on the floor for weeks so I took it and just threw it on the lawn. Never hit her, just embarrass her. This is how women solve problems with each other so you have to do the same to them. Its psychological warfare.

>> No.15392231

My younger sister loves to heat up soy sausages in the microwave because she's too lazy to cook them properly. Smells like hot cat food
Thankfully we no longer live under the same roof

>> No.15392232

you're responding to years-old stale pasta anon

>> No.15392277

tripe in general smells like old jizz

>> No.15392285

raw cat

>> No.15392756

maybe not the worst but i remember my aunt came up to michigan from florida to go to her class reunion and stayed with us and made some sort of chicken salad dip to take and i'll eat boiled chicken as an ingredient in something and i'd smelled it before but that time it was just terrible, smelled like spit drying on my upper lip and it lingered for hours. i got so mad in my head i was just mad that she didn't get incarcerated like i did at the end of high school so she would have had to graduate alone in her high schools adult ed and burn every bridge so as to never even potentially get an invitation to a reunion as a plus one

>> No.15392764

bit of an over share but i was gonna go into something about how she should have just made it at home and brought it but i got distracted

>> No.15392792

yup yup yup, that stench after falling asleep while something is on the stove takes a while to go away

>> No.15392822

tie between hot puree'd brocolli which smells like straight up farts or moldy banana bread left in the kitchen sink

>> No.15392940

My mother bakes pretzels with salt of hartshorn in the dough and the entire kitchen stinks like stale piss for at least an hour after they're done

>> No.15392949

the kitchen at outback steakhouse
ive become noseblind but new employees die immediately

>> No.15393117

My Dad bought a takeaway shop from a couple of alcoholics, turns out they had a freezer full of meat that they stopped using and the freezer was left switched off for a couple of years. We dragged it out the back and opened it. It contained plastic bags full of liquified meats. Completely putrid. My Dad asked me to throw them on his bonfire but some of the bags broke and I was splashed with the worst smelling liquid imaginable. It was beyond rotting flesh, it seemed like it had fermented or something, the smell was sour death. Had to throw my shoes out because they still smelled a week later after washing

>> No.15393128

The only smell to make me vomit was when I forgot I’d thawed out some chicken and it had been sitting in the back of the fridge for about 2 weeks. The bottom sides had turned bluish and you could smell that distinctive smell through the bag. I’d had a couple beers so I opened it, stuck my face in, and inhaled deeply. It was an immediate reflex, just projectile vomited right back into the bag.
Rotting chicken has always made my skin crawl but this took it to a new level.

>> No.15393795
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Cousin burnt some aromatics to the point that it's smoking rapidly. He's cooking in an enclosed space with bad ventilation and we're both coughing badly, told him numerous times that we should go out, retard refused and continued cooking as if nothing is happening while I'm outside gasping for air after holding it in. At least I know now why that faggot has bad physical health in his 40s when his intuition doesn't even tell him that there's something bad with the air he's inhaling. Something about that stayed in my airways after a few days.
To this day that was probably the worst shit that I had inhaled, cousin probably stayed to show some retarded virtue, literal retard

>> No.15394431
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Cheap bacon frying.

>> No.15394440

The smell of celery leaves or celery seeds when I wake up makes me feel sick.
I used to wake up to the smell of my mum making leek and potato soup and the celery seed smell always made me feel sick. Any other time it's fine.

>> No.15394505
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to this day it has to be what cheap moms cook for work the next day.i'd rather have limburger and surstromming

>> No.15394748

But how good are the pretzels?

>> No.15394763


>> No.15394805

I work maintenance for a school district. A few years ago, I was doing rounds in the high school, and when I entered the building I was hit with an abhorrent stench. Immediately I thought there was a sewer gas leak. It wasn't as simple as dried out traps, this was eye stinging bad. I got people on the radio and we started pulling tunnel covers to find a shit leak. As it turns out the special needs kids were trying to cook, and ended up creating a miasma.

>> No.15394857


>> No.15394913

Wtf are aromatics? American thing im assuming?

>> No.15394932

Cannabutter is incredibly low maintenance. You just let it simmer for like 2 hours. What the fuck did she do?

>> No.15395143

>As it turns out the special needs kids were trying to cook, and ended up creating a miasma.
Where was the abomination and what did it look like? I want the grizzly details.

>> No.15395182

It was "Beef stroganoff" that was burned into the bottom of a kettle. It looked like dried up ears that were burned into a clinker. The smell was just like intense sewer gas.

>> No.15395243

Mom thawed the thanksgiving turkey in a cooler full of water overnight but used hot water instead of cold. put it in the oven the next day and it basically made the house smell like cat shit.

>> No.15395372

My sister cooks this rancid ass cabbage soup that smells like bowels.

>> No.15395374

Is that the maggot cheese?

>> No.15395386

Man I fucking love chickpeas. I can eat them straight out the can.

>> No.15395397

How do you fall asleep while cooking?

>> No.15395402

It was probably a baby.

>> No.15395414

truffle oil

>> No.15395451
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Why do Chinks eat this shit? Is it an acquired taste?

>> No.15395459

Probably authentic.
Actual Chinese food can be pretty horrendous, the stuff we eat in the West is either the cream or heavily modified to the point it'd be unrecognisable in Shanghai.

>> No.15395465

For both of these, it's definitely an acquired taste but it smells far worse than it tastes.

>> No.15395478

Back when I lived with my parents I went to preheat the oven without checking inside first and my mom had placed a roast in there to defrost so the cats wouldn't get to it. Melted the styrofoam and plastic wrap, I scraped it up and cleaned the best I could but it would smell like burning plastic any time you turned it on for years.

>> No.15396011

Had a roommate who fried carrots in liquid margarine almost daily. I have never encountered such a rancid smell at any other point in my life. Checked the date on the bottle at one point, and I think it was nearly two months expired.

>> No.15396285

lived with nigerian couple who smuggled giant snails into the country apparently and boiled them for hours. sickening.

>> No.15396293

I boiled some home grown radishes for preservation. It destroyed the house.

>> No.15396316

Not exactly cooking related, but I always avoided this one coffee shop when I went for walks in a certain area of town. Always gave it a wide berth because instead of smoking at the back of the establishment like normal cafe workers, these shitheads smoke right outside the front door of their hipster coffee bar. The smell of cigarettes are fucking disgusting, and fuck any of you weak subhumans who allow yourselves to be addicted to this cancerous trash

>> No.15396325


My second roommate in Bahrain ordered a pumpkin fish curry that had an odor that woke me up from a dead sleep. I told him to throw it out immediately because anything that smells as terrible as it smelled shouldn't be consumed. It was like a reheated sack of gym clothes that have been steeped in body odor

>> No.15396363

Black bean sauce

>> No.15396382


>> No.15396411

Fuck you bitch i'll rape your mom with a pack of cigarettes you limp-wristed faggot

>> No.15396522

It was something that took a while and I was awake since really early in the morning and it was late at night, closed my eyes and it was like four hours later.

>> No.15396526

I think that's casu maru, I've read that it's Sardinian but also that it's from some country in South America.

>> No.15396560
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>What is the worst cooking smell you have ever encountered?

When I was a kid, my Polish immigrant mom would regularly cook up a huge witch kettle of flaki for my Polish immigrant dad who loved it and I’d come home from school to the whole house stinking of the stuff, with my dad teasing me every time and trying to get me to eat it; “Haha, you eat! Is good, sonofabitch!”


>> No.15396597

Why not just wipe down the 'rowave with a baking soda paste?

>> No.15397047


>> No.15397095

Limburger is good, but I can't handle the rind.

>> No.15397128

I tried that, I also tried barkeepers friend neither of them really helped, the thing still smelt of burnt stuff so took the loss dumped that one and got a new one. It was only like $60.

>> No.15397140

Haha triggered the retard who destroyed his body to feel """cool"""

>> No.15397159

The new one is not only bigger but is dual purpose, it has heating elements on top. I haven't used them yet but I'll get to it sometime.

>> No.15397161

Grilled/broiled gorgonzola.

>> No.15397169

I heated up your mom's gorganzola last night if you know what I mean.

>> No.15397184

rapeseed oil

>> No.15397192

You're the golden example of a child that never grew up. Your wife as well. Shit like this is why children shouldn't be having children.

>> No.15398933
File: 108 KB, 768x960, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly cooking but used to work in a lab where we autoclaved algae and it is the worst smell ever its worse than chicken farms, its worse than a shed full of dead mice covering the entire floor, its worse than a kitchen full of moldy food that chinese renters left, its worse than sewer plants, its worse than cow shit. Pressure cooked algae. It is the worst

>> No.15398960

probably not cooking, but a plastic spatula ended up melting or some shit in the dishwasher. The smell of burnt plastic was etched into my memory for weeks.