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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 777x359, blueberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15379887 No.15379887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more cucked than the pale american "blueberry"? Just look how sad it looks next to the real deal, the European Blueberry. Everything in america is bigger, but look fake and lack nutritional value. Even their blueberries

>> No.15379896
File: 371 KB, 980x490, b4_xtqrdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you're kids look after eating real blueberries. Can you say the same about the american imitation?

>> No.15379898


>> No.15379901

That's a bilberry, OP, not a blueberry

>> No.15379902

we have literally every kind of blueberry you fucking obsessed idiot, we have EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME
except for blackcurrants because they are a carrier for a type of mold that kills pine trees, and our lumber industry is based on pine

>> No.15379906

>That's a bilberry, OP, not a blueberry
NO! Those are blueberries in the truest sense of the word. Only americans call them bilberry

>> No.15379909


>> No.15379921
File: 1.83 MB, 927x694, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can buy shitty shit 24/7
The absolute state of the united states

Just look at here blue tongue. You won't see that in the land of cutmutts

>> No.15379924

i forfeit, you are unable comprehend anything beyond your own nose
please have fun in your thread, at least you will be contained here

>> No.15379943

But bilberry is the normal English name for them, unless you're a scot, in which case I accept that you might call them blaeberries

>> No.15379946

>Commercial blueberries—both wild (lowbush) and cultivated (highbush)—are all native to North America. The highbush varieties were introduced into Europe during the 1930s
Does OP also think that corn and potatoes are native to Europe?

>> No.15379964
File: 887 KB, 1536x2048, girl with blueberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Norwegian and here they have been called blueberries (blåbær) as long as the dawn of time. Why the fuck should I let a mutilated bitch on another continent dictate what our native superior berries are named?

>unless you're a scot, in which case I accept that you might call them blaeberries
And where do you think that name come from? It is the exact name as blåbær just that switched the "å" with "ae" because english is a cucked language with 3 vowels less

>> No.15380009

Why do you have all these pictures of kids on your computer? Reported to the FBI.

>> No.15380032
File: 86 KB, 338x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having free access to high quality and real free range blueberries. No wonder you are seething

>> No.15380096
File: 21 KB, 500x500, Ben-Jerrys-Cherry-Garcia-Ice-Cream[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here they have been called blueberries (blåbær) as long as the dawn of time
>called blueberries
>called this completely different word that i translate to blueberries
Yes, and pic related is my favorite kind of gelato (ice cream).

>> No.15380131

Are most Euros pedophiles or just the ones on this site?

>> No.15380161

Scandies have this weird thing where they think that their linguistic norms are the standard and that only English-speakers defy their perceived norm.

>> No.15380169

why do you keep posting pictures of children specifically

>> No.15380178

I imagine OP as more of a /pol/cel than a pedo, crying behind his computer, "THIS IS WHAT THEY'VE TAKEN FROM US!"

>> No.15380181

This, there was literally a thread yesterday where a Norwegian lost his shit because he found out that Americans eat pancakes in a similar manner to how they do, when he thought that Americans ate pancakes as a dessert. I've seen them lose their shit over stuff like this dozens of times, it's a bizarre regional trend.

>> No.15380186

>called this completely different word that i translate to blueberries
Are you really this retarded? Blåbær means blueberry, literally. Blå = Blue, Bær = Berry.
Kys cutmutt

>> No.15380190
File: 134 KB, 610x894, preop op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal translation is how speaking multiple languages works

>> No.15380215
File: 256 KB, 1500x844, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>literal translation is how speaking multiple languages works
Imagine being an american monolinquist retarded penis amputee and thinking you have anything to teach multilinquistic europeans about languages. Pretty sad to see how dysgenetic american kids are btw. I don't know why you would post that

>> No.15380217

i mean im not him but in this case the literal translation works, guy. why are you being stubborn

>> No.15380230

>in this case the literal translation works
It literally doesn't. The entire point of this shit thread is that OP is pretending to be retarded and insisting a word in his language that literally translates to "blueberry" designates a completely different species of berry in English speaking countries.

>> No.15380257

>designates a completely different species
thats exactly the point. "bilberry" is the deviant case. "Blåbær" and its literal translations in other langauges refers to the left berry in OPs image, EXCEPT in the USA. holy shit dude, seriously?

>> No.15380277

>"Blåbær" and its literal translations in other langauges refers to the left berry in OPs image
It doesn't matter what language you're speaking if you never leave your village. That's not how language works.

>> No.15380295

what are you blabbering about

>> No.15380296

Nah we have black currants in Minnesota

>> No.15380305

>EXCEPT in the USA
And the entire rest of the Anglosphere, why are you so obsessed with the USA specifically here?

>> No.15380309


>> No.15380320
File: 98 KB, 402x536, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be really tight in your nut. The name Blue Berry is the name of the blueberries that are native to Europe. Only when some euros moved to america 300 years ago did they change the meaning of the word blueberry from describing the european blueberry to describe another berry that looks a little bit like the european blueberry (on the outside). So even in the english language, the americans are the ones deviating from the original mean of blueberry. For the rest of the world blueberry still means berries that are blue both on the outside and the inside and not the american bluelets

>> No.15380328

I enjoy every post on this thread.
Also: red blueberries >>> white blueberries

>> No.15380332

because because bilberries are only called that in the US, not the entire anglosphere

>> No.15380336

>The name Blue Berry
"Blue Berry" isn't a name, ESL.

>> No.15380343

most eurocucks are in face paedos

>> No.15380345

They are two different species of fruit you dingdong

>> No.15380350

There's literally a post earlier in this thread pointing out that they're called bliberries in England too, and you can find a website called Australian Blueberries with the au domain name selling North American blueberries as their product. It's an Anglophone thing m8.

>> No.15380353

OP utterly BTFO

>> No.15380355
File: 188 KB, 901x1200, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the american that's so obsessed with the dicks of infants to the point they even pay people to mutilate their own kids dicks

>> No.15380366

>so obsessed with the dicks of infants
Literally every single post you've made in this thread has a been about children's dicks and featured images of young children. The obsession is palpable.

>> No.15380369

>Says the american
already wrong
keep posting kids though paedo it just proves me right

>> No.15380379

if thats the case then the anglosphere is wrong too. im not being a scandinavian supremacist here btw, it just makes sense that blueberries mean blue berries, through and through. i never heard anyone other than americans call the big blue berries with white flesh blueberries. thanks for that

>> No.15380399
File: 237 KB, 400x601, blå.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine how fucked in the head you must be if sex is the first thing you think about when seeing kids picking real blueberries. American are fucking damaged goods

>> No.15380404

>europaedo keeps doubling down

>> No.15380405

>it just makes sense that blueberries mean blue berries, through and through
It's almost as though meaning is determined by use, and not what you personally think makes the most sense when learning a new language.

>> No.15380415

Everybody was well aware from the beginning that this is a blatant troll thread, but kept replying because that's how slow /ck/ is right now. If you don't have anything new to say and are just going to ramble on about "amerimutts" and kids' dick I'm out.

>> No.15380424

It's very concerning how much OP has posted about penises (while also posting pictures of kids) in this thread, you're right it's best we end this now

>> No.15380428
File: 183 KB, 980x652, bærhøst009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nono, I'm not obsessed with dicks even though I like to mutilate them, YOU are obsessed with dicks for telling me it is bad to mutilate them
>Nono, I'm not a pedo for thinking about sex when I see pictures of kids picking blueberries, YOU are the pedo for posting pics of kids foraging berries

Honest question: Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.15380435

Blueberry grows wild up here retard

>> No.15380439

One on the right def puts out.

>> No.15380466

why cant people just enjoy things without sparking a pissing contest over what continent is better. who fucking cares about the color of blueberries. are there not better things to worry about right now?

>> No.15380472
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 1562958500778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can only care about what I think is important

>> No.15380497

t. soyfag poster

>> No.15380503

based pedo admitting his a pedo

>> No.15380506

>The parrots parroting intensifies

KYS bitch

>> No.15380514

thanks for conceding, i accept your surrender

>> No.15380645

no anon, this is modern 4chan. if you post something that's not needlessly inflammatory and retarded no one's even gonna respond

>> No.15380663

I had no idea muzzie cum was purple.

>> No.15380680

they are called blueberries in england so fuck off mutt