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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15371851 No.15371851 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Order a Rabbit? edition

Old-school SEA coffee:

>> No.15371854

Oppss... wrong youtube link

>> No.15371867

oh sweet a fag general

>> No.15371944
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There's something pleasing about a coffee machine that doesn't need electric power to run.

>> No.15372112

The one in your picture needs electricity though?

>> No.15372210

>Laughs in flair

>> No.15372567
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>> No.15372571
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Girls und Panzer

>> No.15372951
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Dragon Maid

>> No.15373350

V60 > all

>> No.15373355

Check again, retard.

>> No.15373398

Do the backpacker bro I talked to a while ago, theres a tetradrip on /r/coffeeswap for $20 shipped right now.

>Munieq Tetra Drip 02S - Used a couple of times. Paid $33 (new, not including shipping). Want $20 shipped.

>> No.15373461
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Has anyone tried making nitro coffee at home?
I love coffee gadgets and this seems fun.
Any thought?

>> No.15373547

looks like a meme tbqh.

>> No.15373603

brehs how do i steam milk for latte art? i have no idea what the texture is supposed to look like.

>> No.15373645
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Is the Bialetti manual grinder any good? It's not too expensive, and all I make is moka anyway.

>> No.15374213

What’s a good espresso machine for someone with a budget of around $100?
I’m looking to step up from my moka pot to real high bar espresso but I don’t have a lot of knowledge of what’s good or not.

>> No.15374217

A higher fucking budget

>> No.15374237

I can scrape together to about 150 or 200 if I really sock away some cash but currently the financial times are a bit harsh. Coof raised the cost of living significantly where I live and my shit wagie job only pays so much.

>> No.15374267

what's the power switch for then

>> No.15374300

The absolute bare minimum, just passable espresso machine/grinder will still cost you 1-2 thousand dollars. Better to just save your money and get it from a shop.

>> No.15374327

1:5 ratio in an aeropress until you can afford a decent machine

>> No.15374569

Guess I’ll try the aero press and/or stick with the moka pot for the time being

>> No.15374842
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Oh is this the coffee professionals thread?

>> No.15374853
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Forgot to soak my beans for cold brew yesterday bros life is suffering

>> No.15375070

If you don't mind going manual you can get a Flair or a Robot and a proper grinder of course. It should be under 1k.

>> No.15375482

He's full of shit. A flair + a espresso capable hand grinder will run you about $400

>> No.15375899

Which model flair do you recommend? Does the flair really match the same pressurization as espresso machines?

>> No.15375910

Bros.... How long did it take you to get good results from v60? Also is there a certain type of bean/roast that will work best? Total noob here.

>> No.15375913

Anyone using the Origami dripper?
Just got one and trying it with kalita filters but im not too impressed, maybe my recipe is off or something.
Loving it with v60 filters though

>> No.15375919

For less than $800 you can get a baratza virtuoso and a cafelat robot and get great results

>> No.15376004

i think this is just james hoffmans recipe but this is what i do:
light-medium roast, medium fine grind
bloom for 30s with 2-3x the weight of the grounds
slowly pour 60% of the water, let it draw down about halfway, pour rest of water

>> No.15376222
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I started out on a scratch and dent signature with the pressure gauge, and a kinu phoenix Got it for $215(+$200 for the grinder) shipped Added the new shower screen and drip tray later. After that I bought the SEP and an acaia lunar for it. Easily does 9+ bars. I've got some brazilians that should be rested enough. I'll pull some shots in a bit and try to get some good graphs/pics.

Loving the origami with v60 filters. I'm fucking around with a much finer grind than usual and still getting superbly drinkable cups.

>> No.15376238

Yeah thats what I found too with the origami+v60, grinding way finer than usual and still getting really tasty results.
Pretty excited to see how ice coffee turns out in this thing

>> No.15376528

I am so close to believing that 95% of pour over methods are complete bullshit and the only real important things is your grind and your water.
Did an intentional single high-and-dry pour earlier today from the Kasuya video I linked last thread and that was one of the best cups I ever made. 13.5g/200g/96° done at around 1:10 iirc
All that faffing about with James Hoffmann V60 techniques, Kasuya 4:6 and other methods has many steps where things can go wrong and the result is rarely pleasing.

>> No.15376533

>tfw he doesn't kubomi

>> No.15376744

hoffman's is just bloom + 1 pour in 1 minute. kasuya also has a straight up single pour (or all bloom) method done in 15 seconds

>> No.15376815

yeah, not saying they are overly complicated, though 4:6 it's too easy to get a super long draw down at your 5th pour and mess up that way imo.
But still why bother with all kinds of methods, pour x grams at y seconds, stir with spoon, then swirl the holder when the water went down a bit, etc.
Get the grind right for the Kasuya 15s and end up with a good cup.
The other methods are more fun admittedly, like he said as well.

>> No.15376833

i've always squeezed the filter paper to get out all the coffee. WHOOPS!

>> No.15376888

can sieves actually improve the result, when you already have a good grinder?
Thought you need a certain amount of fines in there to get the right taste and that high end grinders do it pretty much right.

>> No.15377059

I just bought them to fuck around and experiment/use as an intermediary upgrade before a new grinder. That being said, for my pourovers I'm mainly concerned with boulders not fines. I've had great cups I've sieved, reground the top, then used a bit of the fines+ the particle range I was after. I've also had great cups where I haven't bothered fucking with the sifters. Espresso I definitely notice my flow changes. Whether or not thats good, who knows. I'll clean up the lower micron ones and see if I can show it on a graph.

>> No.15378185

Basically anonymous at the prices you're talking you have to buy used which means doing your own research. Just asking this general won't cut it.

Espresso demands consistency. The cheapest machines either can't hit the numbers they need to hit or they can't hit them consistently. A 100$ machine that only ever hits 6bars of pressure will never make good espresso. A 300$ machine that has an operating temperature range of 15C will almost never make good espresso. And so on.

>> No.15378397

How do you have your coffee
>when you make it
>when you order it at a cafe?

>> No.15378473
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For me?
It's Folgers through a cheap coffee machine with tons of leached plastic from the tubing and water reservoir, giving that nice toxic burnt rubber taste AND smell to the coffee

Isn't it weird how pretty much every single coffee machine out there (even the 'most metal ones you can get') have reviews bitching about a burnt rubber taste and smell for the first dozen+ uses (it likely always leaches just less noticeable amounts later on) I don't know how it's legal or safe for this to happen

This happened to me for the 3rd time when I recently had to buy a new machine, and it's pour over for me from now on.

>> No.15378499

Plastic and coffee simply don't mix. Coffee oils permeate plastics, turn rancid within weeks, and there you go. You cannot make good coffee with plastic tools, ever.

>> No.15378518

Take the percolator pill.

>> No.15378563

Just found out a cheap electric burr grinder makes considerably worse coffee than a shitty old blade grinder. The amount of ultrafines it produces at a medium grind were ridiculous.

>> No.15378873
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Flair makes good espresso. Anybody got the Pro version?

>> No.15379645

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Aeropress, than I'm getting on the actual V Six- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a sip of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Aeropress /ck/, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. YOUR AEROPRESS /CK/ IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A BREWOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the cabinet. /ck/. That sip is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the aroma. Like I'm not even mad that I'm sippin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm sipping coffee right now with my breakfast.

You can really taste the chocolate notes because the sear, on this press based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get nutty notes but the notes are there so you get a crunch off it, with soft fruity action with BPA? /CK/, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' /CK/, THE AEROPRESS COFFEE SON!

>> No.15379807

A lot of use you are, /ctg/. I'm gonna buy it along with a new brikka and a manual frother. Hope it won't be too shit. I've seen both Hoffman videos, and I just can't be arsed to order an Aergrind or whatever. It'll probably be okay for making Moka.

>> No.15379812

I have the Pro 2. I like its large brew basket and portafilter.
I think any of the Flairs can consistently produce good espresso as long as you have the pressure gauge and the bottomless portafilter, and of course, a good grinder. The temperature sticker also helps but may not really be that necessary.

>> No.15379857

No replies probably means no one here has it. Considering it's at the same price range as the Hario Mini Mill that I have, it's probably safe to assume that it's okay for moka pots but would be worse as you grind coarser. It'd also take a lot of time, which was definitely noticeable when I upgraded to a better grinder from my Hario.

>> No.15379944

Aero is really good.
I think it looks really cheap, but it makes good coffee so easily.

>> No.15380025


>> No.15380050

Well thanks for your reply. Yeah it's probably decent for moka since it's the same maker. I just got my set. It's probably a solid improvement from the chinese knockoff mokapot and the electric spice grinder I've been using.

>> No.15380103
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>> No.15380209

>still cost you 1-2 thousand dollars
Bullshit. A one to two thousand dollar budget is about what you need for an Italian made machine with plumbing and user serviceable parts, but a couple hundred bucks will get you an oldish Sunbeam EM6910 that will still have a couple years at least left in it. Replace the group head gasket (and the shower screen too if you've budget) and then throw a 58mm 18g VST basket in the portafilter and buy a decent, heavy tamper. You now have something that will absolutely eventually break - for starters, the EM6910s will kill their main PCB in the end, and for seconds with the VST basket you've just started a ticking clock on the collar cracking - but you'll learn a fuckload that will stand you in good stead for a "real" espresso machine, and you've bought something cheap but that has:
>a 58mm basket
>the ability to maintain a relatively consistent group head temp without temperature surfing - AND has a programmable temperature
>weak, but very consistent steam that will teach you for when you upgrade to something with more grunt
>a machine that will get you a 19g in, 38g out doubleshot in 29 seconds, in less than ten minutes after you wake up

You will need a grinder though.

>> No.15380681
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I drink coffee daily, but I'm tired of buying it from fast food places. Can someone recommend me a machine, and maybe learn me on how to make good home-made coffee? I had a Keurig that was a gift, and the coffee tasted like watery poison, so I had to store it. Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.15380796

what is the best way to make coffee? I'm totally ignorant to everything about coffee, I only started drinking it in the last year. what about bean selection? I currently have a keurig machine and I think I'm being bamboozled on taste and cost per cup.

>> No.15380824


>> No.15380832

didn't even notice your post buddy, I would've quoted it otherwise. hopefully somebody more experienced replies.

>> No.15380857
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>> No.15380977

Honestly to start, before you get crazy with any spending I'd say get yourself a nice French press if you like coffee or a moka pot if you like espresso (or both). They're cheap and simple to get into. Then start by going to a local coffee importer (or supermarket that does this) and getting some pre ground beans. Find out what kind of roasts, flavors, and styles of coffee you like. Gradually start getting more intricate as you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe after a while you'll grind your own beans, then maybe you'll upgrade from a simple stovetop pot to a real espresso machine or a flair. French Press is kinda perfect as it is, so I don't really know how to recommend anything else. Except maybe a good percolator if you're into that kinda thing.

>> No.15381009

Despite the meme post earlier from that guy, unironically an Aeropress makes really good coffee, that you can hardly get wrong as long as your grind isn't totally whack.
Alternatively V60 or something. Good pour-over can take a while to get right though, but very enjoyable to do.

The most expensive thing initially will be a good grinder.
Baratza Encore or Wilfa Svart are pretty good without breaking the bank.
There are also lots of good handgrinders, but you may have to look a bit to decide on a good one in a similar price range.
Don't cheap out on the grinder. You WILL buy twice otherwise.

Or do what the guy above me posted and buy pre-ground for the start, but I wouldn't buy super market packages.
Get to some coffee shop and tell them what beans you want and which way you want to brew it (aero, french, pour-over, etc.) and have them grind it with the right coarseness for that method.

>> No.15381021

and even if you don't have a coffee place nearby, then order online from some specialty coffee shop, where it normally states the roast date on the package.
If you buy from a super-market, who knows how long that coffee has been sitting in storage.

>> No.15381068

You guys are great. I'll weigh my options and report back.

>> No.15381193

This just looks like a normal whippets machine. What’s the difference?

>> No.15381208
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I am wondering to pull the trigger on buying the following 3 items:

SHARDOR conical burr coffee grinder (51.95)
SECURA french press (25.96)
KLARSTEIN espresso machine 15 bar (114.99)

Are they worth an investment? I have a wonderful coffee shop on the corner to get some high quality beans but would love any insight.

This is a step up for me as I previously had a cheap 50 dollar sowtech which has run its course. Would adding another 50 bucks to my budget be worth it? Thank you in advance.

>> No.15381241

Adding a little bit of baking soda to mokapot water to increase crema and reduce acidity - is it a good idea?

>> No.15381262

Spend more on the grinder. Buy a Baratza Encore or Wilfa Svart. All French Presses are pretty similar. Those '15 bar' espresso machines don't make genuine espresso, but that doesn't seem to bother people.

>> No.15381296

Thank you for your response. Can you explain what I get with a grinder 70 dollars more expensive as opposed to the cheap one? Also, what would I be getting if not espresso from that 15 bar machine technically? Lol in your honest opinion what was I getting from that 50 dollar sowtech? I knew I wasn't getting quality espresso but what do you consider it? Just strong coffee?

>> No.15381363

A known brand, good grind quality and consistency - the most important aspect of making coffee yourself. The 15 bar machines used a pressurised portafilter, which means the resulting liquid doesn't come pouring out insanely fast. It also means you don't need an espresso grind - it should play nicely with the finer grind settings of the Encore/Svart. The output is 'like' espresso, but it's not genuine espresso. Strong coffee yeah, but you can get strong coffee from an Aeropress, Moka Pot, or Clever Dripper Again, 15 bar machines seemingly works fine for many people. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.15381369


to add to >>15381262 anons reply.
I don't think Encore or Svart can necessarily grind for Espresso. That doesn't mean they are bad grinders, it's just that different ones have different ranges and these may rather focus on other methods.
Better doublecheck that, if Espresso is your main thing.

What you want from a grinder is consistency.
'Better' usually means that they only give you the size you want and not too many fines or boulders, that would then under- or overextract

>> No.15381556

Thank you both for your responses. In light of what you've said I think i may forgo the 15 bar machine and just save enjoying espresso for when i go to proper places that can brew it.

say i buy the Baratza and a french press, would you recommend anything else that would up my coffee game? I typically make it only for myself or one or two other people and prefer it to be on the stronger side. again thank you for your insight

>> No.15381586

Get a good scale, if you don't have one yet.
Should give you 0.1g precision, at least in the lower weight ranges.
Also with the french press your kettle is probably not that important.
Last thing would be to pick some good beans.
Try some variety and check the difference between African and Central american, light, medium, dark etc.
No idea what goes best with a French Press though.
The other anon may know.

>> No.15381752

Good quality water is very important. I use bottled water as I live in a hard water area. A Brita or whatever filter may help if you live in a hard water area.

>> No.15381874




Coffee/gay/ has compiled alot of info about cheap espresso and should answer alot of your questions. The flair neo upgrade "path" is the absolute cheapest that actually does "espresso". You can run preground coffee through it for a while with the pressurized portafilter, then in a few months when you feel like snagging an espresso capable grinder, just grab the bottomless portafilter.

>> No.15382144

Thank you very much. I am glad i consulted this board before pulling the trigger on those machines. I will take all this into account!

>> No.15382458

>TFW finally got a proper coffee grinder for christmas
Now I can join the cool kids club.

>> No.15382743

>n Aeropress makes really good coffee, that you can hardly get wrong as long as your grind isn't totally whack.
>Alternatively V60 or something. Good pour-over can take a while to get right though, but very enjoyable to do.
I only recently got an aeropress after years of espresso and V60 and retardedly, I'm struggling to make something drinkable out of it yet lol.

>> No.15382757

>say i buy the Baratza and a french press, would you recommend anything else that would up my coffee game?

If you're setup with a decent grinder and a French press, and you're buying beans and making coffee, you'd be silly not to get a plastic V60 and some filters for like twenty bucks to have that in the arsenal and try pourover - it's cheap, it's a good method, and it's pretty portable if you decide you want coffee camping or on the road too.

>> No.15382795
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>> No.15382810

How do you do it?
Definitely ignore the recipe it came with.

You can always try these (google the winner on YT and watch it there)
though these often use a large amount of coarse grind, that may get a bit expensive over time.

Just look for different methods. Normal, inverted, ratios, time, temp, etc.

>> No.15382824

Also try not pressing all the way. Stop when you hear the first air hiss and see if that makes things different.

>> No.15382877

I'll give that a nudge- definitely didn't like it the way in the manual, but I have drunk Aeropress from other people that was good so I know I'm the factor. The champ recipes look interesting but yeah if I'm dosing that high I'm more inclined to make actual espresso. Would you care to briefly describe your preferred method?

>> No.15382981

Right now I mainly do pour-overs.
Only using the aero occasionally with different variables each time, just to have another cup simultaneously out of curiosity to see how the same grind tastes when brewed with a completely different method.
So I don't really have a standard, but I tried some of the winning recipes and those usually came out well.
WAC usually have fairly large amount of coarse grinds.

This guy here has a 13/200g recipe for example
He does this temporary plunger insertion (not sure if that does much though)

>> No.15382994

and check this for a rough guideline how to adjust variables if the coffee comes out wrong

>> No.15382998

I'll give that a go, cheers anon. Where's the grind compared to what you brew pourover with?

>> No.15383008

I've used that for a while, it's a good guide.

>> No.15383021

you can do either with either
Kasuya 4:6, which won the 2016 championship uses fairly coarse grind, while normally V60 is more medium-fine.
Same with aero, that WAC is mostly coarse like I said, that guy in the video above also uses something similar to a medium-fine filter grind at his ratio and brew-time I think.

>> No.15383032

Yeah right... I was grinding somewhere about 1/3 the way from my espresso grind towards my v60 grind - I might have a play a little later much coarser. Thanks

>> No.15383034
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and something nice:

>> No.15383235

Thank you very much.

>> No.15383584

>SHARDOR conical burr coffee grinder
Don't do it. It's terrible. >>15378563 is me. Sadly, I was gifted one. The amount of fines I got in the medium range RUINED the coffee. Like ass. Like worse than a tub of Folgers somebody boiled for 2 hours. Additionally, it has an utterly terrible grind retention. I dosed one dose into the hopper, then looked at it and thought how little coffee came out. I had to spend 10 minutes dissasembling the grinder and tapping and brushing from all angles to get a whopping 10g of coffee out of all the nooks and crannies. And it was MESSY. A 2-foot radious of coffee grinds. So, this means you get to spend 10 minutes and clean up a huge mess every time you make coffee, or 25-33% of every coffee you make is stale coffee. What is the point of grinding fresh coffee if it's stale coffee? Get a manual burr grinder if you can't afford a really nice, low-retention electric burr grinder.

>> No.15383606

Also of note how fucking loud the machine is. It fucking SCREAMS, as the motor turns at an ultra-fast rpm, clogging up the chute and burning your coffee into putrid dust.

>> No.15383614

>French Press is kinda perfect as it is
pour over is the logical next step

>> No.15383637

So guys, should I take the La Pavoni pill?

>> No.15383737

No. Not great machines. Well made, but fundamentally flawed. More frustration than anything. Get a flair.

>> No.15384271

how the FUCK does black and white roasters do it bros? I just spent 28 dollars for 2 pounds of specialty coffee with free 2 day shipping. they aren't my favorite roaster or anything but honestly these prices are ridiculous

>> No.15384716
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Coffee goes with.......
avo toast

>> No.15384921

The milk frother is amazing. Managed to almost make cream without even heating the milk.
The other two are eh.. Brikka seems to have a learning curve, and hopefully it's not just shit because it's China made

>> No.15385480

What are some decent store brand coffees I can get at a market or online? I'm going to be travelling a bit in the near future for a few months and I won't really have the space or time to bring my own grinding gear and coffee beans. I'll be using a perc and/or a french press during my travels.

>> No.15385811

Is coffee just a never ending money sinkhole?
Went from pre-ground to cheap handgrinder, to decent budget electro-grinder (Svart) and realized that there is still so much room for improvement.
How can I be sure, that I have actually ever made and tasted really good coffee yet?
I am so close to getting the Uniform or a Comandante (though they are both sold out everywhere for some reason), but how can I be sure that will be the end?

Also general thoughts on Uniform vs Comandante grind quality?

>> No.15385891

How do cheap espressofags even use pregrounded coffee if they decide to not buy a grinder? If I kept my setting on my C40 the same for all coffee types and didnt make weekly adjustments even with the same coffee thats aging, Id be constantly underextracting and over extracting the coffee.

>> No.15386160

I suppose if the flavours you get somewhat resemble the tasting notes, and if it doesn't taste under/over extracted. I was going to get the Uniform (sold the Svart for what I paid for it), but I ended up buying the Niche instead. Reading elsewhere, some way the Uniform is a worthy upgrade over the Svart. I imagine for pour over, the Uniform and C40 would be pretty similar. Either grinder is the end for pour over. The Uniform is very limited for espresso - you can get an attachment for the C40, if you go the espresso route - but hand grinding for espresso doesn't seem fun.
Pressurised portafilter and then lots of milk, so they probably don't notice any extraction issues.

>> No.15386384

how do you adjust the setting over time?

>> No.15386908

>but hand grinding for espresso doesn't seem fun.

Not that big of a deal. I handgrind 15-30g daily.

>> No.15386926

Beans change over time. You got to adjust it to get your 30-35 sec extraction goal

>> No.15386946

Who here Flair/leverfag + Hand grinder gang?

Feels good to know that if power went out, or I go camping, I can still enjoy a decent cup of coffee.

>> No.15388377

Don't die

>> No.15388559


>> No.15388601

How do I get better at tasting coffee? Every single blend i try just tastes 'like coffee'. Do i need to be doing cupping sessions to train my taste buds or some shit?

>> No.15388617

Yep. A lot of blends end up tasting like the average of coffee flavors blended together.

>> No.15388666

Cupping sessions at this point probably wouldn't be the most useful thing. Early on you want to focus very specifically, and/or taste "comparatively." As in, make a cup of two kinds of coffee, have them side by side, taste one, rinse a little water, taste the other, and focus on "which one of these is sweeter," for example. Or, wherever you're buying beans, copy down all the wanky bullshit tasting note adjectives on a few varieties, and when you're tasting A vs B, look at one of those words individually while you go back and forth. "Does this taste of stonefruit?" etc.

As the other anon said - blends as a rule, tend to be blended for balance, so, as a rule, they tend to be approachable and inoffensive. Try some single origins and you're going to have better luck picking out individual elements or tasting the differences between two.

Consider also how you prepare coffee for tasting. Cupping works because it's a constant, it's easy to do consistently, and it's scalable, but at this point it's probably best if you're sticking to something close to what you like to drink. On the other hand, if what you like to drink is something with milk or sugar in the mix, those things are going to make tasting harder, so ideally something like pourover or French press - or espresso over a latte - is going to make it easier on you. Lots of flavours become more evident as the coffee cools, so don't be afraid to let it cool a little before you drink all of it. Aerating what you're tasting has a way of exaggerating flavours too, so assuming you're by yourself and not in polite company, a small slurp will amp up different elements. This can also be done by tasting with a soup spoon and slurping a little as you taste it.

>> No.15388697

Thanks for the tips anons. I do aeropress which is apparently pretty hard to fuck up. I'm not sure if what im using is single origin at the minute but it does specify a single farm so I assume so? Either way it still tastes just sorta.. coffee-like. Maybe if I leave out the americano and go espresso.

It's sad as a friend bought me some beans one time and I could quite easily pick out a very syrupy flowery honey type flavour and it was delicious. Since then though, nothing.

>> No.15388978

>cupping not useful at this point
>make two cups of coffee and compare
Literally cupping.

>> No.15389026

I was referring to the specific brew method used in industry cuppings

>> No.15389955

I am back with more observations. So why does my piece of shit ancient electric blade grinder produce significantly better coffee than a cheap electric burr grinder anyway? I take a look at the particle sizes between the two, and the burr grinder appears more uniform. The blade grinder (using pulse only and shaking/stirring) has a much bigger variation of partcle size to my eye, however all variables in a pourover test exactly the same, the burr grinder produces much, much more fines. Examination of the bed of wet grounds shows 2x more fine sediment sludge on top. But it isn't entirely that. The cheap burr grinder didn't just make a muddier cup, there was almost no background flavor of really anything else in the fruity city roast Ethiopian test coffee. Like nothin. I only ever find this when I massively overroast and kill it. I look again at the exposed burrs running dry, and they are blindingly fast. I think the heat friction is also roasting the coffee darker in the machine. This is what people accuse cheap blade grinders of doing! Yet no pulse mode availible on the machine. Is there a workaround here using a Variac or something? I am starting to think that all electric burr grinders are inherently flawed and shit unless the high-end ones have a much slower rotation, and/or they have a transfer gear and shaft that gets the drive motor out from underneath the burrs to allow a clean pass through. I have literally made better coffee by smashing it with a rolling pin than with that machine.

One really surprising thing I came away with here is that cheap blade grinders aren't that bad if you use them correctly.

>> No.15389962

Oh, and that uniform particle size isn't as important as reducing frictional heat. That one doesn't surprize me as much.

>> No.15389965

Mom and dad always made perc at home. For that reason it'll always taste good to me. I should get one of my own already

>> No.15390180

So guys, I've been dipping into brewing for the last 3 years with a cheapo $150 espresso machine, pour over coffee, an aeropress, a moka pot, got myself a pretty good grinder, and now I want to take espresso making to a whole new level with a milk steamer, probably make latte art. What do you guys suggest? Got 1K burger bucks to spare.

>> No.15390221

>who knows how long that coffee has been sitting in storage.
usually specialty coffee makers add roast date on their products. If not, you can deduct it from expiration dates

>> No.15390323

Rancilio Silva with a PID mod if you have a good grinder or a grinder if you don't.

>> No.15390328

Fun fact: even Starbucks prints a date on the bags. It is intentionally difficult to read because it was only meant for stock rotation (or really old coffee out into the front), but it's on the vertical seam flap on the back of the bag. Use a flashlight and magnifying glass.

>> No.15390367

I thought I'd bump the thread from page 10

>> No.15390406
File: 625 KB, 2048x2730, 1610533375245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got mine for Christmas. It's surprisingly fast to brew with when you get the hang of it

>> No.15390423

Anybody got any thoughts on a Nuova Simonelli Oscar 2? Wanting to go from "appliance" to "machine" but don't want to have to deal with temperature surfing and I might have a good deal.

>> No.15390424
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How is it?

>> No.15390427

Nice grinder, anon

>> No.15390577

Are you sure your grinder has proper burrs? A lot of cheap burr grinders have "false burrs," and they're absolutely dog shit at grinding uniformly.


>> No.15390613
File: 89 KB, 266x301, Tweak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual grinders are no joke. Man. I used to grind coffee in a bladed spice grinder, but with my new manual grinder I can FEEL the caffeine. Fuck this is not good, outer lower part of eye won't stop twitching. Doesn't help that I didn't sleep last night either

>> No.15390824

Yes, I'm sure. It's a real™ steel burr set in there. I took it apart several times cleaning out the 10g retention. Everything else in there is 100% plastic though. It's possible the outer burr has movement. I dunno. I'm done with it.

>> No.15391136 [DELETED] 

Count me in. I like total manual setups more because they have a very small footprint and minimal maintenance needed.

Not him, but it's pretty good. It still surprises me that this thing can pull an espresso.

>> No.15391173

Count me in. I like total manual setups because of the very small footprint and minimal maintenance needed.

Not him, but it's pretty good. It still surprises me that this thing can pull an espresso, especially at its price point.

>> No.15391220

I got a dolce gusto machine for christmas. The cappuccino is pretty good.

>> No.15391672

It just werks. No complaints after a week of daily usage. Takes 4-7 minutes from bean to brew with my timemore and it tastes better than most espressos I've had at cafes.

>> No.15392883
File: 427 KB, 669x881, 39DE655E-31B4-4253-9425-4C8BDDE2877D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been putting nutmeg, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice in my coffee to make it taste better.
Got any other suggestions for herbs and spices?

>> No.15392895

what coffee are you using?

>> No.15392924

I cycle between the two I’m pointing my Glock at, it’s not that they taste bad it’s that I like better tasting coffee

>> No.15393061


The hand crank's plastic handle of mine is already break off. Six months or so of almost everyday use. When buying manual grinders look for the rivet under the plastic handler. The ones so fragile like the Bialetti ones are not worth it.

>> No.15393163

well, how do you brew it usually.
Could be so many things, that can make the result better, apart from adding something on top of it.

>> No.15393233

Also looks like these are both darker central/southern American ones?
Can't find clear origin info for the Blue Star one, how it's roasted, if it's 100% arabica or not. Can't find any info in their shop.

Have you tried something like a lighter roasted Ethiopian bean?

>> No.15393705
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>Buy some tabbed V60 filters because I'm being lazy
>Drawdown is considerably slower and all my brews are either bitter garbage or bland when I coarsen up the grind enough
Well that'll teach me. On the bright side, it got me to bust out my french press and finally learn how to make something decent with it.

>> No.15393729

I was lured into buying one of those Secura grinders by the low price. Never again.

>> No.15393787

Just tried my aeropress after drinking keurig for the last month, and man it's already so much better. Even with the preground store coffee Im stuck with until my grinder arrives. Curious if anyone here uses one, and if so what works for you

>> No.15394779
File: 106 KB, 956x345, 1603906391565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only person who got high with their first coffee?

>> No.15394797

I avoided coffee for years, only really started drinking it after joining the workforce proper. but one time on a family vacation, we were on an overnight train to New Orleans, it was late and I was bored looking for a kick so I drank some coffee they had in the social car. Swear the boyz were fuckin BUZZIN dude.

>> No.15394801

i'll feel a high if i don't have coffee for a few days/weeks

once had so much caffeine i passed out on the floor

>> No.15395259

>passed out on the floor

Weak jeans.

>> No.15395301

Hey ctg, any on advice on how to get good results on a de longhi ec155? I've got an unpressurized basket and a baratza encore grinder. It makes ok milk drinks, but trying to drink the espresso straight up is impossible. Always seems to come out both horrifically sour and bitter. I know my setup is far from ideal for espresso, but just wondering if there's anything I can do to get better results or whether I should save up for a better machine or something like a flair and a better grinder.

>> No.15395310

Damn. I hope mine lasts a little longer than that. it's my first proper grinder and it's not too bad so far

>> No.15395410

The Encore's great for many things, but it can't handle espresso, unless you're using your pressurized basket. You'll need a better grinder, and I'd get that before you buy anything else.

>> No.15395573

Turkish coffee really is the best. No need for fancy grinders or meme coffee makers. Just a pot and some ground coffee is all you need for a nice satisfying cup.
Unlike espresso you also get a full cup instead of one 12th of cup

>> No.15395593

Go to a local roaster and get fresh beans, preferably after trying out a roast that you like. Start with a French press and a decent burr grinder to grind your coffee. Am still new, but after trying to get /fit/ last year I’ve learned to appreciate a nice fresh cup of coffee.

>> No.15395772

that was before i was really into coffee. I think it was either 4 or 5 shots in a sugary milk drink which i downed in like 15 minutes. hard to tell how much a shot actually is when a barista does it and you don't ask them how they pull it.

>> No.15395801

Yeah, you definitely don't want to hit the caffeine so hard that you get to "uncomfortably energetic" levels. It negates any kind of benefit you were trying to get from drinking it in the first place.

>> No.15396634


>> No.15396657

Encore, or wait and invest up?

>> No.15396730

Depends how long you'd wait.
Encore and Svart aren't bad. Though I got my Svart less than half a year ago and now I want to upgrade to something proper high-end for pour-over and wish I'd have gotten it in the first place.

Also so many Grinders are sold out where I live. Not sure if it's because everyone is working from home now and they want their own equipment or coof related supply shortages.

>> No.15397507


>> No.15397631

I was going to but I fucking broke my damn whipper somehow.

>> No.15398134

Any suggestions for a step above?

>> No.15398244

Pretty sure it's because the shithole socialist countries where they make most of the good grinders are paying people thousands a month to stay home.

>> No.15398307
File: 14 KB, 600x338, coffee-blaster_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your aeropress recipe?
>16 grind on encore
>Bloom 0:20
>Finish pour, stir, let sit for 1:10
>press for ~0:20

>> No.15398317

V60 bros...


>> No.15398471

If you don't feel like looking into the used grinder+new burr market, check out some premium hand grinders or get in on the next niche shipment.

>> No.15398590

>there are hipsters who drink steampunk coffee

>> No.15398632

>keep stream close to the brew bed
>uses 02 instead of a 01
but looks interesting, also that 3-5 minute brew time is a pretty huge variance.
How does that work, when most methods recommend a max time of ~3:30 and that you should never really go above 4:00 to avoid extracting the more undesirable parts?
Does it work because you are disturbing the bed so little, that the tannins don't have much of a chance to end up in the cup in the first place?
Going to try it tomorrow and compare it with my usual method.

I'm waiting for the Comandante to become available again. Just a few months ago I thought I would never ever spend that money on a grinder, and it's not even that expensive compared to other equipment.
Uniform would have been my choice if I wanted electric.


You want to grind for filter, right?

>> No.15398644

i just tried the osmosis method and it made one of the best cups ive had in a while.

>> No.15398685

The comandante is great, buy one and you're set for pour over. The real money sink is getting into espresso

>> No.15399267
File: 170 KB, 1140x700, DE975C67-DC05-4C71-955A-2911C8B6DAB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you tried Chamberlain Coffee, I’d like to try steeping cold brew

>> No.15399629
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>> No.15399724

Yeah, I am using a Japanese recipe on my superior Japanese V60, that was handbrewed over a thousand times.
I can easily pour through any western roasted bean I come across.
While you pushed buttons on your machine, I studied the cone.
*starts blooming behind you*
heh, nothing personnel

>> No.15400195

>most methods recommend a max time of ~3:30

Apparently we don't care about drawdown times anymore. Here's rao with a 5 minute + brew. I've def had great cups longer than 4m with a v60 and an origami.


>> No.15400442

Try it and report back

>> No.15400524

Adding cardamom makes it taste like the coffee I get from the Lebanese restaurant down the street

>> No.15400985 [DELETED] 

>called elektra
>doesnt need electricity

>> No.15400996
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>putting sissy frilly designs on coffee

>> No.15401032

wendelboe aeropress recipe >pourover meme

>> No.15401153

>Chamberlain Coffee
No, but the packaging is really cute. Good for them. I bet it sells well with women.

>> No.15401177

i'm using 3 day off roast beans to pull espresso and they all taste like crap. when does it actually get good. I was using 5 week old beans before and was able to pull some very good shots

>> No.15401203

I'm so glad I never got into espresso. Doing low-tech, low-variable pour over is delightfully simple.

>> No.15401204

7-10 days. Tasting green?

>> No.15401211

You know there's plenty of people who drink multiple kinds of coffee, right?

>> No.15401232

Sure. I just like that my coffee is simple.

>> No.15401432

Even with pourover theres a nearly infinite set of variables you can tweak.

>> No.15401447

There are fewer variables and it is much easier to make a good cup.

>> No.15401602

my problem right now is i got an espresso oriented grinder because people said i could also use it for pourover, but it just makes way too many fines for v60. i could buy the pourover burr set but swapping the burrs daily seems like a pain

>> No.15401721

What grinder is it? Can you afford a second grinder?

>> No.15401908
File: 98 KB, 1195x1195, baratza-encore-coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Baratza Encore and some random French Press a good way to get good cup of coffee in the morning without fiddling around too much? It's for my wife, so a coffee hobbyist she is not. What's a good French Press as far as sturdiness goes?

>> No.15401984

>What's a good French Press as far as sturdiness goes?
Have a look at the Espro presses - they have double-walled presses in table and travel sizes, the filters are pretty fine compared to most standard French presses and you put a paper filter in between them if you want something a bit closer to pourover in texture and sediment. Haven't used an Encore but have had a good run with my Sette and have heard good things about Encores.

>> No.15402138

>heard good things about Encores
Dude. Go check out the 1-star reviews on shamazon. Everbody's like: It worked well the first 1-3 times I used it, then it clogged and I had to spend an hour taking it apart and cleaning it every other day–the company sent and instructional video even and told me it wasn't designed to grind coffee with any trace of oil! This thing suxxxx. GRRR.

>> No.15402150 [DELETED] 

French press is terrible
Amazon is full of fake and shoddily refurbished trash, I've had mine for 4 years and it's been fine. Don't fuck yourself over to save $20, you will regret it

>> No.15402165

>French press is terrible
How so?

What alternative is there without it being too tedious?

>> No.15402174

Or maybe they're just shitty now, and you bought one before they turned into 100% shit? They're all mass-produced plasticky blobs of shit made in rando Chinese factories. Sometimes they make them well, sometimes they don't. Good luck, everyone!

>> No.15402300

Don't listen to the anti-french press faggots. It's the least tedious way to make decent coffee and quite easy to dial in with a decent grinder. If you really dislike unfiltered coffee but still want something not as tedious as pourover you could always try steep and release brewers like the clever dripper/hario switch.

>> No.15402568

>got a shitload of coffee for christmas
>also on a weekly coffee subscription which i generally like the results of
how long will this stuff stay good frozen?

>> No.15402998

Alright, that one is really good.

>> No.15404071

>hario switch
That looks simpler in practice than the French press.

>> No.15404199

Wouldn't an aeropress be even simpler? Especially when it comes to cleaning.

>> No.15404263

What handgrinder should I get for V60s around 100€ ?

>> No.15404282

Timemore. Shell out for one of the one with a dual bearing stabilizer. Can't remember the name of their cheap single bearing line, maybe someone can help out.

>> No.15404346

I've used a Hario before. It's not difficult to clean. I don't like the idea of all that plastic. Also, with the Hario Switch the whole brewing process seems really passive.

>> No.15404442

Options here are the slim or the chesnut c2, any difference?

>> No.15404585
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Update: I decided to snag a refurb sette 270 off of Baratza's site, so hopefully that performs well and then I have an upgrade path for my machine later on.

Also ordered a cezve and an aeropress off of Amazon and they came in the mail today. Both turned out pretty well, aeropress was very easy to setup and made a nice clean cup. Turkish was a little more tricky playing with the heat and adding sugar. One was a little too bitter, and the other too sweet but still very palatable. Had to throw the beans in my blade grinder though since my encore choked on the fine setting. I imagine moka pot would taste similar if I didn't always overextract the hell out of it.

>> No.15404689

I've got a Sette 270, and it works pretty well, although you'll want to watch your fine adjustment ring and make sure it doesn't wander due to the vibration of the grinder.

>> No.15405305

Get the slim.

>> No.15405674

Darjeeling is screaming right now because it's not tea.

>> No.15405842

Yeah I've got a 270 as well, been working well for both espresso and filter and for switching between them - there's retention but it's not bad.

>> No.15406198
File: 39 KB, 576x720, IMG_0992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made a cup of Kona coffee with an aero press

>pic related

>> No.15407294

Done, thanks

>> No.15407370

Depends on brew method and how badly you need a decent grinder. Mine does well with french press and cold brew but isn't very good for espresso.
I'm not much of a teafag but I wonder if frothed milk would be good with milk tea.
anzio best school btw

>> No.15407681
File: 70 KB, 1000x574, X4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A strong dark roasted coffee to balance the sweets.

You missed one >>15371851

>> No.15407876
File: 70 KB, 800x533, Serving-Coffee.-Facts-about-the-Coffee-Ceremony-in-Ethiopia.-Absolute-Ethiopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Ethiopian beans the Ethiopian way?

>> No.15407933

I am tempted to answer that, but it would turn into a copypasta that reads like a J. Peterman monologue from Seinfeld.

>> No.15407970

I tried genuine Ethiopian beans but not in the Ethiopian way. Roasted them way too light and they tasted naturally sweet

>> No.15408086


>> No.15408171

It doesnt just pull an espresso, with practice, you can easily pull shots better than anything coming from a sub 1000 dollar machine. I brought my Flair+C40+scale to my cousins place during a family sleepover as it was the only way you could meet family without getting caught during the 6 month Covid shutdown in Melbourne. I made 10 cups of coffee for the night using my 200 dollar flair sig and my cousin made 8 cups of coffee using his 800 dollar Breville. We used my Ethiopian Geshas for both. And I used the Breville steamer to texturise some milk. Everyone preferred mine. People really underestimate the importance of pressure profiling.

>> No.15408185

>the Ethiopian way?

with a bag of UN rice?

>> No.15408193

That looks horrible desu

>> No.15408256

vindicated by todays hoffmann video
pouroverists btfo

>> No.15408291
File: 67 KB, 1160x709, Screenshot 2021-01-15 222928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osmotic pour-over really seems to be the best method, and it's surprising it's not more popular.
It extracts like immersion, with the benefit of over time also replacing saturated water with fresh one.

Should compare it to osmotic again without disturbing the bed like he normally does.
In his V60 video, he swirls like a madman, which will make tons of fines stick to the paper, clogging the filter and screw up your draw down.
No idea why he recommends it. Doing a single stir or some poking with a glass-stick, chopstick, etc. works much better, if you even really have to do that at all.

>> No.15408317

>Osmotic pour-over
Do you have a video on this?

>> No.15408327


>> No.15408331

Oh, thanks. I've had pretty good results with Hoffman's method but I'll try this. Maybe I should get a pouring kettle.

>> No.15408332 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 853x640, science-5ab158bb8e1b6e003760757a-73f17b295a474e868434a2ffb30894c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Osmotic pour-over
I googled this and it seems like it just means "pourover" aka "the normal way to make coffee"

Why do dirty hipsters have to act like they were the first to discover something people have always done and come up with overcomplicated terminology to make it sound like SCIENCE

>> No.15408348

and wasn't me who posted that video here, but I am really convinced now.
also similar to what this guy has
though he seems to grind finer and keep the water level much higher, which I think would not work quite as well for the intended effect.

with normal pour over you usually have at least one point, where the water rises really high together with the grounds, before drawing down again. The bed gets much more disturbed with a much higher flow between the grounds.

In the video from the anon above, where you first pour water in the center for a while and pretty much keep the water at the same level as the bed, it looks like the water rather spreads slowly horizontally.
Only near the end you slowly circle outwards for the final draw down, but still don't create a faster flow with higher pressure like a higher water level with more violent pour would give you.

>> No.15408373

They have it with popcorn and khat I think. They also light some incense while the roasted coffee cools down. It's nice.

>> No.15408385

Do you buy the cafec filters?

>> No.15408389

Not him but I've been using them for a while - they do taste better to me than Hario ones.

>> No.15408390

Damnit and I just bought a pack of Hario filters recently. Oh well.

>> No.15408395

Never tried them.
So far I used bleached untabbed Hario ones, from their original factory. (not the dutch ones that draw slower)

>> No.15408399

better than bleached ones or were you using brown ones before?

>> No.15408401

Better than the bleached ones. I've only used unbleached in my batch brewer and they're a pain in the dick.

>> No.15408407 [DELETED] 

But you're just describing good technique for pourover, aka the normal way to make coffee. Why now, after decades, does it need a new name?

>> No.15408471

Coffee girl is beautiful.

>> No.15408475

I made Turkish coffee for the first time this week. I gotta say it was pretty good. Anyone here had it?

>> No.15408476 [DELETED] 

African women from the horn of africa tend to be slender and beautiful with delicate features, just look at ilhan omar she's like 40 but she's hotter than the average 20 year old whiteoid blimp

>> No.15408487

>this moderately ugly person is way hotter than this really ugly person

>> No.15408491 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 2000x2000, 174480-20200811-primary-omar-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moderately ugly
Your eyes are broken

>> No.15408541

Yep. Turkish one of the best.
Isn't it a lot like cowboy style though?

>> No.15408552

I dont know, I've never had cowboy coffee.

>> No.15409354

Nice, report back!

>> No.15409475

Any upgrade path from Rancilio Silvia?

>> No.15409482 [DELETED] 

Kees Van Der Westen Speedster

>> No.15409499

would just get commercial grade setup

>> No.15409502

Something dual boiler

>> No.15409513

yeah but not sure on brands. Guess I will have to research. Wnt something that is repairable and has good part availability

>> No.15409648

based retard

>> No.15409760


>> No.15409776
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>> No.15409798

Yeah. A pidded silvia.


>> No.15410259

Might not switch up my coffee this month. Usually do but lately I've been enjoying this local brand I only get every once in a while. If bustello was easier to find it'd be a different story, I miss it soo much. Don't get me wrong, I love a light ethiopian or kenyan or sometimes a nice central american caturra, but for the first cup in the morning nothing beats a good cup of bustello. Gunna have to order some online I guess..

>> No.15410348

Who here /abouttoshit/?

>> No.15410408

How do I make good coffee with a phin?

>> No.15410421
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And the inventor looks like this.

The video is very informative though.

>> No.15410424
File: 121 KB, 700x933, 1522700473585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting making my daily filter coffee with this machine


How bad is xenoestrogens from using plastic machine? Coffee tastes great but I am worried about toxins

thx bros forgive me im pleb

>> No.15410459

does grinding your own beans, using a french press and shit actually make that much of a difference?
clearly its better but if i don't like dunkin donuts coffee or shit from a keurig will is it possible i'll like good coffee? is it a whole different beverage?
obviously i can drink coffee with cream and sugar but what's the point of just masking the flavor and being a fatass

>> No.15410524

hm bit weird with the cutaway, since he even admits, that without the filter it doesn't really react the same.
I think the dry patches look much more severe here, since it's flush with the dripper wall and of course much harder to reach for the water.

this is also interesting. I tried it and I feel it actually works.
If I bloom immediately after grinding, there seems to be much more bubbles and gas being released. Waiting for 30-45 minutes I feel like I have an easier time getting the coffee equally wet and no additional bubbles on the next pour.

>> No.15410764

Just go to a local coffee shop and try some fresh, nicely brewed stuff and see if you like it.

>> No.15410941

I love making coffee.
I probably make 3 times more coffee a day than I actually drink.
Just drinking part of each cup and seeing how they differ, when I change something or try another method.

>> No.15410989
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Made something akin to Turkish Coffee?

>> No.15411306

why even bother with anything but light roasts?
After that point everything just starts tasting like "roast" instead of whatever the actual bean had originally.

>> No.15411376

PID'd Silvia or NS Oscar 2 with an OPV?

>> No.15411522

What's a good price for the Timemore C2? It's currently about £50 on AliExpress which isn't much cheaper than local sellers.

>> No.15412134

I've been pulling espresso shots from coffee from a local roaster recently and have gone through about three 250g bags. Each time I got to the end, the second last dose I ground from the bag pulled a little fast so I went a little finer for the last one - we're talking consistently 29 seconds for 10 shots at 20g in, 40g out, then 25 seconds, then back to 28-29, for all three bags of coffee.

Just bought a 500g bag from them last week because I've decided I like this bean, and my previous grind setting with the same dose pulls in 19-20 seconds, and taking my grinder as fine as it goes it's still coming down in 25 seconds. The smaller bags I bought were all in the week to ten day kinda range on roast date; this larger bag was roasted 22 December. Is that likely to be the culprit? Is it something like a one-off fuck up in how they roasted this batch? Or have I got a grinder burr alignment problem that's started or something?

>FWIW pucks look good - no channeling, distribution looks good.

>> No.15412211

new to espresso so I might be wrong, but i think you're supposed to grind a bit coarser as beans age. what grinder do you have?

>> No.15412262


>> No.15412276

Sette 270 - but the trouble is it's already pulling too fast.

>> No.15413609

Why coffee make head hurt? :(

>> No.15413643

I want better control over my pour rate.
Should I get a Fellow kettle in hopes that it'll control better than a bonavita
an acaia scale for pour profiling with the app

can't afford both right now and i already have a good grinder and all brew gear i want

>> No.15413649

is there some minimum flow rate you cant get below with the bonavita?
or what problem are you trying to solve exactly

>> No.15413654

consistent flow rate and profiling brews according to flow rate

>> No.15413828

How do I fuck the hell off the smell of descale solution?

>> No.15414626

Yup, already PID'd mine. Was thinking along the lines of upgrade from SBU but dunno about price:performance or brands above Silvia. Will check out the NS Oscar

>> No.15414631

>descale solution
I just use citric acid to descale

>> No.15414718

I've been hovering around the idea of buying an Oscar for the last week, I've got just about everything I can out of an EM6910 and want a decent step up but I don't want to deal with surfing a Silvia so the Oscar seems a decent possibility, though there's a weird issue with the shot not starting for 10-15 seconds a lot of people deal with apparently.

>> No.15414730

I'm concerned about part availability, brand reputation, serviceability.
I've been using my Silvia for more than a decade now with regular maintenance and it's still going. The manufacture timestamp on the unit is 2002.
Don't mind spending thousands as long as it's a model and brand that's been around and will stick around

>> No.15414751

Yeah fair call - I mean in that case you have a variety to choose from, if you're happy to spend a little more I'd look at a Rocket Appartamento - they seem to be a really good bit of gear but they're sadly a little out of my price range. How much of a pain in the dick is temp surfing on the Silvia each morning? I do drink a fair amount of espresso without milk to the point that I'm fussy about brew temp on it.

>> No.15414891
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Any opinion on CRM3605, the Chinese espresso machine for poorfags? Early reviews say it's kinda clunky with as yet unproven durability, but it's an actual espresso machine with non-pressurized 58mm portafilter that can pull decent shots for under $300.

>> No.15414902

how do I make nice coffee as cheap as possible? is there a go to basic "kit" and decent beans that will be better than instant but also worth the hassle?

>> No.15414922

why is steaming milk for latte art so hard AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
what the fuck is my milk supposed to look like?

>> No.15414932

Just get a pot and some Turkish pre-ground coffee.
boil water
add 2 teaspoons per cup
wait for second boil
2 mins on low
turn off gas and wait 2 more minutes
pour into cup and enjoy

>> No.15414937

ok what pot and what coffee

>> No.15414952
File: 18 KB, 510x652, cevze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkish coffee and pic related pot
No need to filter or strain before drinking. let the grounds settle on the bottom of your cup and you're fine

>> No.15414956

actually a kino idea

>> No.15414975

update: greek gf said she hates this stuff
can't fucking win

>> No.15415001

Clever dripper. It's like $25 on Amazon and can use Melitta #4 filters sold at every grocery store. Because it's primarily an immersion brewer, you can use pre-ground coffee and still get an okay result where as with pour-over or moka pot, you have to dial in the right grind size or your brew will taste awful. This way, you can still get acceptable coffee without getting a grinder right away (a good grinder is minimum $80).

As for beans, find your local roasters by searching "<your city name> coffee roasters" then filter out low-tier places that won't even identify the specific region they got the beans from, the variety of the coffee plant the beans are from (Caturra, Catuai, SL-28, etc.), and the post-harvest processing methods (washed, natural, honey, etc.).

>> No.15415107

the PID obviously helps and I'm not too picky because I only drink one double shot cappuccino so as long as it's close to the proper brew temp combined with milk, I'm happy. Steaming milk first also helps heat the unit.
imo, it's mostly the angle you hold your pitcher and what type of foam you are aiming for.

>> No.15415118

iirc you need a very fine grind for turkish that you can't achieve on many machines

>> No.15415207

Maybe we're not thinking of the same thing. Turkish I drink is coarse. A little coarser than what you'd grind for moka

>> No.15415212

always though traditional turkish needed to be even finer than espresso

>> No.15415222

Disregard, I suck cocks. I looked it up and you're right. I have a bag of preground Turkish that tastes tasty, but I don't feel like opening it just to take a picture.

>> No.15415223

3 months

>> No.15416482

Honestly I'd run that fucking silvia into the ground while you build the slush fund for something dumb like a cremina or the new little VA eagle one.

I think I told you this last thread and you ignored it.

>> No.15416692

>Steaming milk first also helps heat the unit.
I've never been good at being able to polish the milk back to usable after it's sat for a minute lol. Yeah the PID would be a must-do if I get a Silvia but then I'm in the price bracket of the Oscar.

>> No.15416828

This thread is so packed with pussy milkboys, sandniggers and consoomers, its actually unbearable.

You will from now on drink your coffee the way your Wife likes to be dicked: BLACK.
You will use a Filter, because youre not a disgusting savage.
You wont spend hundreds of dollars on Hipster personality replacements.

>> No.15416848


>> No.15417158

My kruve evoke gets here tuesday.

>> No.15417202

espresso is coffee
everything else is burned catpiss
cope harder

>> No.15417327

Do most people even know what good coffee tastes like?
Everyone at my work just drinks that bitter brown soup the machine shits out and... get that... they even seem to enjoy it...

>> No.15417699

Most people buy Parmesan cheese in a shakey bottle.


>> No.15417846

most people don't have very sharp palates so all they really know about coffee is that it's bitter. So women cover it up with cream and sugar and men endure Folger's black because they don't want anyone to think they're gay

>> No.15417896

Filter is coffee. Espresso is coffee. Press is coffee. If it's coffee beans and you're drinking it, it's fucking coffee. Stop being such a pack of homos and shitting on others for what they enjoy and let them get to the better end of the spectrum in their own time.

>> No.15418623

coffee niggers gtfo

>> No.15418780
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I can I can still tighten up my grind a tiny bit, but this shot was all peanut butter and chocolate that came to a sharp finish. Probably the roasts fault on that, I typically take my brazilians a little bit darker.

>> No.15418787

>I can I can

Espresso jitters have me stuttering.

>> No.15418809

>I think I told you this last thread and you ignored it.
Yeah maybe. I only recently actually bothered to look it up. I've been drinking Turkish since I was a child, but I assumed anything stovetop is ground more coarsely

>> No.15418861

The correct way to grind coffee was smashing it in a mortar all along. Is all of this wanking about cutting, even particle distribution, and "cleaner" cups bullshit consumerism that robs us of a good old full spectrum flavor low-friction SMASH?

>> No.15418864

>the virgin grinder vs The Chad SMASHER

>> No.15418931

That on a Decent?

>> No.15418986


>> No.15419417

>I typically take my brazilians a little bit darker.

>> No.15420140

Anyone got whole bean recommendations?

>> No.15420145

Sorry, no. I only have half bean recommendations.

>> No.15420177

i've only started drinking coffee semi-regularly

what's a good coffee machine to buy that isn't a shitty Keurig because I swear that shit burns coffee from how it smells

>> No.15420203

Get a reasonably priced Grinder.
Ctrl+F "Timemore", if you don't want to spend so much yet.
And get either an Aeorpress or a V60.

>> No.15420217
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>> No.15420362

There is nothing wrong with balancing out some aspects of black coffee with some milk.

There is something wrong dumping in a shitload of sugar to make stuff like Ethiopian or Turkish coffee actually palatable.

>> No.15420543

>1000 dollars for a fucking coffee machine
What's wrong with americans?

>> No.15420615

Fantastic bait. The thought of ruining an Ethiopian with milk makes my blood boil.

>> No.15420740

Sipping on a superbly fruited Ethiopian with milk rn. Mmm. So sweet & creamy!

>> No.15420844

I spent that four hours ago. Deal with it. Not even American.

>> No.15420864

What beans are they? I haven't had a really fruity ethiopian in a while. The last one I bought got fucked up by the roaster.

>> No.15420889

ok I take it back,
Just poured some milk into my coffee, and now it just tastes like the color gray. wtf

>> No.15420899

I'm outside your house right now. Say goodbye to this world in a video game.

>> No.15420904

Pretty much

>> No.15421131

Something something village. It's really pineappley, with a hint of something complex that I'm too inarticulate to describe. I bought the greens a couple months ago. Very nice with half & half!

I will make you some! You don't have to put milk in yours.

>> No.15421284

Brehs. For some reason coffee fucks my bladder up now. I might have to give it up for good. Just fucking bought a new grinder too. What am I supposed to even drink now.