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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15367319 No.15367319 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15367354 [DELETED] 

6 million jews.

>> No.15367378
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>Do online shopping
>Get garlic
>Bulbs are tiny
>Next week the bulbs are huge
>The size of onion
>One bulb is only 3 cloves

>> No.15367388

Garlic would not have saved the.

>> No.15367700
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>> No.15367764

Normie food at its finest. You’ve never eaten Asian cuisine.

>> No.15367787

Like bat soup?

>> No.15367872
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I've really started to get into garlic mashed potatoes. They're baste.

>> No.15367876

I'm going to wonder what, all night now.

>> No.15367885

Best thread on /ck/ rn

>> No.15368428

What are some good heavy on garlic recipes

>> No.15368476

pleb. chives are way better for mashed potatoes

>> No.15368480

wow this thread STINKS


>> No.15368482

Gotcha senpai


>> No.15368494


>> No.15368502

Top-tier mashed potatoes. You have to use Yukon golds or redskins for best results though.
You can add some chives to roasted garlic mashed potatoes, dingus.

>> No.15368522

sure you can if you wanna overseason your mashy tatos

>> No.15368559

i dont really use garlic for cooking but i do use it as a way to rid the vampires away from my home

>> No.15368560

i have begun eating one clove a day. typically with a meat of some kind. delicious!

>> No.15368567

I attached a garlic bulb on my hydraulic press at work in order to repel my female succubus coworker, it works great.

>> No.15368585

If you like garlic that much, then put a shit ton of it in what you cook. Hell, you can eat roasted garlic by itself. It's pretty good a side.

>> No.15368635
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>Garlic thread?

>> No.15368794

The can't come in your house if you don't invite them, stop inviting every mysterious man you meet over for dinner you massive slut.

>> No.15368844 [DELETED] 

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.15368849

love garlic

>> No.15368859
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A couple weeks ago I made oven roasted potatoes and decided to roast some garlic while I was at it, well I had a garlic craving that day and possibly ate too much, in fact I ate more heads of garlic than potatoes, add to that that I ate some garlic hummus the very next day and I'm fucking done with garlic.
I legit can't eat it now, If i do cook with it it's in very small quantities.

So I guess what I'm saying is garlic is good :)

>> No.15368927

I love lots of garlic so I can stave off vampires,

>> No.15368972
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Would garlic work in a burger in any form?

>> No.15368988
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In one crop plot that's like, I forgot the exact dimensions, I think 5 by 14, I grew all the garlic I will use for this whole year. It's so easy. Just go to the store, buy the biggest bulbs you can find and then follow a garlic planting guide. For like five dollars I grew 100 bulbs, and from those I grew I put 300 heads in the same space for this summer. I'll have 100 for food and seed and 200 to sell (About 150$~)

>> No.15369014
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I feel like there is some sort of logarithmic scale for using garlic and the taste that follows. I’ve recently gotten into making my own Chinese style dishes with chicken, toban djan, dried Sichuan peppers, soy sauce, veggies and garlic. But I’ve gotten to the point where I can sauté a whole fucking bulb diced up and I still dont really get that garlic flavor I desire. Is the heat counteracting it? Is regular US garlic just shit? It smells fragrant enough.

>> No.15369023
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Are you only using whole cloves? Heat makes them milder, see grilled garlic. If you want a strong taste, press a clove in there.

>> No.15369108

Oh shit, didn’t realize actually cooking them did. Definitely tossing small chopped bits into my sizzling wok.

>> No.15369222

Black garlic aioli

>> No.15369242

Garlic btfos any ingredient in chink, gook and jap cuisines

>> No.15369311

Ye, even, spaghetti aglio e olio, the garlic is sliced, but sizzling it in hot oil makes it come out caramelized, sweet, with just a light whiff of the garlicy smell and almost no taste.

Press that shit my man, maybe add it later on, not in the base.

>> No.15369340

So that's what it's called. Thanks Anon.

>> No.15369447

Check’d and thank’d friendly stinky breathed anon.

>> No.15369528
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Best of luck, 47.

>> No.15369540

>use one clove of garlic to cook for four
>noticeable garlic flavor

So glad I'm not a "I always double the amount of garlic" tastelet

>> No.15369545

Basic rules of garlic

1. The smaller you chop it, the stronger the flavor
2. The longer you cook it, the sweeter and milder it gets.

>> No.15371117
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But have you seen the garlic movie

>> No.15371144

The Japanese use a superior ingredient, umami, which is sometimes called "Japanese garlic" but is actually a type of mushroom.

>> No.15371151


>> No.15371177

Gaahhlic? Thread?

>> No.15371274

nice, can you share your planting guide?
I have a tiny backyard, maybe 5 meter square, good enough for year round self consumption?

>> No.15371330
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>> No.15371992

garlic is a great filter. if you don't like garlic you're a tastelet. sometimes I eat so much garlic I can smell it when I shower.

>> No.15372866

Pasta Aglio e Olio

>> No.15373632

if you don't like garlic, you're a tastelet. if you like garlic so much that you use lots of it, then you're also a tastelet

>> No.15373677

Garlic with salt

>> No.15374433

Sounds like enough to me, for me around 60~ heads is enough for year round. Basically it depends where you live. Where I live in Michigan I take the garlic cloves and plant them two inches apart in late October. Cover with leaves and let them sit through the snow and winter until the ground thaws, then remove the leaves. That's literally it, by mid june yank them out and let them dry (With leaves on) for a couple weeks.

If you live in the south there are separate guides forgo to get the garlic into growing mode with a fridge/freezer. Also youtube MIgardener, he has all the tips and tricks

>> No.15374450

Chinese garlic is disgusting, French garlic is delicious. It's as simple as that.

>> No.15374635

Thanks really appreciate

>> No.15374743

>roasted garlic mashed potatoes
qrd? Do you roast the garlic or the potatoes before mashing it?

>> No.15376396

This: >>15367700

>> No.15376429

>1. The smaller you chop it, the stronger the flavor

The more you chop the more flavor you lose. Smashing it and dumping it in the pan gives a much stronger garlic flavor then chopping it into teeny tiny pieces.

>> No.15376849
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combine with a shot of apple cider vinegar and you will live to 100

me 2

to contribute to the thread, let me tell you about Ly Son black garlic. it is the most exotic of the garlics, very rare and grown only in a specific part of Vietnam, mostly on an island with volcanic soil that for some reason is good for garlic.


I think they cure it for like 2 months in a certain way that makes it blacker? Anyway it's rare and super expensive and Japs and Koreans fly to this island to buy up 90% of the supply for their old people, it's extra extra good for health. I had some corrupt government official dude who wanted to use me as his sales agent in the US for it but didn't take him up on the offer as it sounded pretty scammy. The island is named Ly Son and it's off the coast of Quang Ngai in central Vietnam, fucking gorgeous place if you ever get the chance to go

>> No.15377718

Bitch ate panda express and thought it was asian food

>> No.15377830 [DELETED] 

Lol these mods are absolute giga niggers. Stop banning me it's pointless. I have unlimited IP addresses.

>> No.15377967

i'm planning on making this tomorrow
is it possible to make it with pre minced garlic? i really hate mincing garlic, and if you blend it when it's still chunky, the garlic goes sour

>> No.15377973

40 clove garlic chicken
make it with preserved lemon and butter
easiest to prepare meal with the fewest total ingredients

>> No.15377976

yukons and redskins get waxy if you overmash them

>> No.15378000

I always wanted to make a really good sofrito to play around with. Any tips about the process itself? I got the ingredients down.

>> No.15378002
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luv gahlic, simple as.

>> No.15378020

garlic kills brain cells

>> No.15378021

Luv u

Simple as

>> No.15378065

man, that looks pretty great. think I'm gonna try that.

>> No.15378322

and if you're a cringe centrist fence-sitter you're the worst tastelet of them all

>> No.15378354
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Keyed and basepilled

>> No.15378377
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>eating raw garlics so i can have garlic breath all day
smells heavenly bros...

>> No.15378476

This looks tasty.

>> No.15378478

>Plenty of Asian dishes use garlic. Dunno what you're talking about.

>> No.15378484

Cunting automatic arrow.

>> No.15378496

I made this and it tasted great. I made the mistake of using a shittyass cheapo supermarket loaf though. The whole thing became kind of slimy, but the taste was good enough to redeem it.

Definitely use actual bread for this recipe.

>> No.15378639

I have some black garlic. I put some to a soup yesterday but it didn't taste any different.

What else should I do with it?

>> No.15378674

if this isn't your only single use utensil than your gay

>> No.15378729

When you buy garlic for seed, try to find the bulbs with the most cloves, like 6-7 cloves is ideal because they will each give you a full bulb and the bulbs with only 3-4 cloves will replicate themselves and make bulbs with only 3-4 cloves each. Just a tip for garlicmaxxing your crop.

>> No.15378733

black garlic is tasty when chopped fine and added to butter with maybe some other spices to make a nice compound butter.

>> No.15378748
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If you have extra garlic cloves, try fermenting them in honey. Just peel them and shove them in a jar and cover with honey. Every now and then shake the jar. The garlic will turn darker and the honey will liquify.

I like the texture of the honey fermented garlic much more than the regular black garlic that is just low temp "fermented" or cooked. And the honey that it steeps in is very lightly fragranced with a dank good garlic flavour but still a nice sweet funk so it's great to add to roasted vegetables or salad dressies.

I have also started drizzling the garlic honey onto popcorn and then sprinkling it with nutritional yeast and salt and cracked pepper and tossing it so everything gets nice and coated. It's good boys.

>> No.15378768

Will do, started watching the MIgardener, planning to grow something at the backyard. Pretty small backyard though, so I have to chose carefully.

>> No.15378770

you could grow the garlic in planters or pots too, similar to how you would plant for tulips or even potatoes (but give less space because the plant will only grow a few inches not a foot)

>> No.15378804

>pre minced garlic

>> No.15378863

Great tip, definitely going to try if i can grow them in pot

>> No.15378899

for me, it's garlic naan served with chicken tikka masala sauce

>> No.15378916
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do you use the traditional method?

>> No.15378917

yes sirs very good

>> No.15379003

Garlic even cures weebism

>> No.15379934

>t. just watched cardcaptor sakura while munching on cloves of garlic

>> No.15380212

Is this like the /ck/ version of that "how to grow crystals" thing that just makes chlorine gas?

>> No.15380303

People who don't like garlic should be weeded out of the gene pool.

>> No.15380668

Is black garlic a meme or is it actually tasty?

>> No.15380711

no I made some last year, it's delicious please try it on popcorn

>> No.15380902

Ate 3 raw cloves at once and it made me puke but boy does my breath smell good

>> No.15380934
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the jew fears the outdoor garlic farmer

>> No.15380957

>recipe says to fry the garlic at the start
>by the end it loses all flavor

What's the point? Shouldn't you add it at the end so you can actually taste it?

>> No.15382305
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>mfw people who don't eat garlic get mogged by a vampire

>> No.15382338

today i used some garlic making kimchi jjigae for the first time. came out really good and hearty on this cold day.

>> No.15382588

>plant garlic one year
>it's the size of a fucking baseball
>sweeter than store bought

Made good spaghetti.

>> No.15382724

Serious question: Is there a single savory dish that can't be improved by the addition of garlic?

>> No.15382739
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>eat garlic and beans every meal for a week
>massive braps
good thing I work from home

>> No.15382809

FACT: You Are Killing Yourself.


>> No.15382850

I ain't listening to what some terrorist has to say

>> No.15383479


>> No.15383485


>> No.15383651

tasty and also good for you. talk about a win-win am i right or am i right?

agreed. generally i'm a pretty laid back kinda fella but this is the one topic i'm willing to kill strangers over.

>> No.15383658

>t. tonguelet
I thank God everyday that I have a functioning tongue.

>> No.15383662

lol he's a yogi

>> No.15383981

Who else /chimichurri/ here?

>> No.15385160

thing is if with a girl then you both have to eat garlic so its not noticable

>> No.15385396

Cool it with the antisemitism bro

>> No.15385472

Best time to plant the garlic is Columbus Day weekend

>> No.15385496

Remember, no garlic before jummah. Having garlic breath in the masjid is makrooh.

>> No.15385876

me Anon, bring me those butterfly choris

>> No.15386036

Anyone else here get an upset tummy after eating garlic?

>> No.15386292

I planted this a little late, and then squirrels started getting into them, and I overcrowded them too. the few that are sticking up got pulled up by squirrels before the soil froze. I want to try and make black garlic with some of this bunch though, hopefully it comes out well.

>> No.15386372

How do you eat your garlic? Raw? Cooked? Maybe putting a good amount of fat (butter, olive oil, cream, cheese, joghurt..) might help your stomache. Also I recommend putting some salt on the garlic, let rest an then eat later (after some amount of water had left the garlic). This also makes raw cabbage and onions much tolerable.

>> No.15386879


>> No.15387301


fermented garlic honey is great. i have a couple jars in my pantry, one with turmeric and black pepper.

>> No.15387343

>Niggas out there needin' mushrooms when garlic is right there

>> No.15387357


this is great drizzled over roasted brussel sprouts and carrots with or without bacon.

i've gotta try this on popcorn.

>> No.15387378

don't worry you can even plant it in the spring and have a late august harvest of slightly smaller bulbs