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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15353106 No.15353106 [Reply] [Original]

Why does eating anything makes me fucking tired?
I never have energy. Doesnt matter how its cooked or what it is. I wonder if my body just refuses to absorb nutrients.

>> No.15353115

stop eating shit

>> No.15353117

pre- or post-diabeetuce

>> No.15353145

I did bloodsugar tests and everything was normal

>> No.15353146

You should do a blood test to check for vitamin deficiencies

>> No.15353160

>body devotes resources to digestion
>why fewer resources to my brain?

>> No.15353161

Could be iron deficiency/malabsorption.
You might need an infusion.

>> No.15353164

But it never stops.

>> No.15353182
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how much are you eating anon

>> No.15353211

see this hapened to a buddy of mine, whats the deal is you got a tape worm .what my grandpa used to tell me is you can eat up lots fried garlick and ginger with honey, i dint like it much. but it does the trick

>> No.15353221

You got the rona nigger

>> No.15353260

you're boomer

>> No.15353272

Could be celiac. If your teeth get brittle and your hair starts to fall out, it's malnutrition from something like that

>> No.15353381

Op, give us a run down of how long this situations has been going on, what is your average diet, if you've been out of your country lately(if so, where to), do you have any health conditions or hereditary diseases, your sexual activity(not kidding), and how much exercise you get daily.
These are all crucial for me to investigate as to why you are feeling the way you are.
Could be a disease. Could be a parasite. Could be psychological.
But we need to know everything from you.

>> No.15353671

no such thing happening
10 years.
what i usually eat during the week:
rice, some form of vegetables and fried egg, or sausage, soup, mushrooms, bread, hummus, yoghurt, pineapple, chocolate, nuts.
Of course not all of it every day.
I used to eat more red meat and it gave me severe nightmares and made me paranoid. Tried vegetarian but didnt like most meatreplacements.
I walk back and forth to the city every day (45min walk). Not a lot of exercise i admit. Sex not very often.
I quit eating potato since it fucks me severely and makes me lose all concentration.

>> No.15353679

exercise you idiot

>> No.15353686

Exercise and eat more fish.

>> No.15353709

Any hereditary diseases? Have you eaten anything raw or left the country lately?

>> No.15353719

>I used to eat more red meat and it gave me severe nightmares and made me paranoid.
Is there Prozac in your steak or something?

>> No.15353930

Actually genuinely strange, seek medical attention after pandemic

>> No.15354605

I'm 300 lbs but my doctor says I'm healthy

>> No.15354616

Get a better doctor

>> No.15354682
File: 176 KB, 601x948, Failed_Normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to cut down on carbs. I know that sounds trendy but carbs are quick energy. The human body breaks down carbs into simple sugars quickly. Eat less rice, bread, and sugar rich foods and opt for food options that contain more protein. Also, you can try eating less.

>> No.15354701

>I used to eat more red meat and it gave me severe nightmares and made me paranoid.
>I quit eating potato since it fucks me severely and makes me lose all concentration.
This sounds like either some kind of genetic disorder or severe nutritional deficiency that makes your body process food wrong, you should really go to the doctor about that because neither of the things you described here are normal. Especially red meat making you paranoid.

>> No.15354711

Diabetic coma

>> No.15354957

source on pic?

>> No.15355007

I got lame normie once and cool mormie the other and pretty much with exactly the same answers except 1 or 2 which I was otherwise neutral on.

>> No.15355020

stop eating shit that spikes your insulin levels. Low carb is not a meme.

>> No.15355043
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>> No.15355046

It's probably psychological

>> No.15355122
File: 205 KB, 1226x1526, lame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15355163

I got niche

>> No.15355171

Did you meet your doctor on Tumblr? 300lbs isn’t healthy unless you’re over 7 feet tall.

>> No.15355173
File: 246 KB, 1207x1785, sperg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly accurate.

>> No.15355195

Right on the line between sperg and wizard. Accurate.