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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15353078 No.15353078 [Reply] [Original]

Does it cook the pizza well

>> No.15353083

Why does this exist?

>> No.15353085

i thought it just takes the pizzas temperature around the clock

>> No.15353091

Because lower-middle class rich people.

>> No.15353092

No, it's about the same as trying to cook a pizza with a hairdryer.

>> No.15353093

i wish there was affordable home pizza ovens

>> No.15353172

They do exist.
But are too small, and isn't insulated enough for higher temperatures.

>> No.15353180

Usaly i cook my pizza in the oven, or i buy them at pizza hut.
Last time i micerwaved them and it turnes out too soggy for me to eat!

>> No.15353183


>> No.15353188

This is literally the same as rice cookers. Both used by faggots.

>> No.15353202

well, yeah i meant a good one

>> No.15353316

Its ok at that but better for reheating stuff

>> No.15353321
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What is this?

>> No.15353337

Rice cooker makes perfect rice every time with no effort
I bet this gizmo is just barely better than a microwave at reheating frozen pizza

>> No.15353342

just buy a weber bbq or similar and a pizza stone

>> No.15353356

no, it's mainly for lower class poor people

these things are like $20, it's not a luxury good, it's for poor idiots who subsist on frozen pizzas, and rural gas stations

>> No.15353787

Why? A pre-heated home oven can do the same thing

>> No.15353809

its a pizza oven for people who dont know how making pizza works

>> No.15353961

I hate gadgets that clutter the kitchen so I'd never get one, but they apparently do an excellent job. Better than a standard oven in most cases

>> No.15354017

My family used one of these to make raclette over the holidays and it worked surprisingly well. A regular oven is almost definitely better for pizza though and the whole thing is clearly a waste of space and money

>> No.15354019

ovens exist though

>> No.15354296

Microwaved pizza is so fucking bad lmao

>> No.15354333


>> No.15356110

Spend 20 bucks on a piece of steel to fit in your oven, preheat it for half an hour or so. Great bases, every time.

>> No.15357289

can i get up to 800 degree farenehieit with these methods?

>> No.15357316

Cool it with the antisemitism and far right dog whistles. Piglet

>> No.15357341

That's where air fryer is superior. Sure you need a normal oven to bake it, but reheating leftovers, air fryer will make almost like fresh. Microwave will make it soggy. Oven will just burn it.

>> No.15357361
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>> No.15357400

> Rice cooker makes perfect rice every time with no effort

So, like, six times total - twice a year when you cook rice, then you toss it because you're moving and don't have room for that brick?

>> No.15357404

None of these can melt steel beams anyway.

>> No.15357409

I eat rice multiple times a week.

>> No.15357471

Had one of these as a kid. They work fine but it's not really noticably better than an oven. You can turn on only the top or bottom heating element to get a crispier crust or toppings which is kinda nice.

>> No.15357483
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Yeah, this is the post. I can end it now

>> No.15357510

i just make my pizza on a thick piece of bread and stick it in a nuwave oven
in fact i'm going to go make a piece now fuck it i'm hungry 600 calroies shouldn't make me gain weight

>> No.15358937

just buy a big frying pan and cook the dough base in that
whack the oven on full blast and pop the pizza in it for 2 minutes to cook the top

>> No.15359943

Yes and when I lived in the barracks with no oven it was pretty damn useful. You can use to cook chicken nuggets, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, cookies, fries and tater tots.

>> No.15360112

If your oven has a self-cleaning function you can use that to cook pizza since it goes much higher than the usual max temperature.

>> No.15360433

I had received one of these as a gift. It was nice in the summer as it didn't heat up the house, but it was no faster than the oven. Mostly, it's a space waster.

>> No.15360554

>use self cleaning function
>oven goes to 700 degrees for 2 hours and locks the door
>pizza burned to a charred remain
>oven now dirtier than before

>> No.15360585
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I actually dug around the amazon reviews for that thing a while back. one girl showed off she could make pizza next to her bed. I posted several different pics of things being made but only saved the dino nuggies one

>> No.15360636

You have to disable the safety feature to unlock the true potential of your oven.

>> No.15360664

>u need to use irl cheat codes to unlock the next level of cooking

>> No.15360671

works good on thin pizzas but terrible on any kind of rising crust like digorno

>> No.15360672


>> No.15360676


>> No.15360683

Is this good for helping the pizza get a good sear?

>> No.15360835

Pizza steel + top rack of the oven + broil + 45 mins of preheating + pizza peel to move fresh pizzas in and out = restaurant quality results at home

>> No.15360928

Why not just make a pan pizza?

>> No.15361276
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this pizzazz makes the best totino's party pizzas and I shill it every time I can

>> No.15361285
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it uses electric elements, it's great

>> No.15362637

No, because dumbfuck poorfags. Story time!
Thirty years ago when this fucking unitasker came out, a friend of mine had just gotten married. He had an average job, nothing special, but he had no debt at all except for a modest mortgage on a modest condo. Basically the perfect way for an average young guy to start married life.

We ALL told him not to marry her. We warned him.

Well, his wife was a dumb slut who wanted to be a housewife, so she quit her part-time job and started sitting around all day watching daytime TV and trying to "build a business" in the usual MLM scams and whatnot. She bought shitloads of supplies to "make gift baskets" that she was gonna resell and make a fortune at. Then she started calling in to those $10/minute psychic hotlines to talk about all her problems with Mistress Cleo. Then she started buying all the shit that was getting shilled in infomercials, like that fucking retarded pizza heater OP posted. I shit you not, she spent $400 (which is more like $1000 today after the effects of 30 years of inflation).

Remember the "dumb slut" comment? Turns out she had a massive case of genital warts from a one-nighter of screwing some random "bisexual" guy in college. So she had to get warts frozen off her cunt every few months. Then, some time during the first year of their marriage, she'd had a minor fender-bender and was trying to scam the other driver by suing over "soft tissue damage", so she was regularly going to her attorney's office and some chiropracter he sent her to, and my friend was pretty sure she was fucking both of them.

She literally threw away $10,000 on just the psychic hotline shit. In the first year she destroyed their finances so thoroughly that he finally blew up and threw her out. Around a year after that they were finally divorced.

Anyway, that's who buys this sort of stupid shit.

>> No.15362649

Why is it in your toilet?

>> No.15362689

LOL at that spelling! Are you retarded?

>> No.15362952

zoom zoom

>> No.15363383
File: 96 KB, 640x941, 1609921161307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just build your own pizza oven

>> No.15363490


>> No.15363905

you are here forever faggot

>> No.15364114

Depends on your definition of affordable. I think you can get a Breville oven that goes up to 750 degrees fahrenheit for maybe $1,000

I would consider that affordable, though I find that my steel does a good enough job that I don't need it.

>> No.15364634

yea im aware that the esl had a stroke, you still write and seethe like a zoomer

>> No.15364639

>clock shows it to be 4 in the afternoon
>cooking since 10 am
>cooking pizza for 6 hours straight
undeniably based

>> No.15364802
File: 895 KB, 1024x1365, DSCF0576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you need to cook totino's while on the toilet, the pizzazz lets you do that

>> No.15364890

there's no clock in that image

>> No.15364911

above the pizza on the rim of the oven

>> No.15365077

I seriously, seriously doubt it.

>> No.15365177

If you file off the door lock and throw it into self-cleaning mode, yes actually.

>> No.15365186

Dude, rice is THE staple food for like 75% of the population of the entire world.

>> No.15365300 [DELETED] 

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese