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15348164 No.15348164 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to the fish market for the first time. What should I order so as not to embarrass myself? Is salmon considered "normie" by experienced fishmongers? If I buy a whole mako shark will I seem like a weirdo?

>> No.15348177

Buy whatever seafood you wish to eat today. If you buy fresh seafood only to chuck it into your freezer please kill yourself.

>> No.15348190

>uses term "normie"
>goes to fish market
You sure seem credible

>> No.15348193

Why would anyone do that

>> No.15348237

What do you mean, you think I won't do it? I already have a contingency plan if nothing looks good or I can't decide, which is to buy a bag of clams, which is what my mom does. I'm of Italian heritage so I know I could buy clams authoritatively. Basically it's just the idea of making a non-Italian purchase that I think might raise eyebrows. Like for an extreme example, I know catfish is for black ladies, so I would not buy that. But the other things fall somewhere in between. Like I mentioned, I do not know who shark is for.

>> No.15348277

It doesn't really matter what you buy. Just greet him as captain or cap for short if you want to seem like a regular, that's the usual thing to do at a fish market.

>> No.15348296

He should also probably practice his fish waddle to make sure he doesn’t get spotted as a noob.

>> No.15348336

You have autism

>> No.15348354

buy some bass and start slappin it
when they ask what the fuck youre doing say SLAPPIN DA BASS

>> No.15348387

fucking fishfags

>> No.15348473

this >>15348336
Normies go to fish market to get the seafood they want to cook.
Normies also go to fish market, to see if they find something they would like to cook, then they buy that and go home to cook it.

It doesn't matter if you are a noob, whether it's only Japanese moms who buy whale, or if swordfish is popular among gays. If the store has a said product, it's there for sale to whomever buys it. You may be a special snowflake to your mom, but in a store you're just 1 out of 500 costumers.

>> No.15348490

>Buy whatever seafood you wish to eat today.
So much this. Too many people buy seafood for a meal they're planning a day or two or more ahead of time and by the time they actually make the meal the fish is nasty and needs to be tossed out, or getting old enough that it simply doesn't taste good anymore.

>> No.15348496

Smoked haddock is awesome.

>> No.15348510

Whatever you buy don't buy shark meat, worst ocean fish meat for consumption. Bass should be avoid too.

>> No.15348563

Flyovers don't really get shopping for the day of. The idea of a grocery run in anything less than a 26 foot box truck is baffling to them.

>> No.15348796
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>> No.15348804

Use a bluefin tuna to sexually assault a baby.

>> No.15348815

Get the swordfish. It's insanely good and a very thick meat if that makes sense

>> No.15349578

This unironically. Yes, the majority of us here have our share of social deficiencies, but you actually seem like you are on the spectrum.

Whatever you intend to purchase, just make sure you ask to sniff every fish, check the gills for a bright, crimson red, and that they have clear, non-cloudy eyes.

>> No.15349589

Too bad it's full of methylmercury.

>> No.15349596

Why the fuck would you want to go the grocery store every day in a pandemic?

>> No.15349611

You don't have to do it EVERY day. but for fresh meat/fish, I don't see any reason not to.

>> No.15349617

but meat is better if you salt it and let it set for a few days in the fridge. Unless you are buying dayboat seafood it's probably frozen on the boat anyway.

>> No.15349618

>yeh, thats why you sleepin' wit the fishes.

>> No.15349629

it's pretty easy to go to the grocery store and not touch or get near anyone, you do understand how virus transmission works right?

>> No.15349632

Hey lets open everything back up this guy has it all figured out!

>> No.15349636

Tell the dude working there it's your first time and you don't know what to order so as to not embarrass yourself. Salmon for your first order is fine. He'll laugh if you ask about the whole mako shark, but he'll like you more. Ask for a recommendation and go from there.
inb4 "he's gonna rip you off", nobody does that to a first-time customer who jokes about buying mako sharks

>> No.15349638

every grocery store in the world still is and always has been open, don't be a retard

>> No.15349642

No, many have cut hours.

>> No.15349643

The answer to your question is: buy what's on sale. Especially if it's shrimp. You want to ask for it by the pound usually. With fish you can ask for a steak or by the piece (for smaller fish like say catfish filet), but even then just ask for 1 pound or 1/2 pound and you can't go wrong.

>> No.15349647

ok anon, enjoy one more (You), on the house. Now, since you clearly have nothing useful to add here go be autistic somewhere else

>> No.15349651

Get one of those really expensive flat fish. You won't be able to cut them properly. The meat is very soft and preparing them sucks. In the end they taste completely mediocre

>> No.15349660

Turbot is the name of the fish

>> No.15349667

there are many. Dover sole being another

>> No.15349674
File: 130 KB, 832x964, 38D1FB25-397D-47E5-8B54-AFB8A9BC3C4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok anon, enjoy one more (You), on the house. Now, since you clearly have nothing useful to add here go be autistic somewhere else

>> No.15349751

What's that picture supposed to be of?

>> No.15349760

typical coastie.

>> No.15349761


>> No.15349765

The guy seething over how “flyovers” shop for groceries.

>> No.15349779

It looks like a big toe with a little hat and face.

>> No.15349789

>fresh meat/fish
You don't have a freezer?

>> No.15349791

Ask if they have anything near expiry going cheap, make a nice seafood stew with potatoes, carrots, spinach, and dill

>> No.15349795

If it's already frozen, that's fine.

But you really should avoid freezing something that's already defrosted when you buy it.

>> No.15349929

Only things that are usually previously frozen are expensive seafood like tuna, swordfish, shrimp and crab etc. Most fish are fresh, or relatively fresh.

>> No.15350034

>Buy whatever seafood you wish to eat today.
THIS. Fish should be taken directly home and eaten ASAP. Freezing it, shoving it in the back of your fridge, or otherwise ignoring it ruins it.

>Is salmon considered "normie" by experienced fishmongers?
Who cares? Regardless, salmon is phenomenal and used by top chefs as well as home cooks.

Just look for fresh-looking cut that doesn't appear slimy, doesn't smell, and which appears to be well-treated. Chances are, that's gonna be fish on the ice, not in some wrapped package.

fuckin lmao this is so true

All of the effort, zero of the payoff.

>> No.15350097

Is that catfish really $9 per lb

>> No.15350143

Non normies will have a range of fish they like, and will buy whichever of them looks freshest on the day.

>> No.15350156

market workers dont even think of you as a person, much less care about what youre buying, sperg

>> No.15350160

imagine being this autistic

>> No.15350167

>If I buy a whole mako shark will I seem like a weirdo?
Probably, but I think in your case you'll seem like a weirdo no matter what you buy.

>> No.15350169

Get catfish or tuna. Marinade it soy sauce, orange juice, garlic, ginger, and chilies for a day. If you want something premium get swordfish steaks, cook them like a steak. Don't bother with salmon unless it's wild caught and never frozen which it won't be.

>> No.15350226

Go easy on yourself for your first time. Order a filet of cod and be on your way.

>> No.15350229

That catfish sounds disgusting.
If you can buy a whole catfish, score it in about 1in increments then, soak it in buttermilk for half an hour, then cake it in flour and fry

>> No.15350394

shark is for asians duh. just stick with what you know so you don't look like an ass.

>> No.15350596

>buy what's on sale
this is the worst possible advice for a fishmonger.
on sale = about to go off

he should be buying what is freshest. Ask when stuff came in. Examine it visually.

>> No.15350653

Dude, just remember that the clams that don't open when cooking are the ones that you want to eat, those are prized specimens.

>> No.15350660

Those asians have no souls, they cut off shark fins then throw the rest back to die a horrible death.

>> No.15350676
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for me, it's tuna steaks
you just pat it dry with paper towels, salt it, and sear it
and by sear i mean sear. Normally people overblow searing because a steak stands to be cooked through quite a lot while a crust develops but tuna you want it not even warm in the middle, not cooked at all, you JUST want the crust and the rest raw. So get the pan screaming hot.

slice against the grain
eat with lemon or soy sauce
and a bowl of rice and a vege dish.

>> No.15350685

You have to be a total maniac if you think catfish is just for black chicks, try a catfish poboy if you get the US south.

>> No.15350686

>this is the worst possible advice for a fishmonger.
>on sale = about to go off
>he should be buying what is freshest
this, find out what fish is in season for your local market and buy what's in season to get the freshest.

>> No.15350694

Take off those headphones and think salmon steaks on a grill, that's real good when done proper.

>> No.15350696

they wouldn't still be selling it if it was bad, just be sure to eat it that day or the next day and you're fine

>> No.15350716

I work in the seafood department of Food Lion and yes we laugh st you goobers behind your back.

>> No.15350723
File: 186 KB, 1200x1800, Luca_Brasi-Sleeps_With_Fishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they eat that fish?

>> No.15350726

this image hurts
you just know most of that is going to waste

>> No.15350727

What does that have to do with getting a catfish poboy in a restaurant?

>> No.15350731

Swordfish steaks are delicious

>> No.15350737
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cajun pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know catfish is for black ladies
>Food Lion
That's the most ghetto grocery chain in the South, lmao. I don't step foot into Food Lion, it's shittier than Aldi.

>> No.15350749

>Can’t follow a conversation chain back 2 messages

Maybe you really are a black woman.

>> No.15350780

>food is either good or bad
that's not how it works lol

>> No.15350791

>works at Food Lion™
>talks shit

>> No.15350800

>making stupid assumptions
'nuff said

>> No.15350804
File: 11 KB, 305x165, A3EEADCF-A5FA-40D8-B4EA-BC9080D01751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolled you. I don’t actually work at food lion ya freakin turkey!

>> No.15350810

Is that like when good dogs go bad?

>> No.15350816

>I don’t actually work at food lion ya freakin turkey!
Haha I've been trol'd. Nice to see somebody working at a decent chain like Publix or Harris Teeter making jokes about Food Lion.

>> No.15350844
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you got me good you fucker