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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15337108 No.15337108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

eat the bug protein /ck/

>> No.15337114
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>> No.15337153

Read the article
>The plant would be a major step toward mainstreaming the insect protein industry, which aims to feed farm animals and aquaculture not corn, soybeans or fishmeal — common types of animal feed — but instead black soldier fly larvae and other grubs. If widely scaled-up, this would mean vastly reducing the carbon footprint and land requirements of farm animals, especially those raised for slaughter. For every kilogram of meat they produce, cows and sheep require around eight kilograms of grains, pigs require about four kilograms and chickens need 1.6 kilograms, according to one estimate. Growing that much grain requires intensive use of land and water.
It's being used for sketchy animal feed for animals you eat not you literally eating the bugs

>> No.15337178

>always have to use some weird caveat that they get to generalize and extrapolate to “prove” their point
This shit is like text book statistical manipulation they teach in every intro level stats class in college. It’s a TREMENDOUS logical fallacy and red flag.

>> No.15337190
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I don't feel like reading it, explain. I took intro stats, don't hold back.

>> No.15337197
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>all i need is my bug protein shake, my nintendo switch and my single malt whisky

>> No.15337199

>sketchy animal feed for animals you eat
I think forcing pigs and chickens onto vegetarian diets is sketchier since they're natural omnivores.

>> No.15337249

if we used it as flour it'd probably improve things.

>> No.15337410


>Per acre production of protein

Maybe it's like where vegetarians point out that certain vegetation has higher per pound protein per kilo but neglect to provide a scale for reference. E.g. a kilo of brocolli is a fuckload that most people could not eat in a day instead of a manageable easy to consume in one dish portion of meat.

>> No.15337576

Not Kosher, I'll *SAY* I'm Jewish.

>> No.15337692

Locusts are kosher anon

>> No.15337885

They're not growing locusts, which can not survive in captivity, though.

I'll just *SAY* I'm Jewish.

>> No.15338022
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>> No.15338202

The original Manna from heaven.

>> No.15338406


>> No.15338429

based and redpilled. thats why pastured chickens and their eggs are healthier. hoepfully we'll get the best of both worlds with cheap, healthier livestock

>> No.15338435
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>ewwww I won ear bugs!
>o fug yumb lospter!! :DD

>> No.15338437

is that number of animals, or g of protein or what?

>> No.15338447


>> No.15338456

>after accounting for land
Ask me how I know this retardation is retarded.

>> No.15338462

>different subclades
>crustaceans are notably distinct as arthropods because they contain large amounts of flesh and that be separated from their carapace
>insects have to be eaten whole: shit, chitin, and all

I'm sorry your sky-daddy book says you can't eat lobster.

>> No.15338681
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>> No.15338712

>patagonian tooth fish = chilean sea bass
Black soldier fly = Egyptian King Sky Shrimp

post your best!!!!

>> No.15338720
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I will not eat the bugs.
I will not take the vaccine.
I will not live in a pod.

>> No.15338757

>Think about the environment!
>We should eat bugs!
>What do you mean I should eat it first?
>_YOU_ should eat it! Bugs are disgusting!

>> No.15338764

Oy gevalt, it would be a complete holocaust if I, one of G-d's Chosen People, were forced to eat this! It is against my religion and not kosher!

>> No.15338783

Yeah, someone on here was claiming you could live on only potatoes since they are a complete source of protein but there’s like 2 g per potato so I gotta eat 30 potatoes a day to get my protein requirements?
How is it healthy to eat 20 lbs of potatoes a day?

>> No.15338977

you're supposed to wash it down with whole milk genius

>> No.15339010

why not mushrooms

>> No.15339382

Not gonna lie, that looks delicious

>> No.15339430

Black soldier fly lives matter

>> No.15339438

fuck that just makes me feel even worse for livestock. imagine a nonstop diet of maggots, I'm sure even a pig finds it disgusting at one point. might make me go veg or something crazy, I done it before

>> No.15339447

technically bugs are one specific subset of insects. Lobsters and other shellfish are arthropods but not insects

>> No.15339453

that's very true, fungi are the way

>> No.15339971

Calling a lobster a big is like calling a horse a chicken.

>> No.15339975
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it's more like comparing a chicken to an ostrich.

>> No.15339980

No it’s more like comparing a mouse to a monkey.

>> No.15340006

what are you afraid of? do you really think our current cow production is ethical and sustainable?