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File: 68 KB, 800x579, cash-only-no-checks-sign-s2-0076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15320496 No.15320496 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Chinese restaurants always cash only? Is it because Chinese are sketchy fucks who don't pay their taxes?

>> No.15320500

>eating *riental """food"""

>> No.15320501

Yes. For example they sell 40 meals but only report 20. The rest is cash in their pockets. But it isn't just the insectiods. All cash only businesses under report. They know the revenue office isn't sufficiently staffed to investigate them all.

>> No.15320503

one I go to accepts debit but has a pretty high charge of $3 to use your card

>> No.15320547

A Chinese restaurant that I like got caught last year.

[Ed note: This article was updated to reflect the fact that the restaurant has opened back up.]

An award-winning restaurant in downtown Boston has reopened a day shortly after being seized by state.

According to a source, Gourmet Dumpling House in the city's Chinatown neighborhood was closed last night, with a sign out front saying that it has been seized for nonpayment of taxes and is now in the possession of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Another source tells us this afternoon, however, that the sign is now gone and that the restaurant is open once again.

Gourmet Dumpling House is often mentioned as one of the top dumpling spots in the Boston area, with Travel and Leisure once picking it as one of the 25 best Chinese restaurants in the United States. (CNNGo also included it among the 50 best Chinese restaurants in the country several years back.)

The address for Gourmet Dumpling House is 52 Beach Street, Boston, MA, 02111.


>> No.15320596

Their margins are too thin to afford transaction fees.

>> No.15320603


>> No.15320608

>against jewish payment instruments
Sound like a good establishment

>> No.15320613

I've never been to a single cash only place in my city (Vegas). I'm shocked whenever I travel how many places are like this. It's dumb, I never carry cash. I want free points for using cards.

>> No.15320622

Retard alert

>> No.15320635

Don't get yourself into debt by using your card irresponsibly, and yes, it is free. I haven't paid for an airline flight in a decade.

>> No.15320667

They often underpay their employees in cash as well. They commonly abuse other Asians on working holiday visas for maximum profits. If you ever notice Asian restaurants that looks overstaffed it's because they're literally paying them pennies. It's beyond scummy business practices yet they still believe their home countries of china/malaysia etc to be superior to the west.

>> No.15320680

taxation is theft

>> No.15320698

I have literally never experienced this - the only places that I've encountered that are cash only are some hot dog places

>> No.15320720
File: 938 KB, 4896x1645, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local Pizza place does this $22 credit $20 cash for large 2 topping , old Greek family. I stopped going there, credit cards take a cut of purchase price:also.

>> No.15320731

>If you ever notice Asian restaurants that looks overstaffed
That's true, I never really thought about it.

>> No.15320739

then stop living here and move to fucking somalia where you can keep all your money, faglord

>> No.15320826

This is how small minded businesses operate. 100% of $1,000 is not more than 97.1% of $2,000.

>> No.15320894

Credit card companies charge a processing fee of several percent on all transactions, and shitty little local Chinese restaurants often work on extremely slim profit margins.

>> No.15320903

Every single Chinese business is a front for a money laundering operation. I learnt that from GTA III. Fuckin Zoomer faggot.

>> No.15320907

If your profit margin is under 3%, then you have much bigger problems.

>> No.15320913


I would think it's more likely they are beholden to some level of triad influence via their suppliers.

>> No.15320914

Do you really think they'd make twice as many sales if they took credit cards?

The kind of people who would refuse to eat at a restaurant if they couldn't pay with a credit card are already eating at chain restaurants, not sketchy little places like this.

>> No.15320917

Maybe not double, but certainly enough to more than justify it. All it would take would be a handful of extra customers a day to come out ahead.

>> No.15320918

it's an older immigrant mentality that is super adverse to taking risk

>> No.15320922

not necessarily, because now many of your previous cash paying customers are gonna start using credit
it it ain't broke, don't fix it

>> No.15320926

>it it ain't broke, don't fix it
This is why so many small businesses fail. They remember when they were successful twenty years ago but are failing now and just say "Well we've always done it this way, why should we change?"

Because the world has changed. Every year more people are switching to using cards, and not accepting them in this day and age is going to hurt you.

>> No.15320939
File: 228 KB, 1908x1146, 3D4F9F5300000578-0-image-a-4_1487285726773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the bingbong places near me have this shit, which I don't even think is legal

>> No.15320942

In the US businesses are allowed to set a $10.00 minimum.

>> No.15320946

around me at least, most of the small immigrant eateries that have lasted for so long are going under not because they're unwilling to change, it's because the original immigrant who set up the place is simply getting old and wants to retire and their kids end up pursuing professional careers
they either close up or end up selling to some new guy who promptly runs the business into the ground
when my father retires i don't want to touch his business with a ten foot pole, i spent ten years working there and i want nothing to do with it

>> No.15321317

>just use debit bro
>haha just carry around your tracking recording device bro
>lmao just be imprisoned 2 weeks bro
>lolol after 2021 we'll be free again for realz
People are fucking retards. They caused all of this and don't even understand why it's their own fault.

>> No.15321324

Hi Boston anon. Any other chinese places in boston you'd recommend?

>> No.15321329

Hi schizo

>> No.15321336

>we lose $1 on every order
>don't worry we'll make it up in volume
You must work in government.

>> No.15321340

If you're losing a dollar on every order, the credit card fees are not the problem.

>> No.15321361

>he doesn't understand buying power.

>> No.15321372

I'm a tax accountant. During college I had an IRS criminal investigation special agent come to one of my classes and talk about catching tax cheats. One of the people they busted was a Chinese restaurant owner. They sat around in the restaurant eating Chinese and watched him not ringing up half the sales. The guy ended up going to prison. I can't remember the guys name, I can find a few cases that might be the right one but I'm not 100% sure.

At the first firm I worked at, we had a Chinese buffet come to us wanting us to prepare some reports about their workers to use in the lawsuit. This is the buffet: https://www.amestrib.com/article/20151021/news/310219969 some fun details that weren't included in the article: the kitchen was almost entirely staffed with Mexicans who were getting cheated out of wages. The buffet owners were filling out and signing all the kitchen workers' time cards themselves and reporting they were only working 40 hours a week when they were actually working 70+.

People think big businesses are corrupt and dishonest, but they should see some of the crap small businesses try to pull. An alarming number of small businesses are just straight up crooked. Unfortunately, due to relatively low IRS audit rates and not a whole lot of other government investigations they regularly get away with it.

>> No.15321417

Other fun small businesses incidents I've seen

>guy got busted for not paying a whole bunch of sales and use taxes
>decided the best thing to do was submit some fake documents to the auditor to try to get away with it
>auditor found out the documents were fake, investigated a whole bunch more years of stuff leading an assessment that was tens of thousands of dollars higher than it ordinarily would have been, and criminal charges were nearly filed

>Sushi joint was stealing the majority of the workers' tips

>Indian guy who already had a good job decided to buy a gas station because he thought it'd be a huge money maker
>small independent gas stations are not big money makers
>Bought it from some other Indian guy who was looking to get rid of it
>Didn't realize he was buying the right to operate a gas station, not the actual gas station itself
>Didn't know he'd have to pay thousands of dollars a month in rent
>Didn't realize the other Indian guy wanted to ditch the gas station because it was such a horrible business that was hemorrhaging cash
Dude blew like 50K to buy an unsalvageable mess

>> No.15321432

Not the same thing.

>> No.15321439

Not exactly, but the general point is that any "cash only" business is doing something shady.

>> No.15321441

>People think big businesses are corrupt and dishonest, but they should see some of the crap small businesses try to pull. An alarming number of small businesses are just straight up crooked.
Although this is trie, the amount of damage big business does is on another scale. Big Banks caused the Great Recession in 2008 cause of their schemes.

>> No.15321448

Which is fair. I think the point was more that people assume big businesses are greedy and small businesses are good and virtues, when the reality is that all businesses are greedy and will take as much as they can.

>> No.15321450

true. Props to being a tax accountant. I wanted to be a tax attorney when I was younger.

>> No.15321458

I'm not him. I'm actually a legal analyst for one the largest payment processors, so I see shady shit and number skimming on a very different level.

>> No.15321469

oh shit, do tell...

>> No.15321475

I'm the guy that posted about small businesses often being crooked. There are plenty of small businesses that are honest, and most medium size businesses are honest in my experience.

Quite a few times when a small business fucks up, it's an honest mistake. It's a lot harder for a small business to know all the regulations and laws and keep up with them than a larger business that can have people dedicated to dealing with that stuff.

I've done tax work for some extremely wealthy and high earning people (including some fortune 500 CEOs, hedge fund managers, and people with colossal inherited fortunes, my office has a big practice area in the HNW space) and most of them are care more about getting stuff done right than how much they'll owe. One time I was working on a bunch of old tax returns for a British hedge fund guy who hadn't realized he had US tax obligations. Due to all the withholding relative to his income, if he'd filed the returns on time he'd have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in refunds. We called him up to deliver the bad news, and he just thought the whole thing was kind of funny. "I guess I should have filed those returns on time, haha." Most people would explode if they knew they'd missed on getting hundreds of thousands of dollars back.

>> No.15321490

that's wild man.

This board is alright sometimes.

>> No.15321637

i dunno it seems kind of like confirmation bias seeing as i would assume most of your clients come to you simply because they want to know how to do it right
assuming you work for a reputable company anyway, if you're a sketchy outfit that operates on the margins i would imagine the clientele is much different

>> No.15321646

Appropriate professional reaction. He definitely exploded.

>> No.15322209

That is true. Even those small businesses that accept credit cards will siphon some of the cash payments off the top. It would cost a lot of resources to forensically audit a small business for the potential discovery of what would end up being a relative drop in the bucket of revenue recovery.

>> No.15322231
File: 456 KB, 1121x1120, 16054695861880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting in 2021, russia tax place will run algorithm and have access to see EVERY single transaction of both business/persoanl accounts of everything.
>if you dont use cash and receive any money in those accounts, and cant prove they arent just family sending you money, you're gonna pay mega tax
>no other country in the world so far has instant access to every single transaction of everyone at once

Gonna be a fun year with every business shitting itself here.

>> No.15322240

Legality aside, it's usually a violation of their contract with the service provider.

>> No.15322302

I paid $114,000 in credit card processing fees alone in 2020.

>> No.15322334

I know of one (formerly) cash only restuarant in my city, it's Thai not Chinese. The pandemic forced them to finally accept credit cards so they can take online orders.

>> No.15322354

Oligarchs excluded, of course.

>> No.15322361

Sorta. It's not like oligarcs keep money in russia, its all in usa/eu. Any money they have locally is just fuck around money transferred from abroad. But then again even if it wasnt theyd be excluded anyway.

>> No.15322370

this plus card processors charge a fee and chinese are cheap

>> No.15322410

In the US the IRS busts people fairly often based on a them making a lot of cash deposits. Any cash deposit over 10,000 gets reported. Making a bunch of cash deposits under 10,000 gets reported too, and if you're doing it avoid the $10,000 reporting then you can get charged with structuring. Of course, you can just not deposit the cash and get away with it.

Most countries trade data on foreign bank accounts with each other. The days of undeclared secret bank accounts are largely over.

>> No.15322413

That's a load of bullshit if I've ever seen some. The most intense cases of tax evasion are being done by a bunch of white people in suits.

>> No.15322419

except when they do it it's legal because they know the law and the loopholes

>> No.15322436

Evasion is illegal by definition. He is generally right that the really big tax evasion cases are almost white people. I read this blog: http://federaltaxcrimes.blogspot.com/ fairly regularly since I work in tax, and I think I can only remember one black guy getting busted.

>Amoral bugmen don’t which is why immigrants have more successful businesses (they are willing to lie and cheat).
A lot of immigrants are willing to run small businesses for the kind of money most Americans wouldn't accept. Those shitty gas stations in bad neighborhoods run by Indians or other immigrants are not cash cows.

>> No.15322437

Yes but legal and moral are two wildly different things.

>> No.15322445

As someone who works in tax, there aren't a bunch of GIANT SECRET LOOPHOLES like everyone thinks there are. Pretty much all the tax planning stuff available to businesses and high net worth individuals is explained in IRS publications.

>> No.15322489

All restaurants cook the books until business becomes steady and overwhelming, most places those don't tho.

>> No.15322512

use to average 80 bux a night take home tips delivering for chinese, 2 decades ago.

>> No.15322562

So white people are commie cuckolds? Yeah, we know that already.

>> No.15322600

... is not more than 10% of 80000. You idiot.

>> No.15322662


>> No.15322725


>> No.15322851

>Of course, you can just not deposit the cash and get away with it
No shit, you think small business owners don't know that?

>inb4 holding cash loses money
Most immigrant populations have cash loan shark networks funded by established business owners of their immigrant group that offer loans to new arrivals at high interest so they can start their own businesses. The scale of the underground economy is really enormous in the US, but it's virtually impenetrable to any government intervention.

>> No.15323200

Yes. What was your point again?

>> No.15323337

It's because they get charged for using it.

>> No.15323518

Most don't want to deal with the banking fees that are attached to using credit cards at restaurants/retail outlets.

>> No.15323546
File: 8 KB, 284x176, 1594432498631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that and if you want to get a debit/credit card machine it's like fucking 40k, and you pay a cut of every transaction to the bank.

>> No.15323559

>that and if you want to get a debit/credit card machine it's like fucking 40k

You're fucking stupid. You can get a card reader from PayPal for like twenty bucks.

>> No.15323581

not in my cunt

>> No.15323586

PayPal is in nearly every country except for a small number of third world shitholes that don't even know what a credit card is.

>> No.15323591

o paypal is here
the ability for businesses to just use whatever machine they please, independently of banks, is not.

>> No.15323612

>independently of banks
So you want to process credit cards, but not use a financial institution? How is that supposed to work?

>> No.15323636

sorry no I mean that brick-and-mortar here have to use 1st party solutions provided by banks to complete transactions in their stores, and don't have the wealth of choice that I see american food-service/retail using (those 3rd party apps like Square or whatever that run on tablets which will complete debit/credit transactions). Here it's use the expensive bank-provided solutions or nothing.

as a result, small businesses like family restaurants or corner stores will often have a minimum transaction for customers to be able to use debit/credit (since for any transaction under 4 dollars or whatever, the entire thing is eaten by bank fees) or they will go cash-only to avoid the whole headache.

>> No.15323642

I see, I guess that makes sense though for third world shitholes. I hope you get to live in a real country some day.

>> No.15323689

My Amex gives 4% back on all dining purchases, so I will avoid cash only places.

>> No.15323757

hi cattle

>> No.15323775

if they don't open up to credit they're going to potentially lose a % of their existing customers as they start swapping to credit/debit cards and start carrying less cash as a result

>> No.15323893
File: 253 KB, 389x454, a38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to cagie, wagie
i want my neetbux on time or i'm gonna have to talk to your manager and he'll scold and discipline you.

>> No.15323940
File: 61 KB, 462x960, 12415136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm a wagie
>Implying you need to be a wagie to recognize that taxation is theft and that not carrying cash is fucking retarded

>> No.15323972

How does this happen with the Indian guy? It would have stated in the contract the additional fees to rent the building right? If he’s stupid enough to not read a contract it’s his own fault.

>> No.15324004

Repeating "taxation is theft" won't make it true you spaz lolbertarian idiot. Central banks make the money for governments then by taxation some of it is collected back by democratically elected governments. It's not your money to begin with you fucking mong. That's not theft, it's democracy. Theft is a crime, taxation isn't. We have different words for different things for a reason you absolute brainlet.

>> No.15324106

>i want my neetbux on time or i'm gonna have to talk to your manager and he'll scold and discipline you.
If you're going to do wagie cagie shit do it properly you retard

>> No.15324127

>taxation isn't theft because the government holds an unrequited monopoly on currency
You're not helping your point, commie scum. If the government didn't stick its nose in the creation of currency, people would come up with their own. And when the government creates money, it's supposed to equate the value of the already existing goods and services of an economy. And for every extra cent, it causes inflation. So yeah, not only does the government give you anything but it may even fuck your purchasing power up.

>> No.15324132

>not only does the government not give you anything for free*

>> No.15324135

You're on the wrong side of history, lolberterian. Both parties are inexhorably grinding towards the elimination of cash, replacing it with solely traceable transactions for the purchase of goods and services. Don't like it? Go live in a shack in the wilderness with your Ayn Rand life size doll.

>> No.15324144

>goberment bad
>company good

fuck off

>> No.15324150

credit card fees. they are genuinely that niggardly

>> No.15324514

sup britbong

>> No.15324523
File: 273 KB, 679x402, ETXDoJCWsAEtPwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only theft when it happens to a neetking, it's totally morally acceptable when it happens to wagies.

>> No.15324550

This simply doesn't exist around here, i don't know of a single Chinese restaurant that is cash only around here.

Hell, all of them have online ordering and no-contact delivery too.

>> No.15324623

How did you know? Do neet bucks work differently over there?

>> No.15324630

Washing the meth money.

>> No.15325816

I honestly don't know how he could have done something so stupid. He wasn't some random immigrant with a 5th grade education (I remember reading an article about people buying Subway franchises, and some of them were immigrants with little education and had no clue how running a franchise works), he had a college degree and a good job in some engineering field. His wife had a good job too. They were making close to 200k a year before they bought that terrible gas station. I've been working 6 years, and I've never seen such an ill advised business purchase since.

>> No.15325872

Cheating taxes is absolutely based, though

>> No.15325882

Pay your balance monthly and it absolutely is free. I have my credit card through the same company that I bank with and I have it set up to automatically pay the balance each month from my checking, have gotten over $300 in rewards since I started using the card (I don't spend much).

>> No.15325888

He's probably one of those retards who was raised to believe all credit is bad, mostly because there's a whole generation of boomers who fucked themselves over with them by being retarded and so they raised their kids that way.

>> No.15325890

>>Still clinging to the belief that his flights are a "free" gift from his credit card company.

>> No.15325893

What extra did he pay for them?

>> No.15325946

Assuming his card has no annual fees (which is true of most cards these days), he would be correct.

>> No.15325956

Why else do you think the Wuhan virus is as bad as it is? They lie, they hide, they cheat their way out of everything.

>> No.15326038

Not just the Chinese. I live in a rural area. Our local pizza place is cash-only. They have an ATM inside too, which probably charges a $2-3 fee every time somebody uses it. Pretty much any landscaper will take cash for a job. An electrician my friend used to work for would take cash for jobs and has hundreds of thousands stashed in a fireproof vault in his house.

Nobody likes paying taxes and the IRS is so understaffed most small businesses get away with cooking the books.

>> No.15326210

>then stop living here and move to fucking somalia where you can keep all your money, faglord

No you move to a shit hole. This was the place for low taxes. We didn't even have income tax till WW1. It was only suppose to be temporary too.

>> No.15326217

Because they are money laundering fronts for the triads.
How does this come as a surprise to anyone is my question?
Have you ever noticed that some Chinese restaurants have almost no customers ever, yet stay in business for decades? Guess how that's possible.

>> No.15326233

>>Didn't realize he was buying the right to operate a gas station, not the actual gas station itself

Who sold this originally? A guy set up a gas station building and just rented it to someone else instead of running the gas business himself.

>> No.15327085

my local one only charges to use the cards if your order is under $20. which is pretty hard to do.

>> No.15327092

tough titty! that's excessive. literally nobody else has bloody $20 and $30 minimums

>> No.15327111

I'm an enrolled agent so I've represented "cash only" establishments that get audited. The fucking IRS will literally park a car across the street and record every transaction being made, and if come Q1, 2, 3, or 4 you underreport, BAM! welcome to tax evasion land. A lot of liquor stores like to do this too. The IRS likes to go after these cases especially because they know that person(s) have the money. At the end of the day Uncle Sam will always win.

>> No.15327168

They offer paypal for my places I order at

>> No.15327198

>accept credit card
>200% profite
>accept bitcoin
>300% profit
>accept paypal
>400% profit
>accept gold bulion
>500% profit

>> No.15327451

IRS loves to harass small businesses instead of going after the banking jews

>> No.15327630


here in Germany gas stations are a huge waste of money.
a guy running a gas station can keep like 1ct per liter gas sold (1l costs 1,60€)

then ever wondered why the gas station snacks are so expensive? the owner is not allowed to buy his Snickers at the wholesale he has to buy it from Shell for way to much.

all money goes to the oil company all business risk is on the owner.

>> No.15327653

here in Germany they made Receipts mandatory. restaurants have to print them out an then they can ask the customer if he wants it.

at work where you use youre company ID card to pay and get the amount you spend diverted from your loan they print it out and it goes straight into the trash.
i bet some politicians brother makes BPA thermo paper

>> No.15328361

It's literally a meme flu, you gullible fuck.

>> No.15328377

Are you ok? Do we need to contact a doctor for you?

>> No.15328445

>then ever wondered why the gas station snacks are so expensive? the owner is not allowed to buy his Snickers at the wholesale he has to buy it from Shell for way to much.

Huh. I did actually wonder that. Had always assumed it was just markup because the profits on gasoline are abysmal.

>> No.15328529

>How does this happen with the Indian guy? It would have stated in the contract the additional fees to rent the building right? If he’s stupid enough to not read a contract it’s his own fault.
When I got my home mortgage, it was dozens of pages long and I had to sign each one. There's no way I was going to read all that, which is why I trusted that my bank wasn't fucking me over (which it didn't). I assume it was the same here. Indian 1 didn't read the whole contract, and got fucked over by Indian 2.

>> No.15328538

>all these leeches defending taxation
lol, get jobs
>b-but taxes are mandated by law!!1
Yeah, and so were expropriations inthe USSR lmao

>> No.15328878

>Pay your balance monthly and it absolutely is free. I have my credit card through the same company that I bank with and I have it set up to automatically pay the balance each month from my checking, have gotten over $300 in rewards since I started using the card (I don't spend much).
Same here. I could get slightly better deals with other companies, but it's just so convenient to bank at the same place I have my credit card.

Also, you need a credit card to earn credit. If you never use any kind of credit, your loans are going to have huge interest rates when you apply for anything like a mortgage.

>> No.15328897

We literally pay jew banks to process money, but its "wierd" to say cash only please???

>> No.15328932

Would taxation be okay if everyone paid 5 dollars or whatever currency a month for tax and thats it?

>> No.15329039

If you're willing to go outside of Boston proper into the GBA you're better off. Chinatown has been gradually going down the shitter anyways due to being zoned out and the prices tend to reflect that now. Peach Farm used to be the shit, but they have been having difficulty maintaining good BOH. A lot of the cooks/waitstaff are being poached by non-Chinatown restaurants as most of the staff are moving out of the city. Most of them congregate in Quincy or elsewhere.

Best restaurant in Quincy is South Garden - they specialize in Cantonese style seafood.

Joyful Garden is actually really good too, in Watertown. Has an argument for best dim sum in the local area.

Mu Lan and Ching Shin Yuan(specifically weekend brunch) for Taiwanese.

Dragon Star in Brookline for SLOPPA takeout shit. Consistently the freshest and properly cooked American Chinese.

>t. Boston chink.

>> No.15329092

You are using the state that we all fund, so how about you fuck off if you're not contributing.

>> No.15329098

You stopped going there because they gave you a discount for using cash?

>> No.15329103

The state takes his money too and doesn't give him a say on whether he wants his money to be taken away.

>> No.15329120

What exactly is the problem here? That they can finally force you cheap pieces of shit to pay your fucking taxes?

>> No.15329133

The state does give him a say about that. He can deliberately fuck off in order not to pay taxes. As an American he can also renounce his citizenship, then he is free from our tyranny. Problem solved, nobody is forced to do anything.

>> No.15329155

>yeah, a thief may be waiting for you at your front door, but it's your fault if you get stolen from, nobody forces you to get into your house after work

>> No.15329163

>look mom, I'm born and therefore I deserve to have everything handed to me for free
Pay for your fucking privileges you are using. Fucking commie.

>> No.15329173

>not wanting the state to take your money away is wanting to have things handed over to you
>not wanting the state to take your money away makes you a commie
Cope harder, cuckold

>> No.15329175

>He can deliberately fuck off in order not to pay taxes. As an American he can also renounce his citizenship, then he is free from our tyranny
So, he'll spend 5 years in jail for tax evasion and be deported after he serves his sentence since he renounced his citizenship and is now an illegal alien. Good plan, sovereign lolitzen, lmao!

>> No.15329179

>Is it because Chinese are sketchy fucks who don't pay their taxes?

>> No.15329186

You are using a service, now pay for it.

Do you also go to a restaurant and leave without payment?

He can leave first and then renounce his citizenship. Not a problem for me or anyone around here. He is not forced to pay any more taxes.

>> No.15329199

What service?

>> No.15329212

Roads, law and order, basically all of society.

>> No.15329222

Because niggers

>> No.15329235

Services funded by the money they forcefully took away from citizens, retard. This is like being grateful for the robber handing your wallet back to you after he emptied it.

>> No.15329238

I had a Vietnamese buddy growing up and they had a bunch of businesses and they had a bunch of fresh off the boat morherfuckers living with them that worked for them. I assumed they were slaves

>> No.15329243

Except you are benefiting, unlike being robbed.

>> No.15329259

Everything. You are benefiting of the economy, which is a result of my state policies. You are consuming goods from companies or working at companies. Those companies don't come from nothing, they benefit from the infrastructure (that word includes more than just roads) as well as educated workers my state either provided or caused by policies. It upholds the law under which investment is safe to operate. It is my state's military that keeps other countries at gunpoint, so oil is traded in my state's currency and thus gives us purchasing power. It is my state that attracts and keeps businesses, skilled labor, as well as investment incoming. It is my state that secures beneficial deals for import and export under beneficial conditions. It is a subscription model, either you pay for the service my state provides or you simply leave. You are not forced to pay, but if you use the service you must pay before you fuck off.

>> No.15329261

I think I've been to the bakery next door to that place. My favorite place in Boston chinatown is a little hole in the wall called Potluck Cafe on Knapp street. Three entree's plus rice and soup for something like $5.99. Place is sketchy looking as hell but the food is good and I've never gotten sick after eating there.

>> No.15329266

Yeah, just like I'd benefit from recovering any belonging of mine that's been robbed. In both cases, the benefit was paid with jy own money and under coercion.

>> No.15329292

This is like kidnapping someone and expecting your hostage to be grateful for the meals you bring to his cell. Good on you to admit you're a subhuman warmonger though.

>> No.15329308

You were not kidnapped, your parents just decided to sign a contract for you by bringing you up here. It's like complaining about your Netflix subscription after you've watched hundreds of hours of TV shows.

And why am I a warmonger? Because I am saying how it is? You can vote to change policies, but that is also part of the service.

>> No.15329312

>Services funded by the money they forcefully took away from citizens, retard. This is like being grateful for the robber handing your wallet back to you after he emptied it.
Except they take less away from me (and probably you) than they give back. It's more like being grateful for the robber robbing 10 people, and handing 9 of them back their wallets plus a little extra for their trouble. And the one guy who he actually robbed can go fuck himself because he can afford to be robbed a little each year, he still has 10 times as much money as I do.

>> No.15329334

>Except they take less away from me (and probably you) than they give back.

My internet provider also takes money from me every month and never send any money back. 100% scam, right?

>> No.15329353

When my parents had me, the parasite known as the state had already been coercing people into giving them money for a long time. When my grandparents had my parents, the state was already leeching off citizens already. Same story in my great-grandparents' times.
They were never asked whether they wanted to be coerced by the state.
Netflix never forced me to pay for their services though which is why I don't. Netflix never decided itself to be the owner of the roads or of my country.
Think of a better analogy, leech.

>> No.15329372

Everyone should stop replying to the schizo, so we can go back to being racist against the Chinamen.

>> No.15329405

>When my parents had me, the parasite known as the state had already been coercing people into giving them money for a long time.

Yes and they were paying for that. Then you were born into this subscription and now you have to pay. Not hard to understand.

>They were never asked whether they wanted to be coerced by the state.
If you eat at a buffet nobody is asking you either whether you want to pay. But in the end you have to. This is what your parents did, they enjoyed everything the state managed for them and they were paying the bills aka taxes.

They always had the choice to leave the state territory, because living here ain't free.

>Netflix never forced me to pay for their services though which is why I don't.
The ones who forced you to be born here are your parents. The state has nothing to do with that. Anyway, you didn't even pay taxes until you had income. So, until then you could've unsubscribed. You'd actually end up with a lot of upfront services without having paid a dime. You didn't unsubscribe though and now you are complaining.

It's like Netflix gives you its service for free for the first 18 years (or whatever time it took for you to have taxable income or possessions) and then starts charging you for the service you are still using.

>> No.15329420

>Netflix never decided itself to be the owner of the roads or of my country.
It's an analogy you dense fucker.
The state is the owner of the roads by the choice of the people. Elected politicians made the state build roads. God damn, you are stupid.

>> No.15329424

He's not arguing in good faith, so you will get nowhere with him.

>> No.15329431

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy.

I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility.

After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.

At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.

Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and the fire marshall's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.

I then log onto the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on 4channel.org about how taxation is theft.

>> No.15329446

As if I had to go anywhere with him. He stops paying taxes, the IRS turns his asshole inside out.

>> No.15329457

>Yes and they were paying for that. Then you were born into this subscription and now you have to pay. Not hard to understand.
Yeah, no. "The state robbed your parents too so you should be ok with being robbed" is not a good argument.
>If you eat at a buffet nobody is asking you either whether you want to pay. But in the end you have to. This is what your parents did, they enjoyed everything the state managed for them and they were paying the bills aka taxes.
Nobody forces me to attend a buffet. The state did force itself into ruling my country. I never invited the state to rob me, neither did my parents, it forced itself into power.
>They always had the choice to leave the state territory, because living here ain't free.
Too bad the state is the one who unrequitedly declared itself sovereign over the land. Leaving my country is as much of a choice as leaving your house after a criminal breaks into it.
>The ones who forced you to be born here are your parents. The state has nothing to do with that. Anyway, you didn't even pay taxes until you had income. So, until then you could've unsubscribed. You'd actually end up with a lot of upfront services without having paid a dime. You didn't unsubscribe though and now you are complaining.
My parents never gave the state power willingly. Again, shitty analogy, commie scum.
>It's like Netflix gives you its service for free for the first 18 years (or whatever time it took for you to have taxable income or possessions) and then starts charging you for the service you are still using.
Netflix didn't force me or my parents to hire their services. The state did force its way into ruling over my Nation's lands.

>> No.15329464

>Why are Chinese restaurants always cash only?
All of the Chinese places in my area give you a 5-10% off discount if you pay with credit.

>> No.15329467

>which of your two kidnappers do you want to bring bread and water to your cell?

>> No.15329468
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Dunno about you, but I also do not want to enable subhuman habits. I may accept debit cards for convenience.

>> No.15329485

That seems really backwards and makes no sense.

>> No.15329494

>Yeah, no. "The state robbed your parents too so you should be ok with being robbed" is not a good argument.
The argument is that your grandparents made the decision to sign up your parents for the 18-year free trial with optional consecutive subscription for the state service.

>Nobody forces me to attend a buffet.
Your parents forced you to attend the buffet.

>The state did force itself into ruling my country.
No, that was done by elections. A state is just a set of rules established and staff hired by elected politicians.

>Too bad the state is the one who unrequitedly declared itself sovereign over the land.
The people are the sovereign and they made this state. Not my problem you disagree with us.

>Leaving my country is as much of a choice as leaving your house after a criminal breaks into it.
"Your" country? Excuse me, you don't own this country any more than you own a hooker you ordered.

>My parents never gave the state power willingly. Again, shitty analogy, commie scum.
They did, by staying. It's consent and continuation to using our services, you fucking leech.

>Netflix didn't force me or my parents to hire their services.
Neither did the state. They had a choice.

>The state did force its way into ruling over my Nation's lands.
No, the nation did. You are just unwilling to play by the nation's rules.

>> No.15329606

>The argument is that your grandparents made the decision to sign up your parents for the 18-year free trial with optional consecutive subscription for the state service.
My grandparents were born into state coercion, so did their parents, so did their grandparents, etc.
>Your parents forced you to attend the buffet.
My parents were born and some leeches had already established a "buffet" in their lands. They didn't walk into one by choice.
>No, that was done by elections. A state is just a set of rules established and staff hired by elected politicians.
Nobody asked me if I wanted to choose between two sets of leeches to take my money. I'm given the choice to cast a vote on who'll rob me.
>The people are the sovereign and they made this state. Not my problem you disagree with us.
If this were the case, they wouldn't have to imprison people for not handing the money to the parasite known as the state.
>"Your" country? Excuse me, you don't own this country any more than you own a hooker you ordered.
My nation does, you're probably from shartland where a Nation doesn't exist. I'm a Spaniard.
>They did, by staying. It's consent and continuation to using our services, you fucking leech.
Lmao, commie vermin who wants to steal from citizens calling me a leech. Rich. Again, if they have to take my money under the threat of jails, there's no consent to be seen in the equation.
>Neither did the state. They had a choice.
Again, the threat of prison and their monopoly on force say otherwisen
>No, the nation did. You are just unwilling to play by the nation's rules.
Lmao, the state undermines the nation. It pushes for our demographic replacement, undermines our liberties and erases our history. I see how this might confuse mutt cattle with no nation or culture other than rap music and fast food though.

>> No.15329696

The majority of people posting here couldn't qualify for a credit card because they have no income to begin with.

>> No.15329710

Evading taxes, always ask for the reciept.

>> No.15329732

Giant corporations are guilty of this. There's a reason why Japanese cars outsell America cars. Because the Japanese were willing to spend a little more on R&D and Quality Control while the American manufacturers took a penny off here and there eventually making products that weren't reliable. And now apple took out charging bricks because of 'environment.' it's all about margins for most people. That's why steve jobs was such an innovator because he focused on engineering and quality over accounting tricks

>> No.15330039

I'm in uni in boston so no car, can't really go too far. But that dragon star place I can definitely get to. Thanks chinkanon

>> No.15330050

you are so incorrect. for one thing I have never seen that, for another I wouldn't care, and for a third I don't go outside

>> No.15330059

>And now apple took out charging bricks because of 'environment.' it's all about margins for most people.
Their excuse is such bullshit. If they gave even the slightest fuck about the environment they wouldn't make unrepairable pieces of shit that will end up in a landfill as soon as the slightest thing goes wrong. But then they'd make less money.

>> No.15330342

Ok, I think I need to check out Dragon Star. Know anything good in Somerville or Cambridge?

>> No.15330389

The loss is greater than 2.9% because it’s off the gross sales. The net profit loss is greater than 10% depending on how much the service charge is from the banks and the cost of chargebacks. How much extra business these small businesses would generate if they took multiple credit cards is debatable and depends on clientele. Depending on the volume.

>> No.15330407

2.9% plus about thirty cents per transaction is the service charge from the banks. And for chargebacks, ever business has shrinkage, and chargebacks are no different.

If it was really more profitable to only use cash then a lot more businesses would be doing it.

>> No.15330446

For the whole industry in Canada with revenues 30k to 5million. The net profit is 3.6%. Credit cards being at the very best 2.9% of you gross costs. That’s 44% of your net profits gone to fee’s. Like I said, it depends on your clientele, if your Macdonald’s and rely on convenience and market share, credit cards are absolutely needed. A small shop in a neighborhood with casual return customers? Not so much.

>> No.15330450

>For the whole industry in Canada with revenues 30k to 5million. The net profit is 3.6%.
Going to need a source for your numbers.

>> No.15330460


>> No.15330471

This says bank charges are 0.6% of their total costs, so you are quoting the numbers wrong.

>> No.15330478

banks aren't credit processors.

>> No.15330480

So where is the credit card processing in this break down?

>> No.15330483

Credit cards are not bank fees. It would be under business fee’s and bank fees or listed as ‘other expenses’. Regardless, 2.9% plus a flat rate per transactions is a big hit to net profits and can be avoided depending on your clientele. Relative to net profits, it is a significant chunk that can be reduced.

>> No.15330494

So how come there are no multi-million dollar businesses that are cash only?

>> No.15330509

Depends on the clientele. If you require market share and convenience to sell you product you need to offer the same services as them including accepting credit cards and as a larger business there is a cost in labour associated with counting cash, depositing and keeping records. For large restaurants this is good because you probably already have an accountant on payroll. If you are a small restaurant that relies on your local neighbor clients doing repeat business, you don’t really need credit cards because people in your neighborhood know your brand already.

>> No.15330515

Correction: personal income tax is theft.

Corporations need to be taxed out the ass so workers and small family businesses don't need to.

>> No.15330533

I'm interested in your experiences working there. What was so bad about it?

>> No.15330538

This made me laugh. Thank you

>> No.15331254

>noticed that some Chinese restaurants have almost no customers ever
Sounds like the ones around you suck.

>> No.15332336


>> No.15332362

my father is basically the embodiment of every negative chinese stereotype

>> No.15332377

local indian place i work at offers a similar deal
basically the owner doesn't trust his staff not to steal money

>> No.15332385

eat at*

>> No.15332446

Yep, this was my parents. They grew up pretty poor and had the idea that a credit card is supposed to be used only for emergencies because you can pay it off over time. I didn't realize until I had myself in bit of debt that no, you're supposed to do the opposite of that, use your credit card regularly and pay off the balance in full every month. I missed out on hundreds of dollars of cashback by using paper instead of plastic.

>> No.15332474

>mark up prices 5%
>offer 5% "discount" for anyone paying cash

>> No.15332483

They taught you good values anon. Do you know why credit card companies want you to use cards and give you bonuses for using them? Because they know two things. One being they make money off the transactions from the merchants end. The second reason is that they know people who use credit cards spend more money than those who use cash. So while you think you are ‘saving money’ using a credit card for rewards. The credit card companies know it’s subconsciously enabling you to spend more than you would if you use cash.

>> No.15332495

Or I can just spend the same amount, because I'm still budgeting exactly the same.

>> No.15332510

Because you were taught values to budget. Most people will spend more money when they use credit cards over cash and they never know how much they could save if they switched to cash as it would cut down their spending dramatically.

>> No.15332513

good goys

>> No.15332801

The problem is that the state can now see all your purchases, and have control over your life. Same way why in USA some places were trying to go credit only, but were told to fuck off by the people, and forced to take in cash again. Cash is freedom (same reason why in many places in EU cash is still used more too, its less convenient but not trackable).

>> No.15332878

The newest Chinese place that opened on my work route did it nicely. There was a minimum purchase for cards or else there was small surcharge. They did away with it after a month and just take cards without any hoops.

>> No.15332983

How fucking evil do you have to be to work for the IRS.

>> No.15333025
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You are so retarded

>> No.15333062

The best chinese place near me has really long wait times but I guess some people don't know this so they never pick up their order and they always give it to other people. This time I got free pork lo mein and szechuan beef. If they're not paying their taxes on top of giving me free meals they're even more based than I originally thought.

>> No.15333223

credit cards have transaction fees. a normal establishment that cares about customer service will eat this fee for the sake of convenience. the chinamen are cheap and get offended at the prospect of paying these fees

>> No.15333240

most people i know barely have any cash on them these days, a chinese restaurant would have to be really fucking good for me to make a special trip to an atm every time i eat there

>> No.15335062

because credit card companies don't allow them to do this. visa and mastercard prohibit a service fee for credit card purchases and don't allow minimum charge fee's.

>> No.15335391

Pay your fucking taxes. I have to, you should to!

>> No.15335417

One thing anons are missing is the cash only is not only to avoid taxes, but also the percentage of gross sales many (((landlords))) demand. That can amount to 6-10% of gross depending on the locale, which is back breakingly brutal to a small business.

>> No.15335569

I bought silken tofu by accident, what can I make with it? I thought this would be the best place to ask as it probably doesn't warrant a full thread.

>> No.15335595

>be IRS
>be cripplingly underfunded
>billionaires and multi millionaires be hiding billions of dollars off shore left and right
>big ass corporations like Apple get away with it publicly by claiming a Dublin Ireland address
>IRS is too ass out broke to go after these guys and their armies of lawyers because there’s a 50% or more chance they lose anyways
>still have to prove that the IRS does something
>target mom and pop spots who cut a few corners to save a few thousand dollars to keep the doors open
>IRS never loses these cases because the mom and pop spots can’t afford an entire legal firm of attorneys on retainer
Fuck this gay ass country dudes

>> No.15335642

Good in soups. Parboil it in salted water beforehand to help it keep its shape. Also nice to eat cold with sesame, soy, green onions, and grated radish. Mapo tofu is a classic and works nicely with a firmer silken tofu.

>> No.15335862

>nothing but crickets from the anti-tax retard
Kek, you did good anon

>> No.15335975
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>mfw when no chinese restaurant I know accepts my uranium yellowcake ingots as currency

it's like they want to lose potential customers

>> No.15335995

you shouldn't have to either

>> No.15336332

>paying for the privilege of paying for things
America, a nation of corporate cucks.

>> No.15336339
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No they jacked up the price for credit cards.
Went there several times in one month $21,$22, $20 for same order?