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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 500x370, 1605558467156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15319832 No.15319832 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to have yourself a can of deenz before you head out to the bar tonight.

>> No.15319873





>> No.15319924

Wow fags on /ck/ are vocal about the new deenz thread and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way anon keeps eatin deenz and the whole discussion about canned fish. I guess they were holding out hope for another mcdonald's thread. There's even a petition that's garnered fifteen signatures to have the janny ban deenz posters. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.15319941


>> No.15319946

Imagine getting your jimmies all rustled up over some canned fish
Having some deenz with Tabasco tonight

>> No.15319951

sardines are very reddit. if i had a soyjak face i would post it, and it’s literally no different than people enjoying hot sauce. except there’s a lot fewer brands, so you fags are basically reddit and gay queers

>> No.15320343

Just avoid King Oscar, the quality has gone down since they were bought out by the asians.

>> No.15320428

Have mine on rice with soy sauce and a hit of hot sauce, thinking i will add a raw egg next after i go shopping

>> No.15320444

Laugh react

>> No.15320445

All the hapooners from last year were crazy about deenz.

>> No.15320505

Sadly this is true

>> No.15320601
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>muh deenz cancer isn't as bad as the McDonalds cancer and therefore it's laughable that people object to it
cancer is cancer whether it's repetitive discussion about cheeseburgers or canned fish. These "le deenz bois xD" threads are filled with the same low quality garbage that fast food threads contain

>> No.15320839
File: 699 KB, 1536x2048, 64E28F28-1257-49A3-8388-CCD090CFFA09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mackerel is good.

>> No.15320886
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 517C9DB0-CAF7-4C82-BA7A-85B87EF1A60A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New year’s deenz going in

>> No.15320947





>> No.15321067

>mackerel shill always trying to horn in
make your own thread, mackerel is better than tuna but inferior to good deenz and you know it

>> No.15321105

Deenz is a general for canned fish, not just sardines. Even though OP fucked up this thread.

>> No.15321124
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>> No.15321159
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just had 2 cans of king oscar jalapeno deenz, lads

>> No.15321163

Can someone re-post the fried deenz nachos/stir-fry recipe?

>> No.15321172
File: 756 KB, 1079x1021, Screenshot_20210101-005518_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine sardines, but not in a tin. Whatever could we call them?

>> No.15322591


>> No.15322713

Mackerel is good if you need proteen in a pinch

>> No.15322720

BASED I love those but they're too expensive

>> No.15324045

Is this a reference to something?

>> No.15324064

>trying to save face on an anonymous image board by pretending your not the same faggot from yesterday that tried to talk shit and got called out for his sad little sour grapes.

Dude lmao.
You're the only one I've been a douche to because you tried to do your little shit talk and got fucking outed as the pathetic sour grapes little faggot that you are.

And here we are a whole 12 hours later and you're STILL this fucking butthurt about it.

Lmfao. Literally its always the shitheap driving sour grapes poorfags that try to talk shit randomly on /o/. Every fucking time. You are a prime example.

If you don't like getting called out by internet meanies, maybe stop acting like a pathetic shit talking sour grapes faggot?

>> No.15324068

so how much do they pay varg in royalties anyways?

>> No.15324085

uhhhh we're in the middle of a pandemic asshole no one is going to the bar

>> No.15324496

Bars are certainly shutdown in my city, but they had too, the hospitals simply don't have room or staff for additional patients at this point even filling the hallways with gurneys. Shit is getting horrendous here. Ofc it's in the braindead south where these knuckleheads are refusing to wear masks and packing their stick worshipping charnal houses.

>> No.15324566
File: 30 KB, 480x480, 131511038_3722161011175510_8125171171999845363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread.

What do you guys do with your deenz? I have 3 go-to's:
1) open-faced sandwich with sriracha mayo,
2) over rice with sriracha or soy sauce
3) fishermans eggs
Looking to get some more ideas for my full cabinets worth of DEENZ

>> No.15324577

Type this again without crying

>> No.15324770





>> No.15325011

they sell them everywhere, there's more jarred varities than cans at some stores

>> No.15325022

deenz with saltine crackers my dude. basic bitch but gets the job dumb.

>> No.15325024
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>> No.15325032

deenz suck
i have tried adding them to every dish
and they routinely make it worse

>> No.15325040

Yo, we need a power ranking of sardine brands and sauce.

>> No.15325489
File: 1.56 MB, 739x969, deenie weenies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt see a thread up, got some new deenz today, excited to try the spicy pepper ones

>> No.15325556

I love deenz, always get them for lunch. I get supermarket own brand in the UK. I've started mixing it up by substituting for smoked oysters every so often.

I like to put microwave rice and frozen veg in a microwaveable container, then nuke it at work then put deenz and oil on top. It warns the fish up without stinking the place out. Sometimes I add tabasco, Worcestershire, sriracha or a cube of frozen herbs.

I've been doing this almost daily for two years and I'm still not bored.

Has anyone ever had a herring sandwich? Sounds delicious but I can't find herring here. :(

>> No.15325574





>> No.15325613


>> No.15325670
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Wouldn't you like to know

>> No.15325682





>> No.15325683

FPBP but also cringe.

Kippers are better.

>> No.15325711

These threads are made by mods btw

>> No.15325720

>dude stop talking about food on a food board lmao
talk about seething

>> No.15325733

Yup every time you report them they get bumped

>> No.15325759
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>> No.15325776
File: 69 KB, 600x442, milliondeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried some millionnaires for the first time; really really good

>> No.15325824

I had some nuri for Christmas, good stuff

>> No.15325828
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>> No.15325895
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Can't believe I actually wanted so talk about sardines then some cunts come complain it's a thread about sardines

>> No.15325907





>> No.15325923

he mad

>> No.15325964
File: 32 KB, 173x174, 1609465635998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deenz bros...

>> No.15325980

i like eating sardines im going to have a sardine sandwich now thank you

>> No.15326081

just eat them as a snack with some good bread
love a can or two of deenz in olive oil, when the deenz are gone i dip bread in the oil, it's tasty

>> No.15326213

Guy said he was mad about /deenz/ and it really made me wonder what exactly was so wrong in his life that a thread about delicious canned fish sent him over the edge. He screamed at me, "STOP MAKING THESE THREADS," to which I replied, "Looks like we've got a mad lil fishie here." I guess that really pissed him off because he threatened to doxx me if I didn't desist, and of course I didn't. Why should I care about some whiny, sniveling little pantywaist who probably can't maintain an erection due to the lack of Omega-3 in his diet? I, on the other hand, wake up every morning with an angry eight inch diamond-headed jackrod, which I use to hammer my wife's pussy into submission (after a can of delicious, nutritious King Oscar sardines in olive oil). And yes I eat ass.

>> No.15326222
File: 35 KB, 583x326, 2agan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try the King O in oil with lemon because I love lemon with seafood
>strong citric acid taste
I almost gave up on the Macks until I picked up a can of just EVOO.
I wish I could find a better brand in my area because these were amazing.

>> No.15326280
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, 20210102_124929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to crack open these bad boys

>> No.15326285





>> No.15326290

start eating deenz

>> No.15326295

fuck off, mod.

>> No.15326316

But not better than deenz.

>> No.15326324

One tin deenz, five crackers with slices of cheese on each, and some antipasto for me. It's my go to lunch.

>> No.15326478
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>> No.15326482

Oh look another sardine thread :/

>> No.15326491

crying about food discussion on a food board? it's more likely than you think.

>> No.15326497

This is the third time I've seen this. Stop.

>> No.15326501

Ask me how I know you’re a newfag

>> No.15326505


>> No.15326508

Back to Red it you go shill

>> No.15326514

deenz make ya seethe

>> No.15326518
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>> No.15326526

>blue matiz were good, deenz were a bit more firm that king oscar but same brisling size. my farts smell rancid now though

>> No.15326527

No t. Rannys like you that don’t know where the exit are do

>> No.15326539

You will never be a woman. Dilate

>> No.15326545

If I wanted my come back I’d kiss your mom

>> No.15326550

u mad

>> No.15326585
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>> No.15326588

and ur a faggot

>> No.15326612





>> No.15326845
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>> No.15327378

fuck sardines i only eat based anchovies

>> No.15327392

>tastes like the old man's tool
there's zero chance they didn't know what they were doing

>> No.15328189
File: 217 KB, 1434x977, 5371DEB0-342A-4362-BBDB-755A9E53E405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite brand of deenz, deenzbros?

>> No.15328194
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E-Eren bros....

>> No.15328196
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>> No.15328235

What the fuck happened to these threads?

>> No.15328249

Underage retards, and shitposters. Mods don’t do shit as per usual.

>> No.15328257
File: 289 KB, 512x512, pull up in a deen tin on god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15328263

Beach cliff are probably the only good cheap sardines.

>> No.15328631
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>> No.15328644

Did you know deenz is sneed backwards?

>> No.15328675
File: 116 KB, 1252x704, checkthesedigits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what the fuck
Also checked

>> No.15328684

no, its zneed. and its very reddit

>> No.15328697

I do toasted buttered bagel open faced with cream cheese l, deenz and el yuacata for breakfast moat days

>> No.15328753





>> No.15328828

bump ;^)

>> No.15329884

It's a copypasta from /a/ about the new season of Attack on Titan (reworked fo a /ck/ theme).

>> No.15329897


>> No.15330128

Did you know that deens is sneed backwards?

>> No.15330149
File: 9 KB, 111x140, 1483291614563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start eating sardines

>> No.15330186

finna do some bumps!

I like the ones hot sauce.

>> No.15330357

>soybean oil

>> No.15330422
File: 706 KB, 968x460, ACE DACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the real shit

>> No.15330429

How does he get crowned?

>> No.15330433

I generally eat mackerel but I respect my deenz brothers.

>> No.15330806

>mystery chink fish from sludge water
You're pretty fucking brave if you eat that, probably why you used a stock image.

>> No.15332308

YO MY DEENZ BROS WADDUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
page 10 save rave
>page 10 save rave
page 10 save rave
>page 10 save rave
page 10 save rave







>> No.15333072

bumperino! ;^}

>> No.15333084

Everything tends to go to shit when threads become generals. That's the whole reason for the /vg/ split. I enjoy sardine threads but sardines are hardly the best kept secret in the canned food aisle if there's a thread up 24/7.

>> No.15333101

I like them over rice with garlic ginger and soy sauce. Top with green onions at the end. It's probably the fastest/laziest rice bowl you can make.

>> No.15333247

>thinking we're trying to keep it a secret
we're evangelists

>> No.15333439
File: 363 KB, 1200x675, deenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed thread

>> No.15333564
File: 38 KB, 349x450, D6E683ED-D15A-4D96-B0B3-1C763E4D9625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s fake. Here’s the real:

>> No.15333569

They have them at the 99c store near me. All flavors.

>> No.15333637

checked and keked my mind desu

>> No.15333694

A feral cat wandered into my house and I had to bait it out with my only can of sardines. Godspeed

>> No.15333805
File: 80 KB, 1502x303, oscar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just came across an excellent deal. check it, click subscribe and save and set to 2 weeks (so you get it on jan 11th or so). grab at least a 12pk before the ketotards get them when posted on the front page of slickdeals (these are $2.79-3+ in stores)


>> No.15333875
File: 423 KB, 661x522, 5d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spicy Matiz were really, really good. Very spicy too, hotter than a jalepeno (gave me hiccups but i'm a girl who can barely handle anything hotter than a banana pepper), probably the best sardines i've ever had but they were $3 a can

if you like king oscar jalepeno youll love these

>> No.15334778

That gif is fucking cursed lol

>> No.15334971
File: 92 KB, 220x136, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying 3 dollars for some sardines.

>> No.15335530

revered brother, reject the infidel

>> No.15335545

Quick note for all the newfrens here, remember to never reply to shitposters trying to derail the thread.

>> No.15335571

This. Zoomers are fucking braindead.

>> No.15336614

where'd you get the $3.85 coupon savings from???

>> No.15336811

You have to check the box "save 15% with subscribe and save"

>> No.15336825

Hmm I take that back, I don't remember where but there was a little box you could check to save 15% I think. It's not there now damn, hope one of you got it last night I got 24 on the way I love this flavor, make some pasta with it

>> No.15336829

you motherfucker

>> No.15336868

Your top Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner deenz meals?

I'll start:

Fisherman's eggs with pepper, tabasco, tomato chunks and feta
Deen sandwich with lettuce/spinach, coarse mustard, tomatoes, mayo, pepper
Pan fried deenz with brown rice, steamed broccoli or asparagus
Faggot janny tears and McDonalds manchild poster seething served on a bed of (you)'s

>> No.15336934
File: 548 KB, 2000x2000, Bela sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do you but more people knowing about a thing tends to make that thing worse in some way. Not that threads on /ck/ are likely to do much damage, sardines were already the subject of a wave of normie interest some time ago and I haven't seen a can of Bela or Nuri since. Then C19 came along. I can still get King Oscar because some saint at the grocery store put the
>only X amount of Y
sign right in front of the KO display.

>> No.15337611

>more people knowing about a thing tends to make that thing worse in some way
That's nonsense.

>> No.15337636

>Try to heat them up on a pan with my eggs
>pan is too hot, exploding deenz oil everywhere
>whole kitchen smells of deenz
>even wiping it up doesn't eliminate the smell

>> No.15337869

Scrambled eggs and then chop the deenz on top. Don't put them in direct contact with the fucking pan.

>> No.15337889

Deenz are ALREADY FUCKING COOKED you idiot.

>> No.15337977

if you're gonna fry them best use a lower heat and put parchment paper in the frying pan.

>> No.15338169

>not just buying them by the case and saving 50% or more
lol ok you enjoy scrounging around for deenz at retail, sounds like a great way to pass the time

>> No.15340142


>> No.15340153

Does anyone like sprats?
I love smoked sprats a lot, either on toasted bread or put on top of rice and drizzled with oil

>> No.15342139
File: 14 KB, 542x302, 4stats Jan 4 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine that you actually think this.

I don't have much need for that, I just pick up a few tins when I go to the store.