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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15319664 No.15319664 [Reply] [Original]

what are you drinking alone this nye?

>> No.15319686
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Bosconia '07

>> No.15319720 [DELETED] 
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This entire bottle and hopefully building up the courage to blow my brains out. Wife I met in college and was with for 13 years now just decided to pack up all her shit and leave, block me on all social media and ride the cock carousel. This happened at the beginning of the month, but I know because I came across a couple dating app profiles that were pretty elicit in her desire to only get plowed.

>> No.15319726

White rum neat

>> No.15319780

Have some balls and shoot her instead, you milquetoast faggot.

>> No.15319819

Three tall boys because I have no class but also because I just want to get drunk.

>> No.15319826

Wild Turkey 101 with my family tonight. We're all doing a BYOB thing.

>> No.15319834
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>getting drunk
are you 17?

>> No.15319841

Maybe they just don't weigh 400 pounds, t. >>15319686

>> No.15319845

Drinking Glenfiddich 12 because I’m just getting into scotch. Just moved to a small Illinois town for a job, leaving all my friends behind. Listening to Pete Seeger and being a sad sack. Cheers friends.

>> No.15319856

I'm kind've messed up already but I'm a functional messed up so I need to hold out before drinking more but I will drink more

>> No.15319859
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Caballo loco 12.

>> No.15319866
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This boy I got in a French supermarket and have been taking ages to finish because I drink spirits slowly and my family keep giving me more as presents. It's Spanish, I have absolutely no point of reference to tell you if it's top-notch, but it's pretty good.

>> No.15319867

This. I lost all of my mass since the gyms are closed. Shit sucks. I need new pants because all of mine are too loose.

>> No.15319887

Looks like it's essentially a carrefour house brand. Dominican rum is never top notch, but it's usually easy drinking and decent at least.

>> No.15319889

I made an aperol spritz but it was fucking gross, so now I'm just drinking the remainder of the bottle of cheap prosecco and I have a bottle of Asti Spumante to follow it with. Two bottles of champagne oughta get me very drunk, as a 170 lb rare-drinker

>> No.15319897

bastardized whisky sour

>> No.15319898

drank aclohol for the first tiem today some shitty cheap scotch, drank more than half the 0,7l bottle, not sure if i trhow up tonight or not but it kinda feels nice, i understand you guys now. After the 5th shot or so it actually tasted good before it was disgutijng

>> No.15319901
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if there's one day of this shitty year that calls for a good champagne it must be the last one

>> No.15319903

Why are children on this board? This board is too sad for children

>> No.15319912

>this shitty year
Yeah! 2020 the worst! Fuck 2020 fuck Trump reparations are justice suck my girlcock shitlord

>> No.15319918

im 22 i just thought alcohol just like any drugs are degenerate, i will try to keep it in moderation regardless.

>> No.15319936

kys niggerpol not everything is about your stupid politics
if you enjoyed this year go ahead and celebrate
but for me personally it can only get better and that's what i am looking forward to

>> No.15319937

>suck my girlcock
Not really interested in touching your dick except incidentally as I'm not gay, I don't mind it of course, just wouldn't want to make you dysphoric, but I'd lovingly fuck you in your bussy if you have a girlcock, not because of course because I see you as a woman, just saying, if you need to feel like a woman I'm your man baby

>> No.15319939

Oh, so you're a no-lifer. You'll fit right in here, comment rescinded

>> No.15319943

>I drank bottom shelf liquor
>whoa it was gross, alcohol is gross!
Are you a girl?

>> No.15319956

noo i realize i drank the lowest shit you can i bought it from aldi. Ima get better stuff next time, any recommendations?

>> No.15319971

You sound like even more of a faggot than him. There is no “better” dumb fuck. This is life no kiddo, and it’s only going to get worse because the masses of cowards like yourselves afford totalitarian power to “trustworthy” corporatitions.

>> No.15319973

Anything more expensive than Dewars white label is not worth it, because you could just get Dewars white label instead

>> No.15319996

Yeah skip the neckbeard swill and get yourself a nice bottle of Dönnhoff Oberhäuser Leistenberg kabinett, drink it refrigerator cold out of decent stemware, thank me later.

>> No.15320019

maybe you should spend more time working on your own life than complaining about muh corporations and evil leaders on the internet
or it will never get any better for you

>> No.15320023

For me, it's voodoo ranger imperial ipa and a big tub of H-E-B guacamole and tortilla chips.

>> No.15320035

Jameson is not that bad for inexperienced drinkers it's quite smooth and cheap enough not to be a waste
bonus you can get it everywhere

>> No.15320037
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> alcohol just like any drugs are degenerate, i will try to keep it in moderation regardless.

>> No.15320038
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Guacamole is so easy to make and so much better fresh. Shame.

>> No.15320051

if you're "drinking just to get drunk" on shitty beer, you will end up weighing 400 pounds.

>> No.15320071

Drinking vodka and eating pork lo mein. Love you all. Might live to see 2022. Stay strong, brothers.

>> No.15320075

Maybe try not weighing 400 pounds first before telling normal weight people what it's like to be them?

>> No.15320081

We already made fun of him, this gross shit is unnecessary and excessive
Lo mein sounds good

>> No.15320100

I don't get where you got the idea that you need to weigh 400 pounds to have an irish tier drinking tolerance.
t. 6.3 ft, 220 pounds

>> No.15320109

I finished my first bottle of champagne and now I can't open the second one until midnight. What do I drink until then? Tea? Bourbon?

>> No.15320112

>6.3 ft, 220 pounds
You're obese dude

>> No.15320128

thanks i'll see what i can get here
not sure about wine but thanks regardless

>> No.15320134
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>> No.15320148
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I just moved in to a new place and don't have any furniture or kitchenware besides this chair and a mattress. I love making guac though, can't wait to do it again.

Happy new year anon

>> No.15320156
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Combo of beer and rum n' cokes atm, gonna pop a bottle of cheap prosecco a few hours from now closer to midnight.

>> No.15320158

You can find good furniture on sidewalks around this time and any other major lease-ending periods, that's how I've always stocked my apartments. Found a sick armoire once, that kind of thing.

>> No.15320181

Enjoy your bedbugs

>> No.15320190

Lmao, obviously don't take anything cloth off the sidewalk, even without bedbugs it could have been rained on

>> No.15320196

Enjoy smelling like a nigger.

>> No.15320198

It's common to throw out all kinds of furniture when you have an infestation, and those fuckers can hide in anything with the smallest crack or seam or joint

>> No.15320203

ha! he said nigger.

>> No.15320205

ha! he is triggered by a word.

>> No.15320208

Ah, nigger... Man's first word. All I can say? Lol.

>> No.15320213
File: 22 KB, 396x385, you will always be a nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cracker can be several things. a nigger is always a nigger.

>> No.15320217

shut up you sympathising fuck

>> No.15320297

how about a nice cup of tea with a generous shot of bourbon added?

>> No.15320307

ok grandpa

>> No.15320351

I drank a dozen beers, couple glasses of Prosecco, a bottle of Shiraz, and most of a bottle of Merlot and sat in the lounge listening to The Doors.

>> No.15320357

>sat in the lounge

>> No.15320364

I was in the lounge and I was sitting.

>> No.15320369

Lounge where fuckface? A whorehouse? Your third world meeting place? I don't speak 3rd worlder.

>> No.15320371

I have furniture, it's just in transit. I lived in Amsterdam for a few years and am just now moving back to my homestate of Texas. But I must live in squalor for 10 days until it gets here.

>> No.15320378

>I must live in squalor
>from TX

>> No.15320384
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>> No.15320385

Laugh react

>> No.15320429

Is that the labyrinth muppet?
Also I've had that sake, it's good

>> No.15320435

>Also I've had that sake, it's good
don't you dare judge my choices dad

>> No.15320437

My house you absolute brain dead fucking moron.

>> No.15320441
File: 124 KB, 1018x954, f32e9741248d8d1e3491c954024d3a04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An age gap fetish is fine too

>> No.15320454

Its from star wars, The thing that jaba hangs with. And the sake is pretty good

>> No.15320459

Do your parents care if you post pictures of their home?

>> No.15320462

You have a small penis

>> No.15320474

I've lived a lot of places, and I think TX is the best place on earth. Where do you live that's so great?

>> No.15320486

You would know penis inspector.

>> No.15320542

Penis Inspector is a distinguished career you caveman.

>> No.15320552

I have to work tonight, do you think someone could smell alcohol on my breath if I'm chewing gum wearing a mask?

>> No.15320556

For the British. Show your flag fag.

>> No.15320559

nah, you'll be fine

>> No.15320561

I hope that someone reports you and gets you fired retard.

>> No.15320674

Lol would never happen at my job, my boss really wouldn't even care, I just don't wanna be "that guy"

>> No.15320818

'tis the irish curse

>> No.15320865

Do you want to see said lounge?

>> No.15320897
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Get it?