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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15319080 No.15319080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are glass cutting boards really that bad?

Mom got me pic related for Hanukkah.

>> No.15319084

The fuck is hanukkah??

>> No.15319095

Judaism's bizarre attempt to cash in on the popularity of Christmas by making a minor holiday into a major one.

They should just accept the birth of their Savior instead of living in denial.

>> No.15319100

Glass cutting boards are for retards. Seriously, who likes the idea of cutting on a fragile piece of shit that makes a loud sound every time you chop?

>> No.15319157

They fuck your knife edge real fast. If you don’t mind resharpening and only have cheap knives, it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.15319162

does your mom hate you or what

>> No.15319456

no, they're fine. just don't use a knife on them

>> No.15319465

From what I understand of the Jew, they accept that Jesus existed, but he wasn't the messiah.

>> No.15319467

shes trying to be nice

but she did fuck up

>> No.15319469

How are you going to use a cutting board if you don't use a knife on them?

>> No.15319475

1% of the population, 90% of the influence JUST because christians were forbidden from entertainment work. Anyway. Glass cutting boards seem like they would get scratched a lot and not be aesthetically pleasing after just a handful of uses.

>> No.15319476
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>Mom got me pic related for Hanukkah

>> No.15319479

and they cant except that they are cursed for killing him.

>> No.15319481

I got some bad news. You might be Jewish.

>> No.15319485
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Glass fucks your knives.

>> No.15319486

jews are people like anyone else. some accept the existence of christ, others don't.

however, he is not a prophet in the canonical religion.

>> No.15319487

maybe as a plate (not for a single portion) or to put some other container on top of it, one that might drip or something.

>> No.15319491

religion is overrated. renounce it, and suddenly you're goyim like the rest of us non-believers

>> No.15319497

No. Anyone who believes in an invisible sky magician is not a person. He is a self-deluded moron.

>> No.15319505

most jews are atheists, pal

>> No.15319514

come again?

>> No.15319515

>glass cutting boards
oh no no no no no

>> No.15319526

I think the random designation "Jew" most disproves the existence of races.

>> No.15319528
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>> No.15319536

I agree. Pure whites are most attractive. But that doesn't mean they are separate from the darkest darkie on the planet. All you need to do is look at dogs. They are ALL dogs. But they all look so freaking different! I realize i am posting this on a cooking board but for love's sake, why don't you people understand something so basic.

>> No.15319545

are you retarded? dogs are the best example for the existence of races.

>> No.15319559

not everyone takes religion literally, retard. have you ever met a religious person?

>> No.15319568

breeds are not races
breeds bleed into each other such that most dogs are mutts and can't be defined as a breed
literally 99% of dogs are not pure bred
pure breeding (or eugenics for dogs) is usually frowned upon

>> No.15319575

This. Your knife will turn completely dull just using them a couple times on glass cutting boards. Use your glass boards as serving boards. Don't use them to cut on.

>> No.15319576

>have you ever met a religious person
No, I haven't. And thank God for that.

>> No.15319583

in my language we use the same word. nobody says we're different species. race is a perfectly good term for it and not 'made up' in any way

>> No.15319600

different species cannot interbreed
if you can interbreed, you're just a different race, meaning, same species.

>> No.15319606

you are correct

>> No.15319617

Itt: abrahamic otakus duke it out

>> No.15319623

Has there been an event where one species attempted to interbreed with another species? And if so, why would they want to?

>> No.15319632

Yes, that's why mutts are smarter and longer lived than pure breeds. Thx for inadvertently arguing for race mixing!

>> No.15319636

interspecies rape happens all the time. also, it's only considered the same species if two animals can produce fertile offspring. i think ligers or some shit can't reproduce, so tigers and lions are not the same species.
fuck off kike

>> No.15319650

i tried to interbreed with a cheetah once, just cause i found her sexy

needless to say, i'm not here to talk about it

>> No.15319651

what is going on with drapes and the shades on the window my hebrew hombre?

>> No.15319660 [DELETED] 

Of course Christ wasn't a prophet. He was The Word made flesh. He was literally God incarnate. Any milquetoast faggot that says "Jesus was a person, but not the messiah" is not gaining any favors by me or any proper Christian.

>> No.15319679

>someone says jesus
i turn it off

>> No.15321222

it's going to be kristallnacht in your kitchen

>> No.15321347
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OK. we understand you can't sit at the adults table.

>> No.15321444

Not OP, i was painting the bottom white and lifted the drapes so no paint would go on it..........i'm decorating the kitchen

>> No.15321447

They are terrible for your knives. A glass cutting board, since it's so hard, will destroy the edge on your blade.

>> No.15321464

for a moment I read that as "Glass fucks your wives"

>> No.15321470

i use one for boning poultry because it's easy to clean and the knife doens't hit it

>> No.15321474

post picture!!!

>> No.15321481

Why would they be cursed for fulfilling the prophecy that allows Christians to attain salvation without blood sacrifice in the first place? If no one killed Jesus, then the covenant would not have been fulfilled, the new covenant never would have been put in place, and we'd still be making animal sacrifices to this day.

>> No.15321497

Regular animal sacrifices or sexual animal sacrifices?

>> No.15321518

Sacrifice sheep, fuck goats. It's not that hard to keep straight.

>> No.15321530

I'm buying some glass cutting boards, i want 7 all over the place

>> No.15321564

>dulls knife
>extremely low friction
>dull knife slips and slices your thumb off
That’s gonna be a no from me pal

>> No.15321573

Just bought a glass chopping board Op. thanks

>> No.15321580

never ever heard or even seen 'class cutting boards' your mom is the biggest jewish controller out there

>> No.15321583

Jew here. Jesus never existed. He is literally a stock character designed to sell Jews on paying their taxes to Romans.

>> No.15321594

post your chopping board and jew food plox

>> No.15321642

Ok glass chopping boards are fucking horrible to use but fuck me, i want some for my kitchen

>> No.15321652

You know that Hannukah was celebrated before Christmas? It is also based on events which happened before the birth of Jesus

>> No.15322049

Praying for you

>> No.15322054

I only use one for cutting limes and doing garnish and shit for drinks

>> No.15322149

Yeah it's my kitchen , OP reused my image for his/her thread.

>> No.15322353

I got one from somewhere and it made my knife blunt in ten seconds

>> No.15322363

I'm a jew and I'll tell you channukah is not a major holiday. my parents would give me bullshit like toothpaste for it. kids at school would be like "you get two holidays though" but they don't realize that it drains all of the energy from the rest of he holiday season and you're left with bullshit

>> No.15322371
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>dulls knife
>cut off finger
not very likely Albert Einstein

>> No.15322451


>> No.15322773

i am buying some glass boards, blunt knives here i come!!

>> No.15322847

>t. Underage based boy who has never handled a knife
I'd cut your head off with the dullest knife in the world.

>> No.15322859
File: 324 KB, 377x252, CHOPPA CHOPPA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use glass cutting boards, just make sure you wear earprotection to prevent the EEEEEEE.

>> No.15322863

Cut on wood your doing good
Cut on glass and get a kick in the ass

>> No.15322922

Are you Jewish?

>> No.15323013

Your mom gibs me poosay for kwanza

>> No.15323057

Wow, didnt think I'd find such baseness here.

>> No.15323064

That's the point, dumbass.

>> No.15323077

>fragile piece of shit
If it is tempered glass it isnt anyway as fragile as you believe it to be

>> No.15323083

this board is anti-jew

>> No.15323088


No, I'm Mexican.

>> No.15323103

open your heart and accept Santa Claus as your savior!

>> No.15323113

are you new to the whole "jewish mother" thing?

>> No.15323122

>"Glass fucks your wives"

>> No.15323124

iunno what that dude you quoted is on about, the fragility of glass is not the main downside. More importantly, your cutting board should be significantly softer than your blade, and a glass cutting board will almost immediately dull anything you use on it. Very noticeably. This is common knowledge.

>> No.15323227

Glass is harder than steel.
Your knife is going to dull out fast on that.

>> No.15323669

That's a high school biology meme that is completely walked back in higher education. There are numerous examples of differing species producing viable offspring.

>> No.15325102


>> No.15325136


>> No.15325163

This is the lowest IQ post on this entire website

>> No.15325250


>> No.15325268

BTW, the mods on /ck/ are Jews and deleted my post and warned me for saying that Christ is the Messiah, fulfilled the prophesies, and was divine and human at once.

>> No.15325314

i want a round glass cutting board now

>> No.15326127

you need a new kitchen floor

>> No.15326159

so you're saying I should get a steel cutting board then

>> No.15326204

>in my language we use the same word.
No one cares about your third world monkey language

>> No.15326350

/POL/ ------------------------->

>> No.15326364

My mom used to have a tempered glass cutting board, until one time she accidentally left it partially on the stove while cooking and the temperature shock made the entire thing explode into a billion tiny tempered glass fragments all over the kitchen

>> No.15326405

I would pay to see that

>> No.15326458

based for cocaine, cringe for cooking

>> No.15327832

Gonna get me some of that sweet sweet glass chopping board, mmmmm blunt knives

>> No.15328526

>Are glass cutting boards really that bad?
Yes, yes they are

>> No.15328536

They make my skin crawl to cut on. Is okay for a cheese board I guess.

Also those sharp corners look like a menace, they make handling a pain and if you hit them against something it will be an ex cutting board. Chipping the corner is an easy way to break tempered glass.

>> No.15328552

>0 results

Glass chopping boards are very useful for preparing baked goods and also candy if they are stored in the fridge before use.

>> No.15328568
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>I'm a jew and I'll tell you channukah is not a major holiday. my parents would give me bullshit like toothpaste for it.

>> No.15328604

You shouldn't post hurtful lies like that then.

>> No.15328611

Jew mad his parents jewed him on cuntacah

>> No.15329868

Maybe Christ should've finished the job when he was here the first time

>> No.15330067

Jews even jew their own kids on holidays! You can't make this shit up!

>> No.15330292
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>> No.15331573

Do you own a blech?

>> No.15331582


>> No.15331597

Do yourself a favor OP go to home depot buy some wood and make a nice self for your switch with those

>> No.15331612

Explain more. with diagrams and pictures

>> No.15331613

I would use those instead as a charcuterie board or something

>> No.15332163

like what?
and just to be on the same page, i would define "viable offspring" as offsprings who are able to breed too.
Like horses and donkeys can breed but the offspring is sterile.

>> No.15332169

you should sell them to this guy: >>15321530
make your mother proud, boy

>> No.15332188

you are confused anon, youre on the cooking board
>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.15332205

not really, you cant see the lines well and i would imagine that the texture would be rough which makes it impossible to pull decent lines.
mirror all the way(or like an ipad or something)

>> No.15332219

dont do this is creates mustard gas

>> No.15332224

Glass cutting boards will dull your knives. I only use them for prepping meat/fish because they're nice and big. Or I will use them as a platter.

>> No.15332235


>> No.15332680

I will do this later , might fit a cupboard about the cooker, but I'm fixing the kitchen sides and floor first

>> No.15332683

Get a Star of David design into the oven door.

>> No.15332696

I'm not Jewish lol

>> No.15332771

Gonna get me one pf each chopping board and have a collation

Are those multi colored ones any good?
Red for meat
yellow for cooked
green for salad
white for dairy and so on

>> No.15333074

Wolves and coyotes can interbreed

>> No.15333086

You get your ass back in that oven

>> No.15333553

Hey!!! that's my oven, i don't want OP in my oven thank you very much.

>> No.15333700

I appreciate so much that every board I've looked at so far discusses Jews and how they are a problem

>> No.15333926

>um it's a breed like it's different than black ppl
>btw whitey evil for breeding traits into blacks
>but like black genes aren't a thing it's a racist lie

>> No.15333946

>niggers are the pure breeds because slaves were selectively bred for traits
>mutts are the French, German, Italian, Irish, European mixed
Breeding a pure bred with mutts still yield many negative health affects for many generations, if anything it's opposed to black/white race mixing as your average American and European has multiple ancestors from different European backgrounds; granted, the genetic problem with niggers in America is significantly different than an average European because their lineage wasn't selectively bred

>> No.15333961

Why is everyone talking about race?

>> No.15333978

>retard thinks pure bred means pure race
Pure bred means dogs were bred for a specific characteristic. Meaning mixing and incest, leading to many health problems.

You can't conflate that with Germans with varying genotypes and phenotypes breeding, they're completely different things. White skin was an evolutionary advantage, not a detrimental trait that was artificially bred.

If anything, it's an argument against race mixing; if you take two Germans they will be radically different and will constitute a healthy exchange of genetic information.

>> No.15333990

They have superior hygiene because non-porous and can't be scratched easily. Pretty bad to work with though, wet ingredients will constantly slip. Ceramic with rough surface is probably better while just as hygienic.

>> No.15334005


i have a marble one, I use it for my laptop , really should put it in the kitchen

>> No.15334080

Besides the point.

>> No.15334091

That's my fav category on xhamster.

>> No.15334094

slavery was like 100 years in america bro there was no selective breeding

>> No.15334969

Glass is clean but awful to cut on
get wood

>> No.15336500

Jewish is an ethnicity, not necessarily a religion.
You can't just convert to Judaism and decide you're Jewish

>> No.15336514

>breeds are not races
Anyway this thread is about glass chopping boards, which are horrible for your knives

>> No.15336519

They're terrible, they fuck up your knives and have no resistance so knives just slip all over them.

>> No.15336539

This thread needs to get gassed. So many Christ hating kikes here, it's unreal.

>> No.15336542

>different species cannot interbreed
Not true, there are many that still can, even though this trait is uncommon due to the resulting offspring creating a new animal that can displace it's parents, which is why many that can still interbreed produce infertile offspring. Nature has a way of sorting things out, albeit slowly over millennia.

>> No.15336547

*Glass Cutting Board Parries Your Slice.*
*Glass Cutting Board Rolls For Riposte.*
*Riposte Successful- Anon Cuts Finger.*

>> No.15336555

Mild steel would be fine