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File: 240 KB, 1200x960, 1200px-Butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15318869 No.15318869 [Reply] [Original]

Only butcher in 30 miles is a halal place. Kill me.

>> No.15318880

Not like you gotta watch them cut it's throat.

>> No.15318899

Whats wrong with that, I find halal meats pretty kosher

>> No.15318942

>no pork products
>proceeds fund terrorism

>> No.15318944

>halal bad
Grow up

>> No.15318948

Oh yeah the no pork thing kinda blows. Glad I don't like in bumfuck hicksville!

>> No.15318949

what pork products do you want? ham hocks is basically the only thing I've ever bought from a butcher, most other shit you can find during generalized grocery shopping

>> No.15318953

the west truly is doomed

>> No.15318955

so what
what that fuck is a halal

>> No.15318961

I'm not from the West and I avoid halal like the plague.

>> No.15318962

no you're just a subhuman reactionary is all

>> No.15318969

What the fuck is the issue with halal? The only problem i see with a halal butchery is that they won't have pork so i'd just go to a non-terrorist store to buy pork instead.

>> No.15318981
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>> No.15318986
File: 178 KB, 587x677, 1470158944602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halal butchers don't know anything about different cuts. All their customers want is goat legs, mince, stew beef, skinless chicken thighs, and offal.

>> No.15318994

There's no difference. It's all meat.

>> No.15318995

Also halal is all grassfed two year old cattle so there's zero marbling and it's half the size of cornfed or older grassfed animals.

>> No.15319000
File: 49 KB, 1280x853, ed-the-walking-steak-Photograph-©-Good-Food-Stories-LLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there is a difference. Try going to a halal butcher and ask for a rib roast. If he even understands what that means, it'll look like it came from a lamb, it's so much smaller.

>> No.15319008

Halal butchers are VERY unhygienic.

>> No.15319021

I want to give these Arabs i play soccer with some meat and tell them its halal but its really not

>> No.15319031
File: 153 KB, 823x960, 1541099629585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll probably refuse it. They're very paranoid about it.

>> No.15319039
File: 94 KB, 632x636, absolutely halal 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You serious? I'm not Muslim myself but always wanted to cook the group of Arabs I play with some lamb biryani and such one day after our games. I never considered that muzzies would get all paranoid about their halal but I guess they do know im not muslim so they'd already be suspicious.

>> No.15319042
File: 38 KB, 750x938, nogkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. I give my vegetarian friends things that have chicken or beef stock in it all the time. Fuck them.

>> No.15319051

Just make seafood, all seafood is halal.

>> No.15319053

Would your vegetarian friends even give a crud that the food they are served as chicken/beef stock?

>> No.15319062

I just googled that, thats really interesting. I unironically might just make some fish biryani (mackerel) for these Muzzies. Would cost a lot less than lamb anyways.

>> No.15319074

They would cry like effeminate pansies.

>> No.15319079

You're not spiting them, you're doing them a favor. You're enabling them to enjoy delicious animal products while still having a smug sense of superiority about their dietary choices.

>> No.15319102

Are they religious vegetarians?

>> No.15319127

all grocery stores have butchers

>> No.15319204

they have to live up to rigid hygienic standards. if you live in a third world like usa, yeah I guess you are right to worry

>> No.15319210

why do muslims worry about freemasons?

>> No.15319220

It means they killed it according to Muslim rules, slit throat and bled out basically. Which is pretty humane assuming you don’t own a pneumatic death gun

>> No.15319228
File: 7 KB, 220x229, 1607595141185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not from the West

>> No.15319232

call and ask them if they can get you some ham hocks, double cut bacon and 2 racks of st louis ribs

>> No.15319238

t. FordMustangGuy1975

>> No.15319240

Yeah but Arabs cut their meat differently
Make sausages weird,....
If it s an other type of Muslim OP will have it even worse

>> No.15319257

how’d you know?

>> No.15319542

he has a pooint about usury though

>> No.15319554

>complaining on an asian cartoon picture forum
grow up, kiddo

>> No.15319593

>Only butcher in 30 miles is a halal place.
My condolences.
>Kill me.
That's the plan.

>> No.15319785

Always has been