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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15312684 No.15312684 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey how are you liking the food? can i get you a refill or anything?
>Are we doing alright?
>Hey are we doing alright? Haha awesome!
>Are we still doing alright?
>Everything still tasting good?
>Are we doing alright? Great oh by the way i’d really appreciate if you could rate us on tripadvisor
>Are we still doing alright! Awesome hey listen if you fill out this survey you can get a free drink with your next order of $8.99 or more!

>> No.15313478

>Oh hey thanks for asking! actually, you know what, there is something that isn't quite my cup of tea...
>Yeah.. umm those blacks over there... is it possible at all.. to perhaps relocate them... out of the restaurant?
>Oh no no no no, its totally ok, I was just wondering if thats possible, I don't want to put you in a difficult position ofcourse haha...
>Oh wow... haha... yep wow... wow thanks, ever so kind of you, yep thats wonderful, thanks very much! Haha the dish tastes even better now I think!

>> No.15313495

Educate yourself chud.

>> No.15314103

I start my meal with a few singles on the table. Every time someone comes by to bother me I say nohing but remove one dollar from the stack. They usually get the hang of it pretty quick.

>> No.15314301
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>> No.15314351

>having shirts and hats of your own saying
that's kinda lame

>> No.15314366

i know this is stale but if i were waiting this chud I'd get a fucking boner either bothering them relentless to forego a four dollar (!!!) tip or leave them with their thumbs up their ass when their shit comes out cold/wrong/with rat hairs i put on it

>> No.15314652

found the waiter

>> No.15314657

wrong, and if you have a shred of self respect the size of a thread of saffron you'd feel the same way

>> No.15315291

You cant be a tough guy and work in the service industry anon

>> No.15315338

did someone leave less than 10% tonight

>> No.15315343

whT does this even mean

>> No.15315427

honestly waiters are such lazy fags and annoying but, the fact tipping is still a thing shows you how retarded and useless leftist are that they don't complain how much of a scam it is from mega food corporations instead about a nigger being a syrup bottle.

>> No.15315490

Leftists didn't give a fuck about the syrup bottle, the company just paid for enough ad "news" slots to get your attention.

>> No.15315517
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>Educate yourself chud.

>> No.15315518

kill yourself you fucking turbo retard, this is a cooking board

>> No.15315591
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>calls manager
>there's a handfull of rat hair on my food
>you get fired

>> No.15316200

Some waiters and waitresses are lazy fags but that's mostly at like Dennys and shit, if you go to a real restaurant they work hard as fuck usually

>> No.15316205

If they come bother me I just ask for a refill every time even if my drink is nearly full

>> No.15316258


More like “things you’ll never hear again”.

>> No.15316284

>how do you know they're rat hairs?
>police, there's a creep here planting hairs in our food, please come and murder them

>> No.15316295

Does this work? Asking for science reasons.

>> No.15317383


>> No.15317387

Unfathomably based

>> No.15317509

Restaurants may be open, but between food delivery & takeout and the oscillating levels of pandemic panic, I can’t convince anyone in my life to actually go to a restaurant to eat out. Even after the Gavin Newsom Photo.
Also maybe just a theory waiters may be less likely to hover over customers tables than before.

>> No.15317739
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>> No.15317751

remind me of when i ate at a pizza place in virginia and they waiter topped off my drink every time he walked by without asking. he must have done it six times before i told him to stop

>> No.15317764

>i'm a biologist i had to identify different rat breeds by their hair in college
>now i work as a forensic analyst for the police

>> No.15317852

>finally ready to pay
>waiter decides to take 30 min smoke break

>> No.15318653

unfortunately your theory is wrong

>> No.15319645

In fact, far from from being a theory, it was nothing more than an untested hypothesis. The embarrassment must be tremendous.

>> No.15319680
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Is this what "woke" people think racists are like? holy kek