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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 519 KB, 2048x1366, bIQ6CNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15312292 No.15312292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post all of your favorite Jewish food here!

What's the OP pic you might ask?!
>Kasha Varnishkes (קאשה ורנישקס) Is a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dish that combines kasha (buckwheat groats) with noodles, typically farfalle bow-tie pasta.

>> No.15312296 [DELETED] 

Infant foreskins

>> No.15312298
File: 30 KB, 520x390, WGGKQio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helzel is an Ashkenazi Jewish dish. It is a sort of sausage made from chicken neck skin stuffed with flour, schmaltz, internal meats, and fried onions and sewn up with a thread.

>> No.15312305
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Gefilte fish
(געפֿילטע פֿיש)
Is a dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish, such as carp, whitefish, or pike, which is typically eaten as an appetizer.

>> No.15312310
File: 11 KB, 220x147, 8uEVl8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gehakte Herring

(הרינג קצוץ)
Is a Jewish dish made of salty minced fish or meat(usually herring). I like it on bread!!!

>> No.15312315
File: 122 KB, 960x720, hzmHbCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish sweet stew typically made from carrots and dried fruits such as prunes or raisins, often combined with other root vegetables.

Most goy don't know how good our food is :) but I hope you enjoyed my favorites here.

>> No.15312319 [DELETED] 

The blood of infant boys is my favorite kike dish. kys

>> No.15312322
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My favorite Jewish dishes are hummus and falafel

>> No.15312327
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As a kraut I find the botched German names quite entertaining.
Any good collections of authentic recipes?

>> No.15312328

jewish food sucks.

>> No.15312333 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15312336
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Gentiles shouldn't be so uppity after Christmas :)
One more!!!

Small dumplings filled with ground meat, mashed potatoes or another filling, usually boiled and served in chicken soup, though they may also be served fried.

haha you fuckin little goy :)

>> No.15312341
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A hardy soup which includes beetroots as one of the main ingredients, which gives the dish a distinctive red color.

>> No.15312343

I was raised Jewish. You people are fucking awful. I am ashamed of my filthy blood.

Lox and bagels are p good tho ngl.

>> No.15312349
File: 50 KB, 640x425, Lcj10eK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe one some of you people will know because of its popularity? :) thank jews for this delicious snack

>> No.15312369

Those are arabic dishes. You can even tell from their names, both are derived from arabic words.

>> No.15312376 [DELETED] 

Trips of truth. Remove Israel from the map.

>> No.15312385

Jews don’t have a culture
Not /pol/-posting, that’s what diaspora does to an economyfucker

>> No.15312469

Bolshevism and murder of millions of Ukrainians. Unnecessary wars in the middle east.

Mmm mmm delicious.

>> No.15312502 [DELETED] 

Correct my friend.

>> No.15312525

>literally one jew posting culinary atrocities

>> No.15312527

Jewish artichokes hands down

>> No.15312531

That's Russian you thieving cunt

>> No.15312533

>Jews don’t have a culture

>> No.15312556
File: 69 KB, 700x1050, matzo-ball-soup-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matzo ball soup should be more common

>> No.15312592
File: 11 KB, 250x131, Ashkenazi_Holiday_Dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since theres a bit of a goy parade in this thread, I guess I'll continue, I thought /ck/ mods would filter out anti semitism but I guess not?

Teiglach are small, knotted pastries boiled in a honeyed syrup טייגלעך

>> No.15312595


>> No.15312598
File: 722 KB, 1920x1440, Potato_bourekas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato Bourekas (Pareve) Bourekas are parcels of flaky filled dough that are either fried in hot oil or melted butter or baked in the oven

>> No.15312608
File: 379 KB, 750x563, TzimmesS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tzimmes is a traditional Rosh Hashana dish containing of sweet carrots

>> No.15312616

Is all jewish food bland as shit?

>> No.15312621
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of course hallah.. חַלָּה

>> No.15312634
File: 299 KB, 1024x768, Mamoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite jewish desert :) filled with figs, I think most of you would love this

>> No.15312643
File: 71 KB, 677x302, couscous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course couscous :) you might not know that it is jewish, but it is :)

>> No.15312654
File: 57 KB, 600x450, Boyoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also a very delicious jewish pastry

Boyoz paste is a mixture of flour, sunflower oil and a small amount of tahini. It is kneaded by hand and the ball of paste is left to rest for two hours. The paste is then flattened to the width of a dish and left to rest again. It is then kneaded and opened once more, before being formed into a roll and left to repose as such for a further period of several hours. When the tissue of the paste is still soft but about to detach into pieces, it is cut into small balls and put in rows of small pans and marinated in vegetable oil between half an hour and one hour. The paste then takes an oval form and acquires the consistency of a millefeuille. The small balls can then be put on a tray into a very high-temperature oven either in plain form or with fillings of cheese or spinach added inside.

I personally like it with spinach filling

>> No.15312665

I love buckwheat. Shit’s so good

>> No.15312705 [DELETED] 

jews are not welcome, vampire food is shitnasty

>> No.15312723


>> No.15312730

i am nice to you, but you are mean to me, what does that say about you goy? :)

>> No.15312736

please remain silent.

>> No.15312837
File: 156 KB, 1024x1365, 1024px-Jachnun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jachun גַ'חְנוּן,
ahnun is prepared from dough which is rolled out thinly and brushed with (traditionally) Samneh, which is clarified butter spiced with 'Hilbe' and aged in a smoked vessel, traditionally using smoke from the wood of a specific tree, the דודינה tree (though regular clarified butter or shortening can be used). A little honey is sometimes added in addition, whereupon the dough is rolled up into rolls before cooking.

It is traditionally cooked overnight on a 'Shabbat hotplate' at a very low temperature, starting the cooking process on the Friday (usually in the morning), to be taken out and eaten on Shabbat (Saturday) morning, as it is forbidden by Jewish custom to start cooking or turn electrical implements on/off during the Shabbat. The Jahnun pieces are baked/steamed inside of a lidded pot (trapping moisture and preventing drying and burning).

This cooking process turns the dough a dark amber color, endowing it with a deep, sweet, caramelized taste. It is traditionally served with tomato salsa, a fresh grated tomato dip, hard boiled eggs, and zhug (a type of green herbal hot condiment). The dough used for Jachnun is the same as that used for malawach.

>> No.15312843

I had a delicious shakshouka for breakfast this morning. Mom burnt the challah we had, lol, ended up with most of the bottom inedible.

>> No.15312850
File: 33 KB, 738x492, Cheese_blintzes_with_blackberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

חֲבִיתִית are very delicious too, sometimes appropriated by eastern europeans :) but it is a jewish dish

>> No.15312860
File: 366 KB, 1920x1440, cholent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

חמין very hardy and delicious The core ingredients of a traditional cholent are beans, usually a mixture of several kinds with varying size; grains, most commonly barley; and beef, usually shoulder, brisket, flanken, or any other fatty cut. Other common ingredients are sauteed onions and potatoes. The mixture is seasoned, mainly with salt, pepper, garlic, and spices, and water is added to create a stew-like consistency during overnight slow cooking.

>> No.15312873
File: 180 KB, 1280x1278, 1280px-Mohn_hamantaschen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shape is achieved by folding in the sides of a circular piece of dough similar to a shortbread, with a filling placed in the center. Hamantashen are made with many different fillings, which are traditionally sweet (although savory varieties have become popular as well), including mohn (poppy seed, the oldest and most traditional variety), lekvar (prune jam), nut, date, apricot, raspberry, raisins, apple, vanilla pastry cream with chocolate chips[1] cherry, fig, chocolate, dulce de leche, halva, caramel, or cheese.[2] Their formation varies from hard similar to a shortbread to soft doughy casings.

>> No.15312881
File: 449 KB, 1280x960, Maoravyerushalmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

מעורב ירושלמי
It consists of chicken hearts, spleens and liver mixed with bits of lamb cooked on a flat grill, seasoned with onion, garlic, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, olive oil and coriander.

>> No.15312887

nasty food

>> No.15312956

this has to be a variant, doesn't look like Maghreb couscous at all

>> No.15312971
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1588, Stuffed cabbage rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom makes this every year for my dad's birthday

>> No.15313135

I guess that’s not the same, but I’m hungry for some ‘rogi

>> No.15313449

All the others were German or Polish

>> No.15313474

Dress like a Polish aristocrat, eat Polish peasant food, speak a German dialect just like Moses/

>> No.15313484
File: 141 KB, 1000x667, On-Rye-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastrami on rye bread.

>> No.15313499

That's Slavic you Jew capitalistic thieving cunt

>> No.15313505

Stop appropriating Eastern European food and keep your hands off my foreskin.

>> No.15313511

You fucking dumb bastard that's absolutely an Eastern European dish,you fucking Jewish cunts have to steal even culinary culture from other peoples

>> No.15313516

My favorite Jewish dish is Gale Gadot

>> No.15313539

>Jews aren't eastern Europeans

>> No.15313573

They're a completely alien race from almost everywhere in the planet since four millennias

>> No.15313595

yet they're part of all these places culture

>> No.15313606

These are amazing when cold for some reason. Can't stand them warm and fresh

>> No.15313614

Actual Israeli original. Also pretty damn good

>> No.15313648
File: 123 KB, 337x263, hebshit^.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuggin gross.

>> No.15313676

Looks good but sounds nasty. Pass
Is this any good?
Why do all this names sound so fucking German?
This dish looks interesting
Thanks mgoy, no matter how much these 3 fat mutts shit on you, many of us enjoy such threads.
They can’t handle a thread with actual food that isn’t Taco shit

>> No.15313679 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15313692

>is gefilte fish any good
I haven't tried home made but storebought tastes like sweetish carroty processed fish.

>> No.15313693

They were always trying as hard as they could to be different. From the medieval loan shark to the Bolshevik NKVD officer,der ewige Jude was always the enemy of normal people

>> No.15313707

why are polfags so obnoxious

>> No.15313710

Looks tasty af. Is that lamb or something ?

>> No.15313717

Ah yes usury wasn't imposed on them by forbidding them to be craftsmen, they did it by themselves, as minorities in mostly christian authoritarian regimes.

>> No.15313733

Lol they can’t handle not seeing burgers and tendies.
Nasty shitfucks

>> No.15313740

Ok I've got nothing to say about that you're right

>> No.15313748
File: 481 KB, 1024x768, 35yhedf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds Egg Stake and Cheese Bagel.
Everything else is shit.

>> No.15313749

You talk like this is fine dining and not an average mish mash of Mitteleuropean and Eastern European cuisine

>> No.15313766

I see you are a man of lack of culture as well

>> No.15313797

To be fair I don't really hate Jews,I really hate the capitalist establishment and Jews are simply the embodiment of that and an easy target; I as well don't like their culture, religion and traditions at all

>> No.15313805

so you're an antisemite who doesn't hate jews?

>> No.15313811

>Jewish artichokes
kind of a hassle to make desu
it's just too time consuming having to hide them in the attic for two months before popping them in the oven

>> No.15313815

I really don't know what I am in a political and anthropological sense

>> No.15313832

Why are Jewish meat dishes all minced and stuffed and high effort? Why can't they just eat the food as is?

>> No.15313834

It's beef, that's been brined and smoked.

>> No.15313862

>jews were always the enemies of normies
Sounds based to me tbhwy

>> No.15313904


You'd think they would be content to own the US lock, stock and barrel and satisfied harvesting their foeskins, but it just isn't enough.

>> No.15313918

you seem rather obsessed with jews

>> No.15313997

I don't begrudge your taste, and I am glad you are proud of your ethnic heritage. In my opinion, though, Ashkenazi food isn't the best.

Low on spices, and big on grinding a perfectly good piece of fish up into paste, and then gelling it or somesuch.

Also, by rating everything I realize I am being a dick, but you seem to be a good sport-- thanks for the photos.

Buckwheat groats- tasty, but not something I would ever get a craving for. 5/10

Doesn't look so good, but probably tastes better than it looks. Chicken skin is great. 6/10

How to ruin fish. 1/10

... but chopping a fish too small to be filleted for dip, that could be good. 7/10

Doesn't sound too bad, but who would do this if they weren't Jewish? 3/10

Israeli food is great. 8/10

Hard not to like chicken noodle soup. 8/10

Borscht is delish. 8/10

Also very good, 7/10

Same as other chicken noodle soup, 8/10.

Hard to imagine how it tastes, could be good, skipping rating.

Not bad, 6/10

Already rated some other tzimmes.

aka, bread, that is too soft and without crust. 4/10

Looks tasty, 7/10

Looks great, 9/10

Yemenite > Ashkenazi cuisine. Zhug rules, made some today. 9/10

Good dessert, hard not to like, >>15312860

Um, no. 2/10

Tasty cookies, would be better if made with butter, 7/10

Also, um, no. 2/10

10/10, but I would prefer a slightly more hardy rye than in pic related.

possibly missing, idk: brisket (unless you count pastrami), soup with hawaij, manischewitz wine, dr browns celery soda, egg cream, whitefish salad, babka, latkes,

(just now noticing that many pics came from wikipedia)

>> No.15314083

I've made Challah before, braided it horribly though I'm pretty clueless
Want to make matzo balls but idk where to get the biscuits from, I wish I had jewish friends

>> No.15314094

>Um, no. 2/10
I will personally murder you, you Yemeni loving twink.
Meorav is highest test food

>> No.15314101


>> No.15314125

Not american sadly

>> No.15314133 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1024x640, 544FEEAF-3035-4784-971C-E1C9379D0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim Juice עֲלִילַת דָם

Best served fresh from the foreskin after passover :)

>> No.15314181
File: 84 KB, 700x393, Fricasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP forgot סנדוויצ' תוניסאי
Traditionally you eat it out of doughnut bread.

>> No.15314316

they ship world wide

>> No.15314490

I took a second look online, it does look better on skewers than it does in a heaping, wet pile.

Also, one of my friends was an Israeli Yemenite jew. She's cool, and a good cook.

She liked Ashkenazim just fine, but hated the orthodox for-- not serving in the military, not keeping up with secular values, being ignorant of all fields of learning except for religions studies, leeching taxes, being insular, being sexist, and being absolutely uncompromising about voting in blocs for politicians who would screw over everyone else and suck up to them.

>> No.15314525

Jewish Pizza

>> No.15314548

ahh yes the traditional yiddish meal of farfalle and schmutz

>> No.15314582 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 563x557, so that was a lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jew food
Not one foreskin ITT.

>> No.15314622
File: 127 KB, 606x540, mfw the wine is tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant see my keyboard too well when i type this beceause of shabbat
being jewish is hardf enough

>> No.15314626

checked :)

>> No.15314668

It's best inside a lavash/pita/baguette with hummus and salad. An ingredient OP for got to mention is Amba. In Israel, mango seed paste/sauce is added. Also tahini.
You don't skewer it. It's a wet sloppa type of dish that you make on a griddle or a pan

>> No.15314691 [DELETED] 

There is no such thing as a nice Jew. Even the ones that don't support the subversion of their host nations remain silent while the ones that do damage our culture. They deny it, but they all know it exists. Completely dominating the media and Hollywood, then they'll attack us for pointing that out. Billions of dollars to Israel, even tacked on to the latest economic relief bill for AMERICANS. Their lobby rules over American politics, dragging us into wars.

They'll never call any of it out, never turn on their tribe, no matter how evil it is. No such thing as a nice Jew.

>> No.15314742

what's that anon

>> No.15314808
File: 17 KB, 680x680, Kogel Mogel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Gogol Mogol this month. It's like eggnog, but more like a custard.

>> No.15314967 [DELETED] 

all of these foods were stolen from their host nation. jews only have 1 native dish, and that's baby boy blood.

>> No.15314976

So basically a bunch of levant/turkic & central/eastern euro cuisine, but special because of pathological arrogance.
>after Christmas
it still is Christmas

>> No.15314982

Love me some brisket

>> No.15314983


>> No.15315041
File: 194 KB, 1200x927, Bagel toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bagel toast is great

>> No.15316090

it's like a regular pizza but made in a jewish oven

>> No.15316137 [DELETED] 

There is no "jewish cuisine" only jewish variants of the host country that the jewish parasite came from. The variants aren't for enrichment they're just to follow the talmudic kosher laws.

Thus ashkenazi will be g*rmanic, Slavic stolen foods.

Sephardim will be Spanish, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Yemeni stolen recipes.

Pickup any "jewish" cooking book and that will be the first things they will tell you.

>> No.15316223 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 722x1628, lox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. They just collect local food and make kosher abomination, justto kvetc it as their own inventions. Just watch kikels get angry when told that salmon isn't native to the palestinan desert.

>> No.15316262 [DELETED] 

I'm not even familiar with a lot of that region's cooking and I can still tell at least half of these are stolen.
Typical fucking kike, all of you deserve a gassing.

>> No.15316279 [DELETED] 

Fick off, smoked /:cured salmon is scandinavian you theiving longnoses

>> No.15316338 [DELETED] 

This really. Jewish cuisine is just a meme.
Just like they stole arab land in Palestine, theyre stealing other people's food.

>> No.15316346

nasty looking
nastly looking
nasty looking
nasty looking

>> No.15316725 [DELETED] 

>Jannies issued a warning against for Racism just because I called OP a kike (Which is true)
Jannies are kikes too, nigger-loving kikes. Also whatever dish these kikes create (a handful, really) usually look like shit and taste bland.

Side note, I really like how I was issued a warning within a couple of hours, jannies keeping a close eye on kike threads to keep them safe.

>> No.15316733

>Ah yes usury wasn't imposed on them by forbidding them to be craftsmen
yeah, it wasn't.

>> No.15316945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15316949
File: 165 KB, 722x1628, lox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you mean kosher abominations of host nations cuisine? Because not even olives and canned thuna, Israels most cherished dish, isn't even actually jewish or at least home to palestine.

Pic related is what happens when the jew finds some food item he can bastardize.

>> No.15316956

>if poverty was a dish

>> No.15316957

jews are not europeans

>> No.15316959 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself and back to R*ddit you sc*m

>> No.15316976
File: 2.00 MB, 2500x1931, polish cuisine smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dish which combines a cheap starch with another cheap starch is te best jew-anon can think of when sharing kosher recipes
No wonder jews religiously steal the food of other people when that's the magnum opus of their cuisine.

Just look at what poverty stricken, annihilated geographically, displaced, constantly pig roasted by two major world powers little poland can create with far less ressources. And that'sjust good old homey recipes.

Ever thought that your food makes you look so malformed?

>> No.15316978

>traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dish
No, thats russian word for any poridge.
They even stole blini and call them blintz...

>> No.15316990
File: 303 KB, 1440x1440, kartoffelpuffer-mit -quark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no shame. Just recently encountered one which tried to tell me that potato pancakes, or as he misslabeled them, "Latkes", where originally a jewish dish which europe stole. Yes, the will argue that a north american root vegetable is traditional jewish cuisine.

>> No.15316996

They stole most of it from Germans and Scandinavians and somehow made it worse. So yes.

>> No.15317002
File: 141 KB, 1000x667, carciofi-alla-giudia-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish Artichokes, typical of the Jewish-roman cuisine alongside raisin bread and (cheeseless) pajata.

>> No.15317011 [DELETED] 


>> No.15317013

I fucking love kogel mogel. I put raisins in mine

>> No.15317015 [DELETED] 


>> No.15317020 [DELETED] 

109 what?

>> No.15317025 [DELETED] 

Kicked out of 109 countries

>> No.15317029 [DELETED] 

Are you sure it was countries?
Are you sure you're not just repeating bullshit you read on /pol/ and never bothered verifying?

>> No.15317030

Same can be said about any American cuisine

>> No.15317032 [DELETED] 

It's on Wikipedia

>> No.15317041 [DELETED] 

Big nose

>> No.15317061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15317157 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 563x557, so that was a lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jew food
>not one foreskin ITT