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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 1024x768, mcdonalds-mcplant-lead-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311847 No.15311847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15311851

I'm all for it

>> No.15311860


>> No.15311862

isn't that a skateboard move?

>> No.15311866

it's McDonald's new vegan burger set to launch in 2021

>> No.15311873

i want to eat these vegan burgers but why do they always stuff it full of soy? ive had ones without soy that were good

>> No.15311876

oops I'm thinking of a McTwist

>> No.15311880

the future is black i'm loving it

>> No.15311881

What's wrong with soy? It's high in protein and healthy. :^)

>> No.15311965

Honestly looking forward to it.

>> No.15312025

Fast food is for human livestock.
Instead of feeding cattle and pigs industrial slop they feed it to humans instead.

Fucking geniuses.

I'm not going to touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.15312033

mcdonald's north america had a veggie burger like 20 years ago and it didn't sell so they pulled it

>> No.15312053

Good insight. Always remember that corporations are riding the muh environment trend to cut costs. Farmers pay pennies for bulk slop but retarded hipsters will gladly pay a 100x markup if you shape it like a hamburger.

>> No.15312102

Schizoposting should be banned on /ck/
Plant burgers may be less costly in ingredients but it still has to go through the same production processes. Beef is heavily subsidized by the government so you're already paying more for it. Eating vegetarian alternatives is a good way to revolt against agriculture subsidies.

>> No.15312118

Fast food is subsidized to high shit. So are cash crops like soy and corn.
>but muh livestock feed
There are motherfuckers like Gabe Brown who raise cattle on a regenerative system and don't rely government subsidies you faggot.
All conventional industrial ag relies on subsidies. Fucking idiot from satantown.

I definitely don't pay more for beef when I pay 400 bucks for well over half a years worth of beef. Most people spend 400 dollars on groceries in a month. ffs.

You don't know anything about food. You would eat literal feces if the government controlled media said it was good for you

>> No.15312151
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>> No.15312172

Can I get it yet or nah?

>> No.15312200


>> No.15312380

98% of animal agriculture is done in CAFOs and factory farms
simply because a mom and pop farm exists doesn't mean McDonald's is buying beef from farmer joe

nice job arguing with a strawman and whataboutisming though, retard

>> No.15312392

When the fuck did I ever say buy from mcdonalds? Where?

>> No.15312431

So you went to a McDonald's thread just to talk about yourself? It's kind of rude to suck yourself off in public, dude.

>> No.15312443

Fag tranny piss all over the McBible.

>> No.15312480

These threads should be deleted on sight. I guarantee the corporations tell their little Twitter monkeys to create these shitty threads during sassy virtue signalling downtime.

>> No.15313008

If you don't like me sucking myself off don't watch, fag

>> No.15314196
File: 60 KB, 671x569, LA20FIANCEE20DE20CHUCKY20101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plant burger
>More expensive then the legit meat burger
Go McFuck yourself, my man.

>> No.15314471

Is this a new thing in america? In my country mcdonalds has sold vegetarian burgers since the 90s.

>> No.15314522

>Is this a new thing in america?

Yes. Vegetarian burgeres were introduced in the US about five years ago, and they have been met with very negative reactions. Even the Vegetarians hate them, and wont eat them after they found out that they cook the vegetarian burgers on the same grill as they cook the meat burgers. So literally nobody wants them here, but Burger King and McDonalds continue to push them HARD.

>> No.15314559

It's a new thing in fast food restaurants, but not a new thing in general.

>> No.15314575

>Eating vegetarian alternatives is a good way to revolt against agriculture subsidies.
Vegetarian alternatives exist BECAUSE of agriculture subsidies. The fuck are you even saying here?

>> No.15314740

What an absolutely terrible fucking name holy shit

>> No.15314769

That's weird, every fast food restraunt here has at least one vegetarian option and it's always been this way as far back as I can remember. Seems like a no brainer way to increase their customer base, especially since there is less food safety issues with veggie stuff so it wouldn't even be difficult.

>> No.15314796

All fast food restaurants have had vegetarian options since the 80s, but those options were things like salads. Veggie patties have been around for a long, long time but were never offered at fast food restaurants. The only reason they're being offered now is that they're *supposedly* "just as good" as the meat patties. They don't market it as "This is a veggie patty for vegetarians," they market it as "This veggie patty tastes just like the real thing that everyone can enjoy." It's all lies and they taste like garbage, but that's the sell.

>> No.15314811

most fast food beef is already mostly filler made from soy, glue and plant fiber anyways and sprayed with generous amounts of chemicals to keep contamination levels low. The beef ground is literally only there as a flavor agent now if anything

>> No.15315011

Yeah, just don't understand why they didn't offer any patties at all since it has always been a common thing here to offer some kind of "veggie burger". Seems like an easy business move to offer at least something.

>> No.15315016

There are more faggots now so it’ll work

>> No.15315024

Oh shit I didn't realize this was a shill thread for shills only.
Guys if you don't support mcdonalds you aren't allowed to talk about it! Or at least make a dedicated thread. If you are talking about hating mcdonalds that means you are talking about yourself.

>> No.15315030

That’s not how subsidies work. You get he subsidy and you no longer have to respond to market forced. In fact, veganism will likely drive more subsidies for the meat industry because it’s less about feeding people than buying off certain portions of the electorate and providing income to different sectors.

>> No.15315069

Subsidies are there to make certain foods cheaper than market price and to ensure that a ton of food producers don't all go bankrupt and once and cause a famine. If demand for meat reduces then the subsidies will pretty much reduce automatically, unless they start paying people to raise and slaughter animals and then immediately throw the bodies in the trash.

>> No.15315532

>they market it as "This veggie patty tastes just like the real thing that everyone can enjoy." It's all lies and they taste like garbage, but that's the sell.
This guy gets it.

>> No.15315726
File: 223 KB, 750x569, A41DF360-C506-450C-AB45-7F29047E88CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as it’s more expensive, I will skip it during the rare occasions I eat at McD’s. also I’m generally repulsed by how ultra-processed meat substitutes are. I’d rather just have, yknow, like, beans. or tofu. or anything other than the weird frankenpatty they put in these

>> No.15315766

100 years ago we would cut the flower with saw dust
50 years ago we cut the meat with soy protien
and now we are just selling you plastic fortified with vitamins.

>> No.15315768

Fucking disgusting..

>> No.15315774

Is it going to be Impossible, Beyond or their own version?

>> No.15316255

I'll bite, how so? veganon had a good point

>> No.15316263

are you implying most of Americans diets revolve around animal products?

>> No.15316265

>'ur a shill'
>out of nowhere

>> No.15316269

false equivalency falacy

>> No.15317248

It needs a better name

>> No.15317271

Should be outlawed, just like all "plant burguers" that are similar to it.

These are literal poison and the idiots pigging out on them will discover the horrible consequences within a decade.

>> No.15317313

Because the subsidies are on corn, soy, wheat, etc. The meat industry benefits indirectly from those subsidies by way of feeding their animals subsidized grain, but they could get by without it, meanwhile those subsidies are the fucking LIFEBLOOD of these vegetarian products. The whole reason so many corn and soy products are produced is precisely because of how profitable the subsidies make them.

>> No.15317336

Watch King Corn, they talk all about how the farmers who grow corn wouldn't make jack shit without subsidies. The meat industry benefits directly off those subsidies.

>> No.15317438

>t. probably thinks meat is healthy rather than the tier 1 carcinogen it is

>> No.15317486


"Red meat was classified as Group 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans. What does this mean exactly?
In the case of red meat, the classification is based on limited evidence from epidemiological studies showing positive associations between eating red meat and developing colorectal cancer as well as strong mechanistic evidence.

Limited evidence means that a positive association has been observed between exposure to the agent and cancer but that other explanations for the observations (technically termed chance, bias, or confounding) could not be ruled out."

Sounds pretty wishy washy. Which doesn't surprise me because the WHO is paid to publish a bunch of horse shit that they claim is "science"
Vegetable oils and refined sugar are probably more carcinogenic, but no alphabet soup organization will tell you to limit that. The site even follows up by saying meat has known health benefits.

>> No.15317535

Yes, meat is carcinogenic based on epidemiological studies which class all pizza as "red meat" along with other processed junk foods.

>> No.15317601

>Vegetable oils and refined sugar are probably more carcinogenic, but no alphabet soup organization will tell you to limit that.
The problem with the studies is that they don't differentiate healthy and unhealthy meat products. Anything with any amount of meat content is just called "meat" and then conclusions are drawn from that. A slice of pizza is "a serving of meat" even though it has proportionally far more vegetable and grain content. Batter some chicken wings in flour and fry it in vegetable oil? Write it up in the "meat" category and don't mention the plant oil or grain. Meanwhile, the ONLY things that get classed as "vegetables" are actual whole plant foods because any speck of animal product in any form turns it into "meat."
If those studies actually differentiated between whole meat foods, whole plant foods, combined foods with percentages, and processed foods with percentages I really think we'd see a very different picture. As it stands, all these studies treat eating a high quality grass-fed, pasture raised steak with a pat of butter the exact same as eating a fucking pizza.

>> No.15317606

No, you massive retard, but these plant based "burguers" are literal poison, and I will tell you why!
Each of these contains the same amount of estrogen as 3 doses of birth control pills!

You might be unaware of this, but there is a huge movement to ban most birth control pills currently available because they are responsible for a massive increase in health problems to the women that consume them, most notably trombosis, blood clots, several types of cancer (most notably breast and cervical cancers), cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, pelvic inflamatory disease and several other health problems...

Now, if that has those kinds of concentrations of female hormones to a point in which it is not even safe for adult women to consume them, what makes you think it is safe for adult males to consume? Or even worse, how is this fucking safe for children?

I don't give a fuck about replacing conventional meat with enviromentally friendly alternatives, but I sure as fuck have a problem with feeding that fucking garbage to people! Please show as much consideration for human health as you do for the enviroment if you want us to take you fucking seriously!

>> No.15317759

Pizza is classified as a vegetable by federal law in the US, tard.

>> No.15317766

Pizza is classed as a vegetable only for the purposes of school lunch menus as a loophole to pretend those meals are healthy or balanced. It doesn't have anything to do with the food classifications used in epidemiological food studies.

>> No.15317892

>Each of these contains the same amount of estrogen as 3 doses of birth control pills!
please provide evidence that isoflavones have any effect on the human endocrine system
>inb4 you won't

>> No.15317916

But they both have the word estrogen in them so it FEEEEEEEEELS right for them to be the same!!!!

>> No.15318527

You are a grade A moron if you think they don't.

>> No.15318669

Whew, that's some strong evidence! Reminds me of a lot of other "strong evidence" making the rounds lately.

>> No.15319332

>t. absolute, drooling, unshowered retard

>> No.15319453

pretty sure a lot more money goes to soy and corn producers in your country, anon (if you're in clapistan)

>> No.15320044

yes and most of it is usef to feed animals

>> No.15320361


>> No.15320368
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>> No.15320389

Laugh react