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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 960x480, mcdonalds-worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311586 No.15311586 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't worked there in some time but, seeing how frequently questions regarding its inner workings and fast food in general are posted here, I thought I could answer some of them.

>> No.15311596

How many times did you avoid suicide?

>> No.15311607

What's the sex life like at MacDonald. Ever bone a customer/colleague?

>> No.15311619
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>boning a black chick

>> No.15311694
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Funny you should ask that. I only had one real encounter with that sort of thing firsthand while working there. This girl wanted to fuck me, surprisingly enough, and I was en route to do so. Given that I post on 4chan, though, you can tell that I'm a sperg and found a way to fuck that up.
Halfway through writing this, I just remembered something that keeps me up at night when the thought crosses my mind. I will greentext it for you guys. Beware: cringe.
>Working Friday night shift
>Me and coworker have discussed fucking the day before
>Planned to makeout in the walk-in freezer
>I think I was irked by something she said earlier in the day before work
>Standing at grill, doing my thing
>Coworker asks me if I can help her "grab some fries from the freezer"
>I look her straight in the eyes and say, "Can't I'm busy" while standing completely still with a spatula in my hand doing fuck all.
>She looks at me, shocked and confused. She stands there for a good five seconds before she stops trying to comprehend what the fuck my problem is.
>Walks away, don't talk to her for the rest of the shift.
With that story, I hope you realize just how autistic I am. Fucking amongst coworkers was not rampant, though it was not uncommon to find out it was happening. Usually only with the younger employees who generally work on the weekends. As for customers, I don't want to drag on this post with another greentext, but long story short there was this grocery store employee who had the same order who I eventually met up with outside of work but nothing came of it.
I would oftentimes want to gouge my eyes out during the boring shifts, honestly. Busy shifts went by quick. Nothing worse than standing around doing fuck all imo.

>> No.15311695

Can you get free food?

>> No.15311725

She fucked a black guy after work

>> No.15311726
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At my store, we were given a free meal per shift. Aside from that, technically, no. Only free drinks (not fancy shit like the frappés, though). However, if you have at least some brain cells, you can get away with sneaking some. I unloaded the truck which delivered to my store at like 5AM on the weekend and would breakfast burritos in my pocket to keep my thighs nice and toasty. I'd eat those in the freezer. My favorite thing to eat there while unloading the truck was frozen oatmeal cookies with black iced coffee. I'd also make the truck driver a mocha just the way he liked it. Sneaking food is as simple as grabbing it from the heated trays when the manager isn't looking. With that all being said though, the food there blows and I would only eat because it was convenient and didn't want to starve.

>> No.15311732

She did not, actually. She fucked this other dude (mexican) who I told that I had no interest in aformentioned girl anymore.

>> No.15311759

i know there is this one girl who possibly had a crush on me. kinda related to the fast food sex stories.

>walking in streets
>a girl rides past me in a bike
>she smiles and says hello
>can't react in time
>don't think much of it
>go to a fast food place
>she's working there
>she smiles and seems somewhat friendlier than the usual clerks
>just zoning out there so i couldn't register anything
>she just rudely slaps the meal in front of me afterwards
>never see her again

i wasn't too sad about losing my chances with her, she was kinda cute but also had a really bad fridge frame body going on. also anybody who would actually express infatuation or attraction towards me would be a total fucking psychopath so i guess i dodged a bullet there.

>> No.15311777
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Can relate, anon. I can count on one hand how many girls have expressed interest me and I have no fucking clue why they did. Luckily, I have a way with words at crushing any chance of something coming from it.

>> No.15311781


>> No.15311786

Why in the fuck wouldn't you just work elsewhere. I literally applied to a subcontractor for allied moving company last Friday, interviewed today and am going to start when I get back from travelling on the 8th.
Making better money than any walmart cuck and not doing bitch shit for work.

>> No.15311789

Any memorable good/bad regular customers?

>> No.15311790

I see. Are u still in contact with that driver guy?

>> No.15311803

>limited free food
That's 1 of the things that amazes me about the fast food working conditions now. When I was at uni I worked at Pizza Slut on weekends and we could make a pizza for the crew anytime we wanted and even make one at closing to take home. Seems (((they've))) finally wriggled in and become entrenched.

>> No.15311806

I used to work at one and you didn't get free food but you got 50% off. Like if you're getting a couple McDoubles for 1.07$ who really cares, it's filling and costs about 7 minutes worth of work.

>> No.15311815
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You aren't wrong
I was 16 when I got the job, quit during my senior year. Not many options for an enrolled high school student.
I actually do have his number but haven't heard from in a while. Last time I talked to him was back in March. Thanks for the reminder, I'll send him a text or maybe even call him.
On the weekends during the wee hours, there were a set of regulars that I never really acquainted myself with but recognized. Of the top of my head, there was this grumpy Vietnam vet who would always give me shit for not making his coffee the way he liked it. Said something along the lines of, "Don't get my cup dirty you son of a bitch." Had a couple of freakouts during my time there. Customers throwing food on the countertop and yelling. One time I apparently shorted a guy when he gave me a hundred dollar bill. I don't know if he was full of shit but nothing came out of my paycheck so I couldn't care less.

>> No.15311839
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Yeah, what pissed me off most was how managers prohibited us from eating any food that was to be thrown out for waste. They insisted that they write down any wasted food before throwing it straight into the trash. We were not allowed to give it to customers, either. I'm not talking about undercooked or otherwise tainted food. I mean stuff like burgers with pickles on them when the customer asked for none. I still gave people free food all the time though as I had a sort of vendetta against management there.
I worked at a corporate store. From my understanding, franchise owners dictate the break food policy whereas it's standardized with corporate-owned stores. That being said, I believe corporate stores only account for ~20% of the total number across the US.

>> No.15311842

Not OP but I used to work for McD's as an opener.
Always a group of old men who would come in and buy senior coffees, sometimes an egg McMuffin, and one newspaper that they would share. I never worked front counter so I never actually talked to them, but they always put a smile on my face whenever they walked in and chew the fat for 3-4 hours.

>> No.15311855

Had a group of guys similar to that. Genuinely nice people. Made the mornings not so terrible before the breakfast rush started. I only took issue with the bitter old-fuckers whose sole purpose in life was to nitpick everything we did.

>> No.15311874

Had a similar experience at a local bagel place I worked at during college. Had a retired guy who'd come in in the morning and afternoon to get coffee and read. Always made the effort to learn the names of each employee so he could greet them properly.

>> No.15311885

>had it as a high school job
Fair, but then you're not really a wage slave.
Also I was making 11.50$ an hour working at wallyworld when I left high school 4 years ago, and minimum wage at the time was 9.25$.

>> No.15311900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15311908

Should be mandatory free food

>> No.15311913

I don't care for their fries and don't drink soda so I was plenty happy as compared to a free meal.

>> No.15311924

I am not big on cauliflower, but that looks good enough.

>> No.15311952

A SMS? Why not a Whatsapp message?

>> No.15311966

Its a retatded policy. Why?

>> No.15311967
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Keeping this thread alive, here's a pic I took one morning. Overnight sure didn't like opening shift workers.
Never used Whatsapp. Driver was old too, I was lucky that he even had a smartphone.

>> No.15311973

>the boring shifts
What are the lowest frequentations hours ?

>> No.15311976

Couldn't tell you, man. I was only a crew member, so I had no insight as to the rules management had to follow. Most likely just plain old greed or not wanting liability for giving potentially harmful food, although I already dispelled that claim.

>> No.15311993

A nice oldie
Define old.
A basic phone can manage SMS. Just add him and see if he has a Whats account.

>> No.15311997
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Depends on the day of the week. Save for Fridays, night shifts typically die down around 9:30 - 10:30 and stay pretty dead until 6:30. On the weekends, the kraken gets unleashed at around that time with Stacy and all of her friends coming down to Macadamia to get their macchiatos. During the week, it would still get busy, but orders were simpler as it was usually people commuting to work and not lazy fuckers ordering for their whole family. After the breakfast rush died down, maybe at like 10AM, it wouldn't get unbearably busy until the evening; like 5PM - 9PM. Cycle continues from there.

>> No.15312001

Think he was like late fifties early sixties. Wouldn't hurt to ask I suppose.

>> No.15312005

At least you arent an Iphone fag, right?

>> No.15312007

Who are worse blacks or poor ghetto whites?
Which country too

>> No.15312020
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That's right. I hold nothing against iPhones, personally. I'm just familiar with Android devices and see no reason to switch. That, and I suppose I don't want to get sucked into the Apple ecosystem.
I live in the US. Blacks were by far the worst. Impolite, smelly, blasting music, and countless other little things that just stack up to make unlikable customers. There are always exceptions, however. Of the few times I was tipped, one of them was a black dude who gave me a fiver for changing his tea from a medium to a large on the spot for free. Ghetto whites are annoying in their own respect, but they usually had some decency. If anything, they had a habit of being condescending when placing their orders and us not understanding them through the speaker.

>> No.15312023

Triples of failure confirm

>> No.15312028

Just noticed that. Digits don't lie, I have pussy repellent secrete from my sweat glands.

>> No.15312040

Sometimes, anon, you just gotta put down the condom and say "fuck it."

>> No.15312072
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Alright, well I gotta go do something and I won't be back for around a half hour. I'll answer any questions when I get back, so don't think I've abandoned ship. In the event that this thread does die, however, thank you to everyone who asked questions. Have some booba for your troubles.

>> No.15312079

Make a general, Mike

>> No.15312131

Back to pol chud

>> No.15312152

u go back

>> No.15312205

Why the fuck do you care if people use WhatsApp? Fuck kikebook.

>> No.15312212

FB is shit

>> No.15312224

>g-guys it’s WACIST to notice that blacks are disgusting criminals d-don’t be a CHUD hnngkay
You are a weak, simpering faggot.

>> No.15312229
File: 103 KB, 1200x900, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often are there cuties co-workers

>> No.15312238

I only go to McDonald’s when my dad asks me to get him breakfast but I am always mystified by the caliber of the cute girls that work there. There’s always some 17 year old blonde angel.

>> No.15312243

why are some mcdonalds absolute garbage, but some mcdonalds actually give you hot food and hot fries. some mcdonalds don't even give a fuck. is it the management? what accounts for this difference? there is this one mcdonalds here in bum-fuck farmtown and it is better than any of the mcdonalds near my apartment. what is that about? ownership? management? shitty staff that they can't let go because noone else wants to work there>

>> No.15312252

It’s a mix of whether it’s a corporate owned store or a franchise store, how cheap/lax the franchise owner is, and how burnt out/coked up the manager is. It seems like a monolithic entity but it’s really a disparate collection of small businesses

>> No.15312262

>how cheap/lax the franchise owner is, and how burnt out/coked up the manager is
this really sounds like the one near where i grew up. i bet the owner or manager is pilled out of their mind, or something

>> No.15312267

No that's your basic closer. A lazy piece of shit.

>> No.15312289

if the managers liked you, you could use the manager discount which was free

>> No.15312312

How do you tell if its corperate owned

>> No.15312342

Post their pics

>> No.15312351

I can't post the ones I have on a blue board.

>> No.15312359

Corporate owned locations are only about 15% of total US stores. It’s likely that any given McDonald’s you go to is a franchise store, you can ask the manager on duty if it’s a corporate or franchise store if you go inside. The people manning the drive through will not know.

>> No.15312395

Why not?

>> No.15312397
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I am back, gentlemen. Time to answer your questions.
Sorry, but that's just what I noticed through over a year of experience.
I'd say 1/4 of female coworkers were cute. I had one that looked some girl on Tinder I saw before. I'll post a screenshot if I can find it. She was stupid and wanted me to tutor her in math to stop her from failing. Nothing came of it, though. I wish I fucked her.
See >>15312252 Pretty much what he said. Some employees don't give a shit. You have to keep in mind, we are (I was) often times idiot teenagers with no work experience or ethic. While I didn't personally, a lot of people show up to work high and smoke when given the chance. Factor into this that management treats us like shit, and you will come to understand low performance.
I knew some closers. Almost always pot-smoking people in their twenties.
Ask the management. I don't know if this still works, but you also might be able to look on McDonald's website to see which locations pop up on their map for job applications.
I would usually just lie and say I haven't had a break meal yet. They can't tell the difference or just don't give a shit.

>> No.15312398

Whats the difference?

>> No.15312402

No gore allowed.

>> No.15312403

I worked at a sandwich place in college and we could make whatever we wanted at the end of a shift. This one stoner guy would always make absurd shit like a footlong filled with literal pounds of meat and cheese and whole tomatoes/onions so that he could deconstruct it when he got home and have ingredients to cook other shit with
What were you doing to make that much? I was at $9.25 my entire stint at Hellmart even though I was doing overnight stocking nd got trained for other miscellaneous shit

>> No.15312422
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>I still gave people free food all the time though
I'll never forget when I worked at a Kroger deli, made a minor mistake with someone's order, re-made it correctly, for some reason the woman offers to pay for both of them, I tell her it's fine and that she can just keep the first one, and she fucking reports it to my manager.
Like fuck me for trying to return someone's goodwill.

>> No.15312426
File: 193 KB, 1440x1802, algebra-defficient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow-up to this post. Co-worker looked like pic related except with naturally brown hair but usually dyed blonde. I remember I asked her to the movies through text one time and never heard back from her. My lack of game was extremely evident with that experience.

>> No.15312435

Paying for it was a way to cultivate a sense of power over you. When you took away that agency, she had only one option remaining.

>> No.15312436

lmao the filename

>> No.15312467
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>footlong filled with literal pounds of meat and cheese and whole tomatoes/onions so that he could deconstruct it when he got home and have ingredients to cook other shit with

>> No.15312476
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> but you also might be able to look on McDonald's website to see which locations pop up on their map for job applications.

Interesting, so those with job applications are mostly franchise owned ?

How does corporate owned McDonald's hire ppl then ?

>> No.15312493

Der ewige Boomer

>> No.15312498
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Sorry for the confusion. Those which show up are corporate-owned, at least from what I remember. Franchise-owned restaurants typically have a third party website not associated with McDonald's to submit an application through.
To get a job, you submit an application online, get an email back telling you that the store is interested in you, schedule an interview, and and then get a call back likely within the next day telling you to sign up for orientation. That's how it worked for my corporate-owned store, likely a similar process for franchised ones.

>> No.15312501

Lookit that giraffe neck Camilla the stock photo model's got on her, what I'd give to choke her out

>> No.15312514

This policy pissed me off too. I was 17 / 18 in high school working at McDonalds because it was just a few minutes walk away. Saved 95% of my pay and bought a used car after I graduated. Like ok we can mark down this cheeseburger as waste, it's going in the fucking garbage anyway why can't we eat it? Waste of fucking food.
All in all it was an alright first job, worked with lots of friends and McDonalds is super flexible with hours. I did one morning shift in the year I worked there.

>> No.15312515

Might have been a mystery shopper. They're professional cunts designed to ruin your job. When I worked Kroger produce we had a Filippino guy that was a fucking beast for getting work done, but his English wasn't the best. Great guy to work with. Did everything he was told correctly the first time, never a complaint, and you didn't really have to talk to him if you didn't want to. Ideal co-worker. Those cunts would try to zero in on him every time just to fuck the reports on him, and my department lead would deploy me to run interference and intercept them since my customer interactions were always 100% scores. Fucking cunts, I tell ya'.

>> No.15312552
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Sounds like bullshit, indeed. We had secret shoppers at McDonald's too. If you were keen, you could recognize their voice or their looks. They usually ordered one meal and rated it on a specific set of criteria like warmth and presentation. They also scored their "experience" with the drive-thru service. If you didn't say thank you to the customer, they took note of that. I got a write-up for that once, actually. Not that those meant anything, though. Since I'm a prick though, it just led me to begrudgingly say thank you only when managers were around.

>> No.15313048

I asked cuties not whores !

>> No.15313096
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If you mean fine looking puritan ladies at McDonald's, you're shit out of luck I'm afraid.

>> No.15313157

Those kinds of people are the useful idiots of tyrannical regimes who will happily kill your family for their leaders.

>> No.15313169

Why do you choose to be there and why do you incorrectly consider yourself a slave? You are free to go do anything.

>> No.15313196
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I no longer work there. I quit before my first semester of senior year ended. As for being a wageslave, I say the term jokingly. Considering we're on 4chan, I thought it would be more appropriate language versus something like "employee" or "worker."

>> No.15313215

Ah ok. The whole concept of "wageslave" is ridiculous.

>> No.15313464

While employed by them, would you defend the brand you work for while off the clock ?

Like telling people certain McD food taste better then competitors, or correct other people spreading fake facts about McD

>> No.15313514
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I would defend the brand when it came to misinformation. One thing I heard a lot of times was that McDonald's apple pies were made with potato filling. Little things like that irritated me considering I've seen the majority of the food raw. That being said, I did not defend the brand out of loyalty; I hated working there. That's why I had no problem talking shit about the taste of the food when asked for my thoughts.

>> No.15313525

Maybe it's ridiculous if you're an engineer or work in IT,but trust me it's absolutely true if you're an humanistfag

>> No.15313541

You have not seen the pies raw. They're cooked at the factory.

>> No.15313548

And yet still most people are wageslaves, including you

>> No.15313557

I always thought the concept of wageslavery was that you're paid so little you can't afford to say no to anything

>> No.15313569

If I had to guess it was created due to a precedent where staff intentionally botch orders so they're forced to remake them and then eat the now free food. I would blame the darkies.

>> No.15313576
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I said majority of food but you're right; they're par-baked. However, I've seen them at room temperature unbaked, at least from our oven. The pieces inside the pies did not resemble potato whatsoever. I'd be willing to bet if you look at the ingredients for the pie as well, you would not find potato listed as a major ingredient.

>> No.15313580

No, it's that you're not living the NEET life.

>> No.15313591

Maybe they don't want employees abusing throw aways for free food. It could also be that they are obligated to cut down on waste because it drives down margins.

>> No.15313610

You can always move on.

>> No.15313627

Why do zoomers have this aggrandized perception of the most basic experiences they've gone through?
>AMA I worked in fast food
Are you fucking retarded? Why are you acting like working in fast food gives you some sort of unique insight that we're just dying to have you share with us?
Do you know how many people have worked in fast food? Literally everyone.
There is nothing that you have ever done that is meaningful or special in any way.

>> No.15313632
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On a semi-related note, I have seen the pies overcooked. Pic related is some of my finest work during my employment at the golden arches.

>> No.15313633

I once killed a man just to watch him die.

>> No.15313664
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As I said in the original post, I wanted to answer some recurring questions presented on this board. There is nothing special about working fast food, I agree, but I feel that it's fun to give people who haven't worked that type of job an idea of what goes on behind the scenes.

>> No.15313681

Well, I once pounded a kid just to bring her to her first penetrative orgasm.

>> No.15313726

Where to?

>> No.15313731

lmao based

>> No.15313770

In OP's defense, people are curious and have limited experiences. Not everyone has McDonald's as a first job and not everyone has worked in the food industry.

It sheds light on a life never lived at least and frankly most of 4chan and other online places are filled with sheltered and ignorant people who could use some perspective.

>> No.15313791

Yeah exactly it's not like everyone has grown up in the US

>> No.15313819
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Who do I have to fuck to bring back pic related everywhere?

>> No.15313844

A better occupation/job. You are not forced to work for anyone. If you don't like the salary or people etc, go somewhere else.

>> No.15313876
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My store unfortunately never carried bagels during my time there. The bagel is still in the order placing system, but it's useless. I would suggest fucking the CEO of McDonald's or whoever runs the chains within your state. Good luck, anon.

>> No.15313945
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I used to shill this here (unpaid) back when it existed and always got zero response. Suddenly, now that's it's gone, everyone is missing it. Reverse psychology really works. And it's really true that you never appreciate something until it is gone.

>> No.15313965

I've been eating it for over twenty years. I'll never forgive the Chinese for unleashing coronavirus and killing the SECB.

>> No.15314041

What are you guys talking about? The steak bagel is still at all my mcds. Has always been.

>> No.15314080

Say you are wearing your MD uniform at a bus stop, a dude with Burgerking uniform came waiting for the bus too

Just two of you right there, would you make small talk with him ?

>> No.15314089

Fuck man I feel old. I worked at McDonalds in 2008 - 2009. An era before snapchat and everyone having smartphones. We had to text from the employee bathroom using T9 kek.
On a side note cooking muffins smelled fucking delicious.
McDonalds really knows that they employ a bunch of retarded Highschool kids, working in the kitchen wasn't really difficult. They have it pretty streamlined. The worst part was standing up for 7 hours a day the rare time I had a full shift. Honestly Friday nights after school in the kitchen was fun, autistically chucking bags of nuggets in the deep fryers non stop. I always got delegated to the deep fryers because nobody else wanted to do it for some reason. /nostalgia

>> No.15314105

A lot of locations dropped it from the menu when they trimmed down after coronavirus hit. Many haven't brought it back, including mine (NW Ohio).

>> No.15314109

Typical cross-restaurant fast food worker small talk, starring Vocaroo poster.

>> No.15314131
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I'm pretty asocial so I'm inclined to say no. Maybe if I'm feeling spry I'd try bullshitting a bit about customers or managers. Would probably sound something like >>15314109
Cooking muffins smells amazing and, yes, a nine year old would probably be able to work every station in a McD's assuming he was tall enough. Eight hour shifts were my specialty on the weekends and I fucking hated them. As for the smartphones, yeah, it's a different time now. I wish I could have experienced life before technology but at the same time I know not to take all of the luxuries I have today for granted.

>> No.15314161
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>starring Vocaroo poster.

>> No.15314170

Not /ck/ related so pls ban but I'm glad I went thru HS without smartphones. Very very few people had an actual smart phone.
I was posting earlier in the thread but again my specific McDonalds was great to work at, it was all my friends from school. 100% white workforce. I was usually fairly quiet but that job helped me to open up, got me invited to many parties and events. Made some nice memories along the way as well as respect for all minimum wage food workers. I HATE people that treat fast food and other food workers like shit. I know how it was, so I'm always super nice to them. I'm glad I went through the experience of working a 'shitty' job at fast food. Helps to appreciate what I have now.

>> No.15314214
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My McDonald's was not the one next to my school, but one in a nicer (or less shitty) spot of town. Can't escape dumbasses though. I live in the southwest so it was primarily beaners working at my location, myself included. I'm socially retarded so I had little out of work contact with people but I will credit that job with giving me confidence in speaking to strangers and working with people I dislike.
Unrelated but something else that I wish wasn't around nowadays are THC pens. Makes it too easy to get stoned so you have idiots everywhere. I'm not against weed in general but god damn is it annoying and fucking stinks too.

>> No.15314264

Current McDonald's maint tech (janitor) here. Ask me anything; or don't - the reality is pretty boring and mundane.

>> No.15314305

Have you cleaned the frappé/smoothie machine before? A coworker told me before that mold grows all along the part where the cups go. Interested in knowing if this is true.

>> No.15314334

We had one chick who was always high. She wasn't annoying at all and worked well enough so nobody ever gave her shit. She came in one day just fucking zooted and I knew, she knew I knew, but the manager didn't. I was like yo I know but I'm not gonna say shit because I'm not a narc. Always wonder what happened to her.

>> No.15314370

She moved on and has never ever thought of you at all.

>> No.15314380

My heart. It hurts.

>> No.15314417

I don’t understand this mindset. She obviously didn’t think much of you or you would have fucked. How can your heart hurt for someone you had a casual work relationship with? Stop pining over miscellaneous girls and live like a man.

>> No.15314521


I'm not on the shift responsible for cleaning it. The weirdest place I find mold is on the walls inside the walk in. Also, the spigots on the drink machines can get moldy, which is gross af, but they get cleaned routinely.

>> No.15314583

What would you say was the hardest part of the job? Like what part would be the reason people call it "soul-crushing" and turn away from it?

>> No.15314678
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Hard to pinpoint one specific thing, but I'd say a good way to put it is being treated as a disposable asset (which you really are). Leave at 9PM one night and show up at 5AM the next morning. Managers tend to power trip and boss you around to unreasonable degrees. The times that I wasn't slacking off and actually putting in the effort felt no different to when I wasn't. Managers will still demand you to do more, there's always something to be done. You can go faster. Coworker didn't show up for a shift? Too bad, do their job and don't complain. I unloaded the truck, and the general manager would be on our asses to finish the whole thing in impossibly short time spans. Freezing cold during the winter to where your fingers and toes are numb. No gloves are given to you, that would be too considerate. Customers are often times assholes for no reason aside from having a shitty day themselves. Busy and understaffed days meant that you couldn't even have a break, which I'm sure is illegal. Compound this for eight hours and you see where I'm getting at. I know this may come off as bitching, but that's just my take on the situation. I would imagine it's similar to the same soul-crushing monotony you get at retail, stocking shelves for half of your time a day being conscious.

>> No.15314690

I actually didn't care for her. Just curious whatever happened to her. I mean showing up to work high 24/7 and getting high during work surely must lead to some great future work ethics.

>> No.15314704

You sound like you worked at a shitty McDonalds. That didn't happen to me. I'd be gung-ho to take my break ~30 mins post lunch rush sure, but I always got all my breaks.

>> No.15314790


>> No.15314809
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Didn't happen always but it's easy to remember the bad stuff. Won't disagree, though, my store was shitty.

>> No.15314823

based dagashi

>> No.15314835

I'm sorry anon. Being in Canada I assume I may have more rights and protections than you did. As my first job I was super enthusiastic to save as much as I could and as I mentioned in an earlier post I bought a car a few months later.
How is it that as a 17 year old high school student I was able to get a job, save, graduate grade 12, go to post secondary on scholarships and not be a homeless fucker?
I mean if I can start working at 17 in high school it makes you wonder how much these homeless fuckers irl fucked up with their lives. I was one of the very few in my HS who had a job and I even took an increased course load.
12 Years later I'm shitposting from my three bedroom house.

>> No.15314871
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I'm in a very similar situation to the one you just described. Like dead-on. I can't speak for everyone my age but kids are just being raised to be fucking losers. It seems like they hold no aspirations or ambition. I blame this primarily on pop culture and the media. Gives people false idols and teaches them to do nothing more than consume. If you're Hispanic, it's ridiculously easy to get scholarships to college if you just do the work in high school. People can't even do that, despite the fact that the curriculum being stupid easy. I'm likely out of touch though; I may have passed high school classes, but I fucking flunked anything socially related.

>> No.15314942

Nah senpai you sound like me, I can tell you're intelligent. I agree with all your statements and observations. I passed high school just fine save for certain maths, which I admit is not my strong point. I'm super glad I got a job at McDonalds in HS, really helped me to get an early start on the understanding and how the real world operates. Again, very fluid hours, solid enough training on how to fry a fucking patty and an introduction to restaurant operation. I highly attribute my time at McDonalds (Me saving to buy a car) to my current self. I got a different job two days after HS graduation not related to /ck/ things. I haven't stopped working since I was 17 and dare I say it shows. Lots of my friends are in poverty tier apartments and I was a homeowner by 25. Also not blowing my minimum wage paycheck on drugs / weed / food helped. Jeff Bezos didn't become rich overnight.
Working a min wage job in 2008 at McDonals really helped solidify the value of a dollar, my time and a view into the economy as a whole. I think I may be a minority in my viewpoints though.

>> No.15314956

if I call in and complain can I get free food without screwing over some wagie?

>> No.15314991

I think most FF operations operate with the Karen %; a set amount of customers who will complain about shitty fries or burgers or what have you. If you call and complain you might get coupons. You might get free shit. Depends on your area and FF joint of choice. That being said don't screw over a min wage FF worker just for a free $1.75 burger/taco.
One time some lady called in to actually say thank you to us. Perps of living in the 95% white side of town.

>> No.15315022

everyone should work a similar service job in their lives. when i was a fast food artisanal chef some high school senior worked with us, he was already making five figures from some youtube channel (not like a personality or anything he primarily uploaded footage of people evading police sent to him iirc), owned in full a car worth more than the gm's annual salary, but his mom said he should have a service job working under someone. kid was a very good employee albeit still a goofy 17-18 year old, hope he's doing well

>> No.15315029

*mid five-figures, 40-55k-ish

>> No.15315031

yea I don't want to screw anyone over. I might call and give compliments.

>> No.15315086
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Pro Tip: If you fill out the survey on the receipt of your order and mention an employee's name (in a positive light), that person gets five dollars worth of rewards. I only got mentioned a couple times but used them for Amazon gift cards. If you feel taking the time to do it, it's a surefire way to make someone's day.
Yes, you will likely get a refund or a redeemable card for a free big mac. Try not to be too hard on a specific employee, but just the service in general.
Working that job was definitely a positive in terms of putting things into perspective. I'm not one who has a lot of empathy, but I left that job with more respect for fast food employees (at least the ones who give a damn).

>> No.15315103

I worked fast food in HS, then transitioned to a local company part time doing mechanical work and fast food, then mechanical and retail, (fuck retail) then fully mechanical. Was sick of smelling like burger grease kek.
>Post secondary starts here
I transitioned from mechanical into (lol) mechanical safety and other shit too long to describe in this post. I can now safely say practices I have now set in motion at my current multi million dollar company i've been employed at have caused accident rates to decrease and productivity to rise slightly. Again me not being maths strong I work with a small team coast to coast.
>inb4 fast food workers never amount to anything
>inb4 larp
Other than now I've worked two jobs at once. Hard work pays off anons. All this from flipping burgers in 2008.

>> No.15315181

Corporate can't write it off as marginal when they're knowingly giving it away for free. Anyone can get around that like that anon did because it's a retarded, unenforceable policy that only works if either someone goes through your trash, your garbageman rats you out or you have managers trained to hold logs up their ass cheeks.

>> No.15315226
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Jesus sounds like when I was working dunkin' donuts: like rice in a pressure cooker.
Story time
>dunkin donuts closer
>usually a two man job that, if both work cooperatively and effectively, complete the day within an hour after doors are locked
>a slow co-worker or me having a lazy day would close at 11:30pm latest.
>one night, co-worker is late.
>agitated but hopeful, I just focus on customers till the help comes.
>boss calls me
>co-worker can't make it
>"you gotta do it on your own"
>anger issues
>2 sets of dairy machines need to be cleaned
>ice machine also needs a clean
>lock the door early, get started and baking like a madman.
>accidentally made a spill with the bad cream and slip on it, landing on my back
>my soul completely crushed, I finish the job half-assed
>get home at 3am
>boss tells me I did a mediocre job and that I should've called someone to come in.
Never will I go back to fast food again.

>> No.15315252

Bruh. We had a front till girl slip on the floor during "MOP THE FLOOR WITH SOAPY AF HOT WATER ANON". I Complied and did a hot soapy wooder mop. She slipped. She got sent home with pay. I was 17. I felt bad. I still feel bad to this day 12 years later.

>> No.15315534
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Sounds like a fun time. Reminds me of the way we filled our ice cream machines with baggies of cream. Since the bag would get slippery from the condensation out of the freezer, people would always drop the bag on the floor, sometimes leading to cream splattering all over the floor and front counter. Truly a sight to behold. Also, I've had towers of bread pallets spill into the parking lot after falling off the curb while unloading the truck. I count my lucky stars that never happened in a parking space with a car in it.

>> No.15315562

easy there schlomo

>> No.15315566

>Stealing tomatoes and onions

>> No.15315682

I want to sniff her anus

>> No.15315988
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Other former McDonald's worker here. Have made threads and gotten nothing.

I'll take questions as well.

>> No.15316164

do not post that image ever again

>> No.15316179

>homeowner by 25
enjoy the mortgage weighting down on your for the next 30 years

>> No.15316358

idk i worked for jimmy johns on a college campus. there was really three jobs. register, sandwich maker, and delivery. i worked weekends from 9pm to 2:30am as a delivery driver. I would just grab the sandwich, put it in my backpack, get on my bike, and ride wherever. it was all within a mile radius so it was never anything crazy. i would make about $80 in cash tips and 2.50 an hour. i also got really lean riding 5-12 miles per day. i did it during the winter too... i think i lasted about 3 months before I couldn't handle it anymore. even as a delivery driver, I had to help close. dishes, mop, soda machines, etc.

my coworkers were okay. i just felt like they were normies and i wasn't. i always felt really embarassed doing that job even though on paper it was about $20/hr.. but thats without any breaks at all. grabbing 3-4 orders and going non-stop back and forth, just to go back to even more orders waiting.

>> No.15316394

That’s really nice.

>> No.15316434

My cousin worked at a McDonalds near Soweto in South Africa.

As per company policy, every day they disposed of perfectly good food, most of it because it had simply sat on the chutes for a couple hours.

The neighbourhood was home to a lot of people who hadn't eaten decently in a while, so they had to lock up the bins in specially built cages, and post guards armed with batons to prevent "scavengers".

>> No.15316668

Just a general manners question: how can I be a decent customer?

>> No.15316907

My business manager was based and when I was promoted to management confided in me that he always hired based on looks but let uggos through about 30% of the time so that he could keep getting away with it.

>> No.15316923
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Not him but I occasionally did the weekly deep clean of it and the milkshake/ice cream dispenser when the maintenance guy was off. The truth is, no, not if it's cleaned regularly but anywhere that is constantly wet like the smoothie machine is going to grow mould. The worst things for mould though are ice machines, not at McD's but at a bar I worked at, pink mould would grow on the filtration system if if wasn't cleaned daily (never as bad as pic related but you get the idea)

>> No.15316927

You can't, you're just one less annoying interaction throughout the day. Just order, give money and be on your way.

>> No.15316998
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Some things I would recommend are being polite, concise, and considerate. Know what you want before it's your turn in line to order, ideally. It's very annoying to have a line get backed up because a customer doesn't know what to order. When you do order, try to say what you want in as few words as possible. Less shit for the person taking your order to misunderstand and fuck up your order with. As for being polite, sometimes the person taking your order may be new, the microphone you're speaking through in the drive thru may be dodgy, the headset is giving the employee shit, or they are taking your order while running into the freezer for something. In any case, try to be a little patient as it's McDonald's; you can't expect top of the line service. That's not to say there are not idiots, those will inevitably be a good chunk of employees. However, just put yourself in their shoes and don't be a total tumor and you should be a fine customer to serve. You may not be a great customer, but as >>15316927 said, it's good enough.
Important to note that who takes your order, takes your money, makes your food, and bags it for you are almost always different people.
We had a decent amount of butterfaces and odd characters at my McD's as well. Interesting to hear a gm's thought process.
That looks disgusting. Thank you for sharing, anon.

>> No.15317040

Cheers for the detailed answer mate

>> No.15317150

Tjen use bigger name tags

>> No.15317247

Imagine being so soulless you pay money to prevent your trash from being elevated into something useful.

The only devil's advocate I can think of is the litigation angle. In our hyper litigious world, I suppose I would not be surprised to hear about a restaurant being sued after someone gets sick eating out of their garbage.

>> No.15317655
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Bumping for visibility in case there is still any interest.
Something fun to know is that employees love eating in the freezer walk-in where there are no cameras. Since I was responsible for organizing said freezer, I would find half eaten yogurt parfaits, cookies, squished apple juice boxes, and all sorts of other things thrown around. People also think it's hilarious to throw eggs at the wall in the freezer as well.

>> No.15317896

>I had to help close. dishes, mop, soda machines, etc.

this was the worst part. I worked in a pickleman's in college as a delivery driver. And the way it worked was that delivery driver was also the main dishwasher at the end of the night (because I guess delivering is easy than being on the sandwich line).

It was near a college campus, so we were open and doing deliveries til 4am on the weekends. So I'd start my shift at 9 or 10pm, deliver until 4am, then come back to the pickelman's and do dishes and clean until 630 or 7am. It was fucking dumb and not worth it so I quit after a month or so

>> No.15318575

I don't even think they consider that angle.

I reckon its just them trying to maintain the value of their product.

Why pay 6 bucks for something, when you can get it for free, if you're willing to eat food that's a couple hours old?

>> No.15318663

Tjey were jews milking money

>> No.15318668

Has anyone asked for an interesting custom order?

>> No.15318686

Whynobody puts cameras there?

>> No.15318704
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I'm sure I've had some absurd orders but I'm blanking on them atm. It wasn't uncommon for people to order shit keto style where they use lettuce for the buns on sandwiches. Off the top of my head, I gave a dude one of each sauce that we carried which was at least fifteen packets. Another person ordered 20 hamburgers, 20 cheesburgers, and 20 small fries. I wish I could say I had someone try to order from a supposed secret menu but I don't believe that happened.
IIRC it's either because it is too cold in the freezer or (what I believe) they don't want to have evidence of potential injuries from slipping in the freezer. There was always ice on the floor and it was so slick that a wrong step meant you fell on your ass, hopefully not hitting your head on a metal bar on the way down.

>> No.15318751

Ever got an order for a McGangBang?
Is it one of those things you'd indulge them or say it's not a thing and just buy a cheeseburger and mchicken?

>> No.15318893

If I could tell they were cool and there were no managers around, I'd probably indulge them. You can actually put in a McChicken and a burger patty on one sandwich. Probably confuse the hell out of kitchen staff. Now if I'd refer to it by name over the drive-thru speaker, I'm not sure.

>> No.15319089

>As for being polite, sometimes the person taking your order may be new,
About 2 years ago I was in line at McDicks and the cashier was obviously new, it was probably her first day. I was the 5th customer in line and she needed to ask a co worker to help her with each transaction. No one ahead of me got angry at her, which I really liked. Hey, everyone sucks at there job on the first day, so be understanding about it.

>> No.15319097
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How come when you order a fillet o fish with extra cheese, it only comes with one slice of cheese? Why do they charge you for a full slice then only give you an extra half slice?
Explain this kikery to me please.

>> No.15319134
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i worked at a mcdonalds where i was the only english speaker ama (yes i had sex with a 5'4 middle aged latina)

>> No.15319374
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A filet-o-fish comes with a single half slice of cheese. Look at the image you posted. Now why they don't give you one and a half slices instead of just one when you pay full price, I'm not sure. That's down to either the person on the assembly line being lazy or a policy by management.

>> No.15319383

Looks like you already mentioned the half slice bit, disregard beginning.

>> No.15319929

Pretty wholesome thread

>> No.15320078


>> No.15320129

Was she loud in bed? Did she call you papi?

>> No.15320235

yes and no