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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 413 KB, 1101x1224, yatchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15305988 No.15305988 [Reply] [Original]

Rapper Lil Yachty is getting his face on boxes of

With Yachty being a collector of exotic cereals and some of the rarest flavors in the world, the unique partnership makes a ton of sense for the Atlanta native. Yachty’s collectible Reese’s Puffs cereal is set to be rolled out in 2021 and cost buyers $3.99 retail.

>> No.15306014

Whatever race baiting this is aside, that box looks absolutely disgusting. Who wants to see a photographic close-up of a human tongue on a box of food. Repulsive.

>> No.15306016

How is this any different that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben?

Ah yes I see. Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben looked dignified, and this black clown looks like an imbecile. So black images on products should always be made to look in this manner, for it to be acceptable.

>> No.15306021

Its news about food, why is everything about race?

>> No.15306037

Dunno, ask the media.

>> No.15306042

I will never buy a product with a nog on the packaging. Ever.

>> No.15306043

Culture is fucking dead.

>> No.15306051

I hate when they do tie ins like this, and they dont add anything to the food. At least make it unique

>> No.15306054

yo is he really tiny or are those like jumbo sized puffs? did they make some XXL puffs just for marketing photos/videos so people can have a better look at them (like how cereal is 2 inches wide on cereal boxes)?

>> No.15306065

They should make all the chocolate puffs shaped like his head.

>> No.15306077
File: 144 KB, 1200x630, Idiocracy2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality has become indistinguishable from Idiocracy.

>> No.15306083

What is race baiting about this?
Does seeing a fine example of the melenated race upset you?

>> No.15306085

It's called a collab, chud.

>> No.15306090

I still laugh at that autistic anarchy thing the soy boys did, where that nog ran it with a bunch of his fellow niggers

>> No.15306105
File: 87 KB, 1250x962, 6u99h28z7d361 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wog on sweets pretending to be food

>> No.15306120

it's cause everyone is obsessed with identity politics nowadays, especially on this site
it's very convenient for politicians, since they're free to do whatever they want with economics and all the things that actually matter while everyone is too busy being outraged about vapid bullshit to notice

>> No.15306136

You mean the soy boys that burned down a police station, and held on to a few blocks of incredibly valuable central seattle real-estate for a few weeks using guerilla tactics?

Sound pretty based, but more /k/ than /ck/

>> No.15306146

Wow so brave

>> No.15306153

>using gurrila tactics
Redditors nievaty is so fucking retarded its almost cute
Did they have 28 us marines in black hawks rolling up on block too?

>> No.15306161

God damn dude you could not sound more white middle class and sheltered even if you tried...

>> No.15306167

>28 us marines in black hawks
So you have absolutely no idea what Guerilla means?

Anyway, fuck off back to /po/, this is meant to be a thread about cereal

>> No.15306188

Up until they shot two blacks on accident and then were quietly dismantled in the middle of the night

>> No.15306194

Hey, /po/ is based.

>> No.15306195

I finally have an understanding of why East Asians have a celebrity endorsement of every single product in existence. Except in the West they use monkey

>> No.15306199

Jesus christ really dude? I suppose you think it was like the movie "Enemy at the Gates" and you imagine that everyone in that coddled party zone was just like the character played by Jude Law.

>> No.15306200

How could you tell I am a po chad?

And its a thread about a nigger and children's sweets, this is not cereal reddit-kun, now educate yourself on real gurrila tactics https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w7nYg0b_ULM and read some tom wintringham if you really are a redditor and not a false flagger, he was a communist and evolved block house based tactics and gurrila anti tank warfare.

>> No.15306213

>Black rap man gets cereal deal
>4chan loses it's shit and starts bitching about "identity politics", and somehow makes the thread about how they are still buthurt over CHAZ.

Never change you fucking idiots.

>> No.15306215

Stubb looks pretty dignified too

>> No.15306223

The only person crying about identity politics is some redditor, and the autistic zone was pointed out as being a funny example of idocracy, you sound upset.

>> No.15306240

Do you not see the downward death spiral of culture in the world and it's inevitable consequences on the progress of humanity, or do you just not care?

>> No.15306241

Lurk moar or go back.

>> No.15306242

They don't sell that sauce where I live so I had to look it up, but yeah, he does have a dignified look. I was interested enough to google him, and discovered he was a good businessman, and talented cook. Next time I'm in the US, I'll look for a bottle of his brand, give it a try.

>> No.15306249

lel whatever nigger.

>> No.15306268

its just 10 polcels on every board. 1 of them posts bait, the other 9 circlejerk around that guy.

>> No.15306289


>> No.15306290

It's sugar cereal. Sugar cereal has always marketed itself through childish pop culture.

>> No.15306294

>disliking mumble rap niggers makes you a /pol/cel
Go back

>> No.15306669

>guerilla tactics

Holy shit larping American whites are next level comedy

>> No.15306689

all niggers belong in airtight jail cells

>> No.15306715
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, gettyimages-1054313042[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civilians form a militia and take over part of a major american city
>Burn down a police station
>start armed patrols, and establish triage centres
>publish list of demands and blockade the area to keep police out
>it only ends after dozens of deaths

Yeah, sounds like pussy shit, not like putting on a polo shirt and getting beaten up by your buddies while you name breakfast cereals, or belonging to a group named after a song from the Aladdin musical...

>> No.15306729 [DELETED] 

Nobody likes niggers

>> No.15306752

Nobody likes you

>> No.15306788

What was your first clue, electing a fat game show host for president?

>> No.15306824

I think it was when the Reagan administration officially classified ketchup as a vegetable so they could claim they were providing school kids with enough servings of veg per week without actually changing the school menus or spending any money.

>> No.15306957

I like him. You on the other hand..

>> No.15306990

You like a stranger who posts racist shit on the internet, when the only thing you know about him is that he posts racist shit on the internet?

sounds like you fucking suck too.

>> No.15307017

The Mayor literally ordered the Police to let them do it and then the District Attorney released anyone arrested for rioting, vandalism, etc.

>> No.15307024

Not what happened at all. Basically the entire Seattle and Washington political apparatus was on their side and it only ended after the locals were screaming at the Mayor to do something about all the murders, which were starting to make him look bad.

>> No.15307040


>calling us idiots
rap nog has more in common with us than you loser. you will never be working class

>> No.15307044

That's just offputting, it looks disgusting

>> No.15307071

No problem, your mom, sister, female relatives, female friends, and girlfriend (LOL just kidding) will buy 2 items for every 1 that you don't.

>> No.15307093

get these mother fucking niggers off my mother fucking cereal boxes

>> No.15307106

if your mother made herself more available, then they'd be in there than on the box

>> No.15307303

>I am working class because I am a racist, and other fun stories from anon

>> No.15307432

You know, I think this might me the first product box I've seen that draws your eyes to the human tongue, and can I just say...no bueno

>> No.15307468
File: 105 KB, 800x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collector of exotic cereals and some of the rarest flavors in the world
Ok, this shit is exciting news. I always look for weird flavors. Pic related is one that I bought. Tasted like cake ice-cream, but I didn't like it in cereal.

>> No.15307484
File: 57 KB, 750x422, Lays-Smile-Bags-examples-72dpi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Lays got me to stop buying chips with this shit. Complete appetite killer. How did this not come up in focus testing?

>> No.15307499

Afraid to be called racist?

>> No.15307584

>I am such a bitch I literally cannot enjoy fried potatoes if a black person is on the packaging

>> No.15307604

Maybe this is ur first week on 4chan?

>> No.15307617
File: 79 KB, 600x250, lilyeeted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15307639

Illiterate retards.

>> No.15307652


You better not blame blacks either. Blame the ones who write the contracts at these labels, and who have the money.

>> No.15307672

>have entirety of local and state government backing you
>we're le rebels!!!

>> No.15307728

Whoever made this has never had sex. At least consensually.

>> No.15307729

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was kind of creepy/gross-looking

>> No.15307765

>guys, centrist career politicians are on your side because they didn't let the police openly shoot protesters

>being a conservative is actually really punk you guys I'm serious

>> No.15307774

This but unsatirically

>> No.15308048


>> No.15308109

>collectible Reese’s Puffs cereal

would be nice if people focused more on buying food that makes them healthier instead of which ones have a celebrity on them

>> No.15308120

You just sound like youre really drunk and just realising what consumer capitalism is.
I'm drunk too, but it's late here.
Ads shit in your head, mate. Fuck em.

>> No.15308165

sounds like he's acknowledging that and doesn't like it

>> No.15308167

if u guys haven't realised by now, catering the "blm/sjw" group or whatever you want to call it is meta now. people give themselves a pat on the back when they "support" these groups. it's just how marketing is right now.

>> No.15308168

and if you think about it, none of these companies like sony, lay's, nike, whatever, who's sole purpose is to make money, would be acting in the defense of minority groups if it weren't a surreptitious way of trying to make money.

>> No.15308181

You guys are just legit a bit autistic

>> No.15308197

Fucking based. Blacks are self destructive jesters and (((corporations))) are more than happy to dress them up and tell them thei lives matter in the same breath.

>> No.15308201

Perhaps you should buy some Mypillow products, that CEO dude seems to be operating on your frequency.

>> No.15308218
File: 185 KB, 800x409, 1_FbWGg6ElswxT2krGg6MY4g[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the middleground is exactly accurate: they don't give a shit about anything not lining their .1%er profits, they're just putting up the trend because for some reason the masses, incapable of critical thought, slurp it up. they feign solidarity at the moment it's commercially viable and maybe make one charitable reach that's worth 1/1000000th of their net profit and is only made because the ROI is in their favor anyways. fuck corporations

>> No.15308234

M8, capitalism caters to whatever funds it, and funds whatever perpetuates it.
Stop worrying about the gay black transgenders or whatever the fuck fox wants you to be mad at, and start looking into what your bossess boss is doing, and why going to the hospital will bankrupt you.

>> No.15308237

I don't understand. I was just stating the concept of marketing. It doesn't bother me (a lot).

>> No.15308424


Cause who doesnt wanna see a big picture of a nigger licking your cereal

>> No.15308437

Niggers have no self awareness

>> No.15308442

That one video makes me nervous every time I buy a bucket of Blue Bell ice cream

>> No.15308504

>looks to childrens cereal for culture

>> No.15308808

>a fine example

I wish they all aspired to be exactly like this, however instead they run around rioting, breaking into people's houses, killing each other and of course, trying to get themselves shot by the police.

>> No.15308910

>start looking into what your bossess boss is doing, and why going to the hospital will bankrupt you
you commies are the ultimate schizos

>> No.15308931

this is a 10/10 cringe post

>> No.15308954

>collector of exotic cereals and rare flavors
So does he not eat the cereal?

>> No.15308979

Some people collect watches, other collect automobiles. There's a man who collects aircraft engines living in England. There's even a guy in Desmoines Iowa who has a collection of cast iron cookware so huge, it's been valued at well over 8 million dollars.

But boat boy here? He collects cereal. That's his speed. Cereal.

>> No.15308992

>Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben looked dignified, and this black clown looks like an imbecile

Yes, but blacks don't want to be represented by fictional characters that don't represent them, they want authentic representation and so they put some imbecile on the box.

>> No.15309005

>boat boy here
JFC I never heard of him until Chef Boyardee paid him to advertise and this is the funniest shit I hear all night.

>> No.15309021

>How is this any different that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben?
Because it's a real person

>> No.15309067

I'm amazed the Jews aren't suing to have the Monopoly man suppressed then. Maybe I should complain to Procter and Gamble over the Mr.Clean character? And don't even get me started on Kentucky Fried Chicken, and that ridiculous caricature of a southern gentleman they've turned the Col. into!

>> No.15309069

as hard as that is to believe

>> No.15309081
File: 158 KB, 623x623, 1487685125690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who wants to see a photographic close-up of a human tongue on a box of food

>> No.15309101

You're the one with autism if youre not disgusted by some random fuck's mouth being contorted into a primal display of aggression on the front of your Lay's bag. It's just gross

>> No.15309116


>> No.15309184

Occupying the city you live in does sound pretty risky

>> No.15309327

OK Craig
OK Dixon

>> No.15309334

It's fun as shit though, try it

>> No.15309359


Remind me to never buy Reese Puffs cereal so long as it is sponsored by an Orc.

>> No.15309363
File: 141 KB, 900x900, orcs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that box looks absolutely disgusting

Orcs always look disgusting. Pic related

>> No.15309364
File: 78 KB, 1138x851, 1608192873735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok meme

>> No.15309372
File: 24 KB, 401x271, orcs14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>15305988 (OP)
>How is this any different that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben?

Or Aunt Jar Jar Mima?

>> No.15309381
File: 54 KB, 474x647, ghoulies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay lmao a VHS slur user. Try the new VHS slur of Ghoulies

>> No.15309390
File: 192 KB, 1280x1280, orcs32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never buy a product with a nog on the packaging. Ever.

Based. Fuck the orcs.

>> No.15309395
File: 1.52 MB, 4320x1800, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These people will never be based. You are a loser and a faggot. Seek help to come to terms with how your parents abused you which made you become a fudge packer

>> No.15309398
File: 118 KB, 614x768, bftolibtard20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off back to red dit. We don't censor here. You make an off topic comment. The based mad lad just responded to it.

Here is a pic of you and cake to make it /CK/ related

>> No.15309404
File: 50 KB, 527x372, orcs23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except in the West they use monkey

That's racist. They are orcs.

>> No.15309420

OK retard

>> No.15309428

I hope your 14th birthday is cool

>> No.15309431

yeah the red dit is having a 4 alarm chimp out because no one wants to buy cereal with an ugly orc on it. trying washing out your axe wound to get the sand out of your vagina

>> No.15309440

i like him too. no one likes the red dit libtard

>> No.15309445

you are a racist Caucasophobe. over course we like people that fight back against orc oppression

>> No.15309451
File: 1.16 MB, 686x776, 1607720684097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubling down on his idiocy

>> No.15309454

>Basically the entire Seattle and Washington political apparatus was on their side

100 % this. none of that shit happened in red counties. the police stood down which allowed the fags to run wild

>> No.15309461

you sound a little sexist for a libtard. dont make sweeping generalizations about gender and try to pigeon hole point into stereotypes

>> No.15309466
File: 610 KB, 785x721, 1603933311541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. niggers on a plane.

>> No.15309474

yuck. orcs are so fucking gross. they wouldnt even eat that in orcfrica

>> No.15309489

>sounds like you fucking suck too

this is such a twitter response by some butt pirate

>> No.15309496

did you enjoy the pic of a Caucasian as black panther? or did you get sand in your vagina

>> No.15309505

the disinfo and twisting facts is strong with this one. he must be jewish. post your nose

>> No.15309516

>police openly shoot terrorists

fixed it for you

>> No.15309524


Please get help. This isn't subtle or convincing. Whatever you think you are doing is not healthy or normal.

>> No.15309541

This was a thread about a cereal box.

>> No.15309552
File: 56 KB, 150x150, king-homer-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babbys first day on 4channel
you'll get used to it little buddy

>> No.15309563
File: 49 KB, 480x341, 1607440933755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really relies you up when we point out how ugly libtards are, doesnt it? why arent there any libtards on fit? oh thats right because you weak and lazy and want big daddy gubberment to do everything for you.

>> No.15309573
File: 144 KB, 1078x957, 1608690461257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. see how much better and handsome the black panther looks while Caucasian.

>> No.15309580

the Plz Halp cope. post your nose jew boi

>> No.15309581

>dead thread
>suddenly 50 responses that definitely aren't from the same guy

>> No.15309610

>conspicuous gap so he can now pretend he is a different person who is also a twat

>> No.15309619

the only same fag was the jew libtard. i think he ran back to palestine when we asked him to post his nose

>> No.15309643

>definitely not the same guy responds after waiting a while

>> No.15309740

play your jew games after posting your nose

>> No.15309983
File: 887 KB, 624x360, 1607064419531.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310032

Literally who

>> No.15310038

God I love unchecked schizo posters on /ck/

>> No.15310107
File: 44 KB, 351x450, 61ov9uJv78L._AC_SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310117

do you retards think a cereal that literal has rap as it's music is a white cereal?

>> No.15310122
File: 1.20 MB, 624x360, New Project-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310314

Breakfast cereal is integral to white culture and black faggot nigger gayclowns better stop trying to steal it from us. They already have their sink chicken.

>> No.15310324

Best part of this meme is that it's so dellusional. Nobody would get triggered over chuds their fantasy. It's essentially cope, they realized a tradwife is out of reach. And settle for a roastie. Irony

Anyways Reese puffs is litteraly candy, why have it for breakfast?

>> No.15310367
File: 118 KB, 467x348, 1597167489649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310381

I have listened to many hours of music involving Professor John Goblikon, the individual in your image. Still not going to buy anything with a nigger in the box.