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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 829 KB, 1500x2000, image903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15304395 No.15304395 [Reply] [Original]

Now we're ready to entertain some guests!

>> No.15304397

Wouldn’t put orange slices on my cheese board like that. Everything is gonna taste like orange now.

>> No.15304402

Me guest: (ew..... why didn't he order some pizza or something..) Gee, thanks!
Me: eats one cracker

>> No.15304403
File: 240 KB, 1000x1500, tabla de embutidos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like shit tbqh

>> No.15304404

Where are the chutneys?

>> No.15304414

>Posting some bored housewife's garbage from Plebbit

We don't need this here.

>> No.15304415
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>> No.15304480

Gonna need some tongs for that otherwise getting stuff out is gonna be a pain

>> No.15304491

All that effort to make it look nice, when after a few picks it will be for naught.

Vanity of vanities...

>> No.15304553

Looks nice op, I personally prefer boards with no borders tho

>> No.15304559

Yeah well after you eat it it’s gonna become poop so I guess you should just eat poop then

>> No.15304718

How so?

>> No.15304726

thanks, but I'll stay at home

>> No.15304963

Looks like a 'rona super spreader event about to commence.

>> No.15305048

Those are mandarin slices, and the juice is retained in the membrane.

>> No.15305056

I'm dead.

>> No.15305059

lol like you had any other options anyway lonely boy

>> No.15305068
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Looks good but could use some vegetation like olives

I usually just pick up one of these from the corner store

>> No.15305074

Is it me, or is the sausage in the upper left quadrant kind of a weird color?

>> No.15305079

Are the snowmen edible?

>> No.15305101


Not a single fucking olive or pickle.


>> No.15305178
File: 168 KB, 1200x1600, A52A4415-C687-4267-BCAA-11C22587B180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity you subhumans for being an inferior species. These ritz crackers are really nord nigger tier.

>> No.15305196
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>> No.15305202

What are the cheese knives for? Everything is already cut up.

>> No.15305203
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>> No.15305209
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>> No.15305211
File: 528 KB, 1280x1126, 2A4772DD-0ED8-4FC6-87DB-9A3D9BC667D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15305217
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x3000, F79B17E9-765C-4ED5-8443-3CEE9985C95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15305220
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>> No.15305225
File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, 24FD406D-6EF5-47FF-8151-B51AAB4E0A1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now that you’ve seen how it’s done, stop posting degenerate trash ITT.

>> No.15305236

Who the fuck taught you how to cut?
Those chunks are bigger than my thumb toe.
Take some time and learn to properly cut thin slices. Otherwise you are wasting both meat and cheese.

>> No.15305257

Shark coochie

>> No.15305265

How is it a waste? The same amount is used whether it's sliced thick or thin

>> No.15305271

See? A fellow med master race anon posts a random picture of assorted cheese and cold cuts on a wood board rather than in a bowl like a third worlder waiting for his slop in queue inside a poor people shelter, and it instantly shows the difference between developed people and those who just put as much shit as possible on a plate without not even the tiniest amount of logic and method and call it a day.

>> No.15305283

This anon straight ripped off and posted a 2D texture from some random videogame assets and feels like his opinion has value lmao

>> No.15305305

If you think thick slices and thin slices taste the same you should stick to drive-thru food

>> No.15305539

Bump for shaming

>> No.15305544

>The same amount is used whether it's sliced thick or thin
The goal is good taste. If you make extremely thick slices then you're just wasting food as the same taste could have been obtained with a thinner cut.

As >>15305305 is alluding too, thin slices of meat and cheese taste way better than thick slices because it's not overpowering, but that's a bit too snobbish of a reason for me.

Thinner Slices = More Slices = More Tastes

>> No.15305675

product looks poor quality, especially that salami or whatever you call that and the cheese

>> No.15305740

No it shows the difference between people actually make stuff and people who shitpost.

>> No.15305746

How does it look poor quality? Articulate your opinion a little.

>> No.15305776

Obvious. They put shitty knives covered with Santa lead paint when everything is already cut. Low quality

>> No.15305831

That’s not actually about the food. Talk directly about the food. Explain, without referencing the knives, why the food is poor quality.

>> No.15306457

Wouldn’t call mandarins orange slices on my /ck/ post like that. Everything one is gonna know your stupid now.

>> No.15306464

fuck me i'd eat like 3 of those rn

>> No.15306489

>ugly wooden bowl
>ugly wooden table
>weird pattern
But most of all FUCK THOSE KNIVES

>> No.15306594

He said food. Unless this nigga eating the tableware, I don't think that countsm

>> No.15306624

Why is /ck/ so snobbish all of the sudden? The OP pic looks nice. I'd be very pleased if I saw that at a party my friends put together.

>> No.15306632

This looks cheap

>> No.15306654

I sell pre made boards in my third world country, easiest money I've ever made

>> No.15306683
File: 540 KB, 1500x1534, stock-photo-woman-pinches-her-nose-to-block-a-bad-smell-88163335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does everyone at this party smell of stinky salami breath?

>> No.15306933

>shit baguette /10
>meme fruits like orange
>basic saucisson
I like the artichokes, and the poppy seeds on melted cheese (I'll do that when I'll make a raclette for NYE) tho

>> No.15306959

Is that cheese or rubber?

>> No.15306968

I accept your concession.

>> No.15307013

I’ll argue his premise for him

Salami is pale, wet and sticky in appearance, and overly emulsified lacking distinct chunks of meat and fat. All of this points to it not being slow cured in a traditional method and an overwhelming flavor of lactobacillus starter cultures which are used by cheap mass producers to expedite the curing process

The cheese is of poor texture and clearly wasn’t slow aged; rather it’s plain to see that neither were cured for more than 30 days. Moisture content is too high and there is a complete lack of rind. Like the salami an excessive amount of adjunct starters were used or it would be incredibly bland but the adjunct starters are a poor facsimile of the real deal.

The grapes are out of season and will be bland and not quite sweet, mandarins can work with some cheeses but none of them are here, and there is a total absence of decent spreads like fine mustards or local honey as well as any pickled vegetables or cured olives of any kind

Wal mart/10

>> No.15307053

It's going to be a long time before I eat one of these again. I don't want other peoples nasty ass fingers and breath and germs getting on food I may eat.

>> No.15307063

You really had me going for a minute there

>> No.15307064

Fuck it who cares

>> No.15307145

I’m dead serious. That looks like a fisher price kitchen toy

>> No.15307170

not him but I can try. Basically everything looks very young, a properly aged hard cheese would be more crumbly and there might be visible crystals. Havarti just isn't that great a cheese to begin with. Same with pepperjack in case that's what we're dealing with. If you want to stick to hard cheeses, you'd be better off with a gruyère de grottes or a nice comté. Also, replacing those crackers with a baguette or a fougasse might be a good idea, although that might just be personal preference. Same deal with the sausages, they look pretty young, pretty fresh, which is the reason you can get away with cutting it that thick. A harder salami would have to be thinner. Also, no mold, not a good sign. Fresh goat cheese is great but the cranberry thing is a little corny. Again personally I'd go for something a little older like grey owl or your local equivalent. Grapes are obviously a classic choice but I don't see the clementines working with anything else on the plate. You could go with a sharp cheddar and some quince paste or maybe some berries to accompany a roquefort. Ultimately though I'm being super nitpicky and your plate looks great, I would happily dig in

>> No.15307234

while not being particularly charitable, he happens to be 100% right on every single point though

>> No.15307255
File: 40 KB, 471x455, gbbo9-episode-1-royal-tour-5337-028f~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grazing board

>> No.15307259

covid isn't real

>> No.15307322

You’re right I was a dick; presentation was nice, except the cuts of meat and cheese could be thinner. There’s nothing wrong with your bowl or spreaders dunno what that autist was on about.

>> No.15307370

>Unity asset
Where the fuck did you find image, the perspective is fucked up.

>> No.15307518

Yup, but where is their portion?

>> No.15307539

>no nuts
>no dried berries
>no blue cheese
>no apples
:/ big yikes of a cheese board

>> No.15307583



>> No.15307592

the op pic is a good attempt at presentation but the variety isnt great
it really is just like a lunchable they spent a half hour arranging all delicately

2 kinds of cured meat, 2 kinds of bread, 2 kinds of cheese, 2 kinds of fruit, and a supermarket cream cheese log

im not going to pretend im above that kind of thing, just calling it like i see it. could use sauces or spreads (maybe those are on the side), nuts, pickles, vegetables, preserves, etc

>> No.15307616

this exactly

>> No.15307622

I recognize those bread crisps
those are from Aldi aren't they?
also that cranberry crusted goat cheese

The whole board is from Aldi isn't it? based

>> No.15307713

A yummy spread? Yes.
Would I dig in? Yes.
Good middle class fare? Yes.
Sophisticated, "fancy", "gourmet"? No.

I once brought a bad-ass cheese/charcuterie plate to a family dinner with a side of the family I'd never met. They basically said, "We don't eat this kind of food". Next time, I picked up a premade Hormel plate similar to OP's pic. They were almost as happy as my wallet, and I was fine with it too.

>> No.15307718

>I once brought a bad-ass cheese/charcuterie plate

Do Americans really buy premade plates of charcuterie and cheese? Lmao

>> No.15307724

>brought = bought.
Wow, and I thought American education sucked.

>> No.15307857
File: 152 KB, 683x1024, charcuterie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that cheese plate? lol it's like your idea of charcuterie is that cheese plate they sell at sam's club or cosco

>> No.15308092

Those strawberries aren’t ripe

>> No.15308105

your strawberries aren't ripe

>> No.15308279

I take the meat and the cheeese but man i eat that cheese and damn man the shits good lord llol

>> No.15308284

this is a useless post and you are stoned af and we can tell

>> No.15308304

yeah im high... high on life

>> No.15308578

whats the bullshit over the cheese

>> No.15308595

Bc everyone is overflowing with cynicism and irony and no one is honest anymore

>> No.15308848

With those thick slices of hickory farms salami?

>> No.15308868

those slices of salami are disgusting. What is wrong with you? Did a demented person prepare this?

>> No.15309039

What is the turd looking stuff on the right?

>> No.15309370

Whether or not that's true, the fear that it's caused is definitely real. Developed countries will never look at sharing food the same way ever again

>> No.15309374
File: 1.98 MB, 360x568, 1609298568105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks delicious except for the grapes

>> No.15309388

I'll have some hummus thank you

>> No.15309476
File: 161 KB, 1080x1080, 1609243037899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one person who uses their fingers and touches all adjacent pieces of food when they pick something up

>> No.15309542


You’re a fag

>> No.15309626

I made a cheese plate for Christmas dinner at my in-laws request. Most people aren’t spergs. Internet and TV is simulacra not real life. Out of all my extended family there was one story I heard of a couple being hyper spergs about it and we all laughed when we heard the story. The only thing we did different was skip the 150+ person holiday family party

>> No.15310361

what is that steamrolled shit lmaooo

>> No.15310366

Why are you even on /ck/, you fucking queer?

>> No.15310433

>a huge bowl full of meat, cheese, and fruit
>38 crackers (exact figure)

what are you supposed to do with the leftover cracker toppings after your 38 crackers have been eaten

>> No.15310474

You should be slaughtered, those are the most disgusting foods you could serve guests.

>> No.15310493

Is that cat shit under the tomato at the bottom?

>> No.15310500

Opposed to your stinky jizz breath Karen

>> No.15310528

Have you never hosted? You hand bundles of packets of crackers on hand. You just top them up with a sleeve when they start getting low.

>> No.15310724

what's the best meat?
i don't like pork much, do they make these but from cow?

>> No.15310731

a lot of stuck up niggas in this thread

>> No.15310735

>have you never hosted?
no i'm not an effeminate male

>> No.15310745

Do they thinly slice meats other than pork? No, we dont have the technology yet.

>> No.15310746
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.15310755

that's really a shame. i hope that one day we're able to slice and cure beef in the same way that they do pork. if not in my lifetime, than at least for my children and grandchildren.

>> No.15310781

Good. The vaccine was just shown to be ineffective so the only option now is herd immunity.

>> No.15310900

Cused image

>> No.15310991


>> No.15311188


>> No.15311240

Maybe Olives Pathe

>> No.15311246

this >>15309039

was intended for this:

>> No.15311265

As you know, but others may not, herd immunity is a term for collective immunity achieved via widespread vaccination. The term for a disease naturally circulating is outbreak.

>> No.15311304
File: 82 KB, 660x766, 64B66B25-47D5-4738-8161-9EF801F5BCE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like olive patè

>> No.15311314

no cornichons? Looks good otherwise.

>> No.15311469

he said defending his womenly desires to buy into the latest fad for faggots

>> No.15311473

The vaccine doesn't work. A nurse who got the shot tested positive two weeks later. The only option now is to achieve herd immunity through general population exposure.

>> No.15311503

I think I just got over a newly mutuated super low grade version. Didn’t have hardly anything respiratory but I had cramps and bloating for 4 days and shat straight stomach acid for one of them. Mild headache and some muscle soreness and joint pain too. Possible fever break one or two nights. Feel basically normal today. My in laws tested positive but had really mild symptoms too and my wife’s grandmother was the same story, she’s good now but ended up in the hospital out of an abundance of caution even though her symptoms were never serious. I think it’s quite likely the virus has already started retarding itself so it isn’t host lethal.

>> No.15311605

>think it’s quite likely the virus has already started retarding itself so it isn’t host lethal
>US reports 3700+ covid deaths yesterday, a new record
Guess you better head back to F(au)x News, Infowars or Breitbart to get your confirmation that it's lethality is diminishing, little buddy.

>> No.15312108

It’s more widespread too lethality is defined as deaths/infections

>> No.15312180

h-how are you posting

>> No.15312189

I'm connected through my routergeist

>> No.15312569

Hipster bullshit. If I saw that at someone's house I'd grab all the salami and dump the rest in the trash.

>> No.15312578

Didn't your handler warn you about having these tantrums in public?

>> No.15312603

You're one of those niggas that thinks their shit don't smell, aren't you?

>> No.15312647

looks good OP. i'd probably eat everything but that cheddar looking stuff. The cranberry goat, and the fancy fruit crackers i would demolish in minutes.

>> No.15312829
File: 38 KB, 619x385, 1581076874853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

>> No.15312867


>> No.15312875

What are those rainbow colored worms?

>> No.15312886

>infects you with corona
heh, nothin personnel, aunt Karen...