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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15304012 No.15304012 [Reply] [Original]

What's your secret /ck/ taboo food?

For me, it's swan. Delicious brown meat.

>> No.15304016

where the fuck do you buy swan meat

>> No.15304017

Local lakes and wetlands.

>> No.15304019

pic unrelated? That's horse cured meat

>> No.15304020

I want to kill one just to destroy something beautiful

>> No.15304024

Remains that fell to the street on September 11th. I took it home, washed it clean and fried it. Deglaze the pan with red wine. Delicious. I got three 5lb bags of it before it became impossible to gather more. Some pieces I could identify the gender. Never waste food I say. I'm native born Chinese.

>> No.15304027

1. Swans are hyper aggressive lakelife dominaters rather than dainty beautiful creaturas
2. Be sure to cook it up afterwards

>> No.15304031

A taboo meat I'd like to try and think I'll like but haven't yet. Closest human horse butchery is on the other side of the country.

>> No.15304034

Had it in Shanghai at a restaurant.

>> No.15304037

Oh I know they are assholes, but they look majestic and pretty.

>> No.15304042
File: 531 KB, 780x585, swan breast cutlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304050
File: 251 KB, 1180x515, dark swan breast meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looked like this (except cooked better)

>> No.15304108
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As a sorta practicing muslim, its pork belly. I go to a pretty good Japanese Ramen place that specialises using the swine in their food, and thats how I get my fix. Every thursday night right after work, I order nearly every decent main on the menu that includes pork belly. Then I go home and was my mouth with mint mouth wash so my muslim gf doesnt smell it. Any other pig product, and it would be a no. Bacon disgusts me and ham doesnt do much. Im convinced Pork belly was somewhere hanging on the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. Its good stuff.

>> No.15304119

I can tell you're a zoomer born post-9/11 because if you were old enough to remember 9/11 you'd be a foaming at the mouth islamophobe, sinophobes are all under the age of 21

>> No.15304184
File: 28 KB, 450x400, never forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he forgot what they did to our plane
They still haven't returned it to this day the bastards

>> No.15304194

>Not rightfully hating them both


>> No.15304199

horse meat isn't really tabboo with anyone except for cowboys and little girls

>> No.15304202

>Worrying about a woman's opinion

3/10 larp.

>> No.15304226

Even Muhammad agreed to sleep with just one wife each night in order after they revolted at him spending time with slave girls and missing their turns. Fortunately the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him that night and said he could toss the agreement do whatever he wanted because Allah had made it lawful for him. Aisha moaned that "I feel your lord does hasten to fulfil your wishes and desires" but in the end God won and Muhammad slept with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, the end.

>> No.15304229

They are extremely aggressive and strong. They've been known to kill dogs and even humans.

I had a mute swan move into the pond in my backyard and had to carry a stout club to fend him off when cutting my grass. They have huge, strong wings that they try to beat you with. I called wildlife management and asked if I could legally kill it and they said absolutely not, it's protected under the Migratory Bird Act. Strangely enough, it mysteriously disappeared 1 night ;)

>> No.15304230

Women talk too much. I dont want my family realising Im eating pig if we fight and she starts mouthing off to my mother. Then I get the "talk" at eid or whenever they visit. Id rather just keep it as my little secret habit, like drinking or smoking a joint. This is the muslim way. Muslim women arent totally powerless and Im not some domineering patriarch.

>> No.15304233

Mate you underestimate how far the Anglo West has fallen. They want to ban horse sales for pet meat, and horse racing entirely.

>> No.15304239

Think of those hemoglobin filled muscles

>> No.15304272

>Shamed for eating pork or drinking alcohol
>Does not even get to justifiably ignore and hit women

Fuckin covert, bro

>> No.15304275

>had to carry a stout club
How many gallons of renfaire mead did you drink this month, neckbeard

>> No.15304621

And join you nihilistic and miserable fuks? No thanks. I enjoy having a semi traditional family and culture where degeneracy hasnt become completely normalised and seen as a good thing. I enjoy the fact that I wont have anxiety over my soon to be wife possibly introducing polyamory into the relationship when things get boring and she needs "variety" . I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. Why would I jeopardise that? I dont even believe in Allah nor am I the most controlling muslim dude out there and Im liberal, yet I can still appreciate the benefits of a patriarchial traditional culture.

>> No.15304693

Doesnt seem that great

>> No.15304706

God i hate muzzies

>> No.15304931

God damn mohammed.

>> No.15304933

>a semi traditional family
I don't even know what the fuck this means but it sounds like rightoid cope

>> No.15304940

how about you kill yourself instead :)

>> No.15304953

Ah yes, you are one of those nihilists

>> No.15304962

I make my own mead.

>> No.15305060

Thanks for the compliment, but not today, fren! I encourage you to take your own advice though ;)

>> No.15305325

I will hunt you down just to piss in your pudding cups.

>> No.15305541

Lol shut up pussy

>> No.15305739

Westerners have that mythological stereotype about Asian women being docile and submissive as well, which couldn't be further from the truth. Sure they act submissive in public, but they rule the household with an iron fist. The husband hands over his salary to her, they completely control the finances and give the husband an allowance. But tbf, asian women are extremely frugal and the men uncontrolled spendthrifts, so it makes sense.

>> No.15305918

you don't eat dogs and you don't eat horses because you don't eat your tools. Fucking subhuman

>> No.15306400

>tool gets broken/have too many tools
>recycle tool into something useful (food) rather than just let it sit around uselessly
Also nobody here is condoning eating dogs, this isn't bugland

>> No.15307578

how could you overcook something like that so bad you piece of shit

>> No.15307646

I really want to try swan and cassowary. Shame I can't get either in the UK unless I somehow ascend to the monarchy or join a wanky fellowship though for swans, so that has to wait until I visit somewhere with less autism.

>> No.15307678
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Nothing. I'll try everything at least once. Went to a hunting convention years ago that had various samples of damn near every meat you could imagine and I tried most throughout the day. Everything from raccoon, snake, alligator, camel, elephant, possum, seal. It was great. Some foods I'll struggle with if they smell particularly bad like durian, but I'll always at least try it.