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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1200x600, 1200px-Denny's_logo.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15301027 No.15301027 [Reply] [Original]

>be me 7 years ago
>dad getting chemotherapy for cancer
>he's dead now btw, RIP
>I'm waiting for him to be done with an appointment at UCLA
>I walk into a Denny's a block away
>tell them I'm waiting for my dad in the hospital, need somewhere to sit for an hour or so, don't have money and won't be buying any food
>they show me to a table
>they give me a coffee on the house
thanks denny's

>> No.15301041
File: 291 KB, 500x490, 1607302524952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15301053

It's pretty fucking disgusting to use your dying father as an excuse to guilt trip a waitress into giving you free coffee. Shame on you.

>> No.15301287

I guilt tripped them into the seat but I wasn't expecting the coffee

>> No.15301666

I hope the waitress got reprimanded.

Tired of this fucking theft and socialism.

>> No.15303205

>>15301666 >>15301053
The coffee was probably a dollar fifty. Fuck off it was just small act of kindness

>> No.15303214

You shoulda told them your mon died last year and scored a free moons over my hammy

>> No.15303492

>using your dying dad for free food
Dare I say based?

>> No.15303500

That's a heartwarming story anon thank you for sharing it

>> No.15303502

You know, OP... People do this all the time. They make up sob stories. That waitress probably thought you were a scammer.

>> No.15303508

however, you don't normally get the sob story from a timid educated middle class white kid with clean sneakers

>> No.15304141

I went to a Denny's before my online order was ready so they gave me a free soda while I waited, IHOP has done the same thing. OP isn't being a master thief here, the staff was just being nice by giving him something small. It's a good idea to treat people like that nicely because then when they do have money they might come back and buy something more substantial.

>> No.15305009

if i were a denny's waiter or a denny's manager i would gladly give you a full meal for free.

>> No.15305021

>be me
>out with the boys, hungover, hungry
>see denny's
>they're open
>sausage, eggs, pancakes, bacon
>dirt cheap
thanks denny's

>> No.15305028

And that's why you fail at life.

>> No.15305036

i don't fail at life... i'm perfectly successful in my STEM research field doing the job that i love. having compassion is not the same as failing at life.

>> No.15305058
File: 33 KB, 720x540, 2223061C-E63F-4D43-9AAE-37A987F4DF4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this before but it ended with me projectile vomiting my alcohol/food gorged belly all over their bathroom. I managed to hold it to the bathroom, so fuck them. And no I didn’t clean up a drop

>> No.15305186
File: 19 KB, 400x295, war-games-the-only-winning-move-is-not-to-play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called having empathy for the human experience dumbass. No wonder Americans have such high rates of mental illness, they're constantly trying to jew each other and look at interpersonal relationships as some sort of transactional ledger

>> No.15305191

>be me
>go to Denny's
>everything I order, I call the waiter or waitress "Denny"
I don't give a FUCK if it's rude or immature, it's hilarious to me now and it probably always will be

>> No.15305200

Good bait

>> No.15305277

wtf how did you perfectly describe me and everyone else in the thread

>> No.15305421

Unfortunately that's a pretty insightful analysis of mutt human interaction nowadays. We simply lack the "joi de vivre" which includes empathy that other countries possess in abundance. Smarter people than me will have to explain why.

>> No.15306027
File: 106 KB, 750x727, RULES_OF_NATURE_monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's the million dollar question, right? Truth be told I got the idea from hardcore Marxists (analysing modern women who complain about "emotional labour" in relationships) who would blame capitalism. National Socialists would say our raison d'être is for our race and for our traditions which give us our identity and the idea of perpetual struggle, the Japanese would give some reason about 'ikigai', the Chinese would say one must live for our parents and for the goodness of 'society', Kaczynski types would blame technology for the lack of soulful actions in today's world. 4chan itself is full of disaffected young men looking for their place in a world that has turned their back on them, so they are willing to entertain these types of ideologies.