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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 246 KB, 634x640, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15300677 No.15300677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to restaurant
>can hear someone getting yelled at in the kitchen

>> No.15300709
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>getting yelled at in the kitchen
>can hear a customer walking into the restaurant

>> No.15300716

>go to fast food place after midnight
>can hear stacy being fucked behind the freezer

>> No.15300717

If it is a woman you can take advantage of her vulnerable state to get into her panties.

>> No.15300718
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>go to restaurant
>two waitresses are having a loud verbal altercation in the parking lot

>> No.15300728

>tfw you have to wait 20 min in the drive thru to place your order because the night shift workers are too busy fucking

>> No.15300732
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>go to restaurant
>can hear the workers making fun of your order

>> No.15300771
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>go to restaurant
>hear rhythmic clapping start
>a line of servers come out of the kitchen

>> No.15300910

>go to Italian restaurant
>the chef is Mexican

>> No.15300969

I'll tell you what will break it though and that's FOOLS GOLD

>> No.15300980

When are you gonna get a real job?

>> No.15300993

>Got to a restaurant
>Waitress says "It's not our usual Chef tonight."

"You should have mentioned that when we made our reservations." Leave immediately

>> No.15301010
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>get yelled at by boss in front of everyone
>get so mad that I find out where he lives and burn his house down

>> No.15301019

>get yelled at by boss and managers
>literally sperg out and dump ingredients out of the inserts on the line
>get fired
>never show my face around there again

>> No.15301071
File: 3.09 MB, 336x178, 1443858763732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant
>mostly black staff

>> No.15301076

based? that means they care about doing a good job

>> No.15301089

and that is NOT for sale.

>> No.15301100

No one wants to buy any of these stupid props from that horrible movie you made. You're a terrible filmmaker and a terrible person.

>> No.15301166

omg that movie lol

>> No.15301206 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 500x391, 1493769995185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a restaurant
>fucking black, hispanic, jew anywhere

>> No.15301207

based embarassing your employee because there wasn't enough peas in the spaghetti he made

>> No.15301213

the ends justify the means. don't be a baby. there are not many nice people in the world

>> No.15301272

i might work night shift just for that experience

>> No.15301278

> be manager responsible for busy weekend closing shifts
>always there till 2:30 finishing close and reporting/inventory stuff
> other managers hire shitty people
> like, disconnected-from-reality shitty
> get yelled at/fired by me

I walked into the parking lot with a butter knife a few times. One guy admitted he had literal anger issues and tried to fight me, much bigger guy than me.

>> No.15301285
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>get yelled at while working in restaurant
>purposely fuck up food to regain sense of control

>> No.15301294

buy a gun you idiot

>> No.15301352


>> No.15301382

this is fucking based

>> No.15301609

>manager keeps picking on me
>christmas staff party
>his gf gets too drunk and comes onto me

>> No.15301624

peas in spaghetti?

>> No.15301731


>> No.15301736


>> No.15301739

you should leave the restaurant immediately and never return
they might yell at you next

>> No.15301740

>go to Chinese restaurant
>kitchen full of Mexicans

>> No.15301742


>> No.15301799
File: 54 KB, 465x498, angry dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fing habbin
>waddle to momy's labtob to make pepe fred for all my e-frens

>> No.15301922

>mexican restaraunt
>late night management shift
>a couple comes in for their reservation
>guy asks if we server complimentary nachos
>yes we do
>he is visibly excited
>goes through almost 15 bowls of them
>have to cut him off
>doesn't order anything off the menu

>> No.15301931

>>goes through almost 15 bowls of them
>>have to cut him off
>>doesn't order anything off the menu
why would you let yourself obviously be cucked like that

>> No.15301944

standard practice is anything complimentary is $2.50 or so if nothing else is ordered, love the commitment if he actually killed 15 bowls of chips though

>> No.15301975

I let my 6 year old daughter get fondled by Joe Biden in a Chinese restaurant once because he enjoys it so much just like on all the video footage.

>> No.15301983

>at burger king
>ultra cute white girl wearing hand warmers like a nerd tells me that she likes my shirt

god, what a cutey. I really wished more fast food places weren't filled with filipinos working the til.

>> No.15302015
File: 106 KB, 1024x690, donald-trump-introduces-kids-ivanka-eric-pedophile-jeffrey-epstein-photo-em-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok schizo

>> No.15302039

they are cheap and we make them in house the girls tip alone covered the expense

>> No.15302045

>Sushi restaurant

>> No.15302058
File: 120 KB, 400x381, 1592071125780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to American restaurant
>it's europeans

>> No.15302126
File: 30 KB, 400x225, episode-image-400x225[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to new ramen place
>japanese owners, pretty authentic menu
>go to pick up order
>fucking tower of a european looking guy greets me
>speaks meekly with very thick japanese accent

>> No.15302131

That's why you spell it complementary. So you can remind people it has to complement something.

>> No.15302134

>Go to restaurant
>Spot melanin enriched employee
>Leave immediately

>> No.15302142

>crave tendies
>delivery too expensive
>wheeze as I climb into my car pushing the suspension
>drive my tinted 95 saturn to the local chick fil a
>wait impatiently in pick up area for my catering order of tendies
>two teenagers stumble out with catering boxes filled with my food
>crack the back window open just enough to fit food in, avoiding eye contact and drowning out any words with my music
>stare straight ahead breathing heavily until my peripherals see their shapes walking away from my car
>drive home after another conquest achieved

>> No.15302151
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>> No.15302185
File: 75 KB, 1200x630, claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in fast food
>manager yells at all the minor staff members
>seen a couple of them crying and never returning after their first week
>someone from high up eventually comes in to investigate why our turn over is so high
>someone rats the manager out
>hear him getting reamed out by higher up
>tfw manager killed himself a month later

>> No.15302189

I remember that video

>> No.15302195

i went to a chinese restaurant in the country with my dad and the chinese cook was treating the waitress like a battered wife
it was so uncomfortable

>> No.15302197

That's what you get for managing a restaurant that primarily employs teenyboppers but acting as if you're manhandling spic career chefs at a Michelin star restaurant

>> No.15302213

I've worked some horrible jobs, but kitchen work is somehow the shittiest job of them all and it's entirely because everyone in them are alcoholic cunts that have a bone to pick. At one point I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week in a berry processing factory filled with rats and shit and the people working there were still more chill and understanding than the boss and cooks at the kitchen. I've never seen a bigger group of self-entitled cunts besides maybe the nurses I worked with, and at least they had the excuse that they had to tard wrangle senile people with shit filled pants. Cooks and managers freaking out over jack shit doesn't get anything done and just wastes time on insanely pointless bullshit.
>Oh no I only have 20 minutes to get these meals that are already halfway done sent out! Time to start screeching at everyone like a C-list Gordon Ramsay while smashing pots and pans around like a toddler!
And meanwhile:
>Oh man we have 80,000lbs of berries to move in 3 hours and we only have three guys able to do it and if we don't get it done we'll lose $30,000 worth of profit. Try your best guys, but if it doesn't all get done by the time limit then oh fucking well.
No, that means they're al alcoholic with anger issues that is pissy they can't yell at and beat their family so they lash out at their subordinates that can't reasonably fight back.

>> No.15302220

sounds like every chinese restaraunt especially the sushi ones

>> No.15302237

ive yet to meet someone from a kitchen that doesnt smoke, have a drinking problem, or is going through recovery for something

>> No.15302338
File: 136 KB, 1384x472, 1592810288973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manager is an OCD power tripping schizo that hates swearing (but fucking works in a kitchen of all places) that will threaten to write up and fire anyone that uses R-rated language in earshot of him
>Head cook is an alcoholic lesbian getting a divorce
>Other cook is a buff ex-con that also drinks and killed a man in a car "accident"
>Fellow dishwasher is another ex-con that brags about being a male prostitute back in the 80s
>Everyone hates one another wish a fiery passion
Anyone that says the extremely toxic work environments in a kitchen are because of stress or because it's necessary to make people work harder has obviously never actually worked a truly stressful or intensive job. You don't see doctors screeching slurs at one another over the patient. You don't see construction workers on the side of the road getting into fist fights over how fast the traffic cones were put down. You don't see the truck driver and the business he's delivering to get into a screaming match because he was late. Normal people just fucking deal with it and put their nose to the grind. Kitchen workers aren't normal people. They're all petty cunts that just want to fight and bitch and moan and belittle one another while pretending that they work there because they love cooking and not because they can't function in a semi-normal work environment.

>> No.15302350

>No, that means they're al alcoholic with anger issues that is pissy they can't yell at and beat their family so they lash out at their subordinates that can't reasonably fight back.
it's a stressful job. are you a perfect human being? do you follow what you preach? i doubt it. we've all hit our breaking points once or twice. i don't condone that behavior but for you to act like it does not exist in the real world is sissy and stupid.

>> No.15302363

never happened

>> No.15302366

Can you not just yell, "HEY! Shut the fuck up in there! Where do you think you are, the fucking petting zoo?" as you pass on by the swing doors on your way to your table?

I have found it generally shuts them up.

>> No.15302370

>Where do you think you are, the fucking petting zoo?

>> No.15302371

I could give a shit what they call it. If anyone put peas in my spaghetti, they would be getting it back, with malice.

>> No.15302381

>do this
>manager starts coming out to beat you up

>> No.15302382

>the girls tip alone covered the expense
So you admit that the restaurant STEALS tip money from the girls?!!

>> No.15302389

Call Police.exe
Massive Lawsuit.jpg
I own a restaurant now.com

>> No.15302390

yes not from me personally but the owners have a certain percentage of the tips at the end of the night it normally rounds out to 8% of whatever they made that night

>> No.15302395
File: 338 KB, 640x480, 1598024646357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a stressful job
So is a berry processing factory and a nursing home mid-covid outbreak, but you don't see me or anyone else there screaming and threatening each other.
>do you follow what you preach?
If by that you mean "not screaming and belitting people over minor bullshit that doesn't matter" then yeah, I do that 24/7. As does just about everyone else.
>we've all hit our breaking points once or twice
Yeah, per hour if the retards working in kitchens are anything to go by. Get fucked dude. You sound like an alcoholic mom trying to defend why she beats her step-son. Nobody in any other job field acts like an immature cunt on such a regular basis. The most you'll get is retail workers mid-holiday season swearing in the fridge/under their breath about how shitty the customers are, not their fellow coworkers. Try getting a job outside of a kitchen, it's a genuinely good experience going from toxic shitheads that swear and scream at one another to people that don't give a fuck what happens as long as the end result is decent.

>> No.15302401

That is fucking VILE.

>> No.15302410
File: 3.48 MB, 390x232, B5AFA501-3D9C-437D-8C90-CA55A19FFA2E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the restaurant is described as a “concept”

>> No.15302421

>French restaurant

>> No.15302431

Epstein was based and also literally not a pedo.

>> No.15302436

>be fat
>pretend to have never eaten junk food in your life because fat fucks think this some how tricks people into not realizing they are fat when it's already obvious just by looking at their disgusting obese fat fuck bodies

>> No.15302461

At my local Tilted Kilt one of the staff murdered the chef in a fit of rage with a kitchen knife.

>> No.15302466

The chef unironically probably deserved it.

>> No.15302468
File: 29 KB, 390x600, 7687B111-7567-4D0C-A808-26ADE57AB33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nignog who works at pf changs kills his coworker in the kitchen with a knife

>> No.15302469

Shut up retard

>> No.15302486
File: 578 KB, 640x480, 1609204517311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say Huston plunged a 12-inch knife into Dias’ back the evening of Aug. 29, 2015. Huston had claimed he overhead Dias talking about him in Spanish. But prosecutors say Dias was a Brazilian immigrant who spoke Portuguese.

>> No.15302499
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>> No.15302500
File: 7 KB, 208x242, Jannies - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the waitresses are whores
>they all gravitate towards the one black line cook
it never ends lads

>> No.15302515

you're probably a neet. why do you care about autistic raging at the work place when you have never experienced a work place yourself

>> No.15302524

>You sound like an alcoholic mom trying to defend why she beats her step-son.
this is what i said: that freak outs happen. you guys reach way too much. you get way too offended way too easily. i'm not saying it's good. but for you to expect things other than that in the real world means you're most likely a retarded NEET

>> No.15302528

I work a full time job and said multiple times beforehand that I've worked in a kitchen, a nursing home, and a factory. Stop projecting your lack of life experience onto me.

>> No.15302530

>Try getting a job outside of a kitchen
tell me one where freak outs do not happen. you dont know shit. posting that jimmy neutron crap. means you're probably a zoomer that has never had a job outside of mommy and daddy in your life

>> No.15302532

There's a Japanese/thai place near me that I swear has some scam shit going on involving this. Every single order involving higher prices ingredients is swapped out for the cheaper version. Most people don't bother to complain and those who do, the woman at the front goes into the back and yells loudly in some (not japanese) asian language at a dude in the kitchen and makes a huge scene before giving you the right stuff. This happens every day for years. And the "mix ups" are always some similar but cheaper version. Chicken instead of shrimp, fake crab instead of salmon ect.

>> No.15302537

Zoomers are too young to know Jimmy Neutron.

>> No.15302578

>just dont like this guy i work with on line
>no particular reason why i just dont
>he has mental issues like depression and a bunch of other cry baby shit
>basically fuck with him whenever we work together
>hes too much of a pussy to tell the boss i do this
>boss asks me what i think of him
>"oh hes great"
>work with him after and basically bully him into a corner

fuck me cooking is easy to gain ground on in work politics how the fuck do you guys have such a problem with the environment in one?

>> No.15302614

generally, we try to avoid acting like freshly molested elementary schoolers who need to lash out at whoever is nearby

>> No.15302625

Based psychopath menial labor job poster

>> No.15302633


>Start new job
>Head chef says we're in a rush
>Kitchen is dead ass quiet and dishes are coming up in an orderly fashion

jesus christ I half miss that job, bussers and runners were beyond fucked there though

>> No.15302637


>I will never eat at a chinese resturant, it's filled with mexicans
>Let's go to Olive Garden for italian instead...

>> No.15302656

>Bullying your fellow wagie
Top tier fag shit right there, senpai. smdh, many such cases.

>> No.15302669

seethe more no man should be in their 20's and keel over just from getting negative feedback

>> No.15302685
File: 204 KB, 325x325, d06c31efa67fe140f1517f35d4a8c644c2-rhode-island-calamari-man.rsquare.w330[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be yelling at someone in the kitchen
>see dumb frog out in the dining room

>> No.15302688

>a butter knife
>live in America and doesn't own a gun
Its like you want to die huh? Take that $600 check and get a pistol my fren.
"It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."
"I rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

>> No.15302704


>Buy a pistol

No thanks, that $600 will directly go to my doctor visit from my cold, after that it's only $2400 left

>> No.15302719

>go to Olive Garden
>ask if they have any melons

>> No.15302741

>They're all petty cunts that just want to fight and bitch and moan and belittle one another while pretending that they work there because they love cooking and not because they can't function in a semi-normal work environment.
Sounds like my kind of environment. Seems like it would remind me of being at home.

>> No.15302748

sounds like this fucking board

>> No.15302759

this is me. I also go through like half a salt shaker. I get my dinner to go

>> No.15302781

Based story, based picture.

>> No.15302791
File: 1.88 MB, 411x498, 1608136331631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never ceases to infuriate me

>> No.15302801

If you didn't order the gluten free bun, we wouldn't make fun of you.

>> No.15302809

Well, it's just a black cultural attribute. This is why in my restaurant, all they get to do is sweep the floor and clean the pots. One of them tried to attack the guatamalen vegetable prep guy with a saucepan a week ago, and we had to give him a good beating. The entire kitchen crew took part.

>> No.15302813

>"hes too much of a pussy to tell the boss i do this"
>he tells you boss one day
>"what a fucking pussy he told the boss"
You're why people become mass shooters, anon.

>> No.15302814


Motherfucker did you order the turkey burger but leave off the turkey because you're vegan?

Sorry but I'm roasting your dumbass

"Oh man, I would love a burger, but leave the burger set, I'm allergic to all veggies despite getting fries on the side" head ass

"Oh I want to order this, but I'll substitute everything then send it back because it doesn't look like the picture" head ass

"I ordered 20 things but want it cooked in the next 2 minutes" head ass

"These hot wings aren't that hot oh god there's a hole in my throat" head ass

"Gimme unsalted fries" headass

"Double up on the cheese but diet pepsi" headass

>> No.15302821

he can say it to my face than

>> No.15302823

So why not just walk out when you hear this sort of thing. Tell the plate retrieval cunt "I overheard your kitchen crew mocking me and my order. I am leaving." and see how long those faggots in the firepit keep their jobs.

>> No.15302829

Why are you in the service industry at all, when you obviously would be better suited to flying planes into buildings for a living?

>> No.15302836


>Why are you in the service industry whe-

Man shut the fuck up, I'm probably the only one not snorting lines up there

>> No.15302837

When I worked at Starbucks a lady would semi-regularly come through the drivethru and order a cappuccino with light foam.
She really meant a latte with no foam, but she refused to order it correctly even though any person who had not been warned about her inevitably had to remake the drink at least twice. Or if we failed to recognize her voice. Or if she was the passenger.
God I hated that bitch.

>> No.15302843

You seem to have a liking for cutting them up though.

>> No.15302848

>substitute everything then send it back because it doesn't look like the picture
This is honestly the worst. Every single substitution is a pain in the ass when we're busy, and when you order our steak sandwich but ask for no sauteed mushrooms or horseradish sauce you're no longer getting our steak sandwich, so don't fucking complain when it's a little dry and seems a bit on the small side. Also, if you don't understand meat temps just say you want a good amount of pink, or just a little pink, or somewhere in the middle, and your server will translate that into adult speak.

>> No.15302888

Some people aren't confrontational. They just take it and stew, hoping someone will notice or you'll just stop, then 7 of your co-workers get shot and you boss gets on the news and talks about how he was "so quiet."

>> No.15302911

> Posts frog........

Fuck off underager

>> No.15302920

>Go to restaurant
>A dish breaks
>I yell "OPA!"

>> No.15302923

> Posts Frog......

Do you cunts not listen?
Ohh, that's right, you're American

>> No.15302935

Congratulations! You said it and you really fit in here now. You're an honorary member of 4chan!

>> No.15302939

> Posts Frog....

I bet you really left your basement

>> No.15302945

I remember that episode of Billy and mandy

>> No.15302946

> Posts Frog

I would shit on your meal

>> No.15302951

thanks gaywad. where do I pick up my fucking gold pass?

>> No.15302954


I'm gonna say the A word

>> No.15302955

Still no reason to post frogs, homo.

>> No.15302959

Why can't I just get a burger without a bun and not get looked at like I have 3 heads and crashed a flying saucer in to the side of a stupid fucking wendy's ?

>> No.15302960

Like that ever happened, you limp-dicked faggot.

>> No.15302964

Tldr, go back reddit

>> No.15302966


Why don't you go home and make it yourself with your la de da free range grass fed massage beef on your aged redwood cutting board topped with arugula and grilled onions with a truffle butter glazed you HIPSTER!!

>> No.15302967

Good. There is less suffering in the world when people like that kill themselves.

>> No.15302984

Rather watch you massage my beef, hooker

>> No.15302995

There is nothing wrong with wanting less sugar but more cheese.

>> No.15303004


You're a fucking gonna

>> No.15303013

Then maybe you should start. I hear that, in North America at least, it's a step ahead in the culinary industry.

>> No.15303017

glad you enjoyed

>> No.15303019

>work in restaurant
>management never yells at employees or reprimands anyone
>everyone is a drugged out lazy fuck
>constant mess ups, low tips across the board
>kitchen guys leave the line on a whim to go smoke
>genuinely feel bad for customers having to deal with shitty service
i feel like only 4 or 5 ppl want to work there and arent just working a job, why dont ppl have drive to be good at work :(

>> No.15303027

Why are poor fat losers always so angry?

>> No.15303044

sounds like you are exactly where you belong

>> No.15303057

Because work fucking sucks

>> No.15303067

>go to drive thru
>can hear a white woman getting her cheeks ripped apart by a strong black man

>> No.15303068

what are faggot hipsters always so passive aggressive? is it because they are too submissive to confront someone in real terms? God its easy to walk all over scared passive aggressive hipsters

>> No.15303078

>You don't see doctors screeching slurs at one another over the patient. You don't see construction workers on the side of the road getting into fist fights over how fast the traffic cones were put down. You don't see the truck driver and the business he's delivering to get into a screaming match because he was late.
Uh, you need to get out of the basement kiddo, because all of that happens.

>> No.15303085

What bougie suburban jewish fantasy do you live in?

>> No.15303107


>> No.15303246

I actually told my boss a coworker was bullying me. You know what he did? He ended up telling everyone. I'm not even lying, he just told everybody after my shift was over. As you may have imagined I got bullied by everyone after that and quit 1 week later. Ended up bulking and lifting and nobody ever picked on me again. I was 112 lbs before and am now 193. 5'11.

>> No.15303256
File: 188 KB, 600x481, e95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can hear stacy being fucked behind the freezer
>doesn't even know who stacy is

>> No.15303262

Damn, you could have sued that place into oblivion.

>> No.15303267

I was 19 and dumb.

>> No.15303961
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 1596142546566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir? Excuse me sir, there's a phone call. Yes, it's for you.

>> No.15303976

I would just give out free shit. $10 slices of cake and upsizing all drinks

>> No.15303979

5'11"? Lmao keep lifting away the pain manlet

>> No.15303990
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1e62dc37f1cd4f8a5f35fdab294723fd0aa5797a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant
>parents are arguing

>> No.15304051

Ol' Jeffrey looking kinda down in that pic.
Kinda fucked that they suicided him for sleeping with a 16 yo. Legal in my state.