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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 480x722, mother_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15293158 No.15293158 [Reply] [Original]

Ketchup is a mother sauce, right?

>> No.15293176


>> No.15293187

No, but it says a lot about your mom that you'd think so.

>> No.15293195

Ketchup is shit. Any use for it is done better by another sauce or condiment.

>> No.15293200

I think OP means ketchup is a sauce used to create other sauces and not meant to be used alone. Kind of like how if you use soy sauce by itself as a sauce, it's because you're a cocksucking tranny that deserves to get buried alive in a suitcase for example

>> No.15293207

Ketchup is just tomato puree flavored with sugar vinegar and salt though, so tomato puree would be the mother "sauce"

>> No.15293208

True enough, but many recipes still call for it.

>> No.15293220

Even the French laundry and Aline use ketchup, faggot

>> No.15293224

And I should care why? Shouldn't you be in a fast good thread, you little bitch?

>> No.15293231

>I'm too sophisticated for ketchup
And yet here you are, homo. Go dilate.

>> No.15293232

I am sorry anon, but I am not trans. You can still suck my dick though.

>> No.15293250

Sorry, anon. I have a going rate of $5 an inch with a $20 bare minimum for job selection. I'm not about to be a faggot for $10. It would make me feel as worthless as you.

>> No.15293316

Tomato puree isn't a mother sauce you fucking asshole.

>> No.15293329

Tomato sauce is one of them

>> No.15293333

What a laborious and clunky “joke”

>> No.15293346


>> No.15293355

>gets ass blasted
>all mad about it
>has no response
>"I'm not laughin,anon."
Go back to redit, you fucking tranny. Or die.

>> No.15293382

Not him, but sure.

>> No.15293413

What kind of hoity toity faggot doesn’t love ketchup. It may not be for everything, but even god uses it on his hamburgers, meatloaf, and French fries.

>> No.15293432

I like ketchup on cheddar cheeseburgers. Not every burger obviously but the standard cheeseburger.

What do you think is the superior burger condiment in the same vein? BBQ can be good but it's not in the same vein.

>> No.15293439

Ah yes, the five mother sauces of /ck/
>mcchicken sauce

>> No.15293448

You missed an extremely important one to /ck/ history.

>> No.15293472

There are dishes that require the exact ingredients found in ketchup.

Which sauce or condiment is better if you need a sauce consisting of white sugar, neutral vinegar and moderately spiced tomato, cooked into a homogenous texture, for example to add to a dish?


>> No.15293526

>Which sauce or condiment is better if you need a sauce consisting of white sugar, neutral vinegar and moderately spiced tomato, cooked into a homogenous texture, for example to add to a dish?
I make my own because I'm not a gaycuck shartdumbiretard idiet

>> No.15293538

The Five American Mother Sauces:
- Ketchup
- Mustard
- Mayonnaise
- Gravy
- Sriracha

>> No.15293941

Yes. Love making Marie rose sauce to dip my tendies in. Unironocally.

>> No.15293962

>I make my own because I'm not a gaycuck shartdumbiretard idiet
I'm confused because you said ketchup is shit and that any sauce/condiment is better, but now you say you make your own ketchup.

Ketchup is actually not worth making on your own if you're after the "classic" flavour of it, very hard to replicate at home.

>I'm not a gaycuck shartdumbiretard idiet
Maybe not, but I wouldn't want to be whatever you are.

>> No.15293971

>mother sauce
I literally had to look that shit up and I can confirm the answer is "no."

Shut up.

>> No.15294601

lmao, I didn't even have to look it up, you're just a retard.

>> No.15295113

>soy sauce? You mean magic delicious juice?

>> No.15295952

Come on, that only happens to stupid British backpackers.


>> No.15295960

You forgot Corn Syrup. How could you forget fucking Corn Syrup?!

>> No.15295998

Kind of chuckled. It's fucked up, but I don't really know about the situation. Was it a tranny whose trap didn't go over well? That's why you stay away from soy, kids.

>> No.15296352

literally mayo

>> No.15296371

That does not make it a mother sauce, or even necessary.

>> No.15296375

Autism quads

>> No.15296381

>if I come up with my own personal definition that no one else uses, I'm right

>> No.15296388

>had to look up what mother sauces are
These are the people you are arguing about pans with.

>> No.15297134


>> No.15297143
File: 167 KB, 1300x957, plate-of-cooked-oven-chips-covered-in-tomato-ketchup-EFJ08C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15297172

What dish are you using ketchup for, anon?

>> No.15297222

>Mother Sauce
>You can make Thousand Island, Russian, Cocktail sauce and Barbecue Sauce from it.
>Checks out

>> No.15297230

>Bechamel is milk thickened with roux, so milk would be the mother "sauce"
That's not how any of the mother sauces work, even Escoffier's tomato sauce is more complicated than tomato puree.

>> No.15297238

Not to mention yakisoba sauce, okonamayaki sauce, takoyaki sauce, etc...

>> No.15297244

>French Hapas need not apply to the French Laundry

>> No.15297524
File: 85 KB, 1024x988, 1597343170674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is it so sweet?

>> No.15297571


>> No.15298137
File: 234 KB, 585x1203, Infographic-5-French-Mother-Sauces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's a mother sauce
the absolute state of /ck

>> No.15298192

We’re funposting, leave us alone captain autism

>> No.15298204

No one eats french food you inbred Chud

>> No.15298221

ignore french culture
hide french media
fuck france

>> No.15298254

What is french food or french culture now that french people have gone extinct?

>> No.15298259

Burnt Onion Ketchup goes great with steak

>> No.15298415

>not including blue powerade
how could you miss the most important one

>> No.15298419

ketchup is simple syrup with tomato paste

>> No.15298424

and vinegar dumbass

>> No.15298427


>> No.15298438


>> No.15298462
File: 35 KB, 640x640, F1265A9B-F3E4-4DA0-A129-AA0FD582BAA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you dont use tomato paste in ketchup.. you reduce tomato puree/onions with some sugar and vinegar. Its basically bbq sauce.

>mfw i was shitposting but now i actually do believe ketchup is a mother sauce

>> No.15298467

based but I've only had the sugary bullshit version so maybe I'm biased towards hating it

>> No.15299179

It checks most - if not all - of the boxes.
>It's edible on its own
>It's better when made into a daughter sauce
>It can be made into several distinct daughter sauces
>Squeeze panties, receive daughter sauce