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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 196x233, tom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15291184 No.15291184 [Reply] [Original]

Someone seriously tell me how the fuck anyone actually enjoys black coffee. It tastes absolutley fucking revolting and bitter

>> No.15291189

Try light roast

>> No.15291194

Cheap black coffee is revolting, yes
Why do you think most people dilute it with milk or sugar or cream or honey

>> No.15291207

There are coffee blends available that can be brewed very strong, and yet which are velvety smooth. it's all about how the beans are roasted. Go visit a local shop (when you can again) and have a chat with the coffee roaster/blender dude or gal. Tell them what you want in a coffee, and they will be able to make suggestions. It's not "hipster" to go find what you like, buy it and enjoy it.

>> No.15291209

>how do people like what I don't like?
sure is manbaby in here

>> No.15291214

You're a child, it's okay. One day you'll realize its different strokes for different folks.

>> No.15291215

This is why people spend hundreds of dollars on burr grinders and beans.

>> No.15291276

Grind it yourself and brew it yourself.
Work on your grind setting and brew technique.
Black coffee can taste delicious, and you don't need to buy expensive internet meme coffee either, (although, there are some coffees that are just too cheap and crappy to do anything with, so don't go too low).

I wouldn't force myself to drink a bad cup of coffee without milk.

>> No.15291298

>Black coffee can taste delicious, and you don't need to buy expensive internet meme coffee either, (although, there are some coffees that are just too cheap and crappy to do anything with, so don't go too low).
Yeah this is also what I'm getting at here >>15291194
Doesn't need to be coffee grown high in the mountains and only touched by eunuch monks or something
Just pay a little more for a better brand when buying groceries

>> No.15291366

Try Dallmayr Prodomo drip shit. It seriously is the best non-bitter shit tasting coffee that is halfway available in big stores. Still throw in a big splash of cream or milk. You hate this stuff then stop coffee and eat a caffeine pill.

>> No.15291372

I love cheap coffee, burnt and sitting in the pot for hours, as much as I like fancy beans in an espresso maker. OP just doesn't have the taste yet.

>> No.15291381

but melitta handfilter, follow instructions, enjoy blech koffee

>> No.15291386

I just buy locally. Whole Foods stocks some local coffees that I can buy within a week of it being roasted. You get even fresher beans if you actually go into their shop, but eh, the Whole Foods is closer.

>> No.15291387

What kind of coffee have you tried?
Of course if you have cheap coffee from a percolator it's gonna be bad.
With some decent beans freshly ground and brewed in a french press, its not even bitter (or acidic either).

>> No.15291555
File: 82 KB, 525x700, e636582ceed270eb17b89591c34278ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15291558

Nice trips and digimon picture
Not sure what emotion you are conveying to me though

>> No.15291595

Good coffee, out of a french press? I might drink it black, if I'm feeling froggy. Not bitter at all, just deep, warm, earthy notes. But it's been a long time since my coffee hipster days, I work early in the morning and pretty much just start my day with folgers out of the drip, and then whatever mud they serve at the diner where I cook for the rest of the day. Always drink that with cream and sugar.

>> No.15291623

I really hate people like this.

>> No.15291624

its ok pussy

>> No.15291654

If you drink the average pre ground burnt cheap-ass robusta that most americans drink then yeah its digusting.
But if you get some nice freshly roasted arabica and you grind it just before drinking it in a good quality grinder i bet you would change your mind

>> No.15291664

how is it so hard to grasp that some people actually like black coffee and beer? stupid autistic motherfucker

>> No.15291670

Is there any good coffee you can get at Walmart? I got a pourover thingy for Christmas, but I don't drink coffee usually. My mother has an electric coffee grinder she doesn't use anymore, so whole beans or pre powdered are fine. I made a cup with the ground starbucks stuff my mom drinks, and it was good but not amazing.

>> No.15291687

I mean, I'm agreeing with you, and saying that op is an autistic motherfucker.

>> No.15291718


>> No.15291722


>> No.15291724

this is really it
if you grind your coffee and brew it immediately it makes a difference

>> No.15291784

Yes. I like it because it matches my personality.

>> No.15291790

Coffee creamers taste sour to me.

>> No.15291968

First you have to set your purse down, take that dick out of your mouth, and then you can enjoy it.

>> No.15292101

Spoken like a true american. Go back to soda and candy bars.

>> No.15292161

I like dark roasts, usually south or central american. They're usually sweet enough to forego sugar and cream.

>> No.15292175

based Poor Tom

>> No.15292190

Fuck you. I'm American and I drink black coffee.

>> No.15292196

post your vagina

>> No.15292271

Spoken like a true European. Now get back to not having central heating and cooling in your home, Neanderthal.

>> No.15292327
File: 78 KB, 555x626, 1597554555357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People spend hundreds of dollars on bullshit chasing the consoomer dragon. Look at any other hobby. Dudes with 5 grand worth of guitar pedals when the real problem is they can't play for shit. Thousands of dollars into a PC rig to get 4k 144hz only to realize it doesn't solve their clinical depression. Or a more /ck/ flair, needed every kitchen gadget under the sun. You don't need a immersion circulator, and it doesn't make anything better than skill and experience with other methods. It's just a fool proof way to spend a load of money to get a dopamine hit.

>> No.15292332

>guy asks how to enjoy something, addressing a general internet forum with thousands of users
>you interpret it as a personal attack on you, specifically
You never grew up enough to understand the world doesn't revolve around you, yet you call other people made up babble like "manbaby"

>> No.15292351

You definitely don't taste the same thing if you like it. You've gotten used to it, or taken some kind of damage from it.
People don't post shit like
when it's something they actually enjoy, only when it's some kind of ritual done regardless of enjoyment.

>> No.15292357

Artificial dairy creamers are sour because of butyric acid, a chemical responsible for part of the flavor of butter- and also the flavor of human vomit.

Use real milk or real dairy creamer

>> No.15292361

By not being a tastelet.

>> No.15292368

BTW everything an immersion circulator can do, can be done with a ziploc bag, a beer cooler and an electric kettle.

>> No.15292381


>> No.15292405
File: 577 KB, 576x1024, 1591818203454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it again when you get a little older, champ

>> No.15292442

Saying you can do anything an immersion circulator can do using other methods is like saying that there's no reason to spend more than $10 on a chef's knife because you saw a Japanese guy sharpen a piece of aluminum foil on youtube one time. Yeah, technically it can be done, but you sure as fuck aren't doing it, and most people aren't doing it outside of very specific circumstances, usually just to prove that they can.

>> No.15292482

You obviously don't know where money is best spent on anything related to cooking tourist. But when it comes to chef knives, you don't need $150+ ones, it's all a dick showing contest at that point. Really the `$40-60ish ones like Victronix and Mercer are perfectly fine. My analogy is more akin to you don't need to buy a 80k sedan for commuting when a 25k would work perfectly fine. If you are making 150k+ a year, than yeah, the 80k car is a drop in the bucket for you, but I know people that make under 6 figures that buy/lease those kind of cars and it consumes them.

>> No.15292491

but to respond specifically to coffee, you sure as fuck don't need $100-200+ hand driven burr grinders to get a great cup of coffee, it's the biggest fucking separating a hipster fool from his money shit I may have ever seen.

>> No.15292497

add sugar and cream then tell me coffee tastes bad

>> No.15292546

>you don't need $150+ ones
>the `$40-60ish ones like Victronix and Mercer are perfectly fine
There's a middle ground between "perfectly fine" and diminishing returns. I bring my own knife to work because something in the $100-120 range is much nicer to use for extended periods of time than the Victorinox and Mercer work horses we keep on hand. That said, even if you're just a home chef, it's nicer to invest a little more in something you enjoy using and will take care of, as it will last you decades. Yeah, I cringe every time I see a single mother working two barista jobs pull into her apartment complex lot in a brand new Audi she just leased. The difference is that the car is going to need to be replaced just as quickly whether she bought that or an Audi, while the knife wont.
Most of the coffee shit is more hobby/collector shit than it is dick waving. And while you can make a really good cup of coffee in a $3 plastic pour over from the grocery store, or a $15 french press from Target, compared to a V60 or Chemex, a decent burr grinder does actually make a significant difference.

>> No.15292557

Pray I never find you, because your death will be more painful than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.15292564

based "based poor tom" poster

>> No.15292650

>different strokes for different folks.
I only require 4 strokes

>> No.15293399

Dunkn donuts is the best

>> No.15293720

good quality coffee (preferably specialty-grade single-origin, freshly ground) tastes great black though
there is only a little bitterness and a lot of other nuanced flavors like nuts, fruit etc.

but yeah, your average stale, burnt bullshit they serve at starbucks is only good for mixing with cream and sugar to kill the flavor

>> No.15294428

I'm glad you made this a thread, contrary to the lewd bait picture meme and/or posting in the coffee general.
And I'm glad to tell you that 'anyone' - likely denoting a human as the one in any - cannot be attributed to what makes a human. Ergo: real humans don't drink black coffee, let alone enjoy it on their own initiative. You should be both wary and thankful if you ever meet a drinker of black coffee. It'll be as close you can get to meeting an 'alien' until our Mars expeditions make serious headway.

>> No.15294628

>retarded OP projects his manchild taste buds onto everyone else
>gets called out on being a manchild
Hurr durr if you call me out on being a retard it's proof I'm right xddd

>> No.15294641

It's completely common to drink black coffee in Europe at least. Not to mention every coffee expert drinks it black.
I see why a lardass addicted to sugar would think it's an alien thing to drink something unsweetened though.

>> No.15294716

coffee is bitter, hot, and unsustainable - it's a drug to boot
there are about 100 alternatives to both simple and engineered sugar that can be used in lieu of sugar as a sweetener to coffee
every person i've met that i've personally known who enjoys black coffee has been a pretty swell person

quit being a dumb asshole. aliens are cool.

>> No.15294961

Coffee is a pretty healthy drink. And it's as much of a "drug" as playing videogames.

>> No.15294969

Dogshit coffee burnt to shit and left to sit on grocery store shelves for 6+ months will obviously taste awful.

>> No.15296510

>how the fuck anyone actually enjoys black coffee. It tastes absolutley fucking revolting and bitter
how old are you? 8? cant you fucking imagine someone like something you don´t? what the fuck

>> No.15296961

most coffee is made in a shitty high temp coffee pot which burns and over extracts, leading to an acidic cup.

>> No.15297005

add a small amount of salt to neutralize the bitterness

It won't turn shit coffee into good coffee, but it will make it more tolerable.

>> No.15297020

It's an acquired taste, along with wine

>> No.15297317

it literally isn't you fucking imbecile. video games motivate you to play by exploiting systems already in your body/brain, coffee is literally a psychoactive substance you ingest. Also known as a drug

>> No.15297340

the fuck is that thing and why aren't they stabbing it to death

>> No.15297972

>this is what videogame-playing manchildren actually believe
Kek. "Psychoactive", as applied to coffee, is a buzzword, you retarded soccer mom. By the same standard that coffee is a "psychoactive drug", you could say the same thing of sugar or a videogame.
Also instead of comparing a foreign stimulis like coffee to a foreign stimulus like videogames or the effects of one compared to the effects of the other, you're arbitrarily comparing the systems in your body affected by gaming to the foreign sustance itself (coffee). You're an idiot.

>> No.15297979

>coffee motivates you to drink by exploiting systems already in your body/brain, video games are literally psychoactive mediar you consume
This is how stupid you sound

>> No.15298753

Some people just like bitter.

>> No.15298799

This is the essence of /ck/ as a matter of fact. Don't know why anyone would take this board seriously to be honest. I've been lurking for a while and 100% of posters and commenters are opinionated manchildren who can't hold a normal conversation or acknowledge that differing tastes and preferences exist. You can go to /b/ and find more reasonable discussions because at least they're not delusional about their retardation.

>> No.15298825

Black Coffe, no milk, no sugar, just hot water is my drug, i love the bitter taste of it.

Just dont be a bitch, let it cool for 10 minutes and start drinking it.

>> No.15299141

It's the dude's digimon. Which are like Pokemon kinda except they can actually talk and they evolve back and forth between forms depending on how powerful they are at the moment.
And they're made of digital code or something. It's weird.

>> No.15299201

Dog shit?

>> No.15299366

I don't speak diabetes. Translate that into English.