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15288874 No.15288874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen?

>> No.15288880
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>> No.15288883

Sohla jihaded it.

>> No.15288910

How many months before she ruins BwB? Will it be a rape allegation or something more pedestrian?

>> No.15288922

babish has already ruined it himself 2bh

>> No.15288926

black peope ruined it for everybody once again

>> No.15288930

she was just fighting for what was rightfully hers

>> No.15288937

Why do women and minorities think the way to ask for a promotion is to sabotage your employer and destroy the institution that you’re expecting to pay you?

>> No.15288945

to explain:
>George Floyd gets killed, BA posts about how it's going political
>initially this is the kind of self congradulatory shit you'd expect
>but this pulls the mob out of the woodwork and puts them under scrutiny
>Puerto Rican food writer Illyanna Maisonet called them hypocrits for denying her PR food pitch for something more eurocentric
>Bon Appétit's editor in chief, Adam Rapoport appeared to apologize and say they would totally be focusing on people of colour
>someone digs up a halloween photo of Rapoport dressed up as a PR cholo gangster, calls it brown face
>condemnations and apologies from everyone
>Sohla jumps up saying she had been hired as an assistant editor to "assist mostly white editors with significantly less experience" — for an annual salary of $50,000. She added that she had been "pushed in front of video as a display of diversity.", and that she wasn't paid for appearing in front of camera
>more apologies, more condemnations
>Rapoport designs
>On June 9 (a day later) a photo of a Confederate-flag cake, baked by the Bon Appétit drinks editor Alex Delany years ago, resurfaced online.
>Delany apologizes, says he was 17, donates money to the black legal defense fund
>More screenshots from Delany's old Tumblr posts and tweets continued to surface online — many of which commenters described as "objectifying women."
>On the same day when the Confederate-flag cake photo resurfaced, a Vine video clip in which Delany used a homophobic slur began circulating on Instagram.
>The clip, which was first posted to Vine in 2013 with the caption "How to not offend gay people," features Delany looking into the camera and saying, "You guys wanna see a bunch of f------ lying on top of each other?" before panning to a pile of sticks.

>> No.15288951


>> No.15288954

based delany
also does everyone on earth think kitchens are inclusive environments lmao

>> No.15288960

>Noah Adams, a Twitter user who argued that diversity was "just a joke" to Condé Nast and who started a petition calling for "an independent outside investigation into racial inequality" at the company, unearthed screenshots of Duckor's tweets in which he made racist and homophobic jokes.
>In the tweets, Duckor described working out (and listening to John Mayer) as "so gay" and joked about the presence of "black people and Asian same-sex couples" in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, Insider's Rachel Greenspan reported.
>On the evening of June 9, Business Insider's Rachel Premack published an article that had been in the works before the recent controversies in which 14 Bon Appétit employees and contributors described a "toxic" environment for people of color at the publication.
>Ryan Walker-Hartshorn, who worked as Rapoport's assistant for over two years, told Business Insider that she never received a pay increase on her $35,300 annual base salary. Upon asking Rapoport for a raise, she said, he suggested that the position at Bon Appétit might "not be the right job" for her.
>On June 10, the Bon Appétit senior food editor Andy Baraghani responded to Alex Delany's offensive Vine — only to himself be called out on Twitter with accusations of problematic behavior.
>Baraghani, however, was immediately accused of microaggressions of his own. One Twitter user reposted screenshots of the Instagram stories and said Baraghani had attempted to cut "multiple projects" by a female Korean American colleague.
>On June 10, a statement was posted to the Bon Appétit website titled "A Long-Overdue Apology, and Where We Go From Here."
>On June 11, Christina Chaey, an associate editor at Bon Appétit who appeared in Test Kitchen YouTube videos, revealed that she had not been compensated for her video work.
>Claire apologizes
>Andy apologizes

>> No.15288961

It's hilarious they let drama destroy them. Like nigger just ignore it. It doesn't matter your audience doesn't give a shit. You'll still get views.

>> No.15288969

based brad staying out of this

>> No.15288970

>you just need to be more respectable, prove you're "one of the good ones"
>women/minority proves they're one of the good ones
>oh, not you lol. just supply and demand, don't discuss this with anyone! it's taboo! it will cause society to collapse!
Gee I wonder why

>> No.15288971

>On June 25, Business Insider's Rachel Premack reported that Condé Nast suspended a Bon Appétit video editor, Matt Hunziker, "pending investigation" by the company.
>Premack reported that three Condé Nast Entertainment and Bon Appétit employees told Business Insider that they believe Hunziker was suspended over social media posts critical over the company.
>Current and former Condé Nast employees said that Black celebrities were rejected from videos via a 'racist' vetting process.
>On August 6, three Bon Appétit chefs of color announced that they were leaving its video channel after failed contract negotiations.
>Bon Appétit contributing writer Priya Krishna, contributing food editor Rick Martinez, and assistant food editor Sohla El-Waylly told Business Insider's Rachel Premack that they would no longer appear in Bon Appétit videos, with each making the announcement on their personal social media.
>El-Waylly told Business Insider that when she received a new version of her contract on June 8, it offered a $20,000 raise to her $60,000 salary, which El-Waylly said she was "insulted and appalled" by given that other BA stars were said to earn much more in per-episode fees over time.
>On August 7, Bon Appétit senior food editor Molly Baz announced that she would no longer appear in Bon Appétit videos.
>On August 8, Test Kitchen manager Gaby Melian announced that she would not be signing a contract to appear in videos.
>On August 10, Bon Appétit video editor Matt Hunziker returned to work after a suspension
>On August 12, Carla Lalli Music announced that she would be leaving Bon Appétit video.
>On August 15, Bon Appétit editor at large Amiel Stanek announced that he would no longer appear in videos
>In an October 7 Instagram post, "Gourmet Makes" host and pastry chef Claire Saffitz announced that her "formal relationship with Condé Nast Entertainment" had ended in May, and that she had decided not to continue it.

Brad, Chris, and Andy survive.

>> No.15288975

I mean, they caused a microcosm of society to collapse. What's your point?

>> No.15288978

for the full timeline with citations:

>> No.15288988

Because they believe in all the horseshit too. They are in the same 10% of people as the screeching retards on twitter who think it should be a crime to not make your CEO a black woman.
Of course they have no self awareness so they can’t see it coming when people turn the same batshit crap on them.

>> No.15288989

And the number of MOMMY shitposts with the fat uggo went to near zero overnight and were replaced with delicious seethe, what's the problem here? Oh, I see, you mean there is none, good glad we could agree on that.

>> No.15288992


>> No.15288997

didn't even notice they hired a bunch of new people


>> No.15289000

>Hire Black people
>They cry and shit their pants
>Ruin everything

>> No.15289003

Too many racist jews.

>> No.15289004

there's no anti-semitism on /ck/

>> No.15289011

one of the things rat fuck bosses do, and they do this to men too not just women (women are just easier to bully) is tell them not to discuss their compensation with anyone else, saying it's against company policy. this is so they can pay people wildly different amounts for the same job, and force people to negotiate without any context or knowledge. This incidentally is illegal but good luck enforcing it. ANyway, most people aren't even prepared to negotiate period because it's so engrained into them that they should be lucky to even have a job.

>> No.15289013

>rightfully hers
Did someone point a gun to her head when she signed her contract?

>> No.15289017
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This happened too

>> No.15289023

the contract she signed was a product of a systemically racist legal system. it was rigged to her disadvantage from the start, she had to work twice as hard as non-bipoc staff to get only half the amound of recognition and payment.

>> No.15289030

It wasn't, she was there for less time than Claire and Brad and her videos had way less views. Her accusations of "brownface" were bullshit too.

>> No.15289032
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I laugh my ass of when she pulls not even half the views babish does on a bad video

can't wait for her so be let go or burn his shit down he brought it uppon himself by hiring black hitler for diversity goodboy points

>> No.15289038

I know your b8ing but Sohla actually had a restaurant financed by her parents which she ran into the ground.

>> No.15289039

how so?

>> No.15289049

>El-Waylly was raised in Los Angeles in a Bengali-American family. The family owned a Baskin-Robbins store.
>Beginning in 2008, El-Waylly attended The Culinary Institute of America (CIA).[3] She says that while at CIA, she was sexually harassed by a dean, and when she spoke up a female dean told her, "That's what happens in the real world. You better get used to it."[5]
>In March 2016, El-Waylly and her husband opened a diner called Hail Mary in Brooklyn, which attracted favorable reviews.[7][8] However, it closed after 11 months, which El-Waylly attributes in part to opening Hail Mary without other investors, and in part to the expectations of white customers.[9][6] In a 2017 interview with GQ, El-Waylly explained that customers often entered Hail Mary expecting "foreign or exotic ingredients" because of the owners' cultural backgrounds; she stated "There would have been more leeway allowed in the food shrouded by illusion of ‘authenticity’...There are white chefs that can pull from different cultures without explanation, but us making white food always needs a thesis behind it."

>> No.15289050

Racist clients decided not to eat there on a recurrent basis.

>> No.15289056

delany was based all along

>> No.15289057
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>> No.15289062

This is not the first, not the second, but the third time Ms. El-Waylly has made vague and often contradictory accusations of racism when leaving an employment situation. In one case she blamed the failure of her and her husband's restaurant on the racism of its diners. This was despite terrible reviews, some alleging that she yelled at and lectured customers, a "worst dish" award from Eater in 2016, El-Waylly admitting that she lied to customers in one interview and both she and her husband saying in another that their menu and concept did not "come together." In the other case, she made incredibly vague accusations on Twitter of racism at Serious Eats that seemed to suggest some serious wrongdoing, but that turned out to come down to a disagreement over what kinds of comments should be removed from posts. She later deleted the Tweet.

So given that, it's kind of remarkable to me that such unsubstantiated, sometimes contradictory, and often pointlessly mean-spirited quotes and accusations regarding former coworkers are being printed here unchallenged. The allegations about Mr. Morocco are just strange, given his actual role at BA and the fact that one of Ms. El-Waylly's main points of contention was that she had not, in fact, "moved up" in her time there. And to insult the intelligence of a former coworker and use their race as a pejorative as she did in the case of Mr. Leone is not only unkind, it's also just bizarre given that nearly everyone watching is in on the joke of the over-the-top editing style of that series.

I previously had a great deal of respect for Ms. El-Waylly as a chef. And early on in this process, when the accusations were first made, I had a great deal of respect for Ms. El-Waylly as a person. But as time has gone on, as more facts about the situation have come to light, and as she has given more and more remarks that are just pointlessly mean-spirited, I've lost most of it.

>> No.15289067

this is a good copy pasta, wheres it from?

Anyway yeah all true she has a history of doing this. See >>15289049
Also she had been at BA for a fucking year when this all happened. If that.

>> No.15289071
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What's wrong with Americans?

>> No.15289077

It's like POC are incapable of ever taking responsibility for themselves. "Why did you fail?" "I didn't fail, it was the whites" even though it's an industry where 50% of people back out after a year or two. And other studies show something like 80% of small businesses fail because of problems within their control.

Must be exhausting to work so hard at being a professional victim.

>> No.15289089

>"I will not appear in any videos on Bon Appétit until my BIPOC colleagues receive equal pay and are fairly compensated for their appearances."

Can a Burger explains what this acronym (BIPOC) mean?

>> No.15289094

Google it, you lazy faggot.

>> No.15289095


>> No.15289100

Butthurt and Ignorant Piles Of Crap

>> No.15289107

>voices in food
Incredible amounts of nuspeak for just 2 sentences.

>> No.15289134

lack, Indigenous and people of color

>> No.15289159

I totally agree with all of that and think it should be mandatory for everyone’s full salaries+bonus to be public knowledge or at least known within the company. It’s one of the biggest cultural problems in the Western world, this bizarre sense of shame and insecurity around money. The only one who benefits is employers who have all the knowledge of what their employees are making while they know nothing except their own compensation.
This imbalance of information distorts the market for labor.
But with jobs like this the employer is right. You are lucky to work for some fucking gay food magazine making videos. Some people have to go work the oil fields or pick apples for a living. Some people have to do actually difficult jobs that require years of training and specialized knowledge like engineers and doctors.
There are probably 200,000 people in NYC who would snap your hand off for a cushy job in food media. Many don’t even need the salary since they come from money. I’m sure that was the case with these people living in NYC making $35k a year. No way they were paying their own rent on that salary. In media your success is totally down to nepotism+Luck. You have to have a inch of things come together just for one idea to take off and 99% of people trying to get famous fail no matter their race.
You don’t get to bitch about toxic work environments and unfair pay in meme careers like “celebrity chef”. Fuck off.

>> No.15289342


>> No.15289377
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To be honest, I'd still suck her balls and cock until she came down my throat

>> No.15289409

Imagine having a meme job where you just roll in whenever and make videos about whatever you want relating to food and spend most of your days fucking around and reading Twitter and then have the gall to complain